In [1]:
from __future__ import division, print_function
from IPython.display import display

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

In [2]:
import os
import sys

In [3]:
from import election_data, centroids_cartesian

In [89]:
from sklearn import cross_validation as cv, linear_model, metrics
import scipy.stats
import GPy

NOTE: as of early September 2016, the release version of GPy doesn't actually support Laplace inference with binomial likelihoods, but it works on the devel branch. You can get it with e.g.

pip install 'git+'

Load data

The embeddings:

In [5]:
with np.load(os.path.join(SORT_DIR, 'embeddings.npz') as d:

['emb_lin', 'freqs', 'bandwidth', 'emb_rff', 'region_names', 'feature_names']

The centroids, which we load in 3d Cartesian coordinates (in units of km) so that distances are accurate.

In [6]:
centroids = np.asarray(centroids_cartesian('00').loc[region_names])

The paper reported the learned lengthscale in some weird units, so let's start it at "a little more than half the median distance between locations".

In [7]:
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances

In [8]:
D2 = euclidean_distances(centroids, squared=True)
np.sqrt(np.median(D2[np.triu_indices_from(D2, k=1)]))


In [9]:
election = election_data().loc[region_names]

In [10]:

votes_D votes_G votes_L votes_R votes_oth
AK_00_01 122640 2917 7392 164676 2870
AL_00_01 18424 169 607 66016 275
AL_00_02 75150 116 301 62561 227
AL_00_03 15328 175 536 71439 402
AL_00_04 37374 211 631 74343 432

Ignore third-party votes; n is number of votes, y is number Democratic.

In [11]:
n = np.asarray(election.votes_D + election.votes_R)
y = np.asarray(election.votes_D)

In [12]:
X_lin = np.hstack([emb_lin, centroids])
X_rff = np.hstack([emb_rff, centroids])

In [13]:
n_regions = len(region_names)
n_feats = len(feature_names)
n_rff = emb_rff.shape[1]

Try out the model

Just do a single train/test split for right now.

In [14]:
train, test = next(iter(cv.ShuffleSplit(
            n_regions, test_size=.1, random_state=10)))

Linear embeddings

Here's the model using linear embeddings (i.e. feature means), along with the Matérn kernel on centroids, with hyperparameters more or less what the paper said worked well:

In [15]:
m_lin = GPy.core.GP(
    X_lin[train], y[train, np.newaxis],
            n_feats, variances=4.56,
            active_dims=range(0, n_feats))
        + GPy.kern.Matern32(
            3, variance=0.18, lengthscale=560,
            active_dims=range(n_feats, n_feats + 3)),
    Y_metadata={'trials': n[train, np.newaxis]},

 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:Not perfect mode found (f_hat). difference: 207.929438715, iteration: 30 out of max 30

In [16]:


Model: gp
Objective: 24446.7904359
Number of Parameters: 3
Number of Optimization Parameters: 3
Updates: True

gp. valueconstraintspriors
sum.linear.variances 4.56 +ve
sum.Mat32.variance 0.18 +ve
sum.Mat32.lengthscale560.0 +ve

In [17]:
def eval_preds(phat):
    plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='r')
    plt.scatter(y[test] / n[test], phat.squeeze())
    plt.xlim(0, 1)
    plt.ylim(0, 1)

    return metrics.explained_variance_score(y[test] / n[test], phat)

In [23]:
f, fstd = m_lin._raw_predict(X_lin[test])
phat = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(f.squeeze())


Predictions are pretty good. We can try optimizing it, see if that helps at all:

In [24]:

 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:f_hat now fine again. difference: 5.05701755174e-05, iteration: 4 out of max 30
 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:Not perfect mode found (f_hat). difference: 2.07836337076, iteration: 30 out of max 30
 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:f_hat now fine again. difference: 2.15533873416e-07, iteration: 14 out of max 30
 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:Not perfect mode found (f_hat). difference: 0.00392608354468, iteration: 30 out of max 30
 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:f_hat now fine again. difference: 3.26903927999e-05, iteration: 17 out of max 30
 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:f_hat now fine again. difference: 3.12667725666e-05, iteration: 17 out of max 30
 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:Not perfect mode found (f_hat). difference: 10.651530114, iteration: 30 out of max 30

In [25]:


Model: gp
Objective: 7965.33062611
Number of Parameters: 3
Number of Optimization Parameters: 3
Updates: True

gp. valueconstraintspriors
sum.linear.variances 3.62253710608 +ve
sum.Mat32.variance 0.136401266784 +ve
sum.Mat32.lengthscale 560.00075348 +ve

In [26]:
f, fstd = m_lin._raw_predict(X_lin[test])
phat = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(f.squeeze())


...the same.

Ridge regression

Of course, linear-kernel GPs are just ridge regression. If we drop the spatial kernel, we can investigate the importance of different features:

In [43]:
ridge = linear_model.RidgeCV()[train], y[train] / n[train])
ridge_phat = ridge.predict(X_lin[test])


In [71]:
w = np.abs(ridge.coef_).argsort()[:-20:-1]
for f, wt in zip(feature_names[w], ridge.coef_[w]):
    print('{:>15}  {: .4}'.format(f, wt))

         RELP_0   0.279
          MAR_1  -0.242
         HISP_1  -0.2247
          MAR_5   0.2217
        MSP_6.0   0.2217
        POBP_19   0.2188
 POWPUMA_6500.0   0.2176
        MSP_1.0  -0.2102
       ANC1P_32  -0.1976
      POWSP_2.0  -0.1975
       ANC1P_82   0.1959
       ANC1P_21  -0.1936
 MIGPUMA_2090.0  -0.1905
      POWSP_6.0   0.1896
      SCHL_14.0   0.1727
        POBP_24  -0.1667
     LANP_625.0   0.1655
        GCL_2.0   0.1647
        HISP_24   0.1645
  • RELP_0 shouldn't happen according to the documentation. Dunno what that means.
  • MAR_1 means "married."
  • HISP_1 means "not Hispanic."
  • MAR_5 means "never married."
  • MSP_6.0 also means "never married."
  • POBP_19 means "born in Iowa."
  • POWPUMA_6500.0 means you work in either a specific place in California or a specific place in Texas....
  • MSP_1.0 means "now married, spouse present."
  • ANC1P_32 means German ancestry, listed first.
  • POWSP_2.0 means "works in Alaska".
  • ANC1P_82 means Norwegian ancestry, listed first.
  • ANC1P_21 is Dutch.

Avoiding referencing specific locations

Note that several of those refer to specific places (POWPUMA refers to working in a specific area; POWSP_6.0 refers to a person who works in California; etc). We might try to avoid that:

Note that we could have done this in the embedding step by telling pummel featurize to ignore these features:


In [42]:
no_us_places = np.array([
    not (s.startswith('POBP_') or s.startswith('RELP_')
         or s.startswith('POWPUMA_') or s.startswith('POWSP')
         or s.startswith('MIGSP_') or s.startswith('MIGPUMA_'))
    for s in feature_names
ridge2 = linear_model.RidgeCV()[np.ix_(train, no_us_places)], y[train] / n[train])
ridge2_phat = ridge2.predict(X_lin[np.ix_(test, no_us_places)])


Hurts a little, but not much.

In [68]:
w = np.abs(ridge2.coef_).argsort()[:-20:-1]
for f, wt in zip(feature_names[w], ridge2.coef_[w]):
    print('{:>15}  {: .4}'.format(f, wt))

        GCL_2.0   0.491
           WKHP  -0.4464
        GCL_nan  -0.3558
       SCHG_4.0  -0.3353
     LANP_966.0   0.3153
          MAR_5   0.3153
        ANC1P_5  -0.2868
          MAR_1  -0.2656
       SCHG_7.0   0.2326
      ANC1P_904   0.2236
     LANP_864.0  -0.2198
       ANC1P_12   0.216
        RELP_13  -0.2109
       SCHG_5.0   0.2087
      ANC2P_822  -0.2054
      ANC1P_899  -0.1942
 naicsp02_32621  -0.1866
    indp02_9780  -0.1866
     indp07_nan   0.1842
  • GCL_2.0 indicates that the person is not a grandparent living with their grandchildren.
  • WKHP is the number of hours worked per week over the last year.
  • GCL_nan that either the person being referenced is under 30 or the household is an institution of some kind.
  • SCHG_4.0 indicates that the person is currently in middle school. (Remember that people under 18 are not in this dataset, so this is a rare feature.)
  • LANP_966.0 means that an American Indian language (other than Apache, "Navaho", Dakota, Keres, Cherokee, or Zuni) is spoken at home.
  • MAR_5 means "never married".
  • ANC1P_5 refers to Basque ancestry.
  • MAR_1 means "married".
  • SCHG_7.0 is people currently in graduate or professional school.
  • ANC1P_904 is "Negro" ancestry. (Note that "Afro American", "Afro", "African American", "Black" are also options.)
  • LANP_864.0 means "Navaho" is spoken at home.
  • ANC1P_12 is "British Isles" ancestry ("British" is also an option).

Random Fourier feature embeddings

In [84]:
m_rff = GPy.core.GP(
    X_rff[train], y[train, np.newaxis],
            n_rff, variances=4.56,
            active_dims=range(0, n_rff))
        + GPy.kern.Matern32(
            3, variance=0.18, lengthscale=560,
            active_dims=range(n_rff, n_rff + 3)),
    Y_metadata={'trials': n[train, np.newaxis]},

 /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPy-1.0.9-py2.7-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/ UserWarning:Not perfect mode found (f_hat). difference: 0.000293246681395, iteration: 30 out of max 30

In [85]:

In [91]:


Model: gp
Objective: 10014.7173089
Number of Parameters: 3
Number of Optimization Parameters: 3
Updates: True

gp. valueconstraintspriors
sum.linear.variances 4.56 +ve
sum.Mat32.variance 0.18 +ve
sum.Mat32.lengthscale560.0 +ve

In [94]:
f, fstd = m_rff._raw_predict(X_rff[test])
phat = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(f.squeeze())


About the same as, maybe slightly worse than, the straight linear embeddings...