Person Analysis

Aims :

  1. We want to see how a person behaves at each vote -> Create a DataFrame that records whether the person voted like the average of the party (Could be a good thing to have what the party instructs to vote at this time), and whether the person was present.
  2. We want to compute some global statistics about each person :
    • Percentage of the time during which a person votes like his party
    • Percentage of abstention
    • Percentage of absence (Days or vote the person did not take ?)
    • Time at which he entered the parliament.

To do so, we need a few things :

  1. The Vote file that we parsed, that records all the votations taking place at the parliament. We will need to find the earliest law that each person votes, and then, from this, count all the laws that have been voted, and count the number of votes the person did not attend.
  2. The Voting file will be our primary source of informations, recording all the votes of every person at the parliament. We will need to split it by each person, which was already done beforehand in the 01-ML folder.

Ideal visualisation : Whenever we enter the page about someone -> Some general information (from Gaël's team maybe), and then, a graph with the votes (Q: What to display ?)

-> Idea : a vertical bar, which height corresponds to the number of law that the deputy voted on. Inside the vertical bar, show 5 sectors : percentage of yes/no/abstention/absent/president for each period. Then, click on it and a detailled view on a single period appears -> Same kind of graph, except the guy voted yes or no for a law (color for yes/no/abstention, other color for absent) + Color for whether the law was passed or not.

Maybe use stacked bar chart for the overall view (shift it so the bars are horizontal) or alternatively grouped to stacked

When you click on a session, maybe display something like Table with bar chart with change to another page, with either again the same chart, or a grouped bar chart, or we could use a mix between collapsed tree and a dendrogram with bars

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import glob
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from helpers import load_vote_df, load_voting,format_voting_session, split_df_dict
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

# There's a lot of columns in the DF. 
# Therefore, we add this option so that we can see more columns
pd.options.display.max_columns = 100

1. Loading and formatting the Vote DataFrame

Convert date into datetime format with pd.to_datetime allows us to sort the dates the way we want.

  • Attributes of datetime object: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, and tzinfo.

A few useful German words unknown to me.

Antrag : demande

In [2]:
VOTE_DICT  = {1:'Yes', 2:'No', 3:'Abstention', 5:'Absent', 6:'Excused', 7:'President'}

vote_df = load_vote_df()

Entries in the DataFrame (11182, 16)

N.B. SessionName field is rubbish -> The correct session is not the one mentionned in it. Hence we need to merge the Session ID with the one from the scraped session.

Looking at the Swiss Parties, their real names and abbreviation are the following:

  • PLR : Parti libéral-radical (PLR. Les Libéraux-Radicaux)
  • PDC : Parti démocrate-chrétien suisse
  • PS : Parti socialiste suisse
  • UDC : Union démocratique du centre
  • PES : Parti écologiste suisse (Les Verts)
  • PVL : Parti vert-libéral
  • PBD : Parti Bourgeois-Démocratique

However, we talk about the Groupes Parlementaires, which are not exactly the same as the Parties. We will work with those here.

2. Load the Voting DataFrame

format_voting_session : Appends session related fields to the voting data, preparing for aggregation.

In [3]:
voting_df = format_voting_session(load_voting())


Entries in the DataFrame (1713854, 26)
Name BillTitle Decision BusinessShortNumber ParlGroupName ParlGroupCode IdVote IdSession VoteEnd SessionName Date
0 Adèle Thorens Goumaz Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 Groupe écologiste G 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05
1 Ada Marra Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 Groupe socialiste S 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05
2 Tiana Angelina Moser Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Absent 13.093 Groupe vert'libéral GL 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05
3 Sylvie Perrinjaquet Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 Groupe radical-démocratique RL 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05
4 Natalie Rickli Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Abstention 13.093 Groupe des Paysans, Artisans et Bourgeois V 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05

Still has a lot of data, but we tried to keep a minimum of it to make it readable by a human as well as having all the information we need to display.

3. Format the DataFrame

a) Session level statistics for each of the deputies.

Now, format the way we want to for exporting for each person

First of all : Global stats -> Yes/No/Abstention/Absence/Excused/President at a session level.

In [4]:
voting_dict = split_df_dict(voting_df, 'Name')

Number of unique entries in Name : 358

Summary of the different votes possible

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Yes No Abstention No entry Did not participate Excused The president of the session does not vote

Counting the percentage of abstention by person, in order to see whether there is a person that would abstain significantly more often than the rest. It does not appear to be the case.

In [5]:
#count_abst = lambda x: 
voting_test = voting_df[['Name','Decision']].groupby('Name').apply(lambda x: np.sum(x.Decision==3)/len(x.Decision))

Yvonne Gilli          0.0
Hans Rutschmann       0.0
Franz Grüter          0.0
Franz Ruppen          0.0
Franziska Teuscher    0.0
dtype: float64

Simply trying the aggregation at a session level for a deputy in particular, it will have to be done for every single one after, then exporting the resulting DataFrame to a .csv or .json to make it readable with javascript.

In [6]:
test = voting_dict['Filippo Leutenegger']

BillTitle Decision BusinessShortNumber ParlGroupName ParlGroupCode IdVote IdSession VoteEnd SessionName Date
77 Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Absent 13.093 Groupe radical-démocratique RL 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05
277 Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.057 Groupe radical-démocratique RL 13909 4913 2014-05-06 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05
477 Loi fédérale sur les entreprises de transport ... Abstention 13.072 Groupe radical-démocratique RL 13911 4913 2014-05-06 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05
677 Loi sur le transport de voyageurs (LTV) Yes 13.072 Groupe radical-démocratique RL 13912 4913 2014-05-06 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05
877 Loi sur le transport de voyageurs (LTV) Abstention 13.072 Groupe radical-démocratique RL 13913 4913 2014-05-06 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05

In [7]:
voting_dict['Filippo Leutenegger'].loc[voting_dict['Filippo Leutenegger'].IdSession==4913].SessionName.unique()[0]

'Session spéciale mai 2014'

In [8]:
test = voting_dict['Filippo Leutenegger'].groupby(['IdSession','SessionName','Date'])

count_yes = lambda x: np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[1])
count_no = lambda x: np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[2])
count_abstention = lambda x: np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[3])
count_absent = lambda x: np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[5])
count_excused = lambda x: np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[6])
count_president = lambda x: np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[7])
name_session = lambda x: x.unique()[0]
year_session = lambda x: x.unique()[0]

test = test.agg({'Decision':{'Yes': count_yes, 'No': count_no,'Abstention': count_abstention,
                'Excused':count_excused, 'Absent':count_absent, 'President':count_president}})

test.columns = test.columns.droplevel(0)
#test_grouped = test_grouped.join(test['SessionName','Year'])
test = test.reset_index().set_index('IdSession')
test = test[['Yes','No','Abstention','Absent','Excused','President','SessionName','Date']]
#test['Total'] = test.sum(axis=1)

Yes No Abstention Absent Excused President SessionName Date
4811 107 78 27 88 0 0 Session d'automne 2009 2009-09-07
4812 145 86 26 47 0 0 Session d'hiver 2009 2009-11-23
4813 98 51 7 142 0 0 Session de printemps 2010 2010-03-01
4814 159 64 35 44 0 0 Session d'été 2010 2010-05-31
4815 129 56 18 57 0 0 Session d'automne 2010 2010-09-13
4816 115 40 16 71 0 0 Session d'hiver 2010 2010-11-29
4817 121 62 32 55 0 0 Session de printemps 2011 2011-02-28
4818 20 34 5 43 0 0 Session spéciale avril 2011 2011-04-11
4819 167 105 13 119 0 0 Session d'été 2011 2011-05-30
4820 172 92 30 105 0 0 Session d'automne 2011 2011-09-12
4901 67 35 8 130 0 0 Session d'hiver 2011 2011-12-05
4902 128 39 15 89 0 0 Session de printemps 2012 2012-02-27
4903 15 36 4 69 0 0 Session spéciale mai 2012 2012-05-02
4904 123 54 9 91 0 0 Session d'été 2012 2012-05-29
4905 139 64 11 144 0 0 Session d'automne 2012 2012-09-10
4906 73 51 13 43 0 0 Session d'hiver 2012 2012-11-26
4907 145 73 20 18 0 0 Session de printemps 2013 2013-03-04
4908 29 10 6 12 0 0 Session spéciale avril 2013 2013-04-15
4909 97 75 15 25 0 0 Session d'été 2013 2013-06-03
4910 116 70 29 70 63 0 Session d'automne 2013 2013-09-09
4911 88 41 18 24 0 0 Session d'hiver 2013 2013-11-25
4912 95 53 18 41 18 0 Session de printemps 2014 2014-03-03
4913 10 8 2 1 0 0 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05

Aggregating further up at a yearly level and displaying the result.

In [9]:
test = test.drop('SessionName',1).groupby('Date').apply(sum).drop('Date',1)
test['Presence'] = test['Yes']+test['No']+test['Abstention']+test['President']
test['Absence'] = test['Excused']+test['Absent'], y=['Yes','No','Abstention','Excused','Absent','President']),y=['Presence','Absence'])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f7633e80438>

N.B. We checked for consistency, and from the time the person is elected, he appears at all subsequent votes (the sum of all the fields will give the total number of votes from the session)

Exporting the results to the analysis folder in the datas

In [10]:
from helpers import export_session_vote_csv
directory = '../../datas/analysis/voting_agg/'
if not os.path.exists(directory):
for deputee, df in voting_dict.items():
df_grouped = df.groupby(['IdSession','SessionName','Date'])

b) Detailled version for the votes of each deputee

Here, we store everything, sorted by session and time, that each deputee voted.

Before adding fields, let us first merge some parts of the vote DataFrame with the voting DataFrame

In [11]:
def merge_vote_voting(vote_df, voting_df):
    vote_info_df = vote_df[['Subject','MeaningNo','MeaningYes','ID']]
    vote_info_df.columns = ['Subject','MeaningNo','MeaningYes','IdVote']
    return pd.merge(voting_df, vote_info_df, on ='IdVote')

voting_df = merge_vote_voting(vote_df,voting_df)

Name BillTitle Decision BusinessShortNumber ParlGroupName ParlGroupCode IdVote IdSession VoteEnd SessionName Date Subject MeaningNo MeaningYes
0 Adèle Thorens Goumaz Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 Groupe écologiste G 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung...
1 Ada Marra Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 Groupe socialiste S 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung...
2 Tiana Angelina Moser Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Absent 13.093 Groupe vert'libéral GL 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung...
3 Sylvie Perrinjaquet Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 Groupe radical-démocratique RL 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung...
4 Natalie Rickli Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Abstention 13.093 Groupe des Paysans, Artisans et Bourgeois V 13907 4913 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung...

First of all, count the overall result of the vote for the whole councile considered

In [31]:
def format_result_vote(voting_df):
    # Setting Name, Party and Topic as indices
    result_df = voting_df.set_index('IdVote')[['Decision']]

    result_df = result_df.groupby(level='IdVote')
    # Functions to count number of yes/no/absentions, same principle as before
    count_total = lambda x: sum(x==VOTE_DICT[1])+sum(x==VOTE_DICT[2])+sum(x==VOTE_DICT[3])
    count_yes = lambda x: int(round(100*np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[1])/count_total(x),0))
    count_no = lambda x: int(round(100*np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[2])/count_total(x),0))
    count_abstention = lambda x: int(round(100*np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[3])/count_total(x),0))

    result_df = result_df.agg({'Decision':{'Total_Yes': count_yes, 'Total_No': count_no,'Total_Abstention': count_abstention,
                                          'Total_Total': count_total}})
    result_df.columns = result_df.columns.droplevel(0)
    return pd.merge(voting_df, result_df, on= 'IdVote')

Secondly, compute the voting result aggregated to a party level, to be able to know whetether someone voted like his party

In [32]:
def format_party_voting(voting_df):
    # Setting Name, Party and Topic as indices
    party_voting_df = voting_df.set_index(['ParlGroupCode','IdVote'])[['Decision']]

    party_voting_df = party_voting_df.groupby(level=['ParlGroupCode','IdVote'])
    # Functions to count number of yes/no/absentions, same principle as before
    count_total = lambda x: sum(x==VOTE_DICT[1])+sum(x==VOTE_DICT[2])+sum(x==VOTE_DICT[3]) if sum(x==VOTE_DICT[1])+sum(x==VOTE_DICT[2])+sum(x==VOTE_DICT[3]) != 0 else 1
    count_yes = lambda x: int(round(100*np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[1])/count_total(x),0))
    count_no = lambda x: int(round(100*np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[2])/count_total(x),0))
    count_abstention = lambda x: int(round(100*np.sum(x==VOTE_DICT[3])/count_total(x),0))

    party_voting_df = party_voting_df.agg({'Decision':{'Party_Yes': count_yes, 'Party_No': count_no,'Party_Abstention': count_abstention,
    party_voting_df.columns = party_voting_df.columns.droplevel(0)
    return pd.merge(voting_df, party_voting_df, on=['ParlGroupCode', 'IdVote'])

Applying the functions we previously defined to make the information about the vote of each deputee complete.

In [33]:
deputee_vote = format_result_vote(voting_df)
deputee_vote = format_party_voting(deputee_vote)
deputee_vote = deputee_vote.fillna('Not specified')
deputee_vote = deputee_vote.drop(['ParlGroupName','ParlGroupCode','IdSession'],1)

Exporting the result to the voting_deputee folder

In [34]:

Name BillTitle Decision BusinessShortNumber IdVote VoteEnd SessionName Date Subject MeaningNo MeaningYes Total_Yes Total_Total Total_Abstention Total_No Party_No Party_Total Party_Abstention Party_Yes
0 Adèle Thorens Goumaz Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 13907 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung... 74 174 14 11 0 14 0 100
1 Yvonne Gilli Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 13907 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung... 74 174 14 11 0 14 0 100
2 Francine John-Calame Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 13907 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung... 74 174 14 11 0 14 0 100
3 Maya Graf Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 13907 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung... 74 174 14 11 0 14 0 100
4 Christian van Singer Arrêté fédéral relatif à l’initiative populair... Yes 13.093 13907 2014-05-05 Session spéciale mai 2014 2014-05-05 Art. 2 Antrag der SVP-Fraktion (Empfehlung auf Annahm... Antrag der Kommission (Empfehlung auf Ablehung... 74 174 14 11 0 14 0 100

In [35]:
deputee_dict = split_df_dict(deputee_vote, 'Name')

from helpers import export_session_vote_csv
directory = '../../datas/analysis/voting_deputee/'
if not os.path.exists(directory):
for deputee, df in deputee_dict.items():

Number of unique entries in Name : 358