Calculate the resistance of a $1 m$ length of copper wire at DC and at $20 GHz$ - the wire is $1 mm$ in diameter - assume for this example that at $20 GHz$ all the current is restricted to 1 skin depth from the surface.
Remember $$R = \frac{\rho l}{A},$$ so if units of $R$ are $\Omega$, then units of $$\rho = \frac{\Omega m^2}{m} = \Omega m$$
In [31]:
import math # get access to most mathematical functions
l = 100 # length converted to cm
rho_copper = 1.7e-6
r_wire = 0.05 # radius converted to cm
R = (rho_copper * l) / (math.pi * r_wire**2)
print("Copper wire resistance at DC is {:.3f} Ohms".format(R))
But at $20 GHz$, skin depth is $$\sigma_s=\sqrt{\frac{2\rho}{\omega\mu}}$$
In [32]:
omega = 2 * math.pi * 20e9 # get angular frequency for 20 GHz
mu = 4 * math.pi * 1e-9 # equal to mu_0, but converted to V.s/ units
skin_depth = math.sqrt((2 * rho_copper) / (omega * mu))
print("Skin depth at 20 GHz is {:.3e} cm".format(skin_depth))
Around $63\%$ of the current is contained in 1 skin depth from surface. We will assume that all the current is restricted to 1 skin depth for the purpose of this excercise in calculating worst case resistance at $20 GHz$.
$$R_{20 GHz} = \frac{\rho l}{A_{Cylinder}}$$
In [33]:
# Area of ring around edge of conductor
A_cylinder = math.pi * (r_wire**2 - (r_wire-skin_depth)**2)
R_20GHz = (rho_copper * l) / A_cylinder
print("Copper wire resistance at 20 GHz is {:.3f} Ohms".format(R_20GHz))
Calculate the impedance of a parallel plate capacitor at $20 GHz$, where the separation of the plates is 1 $\mu m$ and the area is $1000\mu m^2$, and where the dielectric constant is $\epsilon_r = 2.5-j0.025$.
In [34]:
e_r = 2.5 - 0.025j
c = 8.85e-15
x_c = (-1j) / (omega * c * e_r)
print("The impedance of the parallel plate capacitor at 20 GHz is {:.3f}{:.3f}j Ohms".
format(x_c.real, x_c.imag))
What do you notice about this impedance and how does this compare with what you know of the properties of an ideal capacitor?
No longer an ideal capacitor, i.e. energy is dissipated in lossy dielectric.
What is the $tan\delta$ for the dielectric material used in this example?
If I now squeeze the capacitor plates together the dielectric constant changes to $\epsilon_r = 2.7 - j0.03$. What is going on and what is the effect on the impedance of the capacitor?
In [35]:
e_r_new = 2.7 - 0.03j
x_c_new = (-1j) / (omega * c * e_r_new)
print("The new impedance of the parallel plate capacitor at 20 GHz is {:.3f}{:.3f}j Ohms".
format(x_c_new.real, x_c_new.imag))
As a result of the squeeze the dielectric becomes slightly more lossy, and the reactance drops a bit.
Find and write down an expression for the impedance of free space and the speed of light in free space (i.e. using the values of permeability and permittivity) and thus calculate values for the impedance of and the speed of light in free space.
Assuming $\epsilon_r = \mu_r = 1$:
In [36]:
mu_0 = 4 * math.pi * 1e-7
epsilon_0 = 8.85e-12
z0 = math.sqrt(mu_0 / epsilon_0)
print("The impedance of free space is {:.3f} Ohms".format(z0))
Note the similarity to $Z = \sqrt{\frac{L}{C}}$. For ideal lossless line, by similar analog $V_p = \frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}$. What if $V_p = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon\mu}}$, and again, $\epsilon_r = \mu_r = 1$:
In [37]:
v_p = 1 / math.sqrt(mu_0 * epsilon_0)
print("Phase velocity in free space is {:.3f} m/s".format(v_p))
If you now had a lens composed of a dielectric with a relative permittivity of 2.5 what would the impedance be for a plane wave (TEM) propagaint within this lens?
In [38]:
e_r_dielectric = 2.5
z_dielectric = z0 / math.sqrt(e_r_dielectric)
print("The impedance of the dielectric is {:.3f} Ohms".format(z_dielectric))
What is the speed of light in this material, i.e. slower by a factor of what? What is the refractive index of the dialectric material? Compare this to the permittivity and comment on your finding.
In [39]:
v_p_dielectric = v_p / math.sqrt(e_r_dielectric)
print("Velocity in the dielectric is {:.3f} m/s and is slower by a factor of {:.3f}".
format(v_p_dielectric, v_p_dielectric/v_p))
If $n = \frac{V_p}{V_{material}}$, then $n = 1.581 = \sqrt{\epsilon_r}$.