The Central Limit Theorem states:

The arithmetic mean of a sufficiently large number of samples taken from an independent random distribution will be approximately normally distributed, regardless of the underlying distribution.

This statement may seem cryptic, but if you think carefully about it, it's a very surprising result. No matter what initial distribution I choose, if I draw a large number of samples many times and find the arithmetic mean, the shape of the results will always look like a normal distribution. There's some reasonable limits to the choice of initial distribution, of course. If my initial distribution is to choose the value 5 with 100% probability, the mean will always be 5 and the distribution won't look very Gaussian.

Let's demonstrate the Central Limit Theorem using a Monte Carlo simulation, drawing samples from a Weibull distribution. This code requires two "for" loops. The first "for" loop is to choose samples from a Weibull distribution, and the second "for" loop is to repeat this sampling process many times. The Central Limit Theorem is a statement about the distribution of a distribution (of random samples).

In [1]:
import random
import numba
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
%matplotlib inline

# The first "for" loop, sampling from a random distribution
def MCHist(n, f, param1, param2):
    res = 0.0
    for _ in range(0, n):
        # Luckily, Python allows functions to be passed to other
        # functions as parameters, like a proper functional language.
        res += f(param1, param2)
    return res / float(n)

# The second "for" loop, repeated means of a set of samples
def MCLoop(n_hist, n_samp, function, p1, p2):
    # For numba's sake, need to fill the list with the type
    # This will be negligible
    results = [4.5]
    for n in range(0, n_hist):
        results.append(MCHist(n_samp, function, p1, p2))
    return results

# User-defined parameters
alpha = 5 # Weibull scale parameter
beta = 1.4 # Weibull shape parameter 
num_samp = int(1e3) # First "for" loop
num_hist = int(1e5) # Second "for" loop

# Run the simulation
results = MCLoop(num_hist, num_samp, random.weibullvariate, alpha, beta)

# Plot the results    
f = sns.distplot(results)
f.set_title('Weibull Distribution');

As can be seen in the figure above, the distribution of the means of the sampling distribution looks approximately normal. But the Weibull distribution may sometimes look fairly similar to a normal distribution anyway. What if we choose a uniform distribution instead?

In [2]:
# User-defined parameters
a = 0 # Uniform distribution lower limit
b = 10 # Uniform distribution upper limit
num_samp2 = int(1e3) # First "for" loop
num_hist2 = int(1e5) # Second "for" loop

# Run the simulation
results2 = MCLoop(num_hist2, num_samp2, random.uniform, a, b)

# Plot the results    
f = sns.distplot(results2)
f.set_title('Uniform Distribution');

As seen above, the Central Limit Theorem works just as well with a uniform distribution as a Weibull distribution.

What about a discrete probability distribution? Let's use a probability distribution where we choose 1 20% of the time, 2 50% of the time, and 3 30% of the time. This will require us to modify our Monte Carlo function somewhat:

In [3]:
# p_a is the probability that option a is chosen,
# s_a is the result if a is chosen, and so on
def MCHist2(n_hist, p_a, s_a, p_b, s_b, p_c, s_c):
    res = 0
    for _ in range(0, n_hist):
        x = random.random()
        # The probabilities are cumulative
        if x <= p_a:
            res += s_a
        elif x <= (p_a + p_b):
            res += s_b
        elif x <= (p_a + p_b + p_c):
            res += s_c
    return res / float(n_hist)

def MCLoop2(n_hist, n_samp):
    # For numba's sake, need to fill the list with the type
    results = [2.0]
    for _ in range(0, n_hist):
        results.append(MCHist2(n_samp, 0.2, 1, 0.5, 2, 0.3, 3))
    return results

# User-defined parameters
# We need a few more samples to get the shape to look right
num_samples3 = int(1e3) # First "for" loop
num_hist3 = int(1e7) # Second "for" loop

# Run the simulation
results3 = MCLoop2(num_hist3, num_samples3)

# Plot the results    
f = sns.distplot(results3)
f.set_title('Discrete Distribution');

This may be an even more surprising result. We chose a very simple distribution which was not even continuous, and we still get a normal distribution of the sample means!

One last example. Let's use an initial distribution which is a linear combination of all three distributions that we tried: a Weibull, a uniform, and a discrete. Will the Central Limit Theorem still hold in this case?

In [5]:
def MCHist3(n_hist, alpha, beta, a, b, p_a, s_a, p_b, s_b, p_c, s_c):
    res = 0
    for _ in range(0, n_hist):
        val = 0
        # Weibull part
        val += random.weibullvariate(alpha, beta)
        # Uniform part
        val += random.uniform(a, b)
        # Discrete part
        x = random.random()
        if x <= p_a:
            val += s_a
        elif x <= (p_a + p_b):
            val += s_b
        elif x <= (p_a + p_b + p_c):
            val += s_c
        # Add the sum of all three distributions to the total results
        res += val
    return res / float(n_hist)

def MCLoop3(n_hist, n_samp):
    # For numba's sake, need to fill the list with the type
    results = [6.0]
    for _ in range(0, n_hist):
        results.append(MCHist3(n_samp, 2, 1.4, 0, 4, 0.2, 1, 0.5, 2, 0.3, 3))
    return results

# User-defined parameters
num_samples4 = int(1e3) # First "for" loop
num_hist4 = int(1e5) # Second "for" loop

# Run the simulation
results4 = MCLoop3(num_hist4, num_samples4)

# Plot the results    
f = sns.distplot(results4)
f.set_title('Mixed Distribution');

As you might have expected by now, the Central Limit Theorem still holds, even if the initial distribution is a linear combination of several different distributions.