In [1]:
% matplotlib inline
from __future__ import (division, 

import os
import sys
import copy
import fnmatch
import warnings

# Numpy & Scipy
import scipy
import numpy as np 

# Astropy related
from import fits 
from astropy import wcs
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table, Column, vstack
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

# Cosmology 
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70.0, Om0=0.3)

# Matplotlib 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

# from astroML.plotting import hist
# plt.ioff()

# Astro-ML/Histogram
from astroML.plotting import hist

# ColorMap
from palettable.colorbrewer.sequential import PuBu_5, OrRd_6
cmap1 = PuBu_5.mpl_colormap
cmap2 = OrRd_6.mpl_colormap

# Matplotlib default settings
rcdef = plt.rcParams.copy()
rcdef['figure.figsize'] = 12, 10
rcdef['xtick.major.size'] = 8.0
rcdef['xtick.major.width'] = 1.5
rcdef['xtick.minor.size'] = 4.0
rcdef['xtick.minor.width'] = 1.5
rcdef['ytick.major.size'] = 8.0
rcdef['ytick.major.width'] = 1.5
rcdef['ytick.minor.size'] = 4.0
rcdef['ytick.minor.width'] = 1.5
rcdef['legend.numpoints'] = 1
#rc('axes', linewidth=2)

# Shapely related imports
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point
from shapely          import wkb
from shapely.ops      import cascaded_union
from shapely.prepared import prep
from descartes import PolygonPatch

# Color map 
from palettable.colorbrewer.sequential import Oranges_4, Blues_5
ORG4 = Oranges_4.mpl_colormap
BLU5 = Blues_5.mpl_colormap

# Personal tools
from hscUtils import songPlotSetup, removeIsNullCol

# SDSS pivot wavelength 
sdss_u_pivot = 3551.0
sdss_g_pivot = 4686.0
sdss_r_pivot = 6165.0
sdss_i_pivot = 7481.0
sdss_z_pivot = 8931.0

# GALEX pivot wavelength 
galex_fuv_pivot = 1535.0
galex_nuv_pivot = 2301.0

# WISE pivot wavelength 
wise_w1_pivot = 34000.0
wise_w2_pivot = 46000.0

# HSC pivot wavelength 
hsc_g_pivot = 4782.2
hsc_r_pivot = 6101.7 
hsc_i_pivot = 7648.0 
hsc_z_pivot = 8883.0
hsc_y_pivot = 9750.8

hscFilters = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
hscFiltWave = np.asarray([hsc_g_pivot, hsc_r_pivot, hsc_i_pivot, hsc_z_pivot, hsc_y_pivot])

# Color 
BLUE0 = "#92c5de"
BLUE1 = "#0571b0"
RED0 = "#f4a582"
RED1 = "#ca0020"
PURPLE0 = '#af8dc3'
PURPLE1 = '#762a83'
BROWN0 = '#bf812d'
BROWN1 = '#543005'
GREEN0 = '#7fbf7b'
GREEN1 = '#1b7837'

# definitions for the axes
left, width    = 0.155, 0.66
right          = left + width 
bottom, height = 0.13, 0.86
bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.02
recScat = [left,   bottom, width, height]
recHist = [right,  bottom,  0.18, height]

SBP1 = [0.13, 0.12, 0.865, 0.30]
SBP2 = [0.13, 0.42, 0.865, 0.54]

In [2]:
def hscFlux2AB(flux, zero=27.0): 
    Convert HSC flux in unit of ADU to AB magnitude. 
    So far, constant zeropoint is applied to the calibration 
        mag = -2.5 * np.log10(flux) + zero
    except NameError: 
        import numpy as np 
        mag = -2.5 * np.log10(flux) + zero
    return mag

def hscMag2Flux(mag, unit='maggy'):
    Convert HSC AB magnitude into physical flux. 
    Three units can be used here: 
    flux = 10.0 ** (-0.4 * mag) 
    if unit.lower().strip() == 'jy': 
        return (flux * 3631.0)
    elif unit.lower().strip() == 'maggy': 
        return flux 
    elif unit.lower().strip() == 'nanomaggy':
        return (flux * 1.0E-9)
        raise Exception("## Wrong unit, should be jy/maggy/nanomaggy")
def hscMaggy2AB(flux):
    Convert flux in unit of Maggies into AB magnitude
    return (np.log10(flux) / -0.4)
def hscMaggyErr2ABErr(flux, fluxErr, ivar=False):
    Convert (flux, fluxErr) into AB magnitude error 
    if ivar: 
        fluxErr = np.sqrt(1.0 / fluxErr)
    return (2.5 * np.log10((flux + fluxErr) / flux))
def hscMagerr2Ivar(flux, magErr): 
    Get the inverse variance of flux estimates from Flux and magErr 
    fluxErr = flux * ((10.0 ** (magErr/2.5)) - 1.0)
    return (1.0 / (fluxErr ** 2.0))

def hscMagerr2Fluxerr(flux, magErr): 
    Get the inverse variance of flux estimates from Flux and magErr 
    fluxErr = flux * ((10.0 ** (magErr/2.5)) - 1.0)
    return fluxErr

def hscFluxSNR2Ivar(flux, snr, filt='i'): 
    Estimate inverse variance of flux error using HSC flux and snr 
    if filt is 'g':
        snr *= 0.9
    elif filt is 'y':
        snr *= 0.8
    fluxErr = flux / snr 
    return (1.0 / (fluxErr ** 2.0))

def polyReadWkb(wkbName, load=True):
    """Read a .wkb file into a Polygon shape."""
    wkbFile = open(wkbName, 'r')
    polyWkb ='hex')

    if load is True:
        return wkb.loads(polyWkb)
        return polyWkb
def filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse='I', 
                 regUse='g09', reject=True, polyDir='./',
    """Filter a catalog using accept and rejection mask."""
    if not os.path.isfile(inputCat):
        raise Exception("Can not find input catalog: %s" % s)

    inputData =, format='fits')

    raArr, decArr = inputData[raCol].data, inputData[decCol].data
    print("Will deal with %d objects" % len(raArr))

    acpStr = acpFormat.replace('FILTER', filtUse)
    acpStr = acpStr.replace('REG', regUse)
    print("Filter through the accept mask: %s" % acpStr)
    acpMask = os.path.join(polyDir, acpStr)
    if not os.path.isfile(acpMask):
        raise Exception("Can not find accept mask: %s" % acpMask)
    acpRegs = polyReadWkb(acpMask)
    acpPrep = prep(acpRegs)
    inside = map(lambda x, y: acpPrep.contains(Point(x, y)), raArr, decArr)

    if reject:
        rejStr = rejFormat.replace('FILTER', filtUse)
        rejStr = rejStr.replace('REG', regUse)
        print("Filter through the reject mask: %s" % rejStr)
        rejMask = os.path.join(polyDir, rejStr)
        if not os.path.isfile(rejMask):
            raise Exception("Can not find reject mask: %s" % rejMask)
        rejRegs = polyReadWkb(rejMask)
        rejPrep = prep(rejRegs)
        masked = map(lambda x, y: rejPrep.contains(Point(x, y)), raArr, decArr)
        useful = map(lambda x, y: x and (not y), inside, masked)
        useful = inside
    if returnMask:
        return inputData[np.where(useful)], acpRegs, rejRegs
        return inputData[np.where(useful)]

def showPolyMask(maskShow, ax, color='k', alpha=0.6, lw=1.5):
    """Outline all the mask regions."""
    if maskShow.type is "Polygon":
        bounds = maskShow.boundary
        if bounds.type is "LineString":
            x, y = bounds.xy
            ax.plot(x, y, c=color, lw=lw, alpha=alpha)
        elif bounds.type is "MultiLineString":
            for bb in bounds:
                x, y = bb.xy
                ax.plot(x, y, c=color, lw=lw, alpha=alpha)
    elif maskShow.type is "MultiPolygon":
        for ii, mask in enumerate(maskShow):
            bounds = mask.boundary
            if bounds.type is "LineString":
                x, y = bounds.xy
                ax.plot(x, y, c=color, lw=lw, alpha=alpha)
            elif bounds.type is "MultiLineString":
                for bb in bounds:
                    x, y = bb.xy
                    ax.plot(x, y, c=color, lw=lw, alpha=alpha)
                print(" !!! Can not plot shape %d - %s !" % (ii, bounds.type))
def addMaggies(inputCat, magType='mag_cmodel', 
               filters=['g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'],
               maggiesCol='cmodel_maggies', ivarsCol='cmodel_ivars',
               saveNew=True, outputCat=None, sortCol=None):
    """Convert the magnitude and error into Maggies and IvarMaggies."""
    if not os.path.isfile(inputCat):
        raise Exception("Can not find input catalog: %s" % s)
    data =, format='fits')
    maggies = np.dstack((map(lambda f: hscMag2Flux(data[f + magType] - 
                                                   data['a_' + f], unit='maggy'), filters)))[0]

    if snr is None:
        ivars = np.dstack((map(lambda f: hscMagerr2Ivar(
                        hscMag2Flux(data[f + magType] - data['a_' + f], unit='maggy'), 
                        data[f + magType + '_err']), filters)))[0]
        ivars = np.dstack((map(lambda f: hscFluxSNR2Ivar(
                        hscMag2Flux(data[f + magType] - data['a_' + f], unit='maggy'), 
                        snr, filt=f), filters)))[0]
    data.add_column(Column(name=maggiesCol, data=maggies))
    data.add_column(Column(name=ivarsCol, data=ivars))
    if sortCol is not None:
    if saveNew:
        if outputCat is None: 
            newCat = inputCat.replace('.fits', '_' + magType + '_maggies.fits')
            newCat = outputCat
        data.write(newCat, format='fits', overwrite=True)

    return data

def simpleScatter(xarr, yarr, 
                  xtick=True, ytick=True,
                  xstr=None, ystr=None, titleUse=None, 
                  carr=None, sarr=None, 
                  cmap=ORG4, maxSize=350, alpha=0.8, 
                  ax=None, xylim=True, nolabel=False, 
                  titleSize=20, labelSize=36, 
                  titleX=0.04, titleY=0.92, 
                  xmargin=7.5, ymargin=7.5, 
                  noEdge=True, colorUse='k', sizeUse=40,
    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
        fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.15)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax1 = ax

    # Formatting 
        ax1 = songPlotSetup(ax1)
    # Color Array 
    if carr is None:
        carr = colorUse
        carr = toColorArr(carr)
    # Size Array
    if sarr is None: 
        sarr = sizeUse
        sarr = toSizeArr(sarr, maxSize=maxSize)
    # Scatter plot
    if noEdge:
        ax1.scatter(xarr, yarr, c=carr, s=sarr, 
                    alpha=alpha, cmap=cmap, 
                    edgecolor='none', label=label)
        ax1.scatter(xarr, yarr, c=carr, s=sarr, 
                    alpha=alpha, cmap=cmap, label=label)

    # Label
    if xstr is not None:
        ax1.set_xlabel(xstr, size=labelSize)
    if ystr is not None:
        ax1.set_ylabel(ystr, size=labelSize)

    # Axis limits
    if xylim:
        xmin, xmax = np.nanmin(xarr), np.nanmax(xarr)
        ymin, ymax = np.nanmin(yarr), np.nanmax(yarr)
        xmargin, ymargin = ((xmax - xmin) / xmargin), ((ymax - ymin) / ymargin)
        ax1.set_xlim(xmin-xmargin, xmax+xmargin)
        ax1.set_ylim(ymin-ymargin, ymax+ymargin)

    # Title 
    if titleUse is not None:
        titleUse = titleUse.replace('_', '\_')
        ax1.text(titleX, titleY, '$\mathrm{%s}$' % titleUse, size=titleSize, 
                 transform = ax1.transAxes)
    if ax is None:
        return fig
        return ax1

def qualityControl(inputTab, useY=True, strict=False, verbose=True, 
                   brightCenter=False, brightAny=False):
    """HSC basic quality"""
    table = copy.deepcopy(inputTab)
    nGal = len(table)
    outputTab = table[(table['ir_merge_peak_g']) &
                      (table['ir_merge_peak_r']) &
                      (table['ir_merge_peak_z']) &
                      (table['ir_merge_peak_y']) &
                      (~table['if_shape_sdss_flags']) & 
                      (~table['ir_deblend_as_psf']) &
                      (~table['gf_flags_pixel_edge']) &
                      (~table['rf_flags_pixel_edge']) &
                      (~table['if_flags_pixel_edge']) &
                      (~table['zf_flags_pixel_edge']) &
                      (~table['gf_cmodel_flux_flags']) &
                      (~table['rf_cmodel_flux_flags']) &
                      (~table['zf_cmodel_flux_flags']) &
                      (~table['gf_centroid_sdss_flags']) &
                      (~table['rf_centroid_sdss_flags']) &
                      (~table['zf_centroid_sdss_flags']) &
                      (~table['gf_flags_pixel_suspect_center']) &
                      (~table['rf_flags_pixel_suspect_center']) &
                      (~table['if_flags_pixel_suspect_center']) &
                      (~table['zf_flags_pixel_suspect_center']) &
                      (~table['gf_flags_pixel_saturated_center']) &
                      (~table['rf_flags_pixel_saturated_center']) &
                      (~table['zf_flags_pixel_saturated_center']) &
                      (~table['gf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center']) &
                      (~table['rf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center']) &
    if useY: 
        outputTab = outputTab[(np.isfinite(outputTab['ymag_cmodel'])) &
                              (~outputTab['yf_flags_pixel_edge']) &
                              (~outputTab['yf_centroid_sdss_flags']) &
                              (~outputTab['yf_cmodel_flux_flags']) &
                              (~outputTab['yf_flags_pixel_suspect_center']) &
                              (~outputTab['yf_flags_pixel_saturated_center']) &

    if strict:
        outputTab = outputTab[(~outputTab['gf_flags_pixel_clipped_any']) &
                              (~outputTab['rf_flags_pixel_clipped_any']) &
                              (~outputTab['if_flags_pixel_clipped_any']) &
    if brightAny:
        outputTab = outputTab[~outputTab['if_flags_pixel_bright_object_any']]
    elif brightCenter:
        outputTab = outputTab[~outputTab['if_flags_pixel_bright_object_center']]
    if verbose:
        print("# %d / %d items left in the sample" % (len(outputTab), nGal))
    return outputTab

Selection of massive galaxies from the HSC S15B data release

Location of the master catalogs

In [5]:
# Working directory 
homeDir = os.getenv('HOME')
dataDir = os.path.join(homeDir, 'astro4/massive/dr15b')

# Spec-z catalog 
speczCat = os.path.join(dataDir, 'basic/specz/dr1_specz_use.fits')

# Location for the galaxy catalogs
galDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'wide_galaxy')
#galWideOri = 'dr1_gal21_cmodel_i.fits'
galWideOri = 'dr1_wide_galaxy_icmodel_21.5.fits'
#galWide = 'dr1_hsc_gal21_master.fits'
galWide = 'dr1_hsc_gal21.5_master.fits'
#galS82 = 'dr1_hsc_gal21_s82.fits'
galS82 = 'dr1_hsc_gal21_s82.fits'

# Location for the basic geometry of coadd data
mosaicDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'basic/mosaic')
mosaicPre = 's15b_wide_i_mosaic_REG.fits'

# polyMask of this data release
polyDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'basic/polymask/wide')
acpFormat = 'dr1_wide_HSC-FILTER_patch_REG.wkb'
rejFormat = 'dr1_wide_HSC-FILTER_wkbBig_REG.wkb'

# Wide fields used: 
fields = ['g09', 'g15', 'w12', 'xmm', 'hec', 'vvd']
filters = ['G', 'R', 'I', 'Z', 'Y']

# SDSS Master
sdssMaster = os.path.join(dataDir, 'sdss', 'sdss_dr12_i20.5_master.fits')
# GAMA Master 
gamaMaster = os.path.join(dataDir, 'gama', 'gama_dr2_master.fits')
# redMaPPer Master
redbcgMaster = os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'redmapper_dr8_bcg_master.fits')
redmemMaster = os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'redmapper_dr8_mem_master.fits')
redmemUse = os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redmem_use.fits')

Remove the IS_NULL columns, and show the colnames

In [4]:
# Galaxies in the WIDE
galWideData =, galWide), format='fits')

['ra_hsc', 'dec_hsc', 'gallon', 'gallat', 'tract', 'patch', 'id', 'parent', 'a_g', 'a_r', 'a_i', 'a_z', 'a_y', 'gmag_psf', 'gmag_psf_err', 'rmag_psf', 'rmag_psf_err', 'imag_psf', 'imag_psf_err', 'zmag_psf', 'zmag_psf_err', 'ymag_psf', 'ymag_psf_err', 'gmag_kron', 'gmag_kron_err', 'rmag_kron', 'rmag_kron_err', 'imag_kron', 'imag_kron_err', 'zmag_kron', 'zmag_kron_err', 'ymag_kron', 'ymag_kron_err', 'gmag_cmodel', 'gmag_cmodel_err', 'gmag_cmodel_exp', 'gmag_cmodel_exp_err', 'gmag_cmodel_dev', 'gmag_cmodel_dev_err', 'rmag_cmodel', 'rmag_cmodel_err', 'rmag_cmodel_exp', 'rmag_cmodel_exp_err', 'rmag_cmodel_dev', 'rmag_cmodel_dev_err', 'imag_cmodel', 'imag_cmodel_err', 'imag_cmodel_exp', 'imag_cmodel_exp_err', 'imag_cmodel_dev', 'imag_cmodel_dev_err', 'zmag_cmodel', 'zmag_cmodel_err', 'zmag_cmodel_exp', 'zmag_cmodel_exp_err', 'zmag_cmodel_dev', 'zmag_cmodel_dev_err', 'ymag_cmodel', 'ymag_cmodel_err', 'ymag_cmodel_exp', 'ymag_cmodel_exp_err', 'ymag_cmodel_dev', 'ymag_cmodel_dev_err', 'gflux_psf', 'gflux_psf_err', 'rflux_psf', 'rflux_psf_err', 'iflux_psf', 'iflux_psf_err', 'zflux_psf', 'zflux_psf_err', 'yflux_psf', 'yflux_psf_err', 'gflux_kron', 'gflux_kron_err', 'rflux_kron', 'rflux_kron_err', 'iflux_kron', 'iflux_kron_err', 'zflux_kron', 'zflux_kron_err', 'yflux_kron', 'yflux_kron_err', 'gflux_cmodel', 'gflux_cmodel_err', 'gflux_cmodel_exp', 'gflux_cmodel_exp_err', 'gflux_cmodel_dev', 'gflux_cmodel_dev_err', 'rflux_cmodel', 'rflux_cmodel_err', 'rflux_cmodel_exp', 'rflux_cmodel_exp_err', 'rflux_cmodel_dev', 'rflux_cmodel_dev_err', 'iflux_cmodel', 'iflux_cmodel_err', 'iflux_cmodel_exp', 'iflux_cmodel_exp_err', 'iflux_cmodel_dev', 'iflux_cmodel_dev_err', 'zflux_cmodel', 'zflux_cmodel_err', 'zflux_cmodel_exp', 'zflux_cmodel_exp_err', 'zflux_cmodel_dev', 'zflux_cmodel_dev_err', 'yflux_cmodel', 'yflux_cmodel_err', 'yflux_cmodel_exp', 'yflux_cmodel_exp_err', 'yflux_cmodel_dev', 'yflux_cmodel_dev_err', 'if_centroid_naive_flags', 'if_flux_kron_flags', 'if_shape_sdss_flags', 'if_flags_pixel_bright_object_center', 'if_flags_pixel_bright_object_any', 'gf_cmodel_flux_flags', 'rf_cmodel_flux_flags', 'if_cmodel_flux_flags', 'zf_cmodel_flux_flags', 'yf_cmodel_flux_flags', 'gf_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'rf_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'if_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'zf_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'yf_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'gf_centroid_sdss_flags', 'rf_centroid_sdss_flags', 'if_centroid_sdss_flags', 'zf_centroid_sdss_flags', 'yf_centroid_sdss_flags', 'gf_flags_pixel_edge', 'rf_flags_pixel_edge', 'if_flags_pixel_edge', 'zf_flags_pixel_edge', 'yf_flags_pixel_edge', 'gf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'rf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'if_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'zf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'yf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'gf_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'rf_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'if_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'zf_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'yf_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'gf_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'rf_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'if_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'zf_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'yf_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'ir_detect_is_patch_inner', 'ir_detect_is_tract_inner', 'ir_countinputs', 'ir_classification_extendedness', 'ir_blendedness_abs_flux', 'ir_cmodel_exp_ellipse', 'ir_cmodel_dev_ellipse', 'ir_cmodel_fracdev', 'ir_cmodel_objective', 'ir_flux_kron_flags', 'ir_cmodel_flux_flags', 'ir_shape_sdss_flags', 'ir_merge_peak_g', 'ir_merge_peak_r', 'ir_merge_peak_i', 'ir_merge_peak_z', 'ir_merge_peak_y', 'ir_merge_footprint_g', 'ir_merge_footprint_r', 'ir_merge_footprint_i', 'ir_merge_footprint_z', 'ir_merge_footprint_y', 'ir_merge_measurement_g', 'ir_merge_measurement_r', 'ir_merge_measurement_i', 'ir_merge_measurement_z', 'ir_merge_measurement_y', 'ir_deblend_has_stray_flux', 'ir_deblend_as_psf', 'specz_id', 'specz_name', 'specz_ra', 'specz_dec', 'z_hsc', 'z_hsc_err']

In [16]:
# Spec-Z catalogs
speczData =, format='fits')

['specz_id', 'specz_name', 'specz_ra', 'specz_dec', 'z_hsc', 'z_hsc_err']

For the Sample Selection Section in the Paper

In [5]:
hscAll =, galWideOri), format='fits') 

hscPho = qualityControl(hscAll) 

print("# There are %d galaxies left" % len(hscPho))

# 1760845 / 2275477 items left in the sample
# There are 1760845 galaxies left

In [6]:
hscPho.write(os.path.join(galDir, 'dr1_wide_galaxy_hscPho.fits'), 
             format='fits', overwrite=True)

redBCG catalogs

In [7]:
inputCat = redbcgMaster 
raCol, decCol = 'ra_bcg_redm', 'dec_bcg_redm'

GAMA09 : dr1_redbcg_g09.fits

In [46]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'g09'

# Filter the input catalog:
redbcgG09, acpG09, rejG09 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir)
print("# %d matches" % len(redbcgG09))
# Save the catalog:
redbcgG09.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redbcg_g09.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 26350 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_g09.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_g09.wkb
# 222 matches

GAMA15: dr1_redbcg_g15.fits

In [47]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'g15'

# Filter the input catalog:
redbcgG15, acpG15, rejG15 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir)
print("# %d matches" % len(redbcgG15))
# Save the catalog:
redbcgG15.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redbcg_g15.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 26350 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_g15.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_g15.wkb
# 98 matches

WIDE12: dr1_redbcg_w12.fits

In [48]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'w12'

# Filter the input catalog:
redbcgW12, acpW12, rejW12 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir)
print("# %d matches" % len(redbcgW12))
# Save the catalog:
redbcgW12.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redbcg_w12.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 26350 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_w12.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_w12.wkb
# 104 matches

VVDS: dr1_redbcg_vvd.fits

In [49]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'vvd'

# Filter the input catalog:
redbcgVVD, acpVVD, rejVVD = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir)
print("# %d matches" % len(redbcgVVD))
# Save the catalog:
redbcgVVD.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redbcg_vvd.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 26350 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_vvd.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_vvd.wkb
# 188 matches

XMM-LSS: dr1_redbcg_xmm.fits

In [50]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'xmm'

# Filter the input catalog:
redbcgXMM, acpXMM, rejXMM = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir)
print("# %d matches" % len(redbcgXMM))
# Save the catalog:
redbcgXMM.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redbcg_xmm.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 26350 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_xmm.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_xmm.wkb
# 139 matches

HectoMap: dr1_redbcg_hec.fits

In [51]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'hec'

# Filter the input catalog:
redbcgHEC, acpHEC, rejHEC = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir)
print("# %d matches" % len(redbcgHEC))
# Save the catalog:
redbcgHEC.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redbcg_hec.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 26350 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_hec.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_hec.wkb
# 25 matches

redMem catalogs

In [72]:
inputCat = redmemUse
raCol, decCol = 'ra_mem_redm', 'dec_mem_redm'

GAMA09: dr1_redmem_g09.fits

In [73]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'g09'

# Filter the input catalog:
redmemG09 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(redmemG09))
# Save the catalog:
redmemG09.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redmem_g09.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 50753 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_g09.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_g09.wkb
# 14950 matches

GAMA15: dr1_redmem_g15.fits

In [74]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'g15'

# Filter the input catalog:
redmemG15 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(redmemG15))
# Save the catalog:
redmemG15.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redmem_g15.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 50753 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_g15.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_g15.wkb
# 6265 matches

WIDE12: dr1_redmem_w12.fits

In [75]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'w12'

# Filter the input catalog:
redmemW12 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(redmemW12))
# Save the catalog:
redmemW12.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redmem_w12.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 50753 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_w12.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_w12.wkb
# 6425 matches

VVDS: dr1_redmem_vvd.fits

In [76]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'vvd'

# Filter the input catalog:
redmemVVD = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(redmemVVD))
# Save the catalog:
redmemVVD.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redmem_vvd.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 50753 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_vvd.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_vvd.wkb
# 12110 matches

XMM-LSS: dr1_redmem_xmm.fits

In [77]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'xmm'

# Filter the input catalog:
redmemXMM = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(redmemXMM))
# Save the catalog:
redmemXMM.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redmem_xmm.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 50753 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_xmm.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_xmm.wkb
# 8427 matches

HectoMap: dr1_redmem_hec.fits

In [78]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'hec'

# Filter the input catalog:
redmemHEC = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, 
                         filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                         reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(redmemHEC))
# Save the catalog:
redmemHEC.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redmem_hec.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 50753 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_hec.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_hec.wkb
# 1391 matches

GAMA catalogs

In [52]:
inputCat = gamaMaster 
raCol, decCol = 'ra_gama', 'dec_gama'

GAMA 09: dr1_gama_g09.fits

In [53]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'g09'

# Filter the input catalog:
gamaG09 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(gamaG09))
# Save the catalog:
gamaG09.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'gama', 'dr1_gama_g09.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 70726 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_g09.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_g09.wkb
# 17603 matches

GAMA 15: dr1_gama_g15.fits

In [54]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'g15'

# Filter the input catalog:
gamaG15 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(gamaG15))
# Save the catalog:
gamaG15.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'gama', 'dr1_gama_g15.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 70726 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_g15.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_g15.wkb
# 20954 matches

GAMA 12: dr1_gama_w12.fits

In [55]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'w12'

# Filter the input catalog:
gamaW12 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(gamaW12))
# Save the catalog:
gamaW12.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'gama', 'dr1_gama_w12.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 70726 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_w12.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_w12.wkb
# 13432 matches

SDSS catalogs

In [56]:
inputCat = sdssMaster 
raCol, decCol = 'ra_sdss', 'dec_sdss'

G09: dr1_sdss_g09.fits

In [57]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'g09'

# Filter the input catalog:
sdssG09 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(sdssG09))
# Save the catalog:
sdssG09.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'sdss', 'dr1_sdss_g09.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 1015171 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_g09.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_g09.wkb
# 200304 matches

G15: dr1_sdss_g15.fits

In [58]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'g15'

# Filter the input catalog:
sdssG15 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(sdssG15))
# Save the catalog:
sdssG15.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'sdss', 'dr1_sdss_g15.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 1015171 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_g15.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_g15.wkb
# 111248 matches

W12: dr1_sdss_w12.fits

In [59]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'w12'

# Filter the input catalog:
sdssW12 = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(sdssW12))
# Save the catalog:
sdssW12.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'sdss', 'dr1_sdss_w12.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 1015171 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_w12.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_w12.wkb
# 111156 matches

VVD: dr1_sdss_vvd.fits

In [61]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'vvd'

# Filter the input catalog:
sdssVVD = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(sdssVVD))
# Save the catalog:
sdssVVD.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'sdss', 'dr1_sdss_vvd.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 1015171 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_vvd.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_vvd.wkb
# 172156 matches

XMM: dr1_sdss_xmm.fits

In [62]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'xmm'

# Filter the input catalog:
sdssXMM = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(sdssXMM))
# Save the catalog:
sdssXMM.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'sdss', 'dr1_sdss_xmm.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 1015171 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_xmm.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_xmm.wkb
# 161847 matches

HEC: dr1_sdss_hec.fits

In [64]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
filtUse, regUse = 'I', 'hec'

# Filter the input catalog:
sdssHEC = filterCatlog(inputCat, raCol, decCol, filtUse=filtUse, regUse=regUse,
                       reject=True, polyDir=polyDir, returnMask=False)
print("# %d matches" % len(sdssHEC))
# Save the catalog:
sdssHEC.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'sdss', 'dr1_sdss_hec.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

Will deal with 1015171 objects
Filter through the accept mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_patch_hec.wkb
Filter through the reject mask: dr1_wide_HSC-I_wkbBig_hec.wkb
# 30660 matches

Combine catalogs

redMapper BCG catalogs

In [68]:
redbcgAll = vstack([redbcgG09, redbcgG15, redbcgW12, 
                    redbcgVVD, redbcgXMM, redbcgHEC])

print("# %d matches" % len(redbcgAll))
# Save the catalog:
redbcgAll.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redbcg_filtered.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

# 776 matches

redMapper Member catalogs

In [79]:
redmemAll = vstack([redmemG09, redmemG15, redmemW12, 
                    redmemVVD, redmemXMM, redmemHEC])

print("# %d matches" % len(redmemAll))
# Save the catalog:
redmemAll.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'redmapper', 'dr1_redmem_filtered.fits'),
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

# 49568 matches

GAMA spec-z catalogs

In [69]:
gamaAll = vstack([gamaG09, gamaG15, gamaW12])

print("# %d matches" % len(gamaAll))
# Save the catalog:
gamaAll.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'gama', 'dr1_gama_filtered.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

# 51989 matches

SDSS photometric + spec-z catalogs

In [70]:
sdssAll = vstack([sdssG09, sdssG15, sdssW12, 
                  sdssVVD, sdssXMM, sdssHEC])

print("# %d matches" % len(sdssAll))
# Save the catalog:
sdssAll.write(os.path.join(dataDir, 'sdss', 'dr1_sdss_filtered.fits'),
              format='fits', overwrite=True)

# 787371 matches

Build-up the nonbcg, redbcg, redmem catalogs used for SED fitting

  • This has to be done outside this Notebook

The catalogs used here:

  1. HSC-Master: dr1_hsc_gal21_master.fits, 1645030
    • Make a short version with fewer columns: 96 columns now
  2. GAMA-Filtered: dr1_gama_filtered.fits, 51989
    • Make a short version with fewer columns: 61 columns now
  3. SDSS-Filtered: dr1_sdss_filtered.fits, 787371
    • Make a short version with fewer columns: 62 columns now
  4. redBCG-Filtered: dr1_redbcg_filtered.fits, 776
    • Make a short version with fewer columns: 14 columns now
  5. redMem-Filtered: dr1_redmem_filtered.fits, 49568
    • Make a short version with fewer columns: 23 columns now

HSC-Master matched to SDSS:

- Using 1.0": **661777** (84.5%) matches
- Using 1.5": 84.77% matches

HSC-Master matched to GAMA

- Using 1.0": **46094** (88.7%) matches 
- Saved to `dr1_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec.fits`

Matching redbcg to dr1_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec.fits

- Using 1.0": **704** (90.1%) matches 
- Using 1.5": **704** (90.1%) matches 
- Saved to `dr1_redbcg_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec.fits`

Matching redmem to dr1_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec.fits

- Using 1.0": **42266** (85.3%) matches 
- Using 1.5": **42316** (85.4%) matches 
- Match to `dr1_redbcg_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec` to remove potential BCGs.
    * Using 5.0": **81** are removed; **42185** left
- Saved to `dr1_redmem_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec.fits`

Select the ones with possible redshift:

- `z_hsc > 0 || z_sdss > 0 || z_gama > 0` --> **123167** objects
- Save to `dr1_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec_specz.fits` 

In [9]:
masterDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'master')

# 2016-05-19
hscMaster =, 'dr1_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec_specz.fits'))
redbcgMaster =, 'dr1_redbcg_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec.fits'))
redmemMaster =, 'dr1_redmem_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec.fits'))

# Colnames

WARNING: UnitsWarning: 'dex' did not parse as fits unit: At col 0, Unit 'dex' not supported by the FITS standard.  [astropy.units.core]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: 'M_sun/yr' did not parse as fits unit: At col 0, Unit 'M_sun' not supported by the FITS standard.  [astropy.units.core]
['ra_hsc', 'dec_hsc', 'tract', 'patch', 'id', 'parent', 'a_g', 'a_r', 'a_i', 'a_z', 'a_y', 'gmag_cmodel', 'gmag_cmodel_err', 'rmag_cmodel', 'rmag_cmodel_err', 'imag_cmodel', 'imag_cmodel_err', 'zmag_cmodel', 'zmag_cmodel_err', 'ymag_cmodel', 'ymag_cmodel_err', 'gflux_cmodel', 'gflux_cmodel_err', 'rflux_cmodel', 'rflux_cmodel_err', 'iflux_cmodel', 'iflux_cmodel_err', 'zflux_cmodel', 'zflux_cmodel_err', 'yflux_cmodel', 'yflux_cmodel_err', 'if_centroid_naive_flags', 'if_shape_sdss_flags', 'if_flags_pixel_bright_object_center', 'if_flags_pixel_bright_object_any', 'gf_cmodel_flux_flags', 'rf_cmodel_flux_flags', 'zf_cmodel_flux_flags', 'yf_cmodel_flux_flags', 'gf_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'rf_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'zf_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'yf_flags_pixel_clipped_any', 'gf_centroid_sdss_flags', 'rf_centroid_sdss_flags', 'zf_centroid_sdss_flags', 'yf_centroid_sdss_flags', 'gf_flags_pixel_edge', 'rf_flags_pixel_edge', 'if_flags_pixel_edge', 'zf_flags_pixel_edge', 'yf_flags_pixel_edge', 'gf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'rf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'zf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'yf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center', 'gf_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'rf_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'zf_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'yf_flags_pixel_saturated_center', 'gf_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'rf_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'if_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'zf_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'yf_flags_pixel_suspect_center', 'ir_detect_is_patch_inner', 'ir_detect_is_tract_inner', 'ir_countinputs', 'ir_classification_extendedness', 'ir_blendedness_abs_flux', 'ir_cmodel_fracdev', 'ir_cmodel_objective', 'ir_cmodel_flux_flags', 'ir_shape_sdss_flags', 'ir_merge_peak_g', 'ir_merge_peak_r', 'ir_merge_peak_i', 'ir_merge_peak_z', 'ir_merge_peak_y', 'ir_merge_footprint_g', 'ir_merge_footprint_r', 'ir_merge_footprint_i', 'ir_merge_footprint_z', 'ir_merge_footprint_y', 'ir_merge_measurement_g', 'ir_merge_measurement_r', 'ir_merge_measurement_i', 'ir_merge_measurement_z', 'ir_merge_measurement_y', 'ir_deblend_as_psf', 'specz_id', 'specz_name', 'specz_ra', 'specz_dec', 'z_hsc', 'z_hsc_err', 'objid_dr12_sdss', 'specobjid_dr12_sdss', 'a_u_sdss', 'a_g_sdss', 'a_r_sdss', 'a_i_sdss', 'a_z_sdss', 'ra_sdss', 'dec_sdss', 'umag_cmodel_sdss', 'umag_cmodel_err_sdss', 'gmag_cmodel_sdss', 'gmag_cmodel_err_sdss', 'rmag_cmodel_sdss', 'rmag_cmodel_err_sdss', 'imag_cmodel_sdss', 'imag_cmodel_err_sdss', 'zmag_cmodel_sdss', 'zmag_cmodel_err_sdss', 'model_ur_sdss', 'model_gr_sdss', 'model_gz_sdss', 'fracdev_r_sdss', 'devrad_r_sdss', 'devab_r_sdss', 'devrad_r_err_sdss', 'devab_r_err_sdss', 'exprad_r_sdss', 'expab_r_sdss', 'exprad_r_err_sdss', 'expab_r_err_sdss', 'z_sdss', 'zerr_sdss', 'scienceprimary_sdss', 'vdisp_sdss', 'vdisp_err_sdss', 'survey_sdss', 'z_photo_sdss', 'zerr_photo_sdss', 'logms_pca_sdss', 'logms_err_pca_sdss', 'vdisp_pca_sdss', 'vdisperr_pca_sdss', 'logms_gran1_sdss', 'logms_err_gran1_sdss', 'logms_gran2_sdss', 'logms_err_gran2_sdss', 'p_el_spec_sdss', 'p_cs_spec_sdss', 'p_mg_spec_sdss', 'p_el_nospec_sdss', 'p_cs_nospec_sdss', 'p_mg_nospec_sdss', 'logms_gran3_sdss', 'logms_err_gran3_sdss', 'logms_gran4_sdss', 'logms_err_gran4_sdss', 'vdisp_port_sdss', 'vdisp_err_port_sdss', 'bpt_port_sdss', 'ebv_port_sdss', 'ebv_err_port_sdss', 'sep_hsc_sdss', 'gama_id', 'survey_code_gama', 'ra_gama', 'dec_gama', 'z_gama', 'zquality_gama', 'z_tonry_gama', 'fluxscale_gama', 'logms_gama', 'logms_err_gama', 'logm2l_i_gama', 'logm2l_i_err_gama', 'logage_gama', 'logage_err_gama', 'logtau_gama', 'logtau_err_gama', 'metal_gama', 'metal_err_gama', 'ebv_gama', 'ebv_err_gama', 'logage_lw_gama', 'logage_lw_err_gama', 'gi_rest_gama', 'gi_rest_err_gama', 'ur_rest_gama', 'ur_rest_err_gama', 'gi_star_gama', 'ur_star_gama', 'sfr_halpha_gama', 'emiline_class_gama', 'gal_fit_r_gama', 'gal_result_r_gama', 'gal_chi2_r_gama', 'gal_qflag_r_gama', 'gal_mag_r_gama', 'gal_mag_10re_r_gama', 'gal_mu0_r_gama', 'gal_mue_r_gama', 'gal_muavg_r_gama', 'gal_re_r_gama', 'gal_r90_r_gama', 'gal_rec_r_gama', 'gal_nser_r_gama', 'gal_e_r_gama', 'gal_pa_r_gama', 'gal_mag_r_err_gama', 'gal_re_r_err_gama', 'gal_nser_r_err_gama', 'gal_e_r_err_gama', 'gal_mag_i_gama', 'gal_mag_i_err_gama', 'gal_mag_z_gama', 'gal_mag_z_err_gama', 'gal_mag_y_gama', 'gal_mag_y_err_gama', 'gal_mag_j_gama', 'gal_mag_j_err_gama', 'gal_mag_h_gama', 'gal_mag_h_err_gama', 'gal_mag_k_gama', 'gal_mag_k_err_gama', 'sep_hsc_gama']

Decide the best redshift

  • z_hsc > z_gama > z_sdss (> z_lambda)

nonbcg sample

In [10]:
z_use = copy.deepcopy(hscMaster['z_hsc'].data)
z_sdss = copy.deepcopy(hscMaster['z_sdss'].data)
z_gama = copy.deepcopy(hscMaster['z_gama'].data)

for ii, red in enumerate(z_use): 
    if not np.isfinite(red) or red <= 0.0:
        if np.isfinite(z_gama[ii]) and z_gama[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_gama[ii]
        elif np.isfinite(z_sdss[ii]) and z_sdss[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_sdss[ii]

# Add a new column
hscMaster.add_column(Column(z_use, name='z_use'))

In [11]:
hscMaster.write(os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec_specz_new.fits'), 
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

In [ ]:
## Or just load the catalog
hscMaster =, 'dr1_hsc_sdss_gama_1arcsec_specz_new.fits'), 

redbcg sample

In [29]:
z_use = copy.deepcopy(redbcgMaster['z_hsc'].data)
z_sdss = copy.deepcopy(redbcgMaster['z_sdss'].data)
z_gama = copy.deepcopy(redbcgMaster['z_gama'].data)
z_redm = copy.deepcopy(redbcgMaster['z_lambda_redm'].data)

for ii, red in enumerate(z_use): 
    if not np.isfinite(red) or red <= 0.0:
        if np.isfinite(z_gama[ii]) and z_gama[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_gama[ii]
        elif np.isfinite(z_sdss[ii]) and z_sdss[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_sdss[ii]
        elif np.isfinite(z_redm[ii]) and z_redm[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_redm[ii]

# Add a new column
redbcgMaster.add_column(Column(z_use, name='z_use'))

redmem sample

In [30]:
z_use = copy.deepcopy(redmemMaster['z_hsc'].data)
z_sdss = copy.deepcopy(redmemMaster['z_sdss'].data)
z_gama = copy.deepcopy(redmemMaster['z_gama'].data)
z_rmem = copy.deepcopy(redmemMaster['z_mem_sdss_redm'].data)
z_redm = copy.deepcopy(redmemMaster['z_lambda_redm'].data)

for ii, red in enumerate(z_use): 
    if not np.isfinite(red) or red <= 0.0:
        if np.isfinite(z_gama[ii]) and z_gama[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_gama[ii]
        elif np.isfinite(z_rmem[ii]) and z_rmem[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_rmem[ii]
        elif np.isfinite(z_sdss[ii]) and z_sdss[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_sdss[ii]
        elif np.isfinite(z_redm[ii]) and z_redm[ii] > 0.0:
            z_use[ii] = z_redm[ii]

# Add a new column
redmemMaster.add_column(Column(z_use, name='z_use'))

Quality control

  • ir_merge_peak_g/r/z/y are set

  • if_shape_sdss_flags is not set

  • ir_deblend_as_psf is not set
  • g/r/i/z/yf_flags_pixel_edge are not set
  • g/r/z/yf_cmodel_flux_flags are not set
  • g/r/z/yf_flags_pixel_clipped_any are not set
  • g/r/z/yf_centroid_sdss_flags are not set
  • g/r/z/yf_flags_pixel_saturated_center are not set
  • g/r/z/yf_flags_pixel_interpolated_center are not set

In [12]:
redbcgGood = qualityControl(redbcgMaster)
redmemGood = qualityControl(redmemMaster, strict=True)
nonbcgGood = qualityControl(hscMaster, strict=True)

# 498 / 704 items left in the sample
# 30264 / 42185 items left in the sample
# 86619 / 123167 items left in the sample

i-band cModel magnitude distribution

In [169]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.15)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Formatting 
ax1 = songPlotSetup(ax1)

# Vertical lines for sample selection 
ax1.axvline(0.2, linestyle='--', linewidth=4.5, c='k', alpha=0.3)
ax1.axvline(0.5, linestyle='--', linewidth=4.5, c='k', alpha=0.3)

# Histograms
temp = hist(nonbcgGood['imag_cmodel'] - nonbcgGood['a_i'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.6, color='k', normed=True, label='$\mathrm{All\ Redshift}$')
temp = hist(redmemGood['imag_cmodel'] - redmemGood['a_i'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.5, color='b', normed=True, label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Sat}$')
temp = hist(redbcgGood['imag_cmodel'] - redbcgGood['a_i'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.4, color='r', normed=True, label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Cen}$')

# X, Y limits
ax1.set_xlim(21.2, 14.79)
ax1.set_ylim(0.010, 0.699)

# X, Y Label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{cModel\ magnitude}$', fontsize=35)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{Normalized\ Counts}$', fontsize=35)

# Legend
l_handles, l_labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax1.legend(l_handles, l_labels, loc=(0.67, 0.70),
           shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=26, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=1.8, borderpad=0.2, handletextpad=0.1)

# Save
fig.savefig('figure/massive_s15b_icmodel_hist.png', dpi=200)

Redshift range

  • 0.1999 < z_use < 0.520

In [215]:
redbcgIY = (redbcgGood['imag_cmodel'] - redbcgGood['a_i'] - 
            redbcgGood['ymag_cmodel'] + redbcgGood['a_y'])
redbcgUse = redbcgGood[(redbcgGood['z_use'] >= 0.1999) &
                       (redbcgGood['z_use'] <= 0.5010) & 
                       (redbcgGood['lambda_redm'] - redbcgGood['lambda_err_redm'] >= 18.0) &
                       (redbcgGood['p_cen_1_redm'] >= 0.55) & 
                       (redbcgIY > 0.10) & (redbcgIY <= 0.86)]
print("# %d / %d left in the sample" % (len(redbcgUse), len(redbcgGood)))

# 375 / 498 left in the sample

In [216]:
redmemIY = (redmemGood['imag_cmodel'] - redmemGood['a_i'] - 
            redmemGood['ymag_cmodel'] + redmemGood['a_y'])
redmemUse = redmemGood[(redmemGood['z_use'] >= 0.1999) &
                       (redmemGood['z_use'] <= 0.5101) & 
                       (redmemGood['lambda_redm'] - redmemGood['lambda_err_redm'] >= 18.0) &
                       (redmemGood['p_mem_redm'] >= 0.80) & 
                       (redmemGood['imag_cmodel'] - redmemGood['a_i'] <= 20.2) &
                       (redmemIY > 0.10) & (redmemIY <= 0.86)]
print("# %d / %d left in the sample" % (len(redmemUse), len(redmemGood)))

# 4250 / 30264 left in the sample

In [217]:
nonbcgIY = (nonbcgGood['imag_cmodel'] - nonbcgGood['a_i'] - 
            nonbcgGood['ymag_cmodel'] + nonbcgGood['a_y'])
nonbcgUse = nonbcgGood[(nonbcgGood['z_use'] >= 0.1999) &
                       (nonbcgGood['z_use'] <= 0.5101) & 
                       (nonbcgGood['imag_cmodel'] - nonbcgGood['a_i'] <= 20.2) &
                       (nonbcgIY > 0.10) & (nonbcgIY <= 0.86)]
print("# %d / %d left in the sample" % (len(nonbcgUse), len(nonbcgGood)))

# 29973 / 86619 left in the sample

Add index and ID string

In [218]:
redbcgUse.add_column(Column(np.arange(len(redbcgUse)) + 1, name='index'))
redmemUse.add_column(Column(np.arange(len(redmemUse)) + 1, name='index'))
nonbcgUse.add_column(Column(np.arange(len(nonbcgUse)) + 1, name='index'))

In [222]:
redbcgUse.add_column(Column(np.asarray(['redbcg_' + str(i).strip() 
                                        for i in redbcgUse['index']]), 
redmemUse.add_column(Column(np.asarray(['redmem_' + str(i).strip() 
                                        for i in redmemUse['index']]), 
nonbcgUse.add_column(Column(np.asarray(['nonbcg_' + str(i).strip() 
                                        for i in nonbcgUse['index']]), 

Add Maggies and IvarMaggies, and save the catalogs

In [223]:
redbcgNew = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_redbcg_use.fits')
redmemNew = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_redmem_use.fits')
nonbcgNew = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_nonbcg_use.fits')

# Save the catalogs
redbcgUse.write(redbcgNew, format='fits', overwrite=True)
redmemUse.write(redmemNew, format='fits', overwrite=True)
nonbcgUse.write(nonbcgNew, format='fits', overwrite=True)

In [224]:
# Add maggies, and save catalogs for SED fitting (All 5 bands)
redbcgSed = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_redbcg_use_sed5b.fits')
redmemSed = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_redmem_use_sed5b.fits')
nonbcgSed = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_nonbcg_use_sed5b.fits')

redbcgMag5 = addMaggies(redbcgNew, sortCol='z_use', filters=hscFilters, 
                        snr=100.0, outputCat=redbcgSed)
redmemMag5 = addMaggies(redmemNew, sortCol='z_use', filters=hscFilters, 
                        snr=100.0, outputCat=redmemSed)
nonbcgMag5 = addMaggies(nonbcgNew, sortCol='z_use', filters=hscFilters, 
                        snr=100.0, outputCat=nonbcgSed)

# Add maggies, and save catalogs for SED fitting (All 5 bands)
redbcgSed4 = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_redbcg_use_sed4b.fits')
redmemSed4 = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_redmem_use_sed4b.fits')
nonbcgSed4 = os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_nonbcg_use_sed4b.fits')

hscFilter4 = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z']
redbcgMag4 = addMaggies(redbcgNew, sortCol='z_use', filters=hscFilter4, 
                        snr=100.0, outputCat=redbcgSed4)
redmemMag4 = addMaggies(redmemNew, sortCol='z_use', filters=hscFilter4, 
                        snr=100.0, outputCat=redmemSed4)
nonbcgMag4 = addMaggies(nonbcgNew, sortCol='z_use', filters=hscFilter4, 
                        snr=100.0, outputCat=nonbcgSed4)

Exam the i-Y color

In [200]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.10, right=0.90, 
                    bottom=0.08, top=0.99,
                    wspace=0.02, hspace=0.00)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1 = songPlotSetup(ax1)

# Color limtis 
ax1.axhline(0.90, linestyle='--', linewidth=4.0, alpha=0.7, color='k')
ax1.axhline(0.10, linestyle='--', linewidth=4.0, alpha=0.7, color='k')

# Scatter plots
              (nonbcgUse['imag_cmodel'] - nonbcgUse['a_i'] - 
               nonbcgUse['ymag_cmodel'] + nonbcgUse['a_y']), 
              ax=ax1, alpha=0.08, colorUse='k', sizeUse=15.0,
              xtick=0.1, label='$\Lambda\leq 20; \mathrm{All}$')
              (redmemUse['imag_cmodel'] - redmemUse['a_i'] - 
               redmemUse['ymag_cmodel'] + redmemUse['a_y']), 
              ax=ax1, alpha=0.20, colorUse='b', sizeUse=20.0,
              label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Sat}$')
              (redbcgUse['imag_cmodel'] - redbcgUse['a_i'] - 
               redbcgUse['ymag_cmodel'] + redbcgUse['a_y']), 
              ax=ax1, alpha=0.40, colorUse='r', sizeUse=60.0,
              label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Cen}$')

# X, Y-label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{Redshift}$', fontsize=30)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{cModel}\ (i-\mathrm{Y})\ (\mathrm{mag})$', fontsize=30)


# X, Y-limit 
ax1.set_xlim(0.18, 0.525)
ax1.set_ylim(0.02, 0.95)

# Legend
l_handles, l_labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax1.legend(l_handles, l_labels, loc=(0.68, 0.06),
           shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=22, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=1.8, borderpad=0.2, handletextpad=0.1)

fig.savefig('figure/massive_s15b_zuse_iycolor.png', dpi=200)

Plot the redshift distributions

In [201]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.15)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Formatting 
ax1 = songPlotSetup(ax1)

# Vertical lines for sample selection 
ax1.axvline(0.2, linestyle='--', linewidth=4.5, c='k', alpha=0.3)
ax1.axvline(0.5, linestyle='--', linewidth=4.5, c='k', alpha=0.3)

# Histograms
temp = hist(nonbcgGood['z_use'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.2, color='k', normed=False, 
            label='$\Lambda\leq 20; \mathrm{All}$')
temp = hist(redmemGood['z_use'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.5, color='b', normed=False, 
            label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Sat}$')
temp = hist(redbcgGood['z_use'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.8, color='r', normed=False, 
            label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Cen}$')

# X, Y limits
ax1.set_xlim(0.001, 0.79)
ax1.set_ylim(9.49, 11990.0)

# X, Y Label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{Redshift}$', fontsize=35)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\log\ (\mathrm{Counts})$', fontsize=35)

# LogY axis

# Legend
l_handles, l_labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax1.legend(l_handles, l_labels, loc=(0.75, 0.76),
           shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=22, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=1.8, borderpad=0.2, handletextpad=0.1)

fig.savefig('figure/massive_s15b_zuse_hist1.png', dpi=200)

In [228]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.15)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Formatting 
ax1 = songPlotSetup(ax1)

# Vertical lines for sample selection 
ax1.axvline(0.2, linestyle='--', linewidth=4.5, c='k', alpha=0.3)
ax1.axvline(0.5, linestyle='--', linewidth=4.5, c='k', alpha=0.3)

# Histograms
temp = hist(nonbcgGood['z_use'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.6, color='k', normed=True, label='$\Lambda\leq 20; \mathrm{All}$')
temp = hist(redmemGood['z_use'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.5, color='b', normed=True, label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Sat}$')
temp = hist(redbcgGood['z_use'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', 
            alpha=0.4, color='r', normed=True, label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Cen}$')

# X, Y limits
ax1.set_xlim(0.001, 0.79)
ax1.set_ylim(0.000, 6.99)

# X, Y Label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{Redshift}$', fontsize=35)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{Normalized\ Counts}$', fontsize=35)

# Legend
l_handles, l_labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax1.legend(l_handles, l_labels, loc=(0.67, 0.70),
           shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=26, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=1.8, borderpad=0.2, handletextpad=0.1)

fig.savefig('figure/massive_s15b_zuse_hist2.png', dpi=200)

Clean the nonBCG sample

Match with the redBCG sample

  • The nonBCG should be at least 2.5 Mpc away from any redBCG at the redshift of the BCG
  • Also the redshift difference should be larger than 0.06

In [50]:
def greatCircleDistance(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):
    Borrowed from
    (Private internal function)
    Returns great circle distance.  Inputs in degrees.
    Uses vicenty distance formula - a bit slower than others, but
    numerically stable.
    from numpy import radians, degrees, sin, cos, arctan2, hypot

    # terminology from the Vicenty formula - lambda and phi and
    # "standpoint" and "forepoint"
    lambs = radians(ra1)
    phis = radians(dec1)
    lambf = radians(ra2)
    phif = radians(dec2)

    dlamb = lambf - lambs

    numera = cos(phif) * sin(dlamb)
    numerb = cos(phis) * sin(phif) - sin(phis) * cos(phif) * cos(dlamb)
    numer = hypot(numera, numerb)
    denom = sin(phis) * sin(phif) + cos(phis) * cos(phif) * cos(dlamb)
    return degrees(arctan2(numer, denom))

def clearCylinder(tab1, tab2, zThr=0.06, rThr=2.5, 
                  rCol='ra_hsc', dCol='dec_hsc', zCol='z_hsc'):
    """Remove objects from tabs that match with tab1 in a Cylinder."""
    tabT = copy.deepcopy(tab2)
    for g in tab1: 
        ii = np.where((np.abs(tabT[zCol] - g[zCol]) <= zThr) & 
                      (greatCircleDistance(g[rCol], g[dCol], tabT[rCol], tabT[dCol]) *
                       (60.0 * cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(g[zCol]).value / 1000.0) <= rThr))    
        if len(ii[0] > 0):
    return tabT

In [11]:
masterDir = '/Users/songhuang/Downloads/dr15b/master'
redbcgData =, 'dr1_redbcg_use.fits'), 
print("# redbcg: %d" % len(redbcgData))

redmemData =, 'dr1_redmem_use.fits'), 
print("# redmem: %d" % len(redmemData))

nonbcgData =, 'dr1_nonbcg_use.fits'), 
print("# nonbcg: %d" % len(nonbcgData))

WARNING: UnitsWarning: 'dex' did not parse as fits unit: At col 0, Unit 'dex' not supported by the FITS standard.  [astropy.units.core]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: 'M_sun/yr' did not parse as fits unit: At col 0, Unit 'M_sun' not supported by the FITS standard.  [astropy.units.core]
# redbcg: 375
# redmem: 4250
# nonbcg: 29973

In [53]:
nonbcgFilter1 = clearCylinder(redbcgData, nonbcgData,
                              zThr=0.10, rThr=2.5)

print("# %d / %d left in nonBCG sample" % (len(nonbcgFilter1), len(nonbcgData)))

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
# 27199 / 29973 left in nonBCG sample

Match with the redMem sample

  • The nonBCG should be at least 1.0 Mpc away from any redMem at the redshift of the BCG
  • Also the redshift difference should be larger than 0.06

In [54]:
nonbcgFilter2 = clearCylinder(redmemData, nonbcgFilter1,
                              zThr=0.10, rThr=2.5)

print("# %d / %d left in nonBCG sample" % (len(nonbcgFilter2), len(nonbcgData)))

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
# 26132 / 29973 left in nonBCG sample

Select the final sample

In [61]:
nonbcgTemp = copy.deepcopy(nonbcgFilter2)
nonbcgUse = nonbcgTemp[nonbcgTemp['ir_countinputs'] > 3]

print("# %d / %d have countInputs > 3" % (len(nonbcgUse), len(nonbcgTemp)))

nonbcgUse.write(os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_nonbcg_use_clean.fits'), 
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

# 20702 / 26132 have countInputs > 3

In [62]:
redmemUse = redmemData[redmemData['ir_countinputs'] > 3]

print("# %d / %d have countInputs > 3" % (len(redmemUse), len(redmemData)))

redmemUse.write(os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_redmem_use_clean.fits'), 
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

# 3492 / 4250 have countInputs > 3

In [64]:
redbcgUse = redbcgData[redbcgData['ir_countinputs'] > 2]

print("# %d / %d have countInputs > 3" % (len(redbcgUse), len(redbcgData)))

redbcgUse.write(os.path.join(masterDir, 'dr1_redbcg_use_clean.fits'), 
                format='fits', overwrite=True)

# 348 / 375 have countInputs > 3

Show the RA, DEC distributions of potential galaxies

In [63]:
redbcgUse = redbcgData
redmemUse = redmemUse 
nonbcgUse = nonbcgUse

G09: GAMA09

In [67]:
raCol, decCol = 'ra_hsc', 'dec_hsc'

# Acceptance Mask in five bands
acpStr = acpFormat.replace('FILTER', 'I')
acpStr = acpStr.replace('REG', 'g09')
acpFile = os.path.join(polyDir, acpStr)
acpMask = polyReadWkb(acpFile)
acpPrep = prep(acpMask)

acp2 = acpFormat.replace('FILTER', 'G')
acp2 = acp2.replace('REG', 'g09')
acpFile2 = os.path.join(polyDir, acp2)
acpMask2 = polyReadWkb(acpFile2)

acp3 = acpFormat.replace('FILTER', 'Z')
acp3 = acp2.replace('REG', 'g09')
acpFile3 = os.path.join(polyDir, acp3)
acpMask3 = polyReadWkb(acpFile3)

acpAll = copy.deepcopy(acpMask)
acpAll = acpAll.intersection(acpMask2)
acpAll = acpAll.intersection(acpMask3)

# Rejection mask in I bands 
rejStr = rejFormat.replace('FILTER', 'I')
rejStr = rejStr.replace('REG', 'g09')
rejFile = os.path.join(polyDir, rejStr)
rejMask = polyReadWkb(rejFile)
rejPrep = prep(rejMask)

#inside = map(lambda x, y: acpPrep.contains(Point(x, y)), raArr, decArr)
#masked = map(lambda x, y: rejPrep.contains(Point(x, y)), raArr, decArr)
#useful = map(lambda x, y: x and (not y), inside, masked)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 12))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.15)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

# Formatting 
ax1 = songPlotSetup(ax1)

# RedMapper 
#ax1.scatter(redmemUse[raCol], redmemUse[decCol], c='b', s=30, 
#            alpha=0.4, marker='x', edgecolor='none', 
#            label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Sat}$')
ax1.scatter(nonbcgUse[raCol], nonbcgUse[decCol], c='k', s=25, 
            alpha=0.5, marker='+', label='$\Lambda\leq 20; \mathrm{All}$')
ax1.scatter(redbcgUse[raCol], redbcgUse[decCol], c='r', s=150, 
            alpha=0.6, marker='o', edgecolor='none',
            label='$\Lambda>20; \mathrm{Cen}$')

# Boundary 
#showPolyMask(acpMask, ax1, alpha=0.8, lw=3.0, color='k')
showPolyMask(rejMask, ax1, alpha=0.1, lw=1.0, color='b')

# Label
ax1.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{RA\ (deg)}$',  size=42)
ax1.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{DEC\ (deg)}$', size=42)

# Axis limits
ax1.set_xlim(acpMask.bounds[0]-0.5, acpMask.bounds[2]+0.6)
ax1.set_ylim(acpMask.bounds[1]-0.2, acpMask.bounds[3]+0.4)

# Title 
ax1.text(0.02, 0.92, '$\mathrm{G09}$', size=45, 
         transform = ax1.transAxes)

# Legend
l_handles, l_labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax1.legend(l_handles, l_labels, loc=(0.805, 0.870),
           shadow=True, fancybox=True, 
           numpoints=1, fontsize=21, scatterpoints=1, 
           markerscale=1.8, borderpad=0.2, handletextpad=0.1)

fig.savefig('figure/massive_s15b_g09_sample.png', dpi=200)