In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import ceil, floor
from operator import itemgetter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os.path import isfile
Yes, I could have also scraped the number of electors per state from the election pages. I decided to type them in, instead.
In [2]:
# list of state abbreviations
states = ['AL','AK','AZ','AR','CA','CO','CT','DC','DE','FL',
'SC','SD','TN','TX','UT','VT','VA','WA','WV','WI','WY', 'US']
def append_sum(ec, ignore_senate_ec_votes=False):
subtract = 100 if ignore_senate_ec_votes else 0
def build_ec_votes_df(ignore_senate_ec_votes=False):
ev = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
{1992: [9, 3, 8, 6, 54, 8, 8, 3, 3, 25,
13, 4, 4, 22, 12, 7, 6, 8, 9, 4,
10, 12, 18, 10, 7, 11, 3, 5, 4, 4,
15, 5, 33, 14, 3, 21, 8, 7, 23, 4,
8, 3, 11, 32, 5, 3, 13, 11, 5, 11, 3, 538],
2004: [9, 3, 10, 6, 55, 9, 7, 3, 3, 27,
15, 4, 4, 21, 11, 7, 6, 8, 9, 4,
10, 12, 17, 10, 6, 11, 3, 5, 5, 4,
15, 5, 31, 15, 3, 20, 7, 7, 21, 4,
8, 3, 11, 34, 5, 3, 13, 11, 5, 10, 3, 538],
2012: [9, 3, 11, 6, 55, 9, 7, 3, 3, 29,
16, 4, 4, 20, 11, 6, 6, 8, 8, 4,
10, 11, 16, 10, 6, 10, 3, 5, 6, 4,
14, 5, 29, 15, 3, 18, 7, 7, 20, 4,
9, 3, 11, 38, 6, 3, 13, 12, 5, 10, 3, 538],
'states': states})
ev.set_index(keys='states', inplace=True)
if ignore_senate_ec_votes:
for series in ev.columns:
ev[series] -= 2
ev[series][-1] -= 100
ev.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True)
return ev
In [3]:
ec_votes = build_ec_votes_df()
In [4]:
def get_headings(head_row, num_candidates):
Parse the table header row for the candidate names.
head_row - the header row element containing cells with the candidate names
num_candidates - the number of candidate columns in the "Results_by_state" table, including "Other"
returns: list of length num_candidates with the candidate names
headings = []
for cell in head_row.find_all('th', attrs={'colspan': '3'}):
children = list(cell.children)
if len(children) == 3:
headings.append((children[0].strip(), children[2].strip()))
headings.append((children[0], None))
headings = headings[:num_candidates]
headings.append(('Total', None))
return headings
In [5]:
def get_table_rows(year, num_candidates):
Scrape the U.S. Presidential election Wikipedia page for the results by state. header rows of the
year - string containing 4-digit election year
num_candidates - the number of candidate columns in the "Results_by_state" table, including "Other"
returns: a tuple; first element is a list of length num_candidates with the candidate names; second
element is a list of the table row elements needing to be parsed for the vote counts
page = BeautifulSoup(urllib.request.urlopen(
',_'+str(year)).read(), "html.parser")
header = page.find('span', id='Results_by_state').parent
table_container = header.find_next_sibling('div')
table = table_container.table
if table is None:
table_container = table_container.find_next_sibling('div')
table = table_container.table
head_row = table.find('tr')
all_rows = list(table.find_all('tr'))
vote_rows = all_rows[2:]
return get_headings(head_row, num_candidates), vote_rows
In [6]:
def clean_and_convert(count_text):
Clean up vote count text, and return an actual number.
count_text - the text from a vote count table cell
returns: int representing number of votes (N/A or blank imply zero)
clean = count_text.strip().replace(',','').replace('.', '').replace('-','0').replace(
'N/A', '0').replace('★', '').replace('–', '').replace('−', '')
return int(clean) if len(clean) else 0
In [7]:
def file_for_year(year):
return 'state-vote-data-{}.csv'.format(year)
In [8]:
def read_in_data(year, num_candidates, total_column):
Scrape the U.S. Presidential election Wikipedia for the given year. Requires a couple of numbers describing the
shape of the table.
year - string containing 4-digit election year
num_candidates - the number of candidate columns in the "Results_by_state" table, including "Other"
total_column - the column number that contains the total votes for each state/district, counting from zero
returns: a Pandas DataFrame, indexed by state/district, with columns for each candidate, total vote, and
state total electoral college votes
filename = file_for_year(year)
if isfile(filename):
return pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=0)
headings, vote_rows = get_table_rows(year, num_candidates)
data = OrderedDict()
columns_with_vote_counts = list(range(2, 3*num_candidates, 3))
abbr_column = total_column + 1
vote_rows = list(zip(vote_rows, ['td'] * len(vote_rows)))
vote_rows[-1] = (vote_rows[-1][0], 'th') # last row uses <th> instead of <td>
for row, cell_type in vote_rows:
cells = list(row.find_all(cell_type))
abbr = cells[abbr_column].string.strip()
except IndexError:
print('{}, {}, {}'.format(year, abbr_column, cells))
return None
if len(abbr)==2 or len(abbr)==6:
abbr = abbr[:2]
data[abbr] = [clean_and_convert(cells[i].text) for i in columns_with_vote_counts]
abbreviations = []
for h in headings:
abbreviations.append(''.join([s[0] for s in h[0].split()]))
vote_data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')
return vote_data
In [9]:
def check_totals(data, year):
state_totals_valid = True
for idx, state in data.iterrows():
calculated_sum = state.iloc[:-1].sum()
reported_sum = state['T']
if calculated_sum != reported_sum:
state_totals_valid = False
print('Uh Oh! {} in year {} data had reported vote total {}, but I calculated {}!'.format(
idx, year, reported_sum, calculated_sum))
candidate_totals_valid = True
trans = data.transpose()
for idx, candidate in trans.iterrows():
calculated_sum = candidate.iloc[:-1].sum()
reported_sum = candidate['US']
if calculated_sum != reported_sum:
if candidate_totals_valid:
print("For our purposes, errors in candidates' national totals can't affect the ")
print("EC allocation calculations. Only errors in total votes cast in each state ")
print("can affect the results.")
candidate_totals_valid = False
print('Uh Oh! {} in year {} data had reported vote total {}, but I calculated {}!'.format(
idx, year, reported_sum, calculated_sum))
if not candidate_totals_valid:
return state_totals_valid and candidate_totals_valid
In [10]:
vote_data = OrderedDict()
shapes = [(1996, 6, 22), (2000, 8, 28), (2004, 7, 25), (2008, 7, 25), (2012, 5, 19), (2016, 6, 22)]
In [11]:
for year, num_candidates, total_column in shapes:
vote_data[year] = read_in_data(year, num_candidates, total_column)
if vote_data and check_totals(vote_data[year], year):
print('{} Validated'.format(year))
In [12]:
def export_data(year, df):
filename = 'state-vote-data-{}.csv'.format(year)
df.to_csv(filename, sep=',')
for year, data in vote_data.items():
export_data(year, data)
In [13]:
def partial_result_from_dict(data, category):
Prepare part of the final result from the given data, adding a category column to the index.
data - a dict-like object mapping states/districts to counts with the partial result,
e.g., {'state abbr': int_count, ... }
category - a string labelling the type of data, which is placed in a MultiIndex
result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index') = 'State'
result['Category'] = category
result.set_index('Category', append=True, inplace=True)
return result
In [14]:
def fair_efficient(df, ev):
Compute a DataFrame representing fair and efficient allocation of Electoral College votes, and the
number of wasted popular votes if fair and efficient allocation is used.
df - a Pandas DataFrame, indexed by state/district, with columns for each candidate, total vote, and
state total electoral college votes
ev - a Pandas Series, indexed by state/district, containing the number of electoral votes each state gets to allocate
returns: a DataFrame multi-indexed by state/district and data category with candidate columns; data category = 'EC'
gives Electoral College allocations ; data category = 'Wasted' gives wasted popular votes, i.e., votes that
didn't end up counting towards an Elector
ec_votes = OrderedDict()
wasted = OrderedDict()
for idx, st in df.iterrows():
if idx == 'US':
c = OrderedDict(st.loc[:'O'])
e = OrderedDict()
r = {}
E = ev[idx]
V = st.loc['T']
if V == 0:
V = st.iloc[:-1].sum()
for candidate, pop_votes in c.items():
e[candidate] = floor(E * pop_votes / V)
r[candidate] = ceil(pop_votes - V * e[candidate] / E)
r = OrderedDict(sorted(r.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True))
remainder = E - sum(e.values())
for candidate in r.keys():
if candidate != 'O': # not mappable to a single candidate
e[candidate] += 1
remainder -= 1
r[candidate] = 0
if remainder == 0:
ec_votes[] = e
wasted[] = r
ec_votes = partial_result_from_dict(ec_votes, 'EC')
wasted = partial_result_from_dict(wasted, 'Wasted')
result = pd.concat([ec_votes, wasted], sort=True)
result.sort_index(level=['State', 'Category'], inplace=True)
return result
In [15]:
def wta(df, ev):
Compute a DataFrame representing winner-take-all allocation (WTA) of Electoral College votes, and the
number of wasted popular votes if WTA allocation is used.
df - a Pandas DataFrame, indexed by state/district, with columns for each candidate, total vote, and
state total electoral college votes
ev - a Pandas Series, indexed by state/district, containing the number of electoral votes each state gets to allocate
returns: a DataFrame multi-indexed by state/district and data category with candidate columns; data category = 'EC'
gives Electoral College allocations ; data category = 'Wasted' gives wasted popular votes, i.e., votes that
didn't end up counting towards an Elector
ec_votes = OrderedDict()
wasted = OrderedDict()
for idx, st in df.iterrows():
if idx == 'US':
c = st.loc[:'O']
e = pd.Series(0, c.index)
r = c.copy()
E = ev[idx]
V = st.loc['T']
if V == 0:
V = st.iloc[:-1].sum()
idxmax = c.idxmax()
e[idxmax] = E
r[idxmax] = 0
r[idxmax] = c.max() - r.max() - 1
ec_votes[] = e
wasted[] = r
ec_votes = partial_result_from_dict(ec_votes, 'EC')
wasted = partial_result_from_dict(wasted, 'Wasted')
result = pd.concat([ec_votes, wasted], sort=True)
result.sort_index(level=['State', 'Category'], inplace=True)
return result
In [16]:
def calc_ec_allocations(methods, year, data, elec_votes):
Calculate a set of Electoral College allocations for comparison purposes.
methods - an OrderedDict of functions for calculating allocations, with string keys used for labelling results
year - 4-digit election year (int)
data - a Pandas DataFrame, indexed by state/district, with columns for each candidate, total vote, and
state total electoral college votes
elec_votes - a Pandas DataFrame, indexed by state/district, with columns for each presidential election year,
containing each state's number of electoral college votes to allocate
returns: a 2-tuple; the first element is an OrderedDict using the same keys as methods, with DataFrames containing
the full state-by-state allocation results; the second elment is a summary DataFrame distilling all methods
for the nation as a whole, i.e., tells you what the final EC vote counts come to
full_results = OrderedDict()
cols = []
total = data['T']['US']
for key, fn in methods.items():
result = fn(data, elec_votes[year])
full_results[key] = result
ec = result.loc[(slice(None), ['EC']),:].sum()
wasted = result.loc[(slice(None), ['Wasted']),:].sum()
effgap = (wasted.sum() - 2 * wasted)/total
# effgap.loc[ec == 0] = np.nan
summary = pd.concat(cols, axis=1)
data_labels = ['Electors', 'Wasted Votes', 'Eff. Gap']
col_labels = [(m, dl) for m in methods.keys() for dl in data_labels]
summary.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(col_labels)
return full_results, summary
In [17]:
def print_ec_summary(year, data, elec_votes, show_state_data=False):
Print a useful summary of the calculations. By default, suppresses outputing the full dataset.
year - 4-digit election year (int)
data - a Pandas DataFrame, indexed by state/district, with columns for each candidate, total vote, and
state total electoral college votes
elec_votes - a Pandas DataFrame, indexed by state/district, with columns for each presidential election year, containing
each state's number of electoral college votes to allocate
show_state_data - whether to show the full computed results by state/district; defaults to False
pd.options.display.max_rows = 102
methods = OrderedDict([('WTA', wta), ('FnE', fair_efficient)])
full_results, summary = calc_ec_allocations(methods, year, data, elec_votes)
for key in methods.keys():
print('{} Total Wasted Votes: {}'.format(key, summary[key,'Wasted Votes'].sum()))
if show_state_data:
for key, result in full_results.items():
print('{} Results by State:'.format(key))
Wasted votes are defined as votes for a candidate that didn't count towards allocating any electors. Efficiency gap is a measure of unfair skew for a candidate. I invert the usual sign, and calculate it as all other wasted votes minus a particular candates vote, all divided by the total votes cast. A positive number, and indicates that the candidate had fewer wasted votes than the sum of the other candidates' wasted votes. Negative means unfavorable. Magnitude matters. A fair allocation of Electors should keep all efficiency gaps under 7% to 10%.
In [18]:
for year, data in vote_data.items():
print_ec_summary(year, data, ec_votes, show_state_data = (year == 2016))
In [19]:
def print_without_senate_ec_slots():
ev = build_ec_votes_df(ignore_senate_ec_votes=True)
for year, data in vote_data.items():
print_ec_summary(year, data, ev, show_state_data = (year == 2016))
print('The following computes assuming the extra 2 "Senate" Electors are eliminated.')
print("from each state, i.e., it's thought experiment on the effect of the")
print('"Constitutional Gerrymander". In this case, 219 would be the requisite number')
print('of electors to win.')
In [20]:
def plot_wasted():
colors = {1996: 'yellow', 2000: 'red', 2004:'magenta', 2008:'blue', 2012:'cyan', 2016:'black'}
plt.title('Wasted Votes')
plt.xlabel("Fair, Efficient")
for year, data in vote_data.items():
result_wta = wta(data, ec_votes[year])
fe = fair_efficient(data, ec_votes[year])
few = fe.loc[(slice(None), ['Wasted']),:].sum(axis=1)
wtaw = result_wta.loc[(slice(None), ['Wasted']),:].sum(axis=1)
plt.scatter(x=few, y=wtaw, color=colors[year], label=str(year), alpha=0.7)
In [21]:
def plot_wasted_sum():
colors = {1996: 'yellow', 2000: 'red', 2004:'magenta', 2008:'blue', 2012:'cyan', 2016:'black'}
plt.title('Wasted Votes')
plt.xlabel("Fair, Efficient")
for year, data in vote_data.items():
result_wta = wta(data, ec_votes[year])
fe = fair_efficient(data, ec_votes[year])
few = fe.loc[(slice(None), ['Wasted']),:].sum(axis=1).sum()
wtaw = result_wta.loc[(slice(None), ['Wasted']),:].sum(axis=1).sum()
plt.scatter(x=few, y=wtaw, color=colors[year], label=str(year), alpha=0.7)
In [22]:
def plot_waste_reduction_versus_votes_cast(include_years=None):
colors = {1996: 'yellow', 2000: 'red', 2004:'magenta', 2008:'blue', 2012:'cyan', 2016:'black'}
plt.title('Waste Reduction versus Votes Cast by State')
plt.xlabel("Votes Cast")
plt.ylabel("Waste Reduction [%]")
for year, data in vote_data.items():
if include_years is None or year in include_years:
result_wta = wta(data, ec_votes[year])
fe = fair_efficient(data, ec_votes[year])
few = fe.loc[(slice(None), ['Wasted']),:].sum(axis=1)
wtaw = result_wta.loc[(slice(None), ['Wasted']),:].sum(axis=1)
wr = (1.0 - few/wtaw) * 100.0
votes = data['T'].drop(data.index[[51]])
plt.scatter(x=votes, y=wr, color=colors[year], label=str(year), alpha=0.7)
# plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci')
In [23]:
plot_waste_reduction_versus_votes_cast([2000, 2016])
In [24]:
plot_waste_reduction_versus_votes_cast([2008, 2012])
In [25]:
plot_waste_reduction_versus_votes_cast([2000, 2004])