Work through the following:
A video describing the concept.
Another type of variable in Python (we have already seen numeric and character variables) is the list. This type acts as a container that can hold multiple other items in an ordered way.
Here is a list of my favourite numbers:
In [1]:
favourite_numbers = [9, 12, 13, 7]
In [2]:
We can do various things to the items in the list:
In [3]:
sum(favourite_numbers) # Adding all the elements of our list
In [4]:
max(favourite_numbers) # Getting the largest element of a list
In [5]:
min(favourite_numbers) # Getting the minimum element of a list
In [6]:
favourite_numbers.append(-100) # Add another element to a list
We can also go in to our lists and get specific items. This works just as it did with strings:
In [7]:
favourite_numbers[0] # Getting the first element of a list
In [8]:
favourite_numbers[1] # Getting the second element of a list
In [9]:
favourite_numbers[-1] # Getting the last element of a list
In [10]:
favourite_numbers[2:4] # Getting the 3rd till the 4th element of a list
Strings (see in in the previous lab sheet) and lists are similar in that they are 'containers' for items. A lot of the manipulation that works with lists also works with strings:
In [11]:
firstname = "Vince"
len(firstname) # How many characters are in the variable
In [12]:
firstname[0] # We can point at individual characters, 0 is the first
In [13]:
In [14]:
firstname[-1] # We can use negative number to start counting from the end
In [15]:
firstname[0:4] # We can 'slice' strings
Experiment by creating lists and manipulating them.
A video describing the concept.
In the previous sheet, we saw that a while
loop can be used to repeat a
code chunk until a boolean condition is False
. It is also possible to
repeat an action for all elements of a list.
In [16]:
items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # Creating a list
total = 0
for item in items:
total += item
A quick way to get a list of integers is the range
In [17]:
for k in range(10):
Experiment by summing (or perhaps multiplying?) over a different list of items.
A video describing the concept.
Here is a list of squares, done using the append
method and a for loop.
In [18]:
total = 0
square_of_favourite_numbers = [] # Create an empty list
for n in favourite_numbers:
square_of_favourite_numbers.append(n ** 2)
We can however do this using some nice Python syntax called a list comprehension:
In [19]:
square_of_favourite_numbers = [x ** 2 for x in favourite_numbers]
This is familiar, as it replicates mathematical notation. For example here is how to get the sum of the elements in the following set:
$$ \{n \in S \;| \text{ if } n \text{ is divisible by 2}\} $$(This is mathematical notation for "the set of all things in $S$ that are divisible by 2.)
In [20]:
sum([n for n in favourite_numbers if n % 2 == 0])
Experiment by modifying this code to create a different list.
A video describing the concept.
Often we want to be able to use code more than once. The way to do this is to write a function. Here is a very simple example. This creates a function that returns a string saying "Hello world":
In [21]:
def say_hi():
return "Hello world"
Now, to use that function we need to call the function, which we do using a pair of brackets: ()
In [22]:
It is good practice to break down code in to smaller functions that make it easier to read.
Experiment with changing what the say_hi
function says.
A video describing the concept.
It is more useful to include variables in our functions (in the exact same way as for mathematical functions!).
Let us revisit the mathematical function we described in the previous lab sheet:
$$ f(n)=\begin{cases} 1&\text{ if } n\leq 5\\ 2&\text{ if } n> 5\text{ and } n \text{ even}\\ 3&\text{ otherwise }\\ \end{cases} $$Here is the code that defines this function (compare it to the code we wrote in the previous lab sheet):
In [23]:
def f(n):
This is text in between triple quoatation marks is a doc string.
We use it to describe what a function does. For example here we would
write: This function returns f(n) as described above.
if n <= 5:
return 1
elif n % 2 == 0: # Otherwise if (else if)
return 2
else: # Otherwise
return 3
We can also have functions with more than 1 variable:
In [24]:
def simple_sum(a, b):
"""Returns the sum of a and b"""
return a + b
simple_sum(5, 7)
It is also possible to have default variables:
In [25]:
def simple_sum(a=5, b=1):
"""Returns the sum of a and b"""
return a + b
In [26]:
In [27]:
In [28]:
Experiment by creating your own function.
A video describing the concept.
The Fibonacci numbers are defined by the following mathematical formula:
$$ f_n = \begin{cases} 1,\text{ if } n \in \{0, 1\}\\ f_{n - 1} + f_{n - 2}, \text{ otherwise} \end{cases} $$The goal of this question is to verify the following theorem about the sum of the first Fibonacci numbers:
$$ \sum_{i=0}^n f_i = f_{n + 2} - 1 $$As an example with $n=3$ we have: $f_0=f_1=1, f_2=2, f_3=3$ and $f_5=8$. We indeed have:
$$ \sum_{i=0}^nf_i = 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 7 = 8 - 1 = f_{3 + 2} - 1 $$We are going to automate checking the formula using Python. Let us first write a function for the Fibonacci sequence itself:
In [29]:
def fibonacci(n):
"""Returns the n th fibonacci number"""
if n in [0, 1]: # The special case of n being 0 or 1
return 1
a = 1 # Setting the starting values
b = 1
for i in range(n - 1): # Going through the first n - 1 terms
temp = b # A temporary variable to remember the value of b
b = a + b # New value of b
a = temp # New value of a (old value of b)
return b
Let us now call this function to check that it is correct:
In [30]:
for n in range(5):
We can now obtain a list of the first $K$ fibonacci numbers and check the theorem:
In [31]:
K = 3
list_of_fib = [fibonacci(n) for n in range(K + 1)]
sum(list_of_fib) == fibonacci(K + 2) - 1
We can put this code that checks if a relationship is true in to a new function:
In [32]:
def check_theorem(K):
Check the relationship for the sum of the first K fibonacci numbers
list_of_fib = [fibonacci(n) for n in range(K + 1)]
return sum(list_of_fib) == fibonacci(K + 2) - 1
Let us now check that our theorem can be checked for the first 200 values of $K$:
In [33]:
checks = [check_theorem(K) for K in range(200)]
all(checks) # `all` combines all booleans in a list
Here are a number of exercises that are possible to carry out using the code concepts discussed:
odd_numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7]
for i in odd_numbers:
print(i ** 2)
square_of_odd_numbers = [n ** 2 for n in odd_numbers]
def division(a=4, b=1):
return a / b
In [34]:
def factorial(n):
"""A function that returns factorial n"""
prod = 1 # Need to initiate this dummy variable.
#for i in range(n) # Missing the `:`, not going in correct range
for i in range(1, n + 1):
prod *= i
return prod # Not returning
A quick check:
In [35]:
for n in range(5):
print(n, factorial(n))
In [36]:
def triangular(n):
"""Return the nth triangular number"""
return n * (n + 1) / 2
In [37]:
for n in range(10):
In [38]:
def check_theorem(K):
Check the relationship for the sum of the first K triangular numbers
list_of_tri = [triangular(n) for n in range(K + 1)]
return sum(list_of_tri) == K * (K + 1) * (K + 2) / 6
In [39]:
Here we are checking the first 200 numbers:
In [40]:
checks = [check_theorem(K) for K in range(200)]
all(checks) # `all` combines all booleans in a list
In [41]:
divisibles = []
upper_limit = 1300
n = 0
while len(divisibles) < upper_limit:
n += 1
if n % 3 == 0:
In [42]:
max(divisibles) # largest number
In [43]:
min(divisibles) # smallest number
In [44]:
sum(divisibles) / len(divisibles) # mean number
Investigate the use of the Python random
library. Use this to simulate the
Monty hall problem:
In [45]:
import random # importing the random library
In [46]:
random.random() # Thi gives a random number between 0 and 1
Note that these are not true random numbers: they actually follow a sequence that is not easy to predict and behaves similarly to random numbers. It is possible to state that we want the same sequence, we do this by setting a random seed:
In [47]:
random.seed(1) # This takes any integer
random.random(), random.random()
Let us call the above again:
In [48]:
random.seed(1) # We use the same seed as before
random.random(), random.random() # We get the same numbers
We can also use this to make random choices from a list:
In [49]:
doors = ['A', 'B', 'C']
In [50]:
def stick():
"""A function to simulate a play of the game when we stick"""
wins = 0
doors = ['Car', 'Goat', 'Goat']
initial_choice = random.choice(doors) # make a choice
return initial_choice == 'Car'
In [51]:
In [52]:
def switch():
"""A function to simulate a play of the game when we swap"""
doors = ['Car', 'Goat', 'Goat']
initial_choice = random.choice(doors) # make a choice
doors.remove(initial_choice) # Switching: remove initial choice
doors.remove('Goat') # The game show host shows us a goat
new_choice = doors[0] # We choose our one remaining option
return new_choice == 'Car'
In [53]:
We can now run a number of repetitions of the above and get the probability of winning:
In [54]:
repetitions = 10000
prob_win_stick = sum([stick() for rep in range(repetitions)]) / repetitions
prob_win_switch = sum([switch() for rep in range(repetitions)]) / repetitions
prob_win_stick, prob_win_switch
Dictionaries are a data structure that let us map keys to values. This is useful when need to go for one set of values to another. This is in effect an programming implementation of a bijective function.
As an example let's say we wanted a data structure that mapped names of people to their student number:
In [55]:
names_to_numbers = {"Vince": 1, "Zoe": 2, "Julien": 3, "Marie": 4}
We can get the value of a particular key:
In [56]:
We can manipulate that value as always:
In [57]:
names_to_numbers['Marie'] += 1
If we try and get a key that is not in the dictionary we get an error but we can add key/value pairs to dictionaries:
In [58]:
names_to_numbers["Jon"] = 5