CPA Device Flow (Client Mode)

In this step we show how to obtain an access token for use with a service provider, but without associating the client with a user account.


Execute the following line to load the libraries:

In [ ]:

Making an unauthenticated request

Initially, the client does not have an access token, so will receive a 401 Unauthorized error when making a request to the service provider. The following request uses the RadioTAG protocol.

In [ ]:"http://sp:8002/radiodns/tag/1/tag", {
  bearer: "0.c221.ce15.ce1.dab",
  time: 1441792800,
  time_source: "user"
}, { form: true });

WWW-Authenticate header

The 401 Unauthorized response contains a WWW-Authenticate header indicating that CPA authentication is supported by this service provider. The header contains several values:

  • version: The protocol version in use, currently 1.0.
  • name: The name of the authorization provider.
  • uri: The base URL of the authorization provider.
  • modes: A comma-separated list of available authorization modes.

Client mode

Registering the client

To register with the authorization parameter, the client makes a POST /register request with the following parameters:

  • client_name: human-readable name of the client.
  • software_id: an identifier for the client software application.
  • software_version: a version identifier for the client software application.

The URL is constructed by appending /register to the uri value from the WWW-Authenticate header.

In [ ]:"http://ap:8001/register", {
  client_name: "My test client",
  software_id: "cpa-test-client",
  software_version: "1.0"

Obtaining an access token

To obtain an access token, the client makes POST /token requests with the following parameters:

  • grant_type: The value "".
  • client_id: The unique identifier for the client given by the authorization provider.
  • client_secret: A shared secret value between the client and authorization provider.
  • domain: The service provider domain.

In [ ]:"http://ap:8001/token", {
  grant_type: "",
  client_id: "<client_id>",
  client_secret: "<client_secret>",
  domain: "sp:8002"

Using the access token

To use the access token in a request to the service provider, using the RadioTAG protocol, we include the token in an Authorization header.

In [ ]:"http://sp:8002/radiodns/tag/1/tag", {
  time_source: "user",
  bearer: "0.c221.ce15.ce1.dab",
  time: 1441792800
}, { form: true, token: "<access_token>" });

Viewing the tags

You can see the tags stored by the Service Provider here.

In [ ]: