In [1]:
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import hstack
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Read the sdss and gaia catalogs
In [2]:
colnames = ['calib_fla', 'ra', 'dec', 'raRMS', 'decRMS', 'nEpochs', 'AR_val',
'u_Nobs', 'u_mMed', 'u_mMean', 'u_mErr', 'u_rms_scatt', 'u_chi2',
'g_Nobs', 'g_mMed', 'g_mMean', 'g_mErr', 'g_rms_scatt', 'g_chi2',
'r_Nobs', 'r_mMed', 'r_mMean', 'r_mErr', 'r_rms_scatt', 'r_chi2',
'i_Nobs', 'i_mMed', 'i_mMean', 'i_mErr', 'i_rms_scatt', 'i_chi2',
'z_Nobs', 'z_mMed', 'z_mMean', 'z_mErr', 'z_rms_scatt', 'z_chi2']
sdss ='stripe82calibStars_v2.6.dat', format='ascii', names=colnames)
In [3]:
colnames = ['ra', 'dec', 'nObs', 'Gmag', 'flux', 'fluxErr']
# gaia ='Stripe82_GaiaDR1_small.dat', format='ascii', names=colnames)
gaia ='Stripe82_GaiaDR1.dat', format='ascii', names=colnames)
Match gaia to sdss, since here sdss is much larger
In [4]:
sdss_coords = SkyCoord(ra = sdss['ra']*, dec= sdss['dec']*
gaia_coords = SkyCoord(ra = gaia['ra']*, dec= gaia['dec']*
# this is matching gaia to sdss, so that indices are into sdss catalog
# makes sense in this case since the sdss catalog is bigger than gaia
idx, d2d, d3d = gaia_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(sdss_coords)
# object separation is an object with units,
# I add that as a column so that one can
# select based on separation to the nearest matching object
gaia_sdss = hstack([gaia, sdss[idx]], table_names = ['gaia', 'sdss'])
gaia_sdss['sep_2d_arcsec'] = d2d.arcsec
# since it's matching gaia to sdss,
# the resulting catalog has the same length
# as gaia ...
In [5]:
from astroML.plotting import hist
ax = plt.axes()
hist(d2d.arcsec, bins='knuth', ax=ax, histtype='stepfilled', ec='k', fc='#AAAAAA')
ax.set_xlabel('radius of match (arcsec)')
ax.set_ylabel('N(r, r+dr)')
ax.set_xlim(0, 1.0)
print np.median(d2d.arcsec)
Select good matches
In [83]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
draOK = dra[(dra>-1.0)&(dra<1.0)]
print np.median(draOK)
print np.std(draOK)
hist, bins = np.histogram(draOK, bins=50)
center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2
ax.plot(center, hist, drawstyle='steps')
ax.set_xlabel('dRA (arcsec)')
ax.set_ylabel('N(r, r+dr)')
ax.set_xlim(-1.0, 1.0)
In [85]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ddecOK = ddec[(ddec>-1)&(ddec<1)]
print np.median(ddecOK)
print np.std(ddecOK)
hist, bins = np.histogram(ddecOK, bins=50)
center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2
ax.plot(center, hist, drawstyle='steps')
ax.set_xlabel('dDec (arcsec)')
ax.set_ylabel('N(r, r+dr)')
ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)
In [88]:
# I would call good match to be within a certain limit
# there is no built-in boundary - match_to_catalog_sky()
# will find the nearest match, regardless if it's an arcsecond
# or five degrees to the nearest one.
# gaia sources that have a good sdss match
flag = (gaia_sdss['sep_2d_arcsec'] < 0.5) # 486812 for <1 arcsec
gaia_matched = gaia_sdss[flag]
In [89]:
dra = 3600*(gaia_matched['ra_sdss'] - gaia_matched['ra_gaia'])
ddec = 3600*(gaia_matched['dec_sdss'] - gaia_matched['dec_gaia'])
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(dra, ddec, s=0.01, c='blue')
print np.median(dra)
print np.std(dra)
print np.median(ddec)
print np.std(ddec)
print np.min(dra)
print np.max(dra)
In [90]:
gi = gaia_matched['g_mMed'] - gaia_matched['i_mMed']
giAll = gaia_sdss['g_mMed'] - gaia_sdss['i_mMed']
r = gaia_matched['r_mMed']
rAll = gaia_sdss['r_mMed']
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(giAll, rAll, s=0.01, c='blue')
ax.scatter(gi, r, s=0.01, c='red')
In [91]:
r = gaia_matched['r_mMed']
rAll = gaia_sdss['r_mMed']
ra = gaia_matched['ra_sdss']
raW = np.where(ra > 180, ra-360, ra)
raA = gaia_sdss['ra_gaia']
raAW = np.where(raA > 180, raA-360, raA)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(raAW, rAll, s=0.01, c='blue')
ax.scatter(raW, r, s=0.01, c='red')
In [92]:
dec = gaia_matched['dec_gaia']
decA = gaia_sdss['dec_gaia']
ra = gaia_matched['ra_gaia']
raW = np.where(ra > 180, ra-360, ra)
raA = gaia_sdss['ra_gaia']
raAW = np.where(raA > 180, raA-360, raA)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(raAW, decA, s=0.01, c='blue')
ax.scatter(raW, dec, s=0.01, c='red')
In [93]:
rMed = gaia_matched['r_mMed']
# flagOK = ((raW > -10) & (raW < 50) & (rMed>15) & (rMed<20))
# flagOK = ((raW > -10) & (raW < 50) & (rMed>16) & (rMed<19))
flagOK = ((raW > -10) & (raW < 50) & (rMed>16) & (rMed<19) & (gi>0) & (gi<3.0))
gaia_matchedOK = gaia_matched[flagOK]
In [97]:
gr = gaia_matched['g_mMed'] - gaia_matched['r_mMed']
ri = gaia_matched['r_mMed'] - gaia_matched['i_mMed']
grOK = gaia_matchedOK['g_mMed'] - gaia_matchedOK['r_mMed']
riOK = gaia_matchedOK['r_mMed'] - gaia_matchedOK['i_mMed']
# plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(gr, ri, s=0.01, c='blue')
ax.scatter(grOK, riOK, s=0.01, c='red')
In [98]:
# given vectors x and y, fit medians in bins from xMin to xMax, with Nbin steps,
# and return xBin, medianBin, medianErrBin
def fitMedians(x, y, xMin, xMax, Nbin, verbose=1):
# first generate bins
xEdge = np.linspace(xMin, xMax, (Nbin+1))
xBin = np.linspace(0, 1, Nbin)
nPts = 0*np.linspace(0, 1, Nbin)
medianBin = 0*np.linspace(0, 1, Nbin)
sigGbin = -1+0*np.linspace(0, 1, Nbin)
for i in range(0, Nbin):
xBin[i] = 0.5*(xEdge[i]+xEdge[i+1])
yAux = y[(x>xEdge[i])&(x<=xEdge[i+1])]
if (yAux.size > 0):
nPts[i] = yAux.size
medianBin[i] = np.median(yAux)
# robust estimate of standard deviation: 0.741*(q75-q25)
sigmaG = 0.741*(np.percentile(yAux,75)-np.percentile(yAux,25))
# uncertainty of the median: sqrt(pi/2)*
sigGbin[i] = np.sqrt(np.pi/2)*sigmaG/np.sqrt(nPts[i])
nPts[i], medianBin[i], sigGBin[i] = 0
if (verbose):
print('median:', np.median(medianBin[Npts>0]))
return xBin, nPts, medianBin, sigGbin
In [99]:
Gr = gaia_matched['Gmag'] - gaia_matched['r_mMed']
gi = gaia_matched['g_mMed'] - gaia_matched['i_mMed']
GrOK = gaia_matchedOK['Gmag'] - gaia_matchedOK['r_mMed']
giOK = gaia_matchedOK['g_mMed'] - gaia_matchedOK['i_mMed']
# medians
#xBin, nPts, medianBin, sigGbin = fitMedians(gi, Gr, -0.7, 4.0, 47, 0)
#xBinOK, nPtsOK, medianBinOK, sigGbinOK = fitMedians(giOK, GrOK, -0.2, 3.2, 34, 0)
xBin, nPts, medianBin, sigGbin = fitMedians(gi, Gr, 0.0, 3.0, 30, 0)
xBinOK, nPtsOK, medianBinOK, sigGbinOK = fitMedians(giOK, GrOK, 0.0, 3.0, 30, 0)
#print xBin, nPts, medianBin, sigGbin
medOK1 = medianBin[(xBin>2)&(xBin<3)]
medOK2 = medianBinOK[(xBinOK>2)&(xBinOK<3)]
dmedOK = medOK2 - medOK1
#print dmedOK
In [100]:
from scipy import stats
from scipy import optimize
# this function computes polynomial models given some data x
# and parameters theta
def polynomial_fit(theta, x):
"""Polynomial model of degree (len(theta) - 1)"""
return sum(t * x ** n for (n, t) in enumerate(theta))
# compute the data log-likelihood given a model
def logL(data, theta, model=polynomial_fit):
"""Gaussian log-likelihood of the model at theta"""
x, y, sigma_y = data
y_fit = model(theta, x)
return sum(stats.norm.logpdf(*args)
for args in zip(y, y_fit, sigma_y))
# a direct optimization approach is used to get best model
# parameters (which minimize -logL)
def best_theta(data, degree, model=polynomial_fit):
theta_0 = (degree + 1) * [0]
neg_logL = lambda theta: -logL(data, theta, model)
return optimize.fmin_bfgs(neg_logL, theta_0, disp=False)
In [101]:
data = np.array([xBin, medianBin, sigGbin])
x, y, sigma_y = data
theta1 = best_theta(data,1)
In [208]:
from scipy import stats
from scipy import optimize
# this function computes a linear combination of 4 functions
# given parameters theta
def linear_fit(coeffs, x, w, y, z):
ffit = coeffs[0]*x + coeffs[1]*w + coeffs[2]*y + coeffs[3]*z
return ffit
# compute the data log-likelihood given a model
def logL(dataL, coeffs, model=linear_fit):
"""Gaussian log-likelihood of the model at theta"""
x, w, y, z, f, sigma_f = dataL
f_fit = model(coeffs, x, w, y, z)
return sum(stats.norm.logpdf(*args)
for args in zip(f, f_fit, sigma_f))
# a direct optimization approach is used to get best model
# parameters (which minimize -logL)
def best_lintheta(dataL, degree=4, model=linear_fit):
coeffs_0 = degree * [0]
neg_logL = lambda coeffs: -logL(dataL, coeffs, model)
return optimize.fmin_bfgs(neg_logL, coeffs_0, disp=False)
In [209]:
GmagOK = gaia_matchedOK['Gmag']
GG = 25.525-2.5*np.log10(gaia_matchedOK['flux'])
dG = GG - GmagOK
print np.median(dG)
print np.std(dG)
print np.median(gaia_matchedOK['flux'])
In [210]:
ra = gaia_matchedOK['ra_gaia']
raW = np.where(ra > 180, ra-360, ra)
gi = gaia_matchedOK['g_mMed'] - gaia_matchedOK['i_mMed']
rMed = gaia_matchedOK['r_mMed']
flagOK = ((raW > -10) & (raW < 50) & (rMed>16) & (rMed<19) & (gi>0) & (gi<3.0))
Gmag = gaia_matchedOK['Gmag']
flagOK2 = (flagOK & (Gmag > 16) & (Gmag < 16.5))
gaia_matchedOK2 = gaia_matchedOK[flagOK2]
In [211]:
fluxGaia = gaia_matchedOK2['flux']
fluxGaiaErr = gaia_matchedOK2['fluxErr']
gFlux = 10**(0.4*gaia_matchedOK2['g_mMean'])
rFlux = 10**(0.4*gaia_matchedOK2['r_mMean'])
iFlux = 10**(0.4*gaia_matchedOK2['i_mMean'])
zFlux = 10**(0.4*gaia_matchedOK2['z_mMean'])
dataL = np.array([gFlux, rFlux, iFlux, zFlux, fluxGaia, fluxGaiaErr])
x, w, y, z, f, sigma_f = dataL
coeffs1 = best_lintheta(dataL)
ffit = linear_fit(coeffs1, x, w, y, z)
dmag = -2.5*np.log10(ffit/f)
In [215]:
print np.median(dmag)
print np.std(dmag)
print coeffs1
print np.median(f)
print np.std(f)
print np.median(ffit)
print np.std(ffit)
In [214]:
fluxGaia = gaia_matchedOK['flux']
gFlux = 10**(0.4*gaia_matchedOK['g_mMean'])
rFlux = 10**(0.4*gaia_matchedOK['r_mMean'])
iFlux = 10**(0.4*gaia_matchedOK['i_mMean'])
zFlux = 10**(0.4*gaia_matchedOK['z_mMean'])
ffitOK = linear_fit(coeffs1, gFlux, rFlux, iFlux, zFlux)
dmagOK = -2.5*np.log10(ffitOK/fluxGaia)
print np.median(dmagOK)
print np.std(dmagOK)
In [102]:
data = np.array([xBin, medianBin, sigGbin])
Ndata = xBin.size
# get best-fit parameters for linear, quadratic and cubic models
theta1 = best_theta(data,3)
theta2 = best_theta(data,5)
theta3 = best_theta(data,7)
# generate best fit lines on a fine grid
xfit = np.linspace(-1.1, 4.3, 1000)
yfit1 = polynomial_fit(theta1, xfit)
yfit2 = polynomial_fit(theta2, xfit)
yfit3 = polynomial_fit(theta3, xfit)
# and compute chi2 per degree of freedom: sum{[(y-yfit)/sigma_y]^2}
chi21 = np.sum(((y-polynomial_fit(theta1, x))/sigma_y)**2)
chi22 = np.sum(((y-polynomial_fit(theta2, x))/sigma_y)**2)
chi23 = np.sum(((y-polynomial_fit(theta3, x))/sigma_y)**2)
# the number of fitted parameters is 2, 3, 4
chi2dof1 = chi21/(Ndata - 2)
chi2dof2 = chi22/(Ndata - 3)
chi2dof3 = chi23/(Ndata - 4)
In [103]:
print "CHI2:"
print ' best linear model:', chi21
print 'best quadratic model:', chi22
print ' best cubic model:', chi23
print "CHI2 per degree of freedom:"
print ' best linear model:', chi2dof1
print 'best quadratic model:', chi2dof2
print ' best cubic model:', chi2dof3
In [104]:
# Plot a (gaia - r) vs (g-i) for photometric transformation
%matplotlib inline
# plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,8))
ax.scatter(gi, Gr, s=0.01, c='blue')
ax.scatter(giOK, GrOK, s=0.01, c='red')
# medians
ax.scatter(xBin, medianBin, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(xBinOK, medianBinOK, s=30.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.5)
ax.set_ylabel('Gaia G - SDSS r')
ax.errorbar(x, y, sigma_y, fmt='ok', ecolor='gray')
ax.plot(xfit, polynomial_fit(theta1, xfit), label='best P3 model')
ax.plot(xfit, polynomial_fit(theta2, xfit), label='best P5 model')
ax.plot(xfit, polynomial_fit(theta3, xfit), label='best P7 model')
ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=14)
In [105]:
print theta3
In [155]:
# GrModel = -0.06348 -0.03111*gi +0.08643*gi*gi -0.05593*gi*gi*gi
GrModel = sum(t * gi ** n for (n, t) in enumerate(theta3))
GrResid = Gr - GrModel
xBinM, nPtsM, medianBinM, sigGbinM = fitMedians(gi, GrResid, -0.7, 4.0, 47, 0)
In [157]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,8))
ax.scatter(gi, GrResid, s=0.01, c='blue')
# medians
ax.scatter(xBinM, medianBinM, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.8)
ax.scatter(xBinM, medianBinM, s=20.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.3)
TwoSigP = medianBinM + 2*sigGbinM
TwoSigM = medianBinM - 2*sigGbinM
ax.plot(xBinM, TwoSigP, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xBinM, TwoSigM, c='yellow')
rmsBin = np.sqrt(nPtsM) / np.sqrt(np.pi/2) * sigGbinM
rmsP = medianBinM + rmsBin
rmsM = medianBinM - rmsBin
ax.plot(xBinM, rmsP, c='cyan')
ax.plot(xBinM, rmsM, c='cyan')
ax.set_ylabel('residuals for (Gaia G - SDSS r)')
xL = np.linspace(-10,10)
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.00, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.01, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL-0.01, c='red')
ax.plot(0*xL+0.4, xL, c='yellow')
ax.plot(0*xL+2.0, xL, c='yellow')
In [108]:
medOK = medianBinM[(xBinM>0.4)&(xBinM<2.0)]
In [109]:
print medOK
In [110]:
In [111]:
In [112]:
In [113]:
In [169]:
residOK = GrResid[(gi>0.4)&(gi<2.0)&(raW>-10)&(raW<50)]
magOK = rMed[(gi>0.4)&(gi<2.0)&(raW>-10)&(raW<50)]
gaiaG = gaia_matched['Gmag']
GOK = gaiaG[(gi>0.4)&(gi<2.0)&(raW>-10)&(raW<50)]
print np.median(residOK)
print np.std(residOK)
In [115]:
xBinMg, nPtsMg, medianBinMg, sigGbinMg = fitMedians(magOK, residOK, 14, 20.5, 65, 0)
In [158]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(magOK, residOK, s=0.01, c='blue')
# medians
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.8)
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=20.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.3)
ax.set_xlabel('SDSS r')
ax.set_ylabel('residuals for $G-G_{SDSS}$ ')
xL = np.linspace(-10,30)
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.00, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.01, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL-0.01, c='red')
In [117]:
print medianBinMg
In [123]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(magOK, residOK, s=0.01, c='blue')
# medians
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.8)
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=20.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.3)
ax.set_xlabel('SDSS r')
ax.set_ylabel('residuals for $G-G_{SDSS}$ ')
xL = np.linspace(-10,30)
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.00, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.01, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL-0.01, c='red')
In [161]:
print magOK.size
print GOK.size
xBinMg, nPtsMg, medianBinMg, sigGbinMg = fitMedians(GOK, residOK, 14, 20.5, 130, 0)
In [162]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(GOK, residOK, s=0.01, c='blue')
# medians
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.8)
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=20.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.3)
TwoSigP = medianBinMg + 2*sigGbinMg
TwoSigM = medianBinMg - 2*sigGbinMg
ax.plot(xBinMg, TwoSigP, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xBinMg, TwoSigM, c='yellow')
rmsBin = np.sqrt(nPtsMg) / np.sqrt(np.pi/2) * sigGbinMg
rmsP = medianBinMg + rmsBin
rmsM = medianBinMg - rmsBin
ax.plot(xBinMg, rmsP, c='cyan')
ax.plot(xBinMg, rmsM, c='cyan')
ax.set_xlabel('Gaia G mag')
ax.set_ylabel('residuals for $G_{Gaia}-G_{SDSS}$ ')
xL = np.linspace(-10,30)
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.00, c='cyan')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.01, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL-0.01, c='red')
In [181]:
gi = gaia_matched['g_mMed'] - gaia_matched['i_mMed']
ra = gaia_matched['ra_gaia']
raW = np.where(ra > 180, ra-360, ra)
flux = gaia_matched['flux']
fluxErr = gaia_matched['fluxErr']
fluxOK = flux[(gi>0.4)&(gi<2.0)&(raW>-10)&(raW<50)]
fluxErrOK = fluxErr[(gi>0.4)&(gi<2.0)&(raW>-10)&(raW<50)]
rBandErr = gaia_matched['r_mErr']
rBandErrOK = rBandErr[(gi>0.4)&(gi<2.0)&(raW>-10)&(raW<50)]
## Gaia's errors underestimated by a factor of ~2
sigma = np.sqrt((2*fluxErrOK/fluxOK)**2 + 1*rBandErrOK**2)
chi = residOK / sigma
xBinMg, nPtsMg, medianBinMg, sigGbinMg = fitMedians(GOK, chi, 14, 20.5, 130, 0)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(GOK, chi, s=0.01, c='blue')
# medians
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.8)
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=20.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.3)
TwoSigP = medianBinMg + 2*sigGbinMg
TwoSigM = medianBinMg - 2*sigGbinMg
ax.plot(xBinMg, TwoSigP, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xBinMg, TwoSigM, c='yellow')
rmsBin = np.sqrt(nPtsMg) / np.sqrt(np.pi/2) * sigGbinMg
rmsP = medianBinMg + rmsBin
rmsM = medianBinMg - rmsBin
ax.plot(xBinMg, rmsP, c='cyan')
ax.plot(xBinMg, rmsM, c='cyan')
ax.set_xlabel('Gaia G mag')
xL = np.linspace(-10,30)
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.00, c='cyan')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+2, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL-2, c='red')
In [179]:
Gerr = fluxErrOK/fluxOK
print np.median(Gerr)
print np.median(rBandErrOK)
In [166]:
residOK2 = residOK[(magOK>15)&(magOK<16)]
print np.median(residOK2)
mm = medianBinMg[(xBinMg>15)&(xBinMg<16)]
xx = xBinMg[(xBinMg>15)&(xBinMg<16)]
print mm
print xx
print "transition at G ~ 15.6"
In [130]:
## conclusions
# 1) select:(-10 < RA < 50) & (16 < SDSSr < 19) & (0.4< g-i < 2.0)
thetaFinal = theta3
print thetaFinal
In [142]:
rMed = gaia_matched['r_mMed']
gi = gaia_matched['g_mMed'] - gaia_matched['i_mMed']
ra = gaia_matched['ra_gaia']
raW = np.where(ra > 180, ra-360, ra)
flagOK = ((raW > -10) & (raW < 50) & (rMed>16) & (rMed<18) & (gi>0) & (gi<3.0))
# flagOK = ((raW > -10) & (raW < 50) & (rMed>16) & (rMed<19) & (gi>0) & (gi<3.0))
gaia_matchedOK = gaia_matched[flagOK]
In [143]:
giOK = gaia_matchedOK['g_mMed'] - gaia_matchedOK['i_mMed']
GrOK = gaia_matchedOK['Gmag'] - gaia_matchedOK['r_mMed']
GmagOK = gaia_matchedOK['Gmag']
GrModel = sum(t * giOK ** n for (n, t) in enumerate(theta3))
GrResid = GrOK - GrModel
print np.median(GrResid)
print np.std(GrResid)
print np.min(GrResid)
print np.max(GrResid)
In [144]:
#xBinMg, nPtsMg, medianBinMg, sigGbinMg = fitMedians(GmagOK, GrResid, 16, 18.8, 14, 0)
xBinMg, nPtsMg, medianBinMg, sigGbinMg = fitMedians(GmagOK, GrResid, 16, 17.8, 14, 0)
In [145]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(GmagOK, GrResid, s=0.01, c='blue')
# medians
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.9)
ax.scatter(xBinMg, medianBinMg, s=15.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel('Gaia G mag')
ax.set_ylabel('Gr residuals')
xL = np.linspace(-10,30)
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.00, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.01, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL-0.01, c='red')
In [146]:
print np.median(medianBinMg)
print np.std(medianBinMg)
In [147]:
GrResidN = GrResid - np.median(medianBinMg)
In [148]:
ra = gaia_matchedOK['ra_sdss']
raW = np.where(ra > 180, ra-360, ra)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(raW, GrResidN, s=0.01, c='blue')
ax.set_ylabel('Gmag residual')
xBin, nPts, medianBin, sigGbin = fitMedians(raW, GrResidN, -10, 50, 60, 0)
ax.scatter(xBin, medianBin, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.9)
ax.scatter(xBin, medianBin, s=15.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.5)
TwoSigP = medianBin + 2*sigGbin
TwoSigM = medianBin - 2*sigGbin
ax.plot(xBin, TwoSigP, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xBin, TwoSigM, c='yellow')
xL = np.linspace(-100,100)
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.00, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.01, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL-0.01, c='red')
In [149]:
print np.median(medianBin)
print np.std(medianBin)
print np.min(medianBin)
print np.max(medianBin)
In [153]:
dec = gaia_matchedOK['dec_sdss']
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6))
ax.scatter(dec, GrResidN, s=0.01, c='blue')
ax.set_ylabel('Gmag residual')
xBin, nPts, medianBin, sigGbin = fitMedians(dec, GrResidN, -1.2, 1.2, 120, 0)
ax.scatter(xBin, medianBin, s=30.0, c='black', alpha=0.9)
ax.scatter(xBin, medianBin, s=15.0, c='yellow', alpha=0.5)
TwoSigP = medianBin + 2*sigGbin
TwoSigM = medianBin - 2*sigGbin
ax.plot(xBin, TwoSigP, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xBin, TwoSigM, c='yellow')
xL = np.linspace(-100,100)
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.00, c='yellow')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL+0.01, c='red')
ax.plot(xL, 0*xL-0.01, c='red')
for i in range(1,12):
decCol = -1.2655 + i*0.2109
ax.plot(0*xL+decCol, xL, c='red')
In [151]:
print np.median(medianBin)
print np.std(medianBin)
print np.min(medianBin)
print np.max(medianBin)
In [ ]: