In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import*
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
from statsmodels.stats.power import TTestIndPower
In [2]:
def norm_pdf(x, mu, sd):
dist = stats.norm(mu, sd)
return dist.pdf(x)
In [3]:
def run_simulation(mean, sigma, nobs, nsim=10000):
pval, diff = np.zeros(nsim), np.zeros(nsim)
for r in range(nsim):
s1, s2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, sigma, nobs).T
t, p = stats.ttest_ind(s1, s2, equal_var=False, nan_policy='omit')
diff[r] = np.mean(s1) - np.mean(s2)
pval[r] = p
return diff, pval
In [4]:
def produce_power_and_mean_effect_size(nobs):
Psig = 0.05
mean = np.array([0.0, 1.0])
sd = 1.0
sigma = np.array([[sd**2, 0.0], [0.0, sd**2]]) #covariance matrix
diff, pval = run_simulation(mean, sigma, nobs)
nsig = pval[pval <= Psig].size
md = -np.sum(diff[pval <= Psig]) / nsig
effect_size = (mean[0] - mean[1]) / sd
power_analysis = TTestIndPower()
pw = power_analysis.power(effect_size, nobs, Psig)
print('n=', nobs, 'power=', pw, 'meandiff=', md)
return pw, md
In [5]:
nsim = 10000
In [6]:
mean0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
sd0 = 1.0
sigma0 = np.array([[sd0**2, 0.0], [0.0, sd0**2]]) #covariance matrix
diff0, pval0 = run_simulation(mean0, sigma0, 16, nsim=nsim)
In [7]:
plt.hist(diff0, bins=20);
xlabel('difference between means')
In [8]:
plt.hist(pval0, bins=20);
xlabel('value of P')
In [9]:
Psig = 0.05
nsig0 = pval0[pval0 <= Psig].size
print("{0:.0f}% of 'significant' differences for 'significance' threshold P = {1:.2f}".
format(100*nsig0/nsim, Psig) +
'\nAll these are false positives.')
In [10]:
mu1, sd1 = 0.0, 1.0 # mean and SD of control gruop
mu2, sd2 = 1.0, 1.0 # mean and SD of treatmen group
n1, n2 = 16, 16 #number of obs per sample
In [11]:
xmin = mu1 - 4 * sd1
xmax = mu1 + 4 * sd1
increase = (xmax - xmin) / 100
x = np.arange(xmin, xmax, increase)
In [12]:
plot(x, norm_pdf(x, mu1, sd1), 'b-')
plot(x, norm_pdf(x, mu2, sd2), 'r-')
xlabel('distributions of observations')
ylabel('probability density');
In [13]:
plot(x, norm_pdf(x, mu1, sd1/sqrt(n1)), 'b-')
plot(x, norm_pdf(x, mu2, sd2/sqrt(n1)), 'r-')
xlabel('distributions of means (16 observations)')
ylabel('probability density');
The standard deviation of means of 16 observations is:
In [14]:
print('Standard deviation of means = ', sd1/sqrt(n1))
In [15]:
effect_size = (mu2 - mu1) / sd1
print('Effect size=', effect_size)
In [16]:
power_analysis = TTestIndPower()
pwr = power_analysis.power(effect_size, n1, Psig)
print('Power =', pwr, 'for P =', Psig)
In [17]:
mean = np.array([mu1, mu2])
sigma = np.array([[sd1**2, 0.0], [0.0, sd2**2]]) #covariance matrix
nsim = 10000
diff, pval = run_simulation(mean, sigma, n1, nsim=nsim)
In [18]:
plt.hist(diff, bins=20);
xlabel('difference between means')
In [19]:
plt.hist(pval, bins=20);
xlabel('value of P')
In [20]:
nsig = pval[pval <= Psig].size
print("{0:.0f}% of 'significant' differences for 'significance' threshold P = {1:.2f}".
format(100*nsig/nsim, Psig) +
'\nas expected from the calculated power {0:.3f}'.format(pwr))
In [21]:
#mean observed difference for expts with Pmin<P<=Pmax
meandiff = np.sum(diff[pval <= Psig]) / nsig
print("\n","Observed difference between means for 'sig' results = ",
meandiff, " True value = ", mu1-mu2)
The measured effect size is too big. This happens because experiments that have by a chance a larger than average effect size are more likely to be found 'significant' than those that happen to have small effect size.
In [22]:
diff4, pval4 = run_simulation(mean, sigma, 4, nsim=nsim)
plt.hist(pval4, bins=20)
xlabel('value of P')
In [23]:
pwr4 = power_analysis.power(effect_size, 4, Psig)
print('Power =', pwr4, 'for P =', Psig)
In [24]:
nsig4 = pval4[pval4 <= Psig].size
print("{0:.0f}% of 'significant' differences for 'significance' threshold P = {1:.2f}".
format(100*nsig4/nsim, Psig))
In [25]:
#mean observed difference for expts with Pmin<P<=Pmax
meandiff4 = np.sum(diff4[pval4 <= Psig]) / nsig4
print("\n","Observed difference between means for 'sig' results = ",
meandiff4, " True value = ", mu1-mu2)
In [26]:
nobs_list = [4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 50]
power_list, esize_list = [], []
for n in nobs_list:
pw, md = produce_power_and_mean_effect_size(n)
In [27]:
plot(power_list, esize_list, 'bo')
axhline(y=1, color='r')
ylabel("mean effect size for 'sig' results");
In [ ]: