In [1]:
%pylab inline
from __future__ import (division, print_function)

import os
import sys
import copy
import fnmatch
import warnings
import collections

import numpy as np
import scipy
    from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile
    scoreatpercentile = False
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import cPickle as pickle

# Astropy
from import fits
from astropy    import units as u
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip
from astropy.table import Table, Column
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar

# AstroML
from astroML.plotting import hist

# Matplotlib related
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection

# Matplotlib default settings
rcdef = plt.rcParams.copy()
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 10
pylab.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 8.0
pylab.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 2.5
pylab.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 4.0
pylab.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = 2.5
pylab.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 8.0
pylab.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 2.5
pylab.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 4.0
pylab.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 2.5

# Personal
import hscUtils as hUtil
import galSBP
import coaddCutoutGalfitSimple as gSimple 

# Cosmology
import cosmology
c=cosmology.Cosmo(H0=70.0, omega_m=0.3, omega_l=0.7, flat=1)

# Color map 
from palettable.colorbrewer.sequential import Oranges_4, Blues_5
ORG4 = Oranges_4.mpl_colormap
BLU5 = Blues_5.mpl_colormap

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning:  This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect
because the backend has already been chosen;
matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot,
or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time.


In [2]:
# Absolute magnitude of sun in HSC filters
# Actuall borrowed from DES filters
# Values from in FSPS
amag_sun_des_g = 5.08
amag_sun_des_r = 4.62
amag_sun_des_i = 4.52
amag_sun_des_z = 4.52
amag_sun_des_y = 4.51

# Based on
amag_sun_ukiss_y = 4.515

# Extinction correction factor for HSC 
## A\_lambda = Coeff * E(B-V) 
a_hsc_g = 3.233
a_hsc_r = 2.291 
a_hsc_i = 1.635
a_hsc_z = 1.261
a_hsc_y = 1.076

SIGMA1 = 0.3173
SIGMA2 = 0.0455
SIGMA3 = 0.0027

RSMA_COMMON = np.arange(0.4, 4.2, 0.02)

In [9]:
# Code for Get Bootstrap mean or median 
def _confidence_interval_1d(A, alpha=.05, metric=np.mean, numResamples=10000, interpolate=True):
    """Calculates bootstrap confidence interval along one dimensional array"""
    if not isinstance(alpha, collections.Iterable):
        alpha = np.array([alpha])

    N = len(A)
    resampleInds = np.random.randint(0, N, (numResamples,N))
    metricOfResampled = metric(A[resampleInds], axis=-1)

    confidenceInterval = np.zeros(2*len(alpha),dtype='float')
    if interpolate:
        for thisAlphaInd, thisAlpha in enumerate(alpha):
            confidenceInterval[2*thisAlphaInd] = scoreatpercentile(metricOfResampled, 
            confidenceInterval[2*thisAlphaInd+1] = scoreatpercentile(metricOfResampled, 
        sortedMetricOfResampled = np.sort(metricOfResampled)
        for thisAlphaInd, thisAlpha in enumerate(alpha):
            confidenceInterval[2*thisAlphaInd] = sortedMetricOfResampled[int(round(thisAlpha*numResamples/2.0))]
            confidenceInterval[2*thisAlphaInd+1] = sortedMetricOfResampled[int(round(numResamples - 
    return confidenceInterval
def _ma_confidence_interval_1d(A, alpha=.05, metric=np.mean, numResamples=10000, interpolate=True):
    A =, copy=True)
    A = A.compressed()
    confidenceInterval = _confidence_interval_1d(A, alpha, metric, numResamples, interpolate)
    return confidenceInterval

def confidence_interval(A, axis=None, alpha=.05, metric=np.mean, numResamples=10000, interpolate=True):
    """Return the bootstrap confidence interval of an array or along an axis ignoring NaNs and masked elements.
    A : array_like
        Array containing numbers whose confidence interval is desired. 
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which the confidence interval is computed.
        The default is to compute the confidence interval of the flattened array.
    alpha: float or array, optional
        confidence level of confidence interval. 100.0*(1-alpha) percent confidence 
        interval will be returned.
        If length-n array, n confidence intervals will be computed
        The default is .05
    metric : numpy function, optional
        metric to calculate confidence interval for.
        The default is numpy.mean
    numResamples : int, optional
        number of bootstrap samples. The default is 10000.
    interpolate: bool, optional
        uses scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile to interpolate between bootstrap samples 
        if alpha*numResamples/2.0 is not integer.
        The default is True
    confidenceInterval : ndarray
    An array with the same shape as `A`, with the specified axis replaced by one twice the length of the alpha
    If `A` is a 0-d array, or if axis is None, a length-2 ndarray is returned.
    if interpolate is True and scoreatpercentile is False:
        print("need scipy to interpolate between values")
        interpolate = False
    A = A.copy()
    if axis is None:
        A = A.ravel()
        outA = _ma_confidence_interval_1d(A, alpha, metric, numResamples, interpolate)
        outA = np.apply_along_axis(_ma_confidence_interval_1d, axis, A, alpha, 
                                   metric, numResamples, interpolate)
    return outA

def normProf(sma, sbp, minSma, maxSma, divide=False): 
    Naive method to normalize the profile. 
        sbp    : Array for surface brightness profile 
        sma    : Radius range 
        minSma : Minimum SMA
        maxSma   Maximum SMA
    offset = np.nanmedian(sbp[(sma >= minSma) & 
                              (sma <= maxSma)])
    if divide: 
        return (sbp / offset)
        return (sbp-offset)
def pixKpc(redshift, pix=0.168, show=True, npix=1.0):
    Get the corresponding Kpc size of a pixel.  
    pixKpc = pix * npix * hUtil.cosmoScale(redshift)

    if show:
        print("# %d pixel(s) = %6.3f Kpc" % (npix, pixKpc))
    return pixKpc

def logAdd(para1, para2):
    """ Useful for adding magnitudes. """
    return np.log10((10.0 ** np.asarray(para1)) + 
                    (10.0 ** np.asarray(para2)))

def errAdd(err1, err2):
    """Add error quadral..."""
    return np.sqrt((err1 ** 2.0) + 
                   (err2 ** 2.0))

def toColorArr(data, bottom=None, top=None):
    Convert a data array to "color array" (between 0 and 1). 
        bottom, top  : 
    if top is not None:
        data[data >= top] = top
    if bottom is not None:
        data[data <= bottom] = bottom
    return ((data - np.nanmin(data)) / 
            (np.nanmax(data) - np.nanmin(data))) * 255.0

def getLuminosity(mag, redshift, extinction=None, 
    """Get the absolute magnitude or luminosity."""
    distmod = hUtil.cosmoDistMod(redshift)
    absMag = (mag - distmod)
    if extinction is not None: 
        absMag -= extinction 
    if amag_sun is not None: 
        absMag = ((amag_sun - absMag) / 2.5)
    return absMag

def getStackProfiles(sample, loc, name='GAMA', 
                     idCol='ID_USE', tabCol='sum_tab', save=True):
    """Get the stacks of the profiles."""
    print("## Sample %s : Will deal with %d galaxies" % (name, len(sample)))
    profiles = []
    with ProgressBar(len(sample), ipython_widget=True) as bar:
        for g in sample:
                gFile = os.path.join(loc, g['sum_tab'].replace('./', '')).strip()
                gProf =, format='fits')
                """ Add extra information """
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_I'] = g['KCORRECT_I']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_b_I'] = g['KCORRECT_b_I']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_c_I'] = g['KCORRECT_c_I']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_G'] = g['KCORRECT_G']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_b_G'] = g['KCORRECT_b_G']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_c_G'] = g['KCORRECT_c_G']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_R'] = g['KCORRECT_R']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_b_R'] = g['KCORRECT_b_R']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_c_R'] = g['KCORRECT_c_R']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_Z'] = g['KCORRECT_Z']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_b_Z'] = g['KCORRECT_b_Z']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_c_Z'] = g['KCORRECT_c_Z']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_Y'] = g['KCORRECT_Y']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_b_Y'] = g['KCORRECT_b_Y']
                    gProf.meta['KCORRECT_c_Y'] = g['KCORRECT_c_Y']
                    gProf.meta['LOGM2LI_A'] = g['logm2lI_A']
                    gProf.meta['LOGM2LI_B'] = g['logm2lI_B']
                    gProf.meta['LOGM2LI_C'] = g['logm2lI_C']
                    gProf.meta['LUM_100'] = g['lum_100']
                    gProf.meta['LUM_120'] = g['lum_120']
                except Exception:
                    print("## WARNING: Some metadata may not be available !")
            except Exception:
                print("## Missing: %s" % gFile)
    if save: 
        outPkl = os.path.join(loc, (name + '_profs.pkl'))
        hUtil.saveToPickle(profiles, outPkl)
        print("## Save %s to %s" % (name, outPkl))
    return profiles

def organizeSbp(profiles, col1='muI1', col2='KCORRECT_c_I', 
                kind='sbp', norm=False, r1=9.9, r2=10.1, divide=False,
                col3=None, col4=None, justStack=False,
                sun1=amag_sun_des_g, sun2=amag_sun_des_r,
    """ Get the stack of individual profiels, and their med/avg. """
    if kind.strip() == 'sbp':
        if col2 is not None: 
            if norm:
                stack = np.vstack(normProf(p['rKpc'], 
                                           np.asarray(p[col1] + (p.meta[col2] / 2.5)), 
                                           r1, r2, divide=divide) 
                                  for p in profiles)
                stack = np.vstack(np.asarray(p[col1] + (p.meta[col2] / 2.5)) 
                                  for p in profiles)
            print("## NO KCORRECTION APPLIED !!")            
            if norm:
                stack = np.vstack(normProf(p['rKpc'], p[col1], 
                                           r1, r2, divide=divide) 
                                  for p in profiles)
                stack = np.vstack(np.asarray(p[col1]) for p in profiles)
    elif kind.strip() == 'mass':
        if norm:
            stack = np.vstack(normProf(p['rKpc'], 
                                       np.asarray(p[col1] + p.meta[col2]), 
                                       r1, r2, divide=divide) for p in profiles)
            stack = np.vstack(np.asarray(p[col1] + p.meta[col2]) for p in profiles)
    elif kind.strip() == 'color':
        cSun = (sun1 - sun2)
        if col3 is None or col4 is None:
            print("## NO KCORRECTION APPLIED !!")
            if norm:
                stack = np.vstack(normProf(p['rKpc'], 
                                           np.asarray(cSun - 2.5 * (p[col1] - p[col2])), 
                                           r1, r2, divide=divide) for p in profiles)
                stack = np.vstack(np.asarray(cSun - 2.5 *(p[col1] - p[col2])) for p in profiles)
            if norm:
                stack = np.vstack(normProf(p['rKpc'], 
                                           np.asarray(cSun - 2.5 * (p[col1] - p[col2]) -
                                                      (p.meta[col3] - p.meta[col4])), 
                                           r1, r2, divide=divide) for p in profiles)
                stack = np.vstack(np.asarray(cSun - 2.5 * (p[col1] - p[col2]) -
                                             (p.meta[col3] - p.meta[col4])) 
                                  for p in profiles)
    elif kind.strip() == 'lum':
        if col2 is None:
            stack = np.vstack(np.asarray(p[col1]) for p in profiles)
            stack = np.vstack(np.asarray(p[col1] - p.meta[col2]) for p in profiles)
        raise Exception("## WRONG KIND !!")
    if index is not None: 
        stack = np.vstack(p[index] for p in stack)
    if not justStack:
        """ Get the median and 1-sigma confidence range """
        medProf = confidence_interval(stack, axis=0, alpha=np.asarray([SIGMA1, 1.0]), 
                                      metric=np.nanmedian, numResamples=1000, 
        avgProf = confidence_interval(stack, axis=0, alpha=np.asarray([SIGMA1, 1.0]), 
                                      metric=np.nanmean, numResamples=1000, 
        stdProf = confidence_interval(stack, axis=0, alpha=np.asarray([SIGMA1, 1.0]), 
                                      metric=np.nanstd, numResamples=1000, 
        return stack, medProf, avgProf, stdProf
        return stack

def loadPkl(filename):
        import cPickle as pickle
        warnings.warn("## cPickle is not available!!")
        import pickle
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        pklFile = open(filename, 'rb')
        data = pickle.load(pklFile)    
        return data
        warnings.warn("## Can not find %s, return None" % filename)
        return None

In [84]:
newDir = '/Users/songhuang/work/hscs/gama_massive/sbp/'

bcgFile = 'redbcg_1d_160211.fits'
memFile = 'redmem_1d_160211.fits'
gamaFile = 'gama_1d_160211.fits'

except NameError:
    del bcgTab
except NameError:
    del memTab    
except NameError:
    del gamaTab
bcgDir = os.path.join(newDir, 'redbcg')
memDir = os.path.join(newDir, 'redmem')
gamaDir = os.path.join(newDir, 'gama')

# Two summary catalogs
bcgCat = os.path.join(newDir, bcgFile)
memCat = os.path.join(newDir, memFile)
gamaCat = os.path.join(newDir, gamaFile)

if not os.path.isfile(bcgCat):
    raise Exception("## Can not find catalog for BCGs : %s" % bcgCat)
    bcgTab =, format='fits')

if not os.path.isfile(memCat):
    raise Exception("## Can not find catalog for cluster members : %s" % memCat)
    memTab =, format='fits')
if not os.path.isfile(gamaCat):
    raise Exception("## Can not find catalog for GAMA galaxies : %s" % gamaCat)
    gamaTab =, format='fits')
print("## Deal with %i galaxies in redBCH sample" % len(bcgTab))
print("## Deal with %i galaxies in redMEM sample" % len(memTab))
print("## Deal with %i galaxies in GAMA sample" % len(gamaTab))

## Deal with 219 galaxies in redBCH sample
## Deal with 1542 galaxies in redMEM sample
## Deal with 9414 galaxies in GAMA sample

Get a "Clean" GAMA sample

In [93]:
bcgClean = bcgTab[(bcgTab['m100_c'] >= 10.0) & 
                  (bcgTab['c82_120'] <= 14.0) &
                  (bcgTab['r90_max'] <= 220.0) &
                  (bcgTab['P_CEN_1'] >= 0.8)]

gamaClean = gamaTab[(gamaTab['c82_120'] >= 5.5) & 
                    (gamaTab['c82_120'] <= 14.0) &
                    (gamaTab['gz_kC'] >= 1.58) &
                    (gamaTab['m100_c'] >= 10.0) &
                    (gamaTab['r90_max'] <= 160.0) &
                    (gamaTab['ur_rest_sed'] >= 2.1) &
                    ((gamaTab['r50_120'] - gamaTab['r20_120']) >= 
                     (32.0 * (gamaTab['m30_c'] - gamaTab['m10_c']) - 1.4))]


memClean = memTab[(memTab['c82_120'] >= 5.0) &
                  (memTab['c82_120'] <= 14.0) &
                  (memTab['gz_kC'] >= 1.45) &
                  (memTab['m100_c'] >= 10.0) &
                  (memTab['r90_max'] <= 160.0) &
                  ((memTab['r50_120'] - memTab['r20_120']) >= 
                   (32.0 * (memTab['m30_c'] - memTab['m10_c']) - 1.4))]


/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater_equal

In [94]:
gamaUse = gamaClean[(gamaClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                    (gamaClean['z_use'] <= 0.45)]

gamaUse2 = gamaClean[(gamaClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                     (gamaClean['z_use'] <= 0.40)]


memUse = memClean[(memClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                  (memClean['z_use'] <= 0.40)]

bcgUse = bcgClean[(bcgClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                  (bcgClean['z_use'] <= 0.45) &
                  (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 25.0)]

bcgUse2 = bcgClean[(bcgClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                   (bcgClean['z_use'] <= 0.40) &
                   (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 25.0)]


In [98]:
#gamaM1 = gamaClean[(gamaClean['m100_c'] >= 11.56) & 
#                   (gamaClean['m100_c'] < 11.70) &
#                   (gamaClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
#                   (gamaClean['Z'] <= 0.40)]
#gamaM2 = gamaClean[(gamaClean['m100_c'] >= 11.72) & 
#                   (gamaClean['m100_c'] < 11.95) &
#                   (gamaClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
#                   (gamaClean['Z'] <= 0.50)]
gamaM1 = gamaClean[(gamaClean['m100_c'] >= 11.55) & 
                   (gamaClean['m100_c'] < 11.70) &
                   (gamaClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                   (gamaClean['z_use'] <= 0.45)]

gamaM2 = gamaClean[(gamaClean['m100_c'] >= 11.71) & 
                   (gamaClean['m100_c'] < 11.90) &
                   (gamaClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                   (gamaClean['z_use'] <= 0.50)]

gamaM1b = gamaClean[(gamaClean['m100_c'] >= 11.55) & 
                    (gamaClean['m100_c'] < 11.70) &
                    (gamaClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                    (gamaClean['z_use'] <= 0.40)]

gamaM2b = gamaClean[(gamaClean['m100_c'] >= 11.70) & 
                    (gamaClean['m100_c'] < 11.90) &
                    (gamaClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                    (gamaClean['z_use'] <= 0.40)]

print(len(gamaM1), np.nanmedian(gamaM1['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(gamaM1['z_use']))
print(len(gamaM2), np.nanmedian(gamaM2['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(gamaM2['z_use']))

print(len(gamaM1b), np.nanmedian(gamaM1b['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(gamaM1b['z_use']))
print(len(gamaM2b), np.nanmedian(gamaM2b['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(gamaM2b['z_use']))

memM1 = memClean[(memClean['m100_c'] >= 11.55) & 
                 (memClean['m100_c'] < 11.70) &
                 (memClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                 (memClean['z_use'] <= 0.40)]

memM2 = memClean[(memClean['m100_c'] >= 11.70) & 
                 (memClean['m100_c'] < 11.90) &
                 (memClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                 (memClean['z_use'] <= 0.40)]

print(len(memM1), np.nanmedian(memM1['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(memM1['Z']))
print(len(memM2), np.nanmedian(memM2['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(memM2['Z']))

#bcgM1 = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m100_c'] >= 11.45) & 
#                 (bcgClean['m100_c'] < 11.68) &
#                 (bcgClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
#                 (bcgClean['Z'] <= 0.40) &
#                 (bcgClean['P_CEN_1'] >= 0.8)]
#bcgM2 = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m100_c'] >= 11.70) & 
#                 (bcgClean['m100_c'] < 11.95) &
#                 (bcgClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
#                 (bcgClean['Z'] <= 0.50) &
#                 (bcgClean['P_CEN_1'] >= 0.8) &
#                 (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 30.0)]

bcgM1 = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m100_c'] >= 11.55) & 
                 (bcgClean['m100_c'] < 11.70) &
                 (bcgClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                 (bcgClean['z_use'] <= 0.40) &
                 (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 25.0)]

bcgM2 = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m100_c'] >= 11.70) & 
                 (bcgClean['m100_c'] < 11.90) &
                 (bcgClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                 (bcgClean['z_use'] <= 0.50) &
                 (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 25.0)]

bcgM1b = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m100_c'] >= 11.50) & 
                  (bcgClean['m100_c'] < 11.70) &
                  (bcgClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                  (bcgClean['z_use'] <= 0.40) &
                  (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 25.0)]

bcgM2b = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m100_c'] >= 11.70) & 
                  (bcgClean['m100_c'] < 11.90) &
                  (bcgClean['z_use'] >= 0.20) &
                  (bcgClean['z_use'] <= 0.40) &
                  (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 25.0)]

print(len(bcgM1), np.nanmedian(bcgM1['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(bcgM1['z_use']))
print(len(bcgM2), np.nanmedian(bcgM2['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(bcgM2['z_use']))
print(len(bcgM1b), np.nanmedian(bcgM1b['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(bcgM1b['z_use']))
print(len(bcgM2b), np.nanmedian(bcgM2b['m100_c']), np.nanmedian(bcgM2b['z_use']))


447 11.5729275131 0.291509985924
122 11.7669058203 0.322205007076
285 11.6107901021 0.295269995928
117 11.7540580411 0.306050002575

36 11.6120771254 0.306126177311
12 11.7758495468 0.312638521194

20 11.6198632792 0.307940006256
22 11.7688292191 0.336626768112
20 11.6198632792 0.307940006256
15 11.7558052257 0.297216922045

In [51]:
gamaCM1 = gamaClean[(gamaClean['m10_c'] >= 11.19) & 
                    (gamaClean['m10_c'] < 11.35) &
                    (gamaClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
                    (gamaClean['Z'] <= 0.40)]

gamaCM1b = gamaCM1[(gamaCM1['c82_120'] >= 7.0) & 
                   (gamaCM1['r90_120'] / gamaCM1['r50_120'] >= 2.3) &
                   (gamaCM1['gz_kC'] >= 1.6) &
                   (gamaCM1['ur_rest_sed'] >= 2.2)]

gamaCM2 = gamaClean[(gamaClean['m10_c'] >= 11.35) & 
                    (gamaClean['m10_c'] < 11.55) &
                    (gamaClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
                    (gamaClean['Z'] <= 0.40)]

print(len(gamaCM1), np.nanmedian(gamaCM1['m10_c']), 
print(len(gamaCM2), np.nanmedian(gamaCM2['m10_c']), 
print(len(gamaCM1b), np.nanmedian(gamaCM1b['m10_c']), 

memCM1 = memClean[(memClean['m10_c'] >= 11.18) & 
                  (memClean['m10_c'] < 11.35) &
                  (memClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
                  (memClean['Z'] <= 0.40)]

memCM2 = memClean[(memClean['m10_c'] >= 11.35) & 
                  (memClean['m10_c'] < 11.55) &
                  (memClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
                  (memClean['Z'] <= 0.50)]

print(len(memCM1), np.nanmedian(memCM1['m10_c']), 
print(len(memCM2), np.nanmedian(memCM2['m10_c']), 


bcgCM1 = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m10_c'] >= 11.15) & 
                  (bcgClean['m10_c'] < 11.34) &
                  (bcgClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
                  (bcgClean['Z'] <= 0.40) &
                  (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 30.0)]

bcgCM1b = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m10_c'] >= 11.15) & 
                   (bcgClean['m10_c'] < 11.34) &
                   (bcgClean['m100_c'] <= 11.8) &
                   (bcgClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
                   (bcgClean['Z'] <= 0.39)]

bcgCM2 = bcgClean[(bcgClean['m10_c'] >= 11.35) & 
                  (bcgClean['m10_c'] < 11.55) &
                  (bcgClean['Z'] >= 0.20) &
                  (bcgClean['Z'] <= 0.50) &
                  (bcgClean['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'] >= 30.0)]

print(len(bcgCM1), np.nanmean(bcgCM1['m10_c']), 
print(len(bcgCM2), np.nanmean(bcgCM2['m10_c']), 
print(len(bcgCM1b), np.nanmean(bcgCM1b['m10_c']), 


732 11.2573833387 0.291665017605
211 11.3947089786 0.306989997625
71 11.2648783536 0.302630007267

131 11.2431288653 0.314759999514
22 11.3921080017 0.304781168699

15 11.2523061893 0.313470005989
13 11.4152549156 0.340429991484
27 11.2469846747 0.302599996328
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater_equal

In [66]:
gM1_mass = confidence_interval(gamaM1['m100_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gCM1_mass = confidence_interval(gamaM1['m10_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_mdif1 = confidence_interval((gamaM1['lum_100'] - gamaM1['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_mdif2 = confidence_interval((gamaM1['lum_75'] - gamaM1['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_mdif3 = confidence_interval((gamaM1['lum_50'] - gamaM1['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_mdif4 = confidence_interval((gamaM1['lum_25'] - gamaM1['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_r20 = confidence_interval(gamaM1['r20_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_r50 = confidence_interval(gamaM1['r50_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_r90 = confidence_interval(gamaM1['r90_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_c82 = confidence_interval(gamaM1['c82_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM1_c52 = confidence_interval((gamaM1['r50_120'] / gamaM1['r20_120']), 
                              axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)

gM2_mass = confidence_interval(gamaM2['m100_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gCM2_mass = confidence_interval(gamaM2['m10_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_mdif1 = confidence_interval((gamaM2['lum_100'] - gamaM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_mdif2 = confidence_interval((gamaM2['lum_75'] - gamaM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_mdif3 = confidence_interval((gamaM2['lum_50'] - gamaM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_mdif4 = confidence_interval((gamaM2['lum_25'] - gamaM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_r20 = confidence_interval(gamaM2['r20_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_r50 = confidence_interval(gamaM2['r50_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_r90 = confidence_interval(gamaM2['r90_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_c82 = confidence_interval(gamaM2['c82_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
gM2_c95 = confidence_interval((gamaM2['r50_120'] / gamaM2['r20_120']), 
                              axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)

In [67]:
bM1_mass = confidence_interval(bcgM1['m100_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bCM1_mass = confidence_interval(bcgM1['m10_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_mdif1 = confidence_interval((bcgM1['lum_100'] - bcgM1['lum_10']), 
                               axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_mdif2 = confidence_interval((bcgM1['lum_75'] - bcgM1['lum_10']), 
                               axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_mdif3 = confidence_interval((bcgM1['lum_50'] - bcgM1['lum_10']), 
                               axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_mdif4 = confidence_interval((bcgM1['lum_25'] - bcgM1['lum_10']), 
                               axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_r20 = confidence_interval(bcgM1['r20_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_r50 = confidence_interval(bcgM1['r50_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_r90 = confidence_interval(bcgM1['r90_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_c82 = confidence_interval(bcgM1['c82_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM1_c52 = confidence_interval((bcgM1['r50_120'] / bcgM1['r20_120']), 
                              axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)

bM2_mass = confidence_interval(bcgM2['m100_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bCM2_mass = confidence_interval(bcgM2['m10_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_mdif1 = confidence_interval((bcgM2['lum_100'] - bcgM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_mdif2 = confidence_interval((bcgM2['lum_75'] - bcgM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_mdif3 = confidence_interval((bcgM2['lum_50'] - bcgM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_mdif4 = confidence_interval((bcgM2['lum_25'] - bcgM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_r20 = confidence_interval(bcgM2['r20_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_r50 = confidence_interval(bcgM2['r50_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_r90 = confidence_interval(bcgM2['r90_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_c82 = confidence_interval(bcgM2['c82_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
bM2_c95 = confidence_interval((bcgM2['r50_120'] / bcgM2['r20_120']), 
                              axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)

In [68]:
mM1_mass = confidence_interval(memM1['m100_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mCM1_mass = confidence_interval(memM1['m10_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_mdif1 = confidence_interval((memM1['lum_100'] - memM1['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_mdif2 = confidence_interval((memM1['lum_75'] - memM1['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_mdif3 = confidence_interval((memM1['lum_50'] - memM1['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_mdif4 = confidence_interval((memM1['lum_25'] - memM1['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_r20 = confidence_interval(memM1['r20_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_r50 = confidence_interval(memM1['r50_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_r90 = confidence_interval(memM1['r90_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_c82 = confidence_interval(memM1['c82_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM1_c52 = confidence_interval((memM1['r50_120'] / memM1['r20_120']), 
                              axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)

mM2_mass = confidence_interval(memM2['m100_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                               metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mCM2_mass = confidence_interval(memM2['m10_c'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_mdif1 = confidence_interval((memM2['lum_100'] - memM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_mdif2 = confidence_interval((memM2['lum_75'] - memM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_mdif3 = confidence_interval((memM2['lum_50'] - memM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_mdif4 = confidence_interval((memM2['lum_25'] - memM2['lum_10']), 
                                axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                                metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_r20 = confidence_interval(memM2['r20_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_r50 = confidence_interval(memM2['r50_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_r90 = confidence_interval(memM2['r90_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_c82 = confidence_interval(memM2['c82_120'], axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)
mM2_c95 = confidence_interval((memM2['r50_120'] / memM2['r20_120']), 
                              axis=0, alpha=[SIGMA1, 1.0], 
                              metric=np.median, numResamples=1000, interpolate=True)

In [69]:
plt.hist(gamaM1['m100_c'], bins=20, range=[11.4, 11.8], color='k', 
         histtype='step', normed=1)
plt.hist(bcgM1['m100_c'], bins=20, range=[11.4, 11.8], color='r', 
         histtype='step', normed=1)

In [56]:
plt.hist(gamaM2['m100_c'], bins=20, range=[11.7, 12.2], color='k', 
         histtype='step', normed=1)
plt.hist(bcgM2['m100_c'], bins=20, range=[11.7, 12.2], color='r', 
         histtype='step', normed=1)
plt.hist(gamaM2b['m100_c'], bins=20, range=[11.7, 12.2], color='k', 
         histtype='step', normed=1, linestyle='--')
plt.hist(bcgM2b['m100_c'], bins=20, range=[11.7, 12.2], color='r', 
         histtype='step', normed=1, linestyle='--')

In [426]:
gamaM1.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_gama_m1.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)
gamaM2.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_gama_m2.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)
gamaM2b.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_gama_m2b.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)

bcgM1.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_bcg_m1.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)
bcgM2.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_bcg_m2.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)
bcgM2b.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_bcg_m2b.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)

memM1.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_mem_m1.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)
memM2.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_mem_m2.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)

gamaCM1.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_gama_cm1.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)
gamaCM2.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_gama_cm2.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)

bcgCM1.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_bcg_cm1.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)
bcgCM2.write(os.path.join(newDir, 'test_bcg_cm2.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True)

In [18]:
### Fancy one 

# definitions for the axes
left, width    = 0.12, 0.69
right          = left + width 
bottom, height = 0.12, 0.86
bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.02

recScat = [left,   bottom, width, height]
recHist = [right,  bottom,  0.18, height]

SBP1 = [0.13, 0.12, 0.865, 0.30]
SBP2 = [0.13, 0.42, 0.865, 0.54]

In [19]:
# Color 

BLUE0 = "#92c5de"
BLUE1 = "#0571b0"

RED0 = "#f4a582"
RED1 = "#ca0020"

PURPLE0 = '#af8dc3'
PURPLE1 = '#762a83'

BROWN0 = '#bf812d'
BROWN1 = '#543005'

GREEN0 = '#7fbf7b'
GREEN1 = '#1b7837'

M_total v.s. Mass growth

In [72]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 9))
ax1 = plt.axes(recScat)
ax2 = plt.axes(recHist)

# SBP v.s. (cModel - SBP)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scatter plot
#ax1.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)

ax1.axvline(11.5, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
ax1.axvline(11.7, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
ax1.axvline(11.9, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)

# Matched ones 
p1 = ax1.scatter(gamaClean['m100_c'], 
                 gamaClean['lum_100'] - gamaClean['lum_10'], s=35.0, 
                 alpha=0.20, facecolor=BLUE0, edgecolor='none', 
                 label='$\Lambda \leq 20\ \mathrm{Central}$')
p2 = ax1.scatter(bcgUse['m100_c'], 
                 bcgUse['lum_100'] - bcgUse['lum_10'], edgecolor='none',
                 s=((bcgUse['z_use'] - 0.10) * 600.0), cmap=ORG4, alpha=0.90, 
                 c=toColorArr(bcgUse['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'], bottom=20.0, top=70.0), 
                 label='$\Lambda > 20\ \mathrm{Central}$', marker='s')
p3 = ax1.scatter(bcgM1['m100_c'], 
                 bcgM1['lum_100'] - bcgM1['lum_10'], edgecolor='k',
                 s=((bcgM1['z_use'] - 0.10) * 500.0), alpha=0.95, 
                 facecolor='none', label=None, marker='s', linewidth=1.5)
p4 = ax1.scatter(bcgM2b['m100_c'], 
                 bcgM2b['lum_100'] - bcgM2b['lum_10'], edgecolor='k',
                 s=((bcgM2['z_use'] - 0.10) * 500.0), alpha=0.95, 
                 facecolor='none', label=None, marker='s', linewidth=1.5)

# M1
ax1.errorbar(gM1_mass[2], gM1_mdif1[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.01, color=BLUE1, ecolor=BLUE1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, linewidth=4.0, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, 
ax1.errorbar(bM1_mass[2], bM1_mdif1[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k', linewidth=4.0,
             yerr=0.02, mfc=RED1, ecolor=RED1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)

ax1.scatter(gM1_mass[2], gM1_mdif1[2], marker='^', s=400, facecolor=BLUE1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102, alpha=0.9,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.5,11.7]}\ \Lambda \leq 20$')
ax1.scatter(bM1_mass[2], bM1_mdif1[2], marker='p', s=420, facecolor=RED1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.5,11.7]}\ \Lambda > 30$')

# M2
ax1.errorbar(gM2_mass[2], gM2_mdif1[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.01, color=BLUE1, ecolor=BLUE1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)
ax1.errorbar(bM2_mass[2], bM2_mdif1[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.03, mfc=RED1, ecolor=RED1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)

ax1.scatter(gM2_mass[2], gM2_mdif1[2], marker='h', s=420, facecolor=BLUE1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102, alpha=0.9,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.7,11.9]}\ \Lambda \leq 20$')
ax1.scatter(bM2_mass[2], bM2_mdif1[2], marker='8', s=420, facecolor=RED1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.7,11.9]}\ \Lambda > 30$')

# Legend
ax1.legend(loc=(0.68, 0.025), shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=18, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=0.9, borderpad=0.25, handletextpad=0.1)

legend = ax1.get_legend()

#ax1.text(0.05, 0.04, '$\mathrm{Size:}\ {\Lambda}_{\mathrm{redMapper}}$', 
#         verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',
#         fontsize=26.0, transform=ax1.transAxes, color=RED0)

# Axes setup
#  Minor Ticks on 

#  Axes Thickness
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
#  Tick Label Size 
for tick in ax1.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax1.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#  Tick Length and Width
ax1.tick_params('both', length=10, width=3.0, which='major')
ax1.tick_params('both', length=6, width=2.5, which='minor')

# Label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\log\ (M_{\star}/M_{\odot})\ (100\ \mathrm{Kpc})$', size=40)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\Delta(\log M{\star})_{\mathrm{100\ kpc}-\mathrm{10\ kpc}}$', 

# Axis limits
ax1.set_xlim(11.15, 12.29)
ax1.set_ylim(0.01, 0.79)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Histogram 
n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(gamaM1['lum_100'] - gamaM1['lum_10'], 
                          bins=30, range=[0.05, 0.8], edgecolor='none',
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='stepfilled', 
                          color=BLUE0, alpha=0.80, normed=1)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(bcgM1['lum_100'] - bcgM1['lum_10'], 
                          bins=20, range=[0.05, 0.8], edgecolor='none',
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='stepfilled', 
                          color=ORG4(0.6), alpha=0.50, normed=1, linewidth=4.0)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(gamaM2['lum_100'] - gamaM2['lum_10'], 
                          bins=30, range=[0.0, 0.7], linewidth=4.0,
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', 
                          color=BLUE0, alpha=1.0, normed=1)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(bcgM2['lum_100'] - bcgM2['lum_10'], 
                          bins=15, range=[0.05, 0.7], linewidth=4.0,
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', 
                          color=RED0, alpha=0.90, normed=1)


ax2.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)

# Axes setup
# Minor Ticks on 
ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', bottom='off', top='off')

#  Axes Thickness
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
#  Tick Label Size 
for tick in ax2.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax2.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#  Tick Length and Width
ax2.tick_params('both', length=10, width=3.0, which='major')
ax2.tick_params('both', length=6, width=2.5, which='minor')

ax1.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.5, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)


fig.savefig('../figure/hscMassive_mtot_m100_10.png', dpi=300)

In [58]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 9))
ax1 = plt.axes(recScat)
ax2 = plt.axes(recHist)

# SBP v.s. (cModel - SBP)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scatter plot
#ax1.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)

ax1.axvline(11.5, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
ax1.axvline(11.7, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
ax1.axvline(11.9, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)

# Matched ones 
p1 = ax1.scatter(gamaClean['m100_c'], 
                 gamaClean['lum_100'] - gamaClean['lum_10'], s=35.0, 
                 alpha=0.20, facecolor=BLUE0, edgecolor='none', 
                 label='$\Lambda \leq 20\ \mathrm{Central}$')
p2 = ax1.scatter(memUse['m100_c'], 
                 memUse['lum_100'] - memUse['lum_10'], edgecolor='none',
                 s=((memUse['z_use'] - 0.10) * 600.0), cmap=ORG4, alpha=0.90, 
                 c=toColorArr(memUse['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'], bottom=20.0, top=70.0), 
                 label='$\Lambda > 20\ \mathrm{Central}$', marker='s')
p3 = ax1.scatter(memM1['m100_c'], 
                 memM1['lum_100'] - memM1['lum_10'], edgecolor='k',
                 s=((memM1['z_use'] - 0.10) * 500.0), alpha=0.95, 
                 facecolor='none', label=None, marker='s', linewidth=1.5)
p4 = ax1.scatter(memM2b['m100_c'], 
                 memM2b['lum_100'] - memM2b['lum_10'], edgecolor='k',
                 s=((memM2['z_use'] - 0.10) * 500.0), alpha=0.95, 
                 facecolor='none', label=None, marker='s', linewidth=1.5)

# M1
ax1.errorbar(gM1_mass[2], gM1_mdif1[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.01, color=BLUE1, ecolor=BLUE1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, linewidth=4.0, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, 
ax1.errorbar(mM1_mass[2], mM1_mdif1[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k', linewidth=4.0,
             yerr=0.02, mfc=RED1, ecolor=RED1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)

ax1.scatter(gM1_mass[2], gM1_mdif1[2], marker='^', s=400, facecolor=BLUE1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102, alpha=0.9,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.5,11.7]}\ \Lambda \leq 20$')
ax1.scatter(mM1_mass[2], mM1_mdif1[2], marker='p', s=420, facecolor=RED1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.5,11.7]}\ \Lambda > 30$')

# M2
ax1.errorbar(gM2_mass[2], gM2_mdif1[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.01, color=BLUE1, ecolor=BLUE1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)
ax1.errorbar(mM2_mass[2], mM2_mdif1[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.03, mfc=RED1, ecolor=RED1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)

ax1.scatter(gM2_mass[2], gM2_mdif1[2], marker='h', s=420, facecolor=BLUE1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102, alpha=0.9,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.7,11.9]}\ \Lambda \leq 20$')
ax1.scatter(mM2_mass[2], mM2_mdif1[2], marker='8', s=420, facecolor=RED1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.7,11.9]}\ \Lambda > 30$')

# Legend
ax1.legend(loc=(0.68, 0.025), shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=18, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=0.9, borderpad=0.25, handletextpad=0.1)

legend = ax1.get_legend()

#ax1.text(0.05, 0.04, '$\mathrm{Size:}\ {\Lambda}_{\mathrm{redMapper}}$', 
#         verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',
#         fontsize=26.0, transform=ax1.transAxes, color=RED0)

# Axes setup
#  Minor Ticks on 

#  Axes Thickness
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
#  Tick Label Size 
for tick in ax1.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax1.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#  Tick Length and Width
ax1.tick_params('both', length=10, width=3.0, which='major')
ax1.tick_params('both', length=6, width=2.5, which='minor')

# Label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\log\ (M_{\star}/M_{\odot})\ (100\ \mathrm{Kpc})$', size=40)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\Delta(\log M{\star})_{\mathrm{100\ kpc}-\mathrm{10\ kpc}}$', 

# Axis limits
ax1.set_xlim(11.15, 12.29)
ax1.set_ylim(0.01, 0.79)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Histogram 
n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(gamaM1['lum_100'] - gamaM1['lum_10'], 
                          bins=30, range=[0.05, 0.8], edgecolor='none',
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='stepfilled', 
                          color=BLUE0, alpha=0.80, normed=1)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(memM1['lum_100'] - memM1['lum_10'], 
                          bins=20, range=[0.05, 0.8], edgecolor='none',
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='stepfilled', 
                          color=ORG4(0.6), alpha=0.50, normed=1, linewidth=4.0)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(gamaM2['lum_100'] - gamaM2['lum_10'], 
                          bins=30, range=[0.0, 0.7], linewidth=4.0,
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', 
                          color=BLUE0, alpha=1.0, normed=1)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(memM2['lum_100'] - memM2['lum_10'], 
                          bins=15, range=[0.05, 0.7], linewidth=4.0,
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', 
                          color=RED0, alpha=0.90, normed=1)


ax2.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)

# Axes setup
# Minor Ticks on 
ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', bottom='off', top='off')

#  Axes Thickness
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
#  Tick Label Size 
for tick in ax2.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax2.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#  Tick Length and Width
ax2.tick_params('both', length=10, width=3.0, which='major')
ax2.tick_params('both', length=6, width=2.5, which='minor')

ax1.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.5, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)


#fig.savefig('../figure/hscMassive_mtot_m100_10_mem.png', dpi=300)

In [24]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 9))
ax1 = plt.axes(recScat)
ax2 = plt.axes(recHist)

# SBP v.s. (cModel - SBP)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scatter plot
#ax1.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)

ax1.axvline(11.5, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
ax1.axvline(11.7, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
ax1.axvline(11.9, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)

# Matched ones 
p1 = ax1.scatter(gamaClean['m100_c'], 
                 gamaClean['lum_75'] - gamaClean['lum_10'], s=35.0, 
                 alpha=0.20, facecolor=BLUE0, edgecolor='none', 
                 label='$\Lambda \leq 20\ \mathrm{Central}$')
p2 = ax1.scatter(bcgUse['m100_c'], 
                 bcgUse['lum_75'] - bcgUse['lum_10'], edgecolor='none',
                 s=((bcgUse['z_use'] - 0.10) * 600.0), cmap=ORG4, alpha=0.90, 
                 c=toColorArr(bcgUse['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'], bottom=20.0, top=70.0), 
                 label='$\Lambda > 20\ \mathrm{Central}$', marker='s')
p3 = ax1.scatter(bcgM1['m100_c'], 
                 bcgM1['lum_100'] - bcgM1['lum_10'], edgecolor='k',
                 s=((bcgM1['z_use'] - 0.10) * 500.0), alpha=0.95, 
                 facecolor='none', label=None, marker='s', linewidth=1.5)
p4 = ax1.scatter(bcgM2b['m100_c'], 
                 bcgM2b['lum_100'] - bcgM2b['lum_10'], edgecolor='k',
                 s=((bcgM2['z_use'] - 0.10) * 500.0), alpha=0.95, 
                 facecolor='none', label=None, marker='s', linewidth=1.5)

# M1
ax1.errorbar(gM1_mass[2], gM1_mdif2[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.01, color=BLUE1, ecolor=BLUE1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, linewidth=4.0, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, 
ax1.errorbar(bM1_mass[2], bM1_mdif2[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k', linewidth=4.0,
             yerr=0.02, mfc=RED1, ecolor=RED1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)

ax1.scatter(gM1_mass[2], gM1_mdif2[2], marker='^', s=400, facecolor=BLUE1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102, alpha=0.9,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.5,11.7]}\ \Lambda \leq 20$')
ax1.scatter(bM1_mass[2], bM1_mdif2[2], marker='p', s=420, facecolor=RED1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.5,11.7]}\ \Lambda > 30$')

# M2
ax1.errorbar(gM2_mass[2], gM2_mdif2[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.01, color=BLUE1, ecolor=BLUE1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)
ax1.errorbar(bM2_mass[2], bM2_mdif2[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.03, mfc=RED1, ecolor=RED1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)

ax1.scatter(gM2_mass[2], gM2_mdif2[2], marker='h', s=420, facecolor=BLUE1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102, alpha=0.9,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.7,11.9]}\ \Lambda \leq 20$')
ax1.scatter(bM2_mass[2], bM2_mdif2[2], marker='8', s=420, facecolor=RED1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.7,11.9]}\ \Lambda > 30$')

# Legend
ax1.legend(loc=(0.68, 0.025), shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=18, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=0.9, borderpad=0.25, handletextpad=0.1)

legend = ax1.get_legend()

#ax1.text(0.05, 0.04, '$\mathrm{Size:}\ {\Lambda}_{\mathrm{redMapper}}$', 
#         verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',
#         fontsize=26.0, transform=ax1.transAxes, color=RED0)

# Axes setup
#  Minor Ticks on 

#  Axes Thickness
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
#  Tick Label Size 
for tick in ax1.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax1.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#  Tick Length and Width
ax1.tick_params('both', length=10, width=3.0, which='major')
ax1.tick_params('both', length=6, width=2.5, which='minor')

# Label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\log\ (M_{\star}/M_{\odot})\ (100\ \mathrm{Kpc})$', size=40)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\Delta(\log M{\star})_{\mathrm{75\ kpc}-\mathrm{10\ kpc}}$', 

# Axis limits
ax1.set_xlim(11.15, 12.29)
ax1.set_ylim(0.01, 0.79)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Histogram 
n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(gamaM1['lum_75'] - gamaM1['lum_10'], 
                          bins=30, range=[0.05, 0.8], edgecolor='none',
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='stepfilled', 
                          color=BLUE0, alpha=0.80, normed=1)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(bcgM1['lum_75'] - bcgM1['lum_10'], 
                          bins=20, range=[0.05, 0.8], edgecolor='none',
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='stepfilled', 
                          color=ORG4(0.6), alpha=0.50, normed=1, linewidth=4.0)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(gamaM2['lum_75'] - gamaM2['lum_10'], 
                          bins=30, range=[0.0, 0.7], linewidth=4.0,
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', 
                          color=BLUE0, alpha=1.0, normed=1)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(bcgM2['lum_75'] - bcgM2['lum_10'], 
                          bins=15, range=[0.05, 0.7], linewidth=4.0,
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', 
                          color=RED0, alpha=0.90, normed=1)


ax2.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)

# Axes setup
# Minor Ticks on 
ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', bottom='off', top='off')

#  Axes Thickness
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
#  Tick Label Size 
for tick in ax2.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax2.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#  Tick Length and Width
ax2.tick_params('both', length=10, width=3.0, which='major')
ax2.tick_params('both', length=6, width=2.5, which='minor')

ax1.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.5, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)


fig.savefig('../figure/hscMassive_mtot_m75_10.png', dpi=230)

In [25]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 9))
ax1 = plt.axes(recScat)
ax2 = plt.axes(recHist)

# SBP v.s. (cModel - SBP)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scatter plot
#ax1.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)

ax1.axvline(11.5, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
ax1.axvline(11.7, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
ax1.axvline(11.9, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='--', c='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0)

# Matched ones 
p1 = ax1.scatter(gamaClean['m100_c'], 
                 gamaClean['lum_50'] - gamaClean['lum_10'], s=35.0, 
                 alpha=0.20, facecolor=BLUE0, edgecolor='none', 
                 label='$\Lambda \leq 20\ \mathrm{Central}$')
p2 = ax1.scatter(bcgUse['m100_c'], 
                 bcgUse['lum_50'] - bcgUse['lum_10'], edgecolor='none',
                 s=((bcgUse['z_use'] - 0.10) * 600.0), cmap=ORG4, alpha=0.90, 
                 c=toColorArr(bcgUse['LAMBDA_CLUSTER'], bottom=20.0, top=70.0), 
                 label='$\Lambda > 20\ \mathrm{Central}$', marker='s')
p3 = ax1.scatter(bcgM1['m100_c'], 
                 bcgM1['lum_50'] - bcgM1['lum_10'], edgecolor='k',
                 s=((bcgM1['z_use'] - 0.10) * 500.0), alpha=0.95, 
                 facecolor='none', label=None, marker='s', linewidth=1.5)
p4 = ax1.scatter(bcgM2b['m100_c'], 
                 bcgM2b['lum_50'] - bcgM2b['lum_10'], edgecolor='k',
                 s=((bcgM2['z_use'] - 0.10) * 500.0), alpha=0.95, 
                 facecolor='none', label=None, marker='s', linewidth=1.5)

# M1
ax1.errorbar(gM1_mass[2], gM1_mdif3[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.01, color=BLUE1, ecolor=BLUE1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, linewidth=4.0, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, 
ax1.errorbar(bM1_mass[2], bM1_mdif3[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k', linewidth=4.0,
             yerr=0.02, mfc=RED1, ecolor=RED1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)

ax1.scatter(gM1_mass[2], gM1_mdif3[2], marker='^', s=400, facecolor=BLUE1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102, alpha=0.9,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.5,11.7]}\ \Lambda \leq 20$')
ax1.scatter(bM1_mass[2], bM1_mdif3[2], marker='p', s=420, facecolor=RED1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.5,11.7]}\ \Lambda > 30$')

# M2
ax1.errorbar(gM2_mass[2], gM2_mdif3[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.01, color=BLUE1, ecolor=BLUE1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)
ax1.errorbar(bM2_mass[2], bM2_mdif3[2], marker='+', ms=1, mec='k',
             yerr=0.03, mfc=RED1, ecolor=RED1, capthick=3.5, capsize=8, 
             alpha=0.8, fmt='h', elinewidth=2.0, label=None, zorder=100)

ax1.scatter(gM2_mass[2], gM2_mdif3[2], marker='h', s=420, facecolor=BLUE1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102, alpha=0.9,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.7,11.9]}\ \Lambda \leq 20$')
ax1.scatter(bM2_mass[2], bM2_mdif3[2], marker='8', s=420, facecolor=RED1,
            edgecolor='k', linewidth=3.0, zorder=102,
            label='$\mathrm{[11.7,11.9]}\ \Lambda > 30$')

# Legend
ax1.legend(loc=(0.68, 0.025), shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=18, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=0.9, borderpad=0.25, handletextpad=0.1)

legend = ax1.get_legend()

#ax1.text(0.05, 0.04, '$\mathrm{Size:}\ {\Lambda}_{\mathrm{redMapper}}$', 
#         verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',
#         fontsize=26.0, transform=ax1.transAxes, color=RED0)

# Axes setup
#  Minor Ticks on 

#  Axes Thickness
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
#  Tick Label Size 
for tick in ax1.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax1.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#  Tick Length and Width
ax1.tick_params('both', length=10, width=3.0, which='major')
ax1.tick_params('both', length=6, width=2.5, which='minor')

# Label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\log\ (M_{\star}/M_{\odot})\ (100\ \mathrm{Kpc})$', size=40)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\Delta(\log M{\star})_{\mathrm{50\ kpc}-\mathrm{10\ kpc}}$', 

# Axis limits
ax1.set_xlim(11.15, 12.29)
ax1.set_ylim(0.01, 0.79)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Histogram 
n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(gamaM1['lum_50'] - gamaM1['lum_10'], 
                          bins=30, range=[0.05, 0.8], edgecolor='none',
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='stepfilled', 
                          color=BLUE0, alpha=0.80, normed=1)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(bcgM1['lum_50'] - bcgM1['lum_10'], 
                          bins=20, range=[0.05, 0.8], edgecolor='none',
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='stepfilled', 
                          color=ORG4(0.6), alpha=0.50, normed=1, linewidth=4.0)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(gamaM2['lum_50'] - gamaM2['lum_10'], 
                          bins=30, range=[0.0, 0.7], linewidth=4.0,
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', 
                          color=BLUE0, alpha=1.0, normed=1)

n, bins, patches=ax2.hist(bcgM2['lum_50'] - bcgM2['lum_10'], 
                          bins=15, range=[0.05, 0.7], linewidth=4.0,
                          orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', 
                          color=RED0, alpha=0.90, normed=1)


ax2.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.0, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)

# Axes setup
# Minor Ticks on 
ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', bottom='off', top='off')

#  Axes Thickness
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
#  Tick Label Size 
for tick in ax2.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax2.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#  Tick Length and Width
ax2.tick_params('both', length=10, width=3.0, which='major')
ax2.tick_params('both', length=6, width=2.5, which='minor')

ax1.axhline(0.0, linewidth=4.5, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)


fig.savefig('../figure/hscMassive_mtot_m50_10.png', dpi=230)