Import Packages

In [1]:
from icalendar import *
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from __future__ import print_function
import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import errorcode
import pickle
import csv
import pandas
from import sql
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xlsxwriter
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import glob
import pytz
import calendar_parser as cp 
# for calendar_parser, I downloaded the Python file created for this package
# and saved it in the working directory with my Python file (Jupyter Notebook file). 
# In, their function _fix_timezone is very crucial for my code to 
# display the correct local time.

Establish Connection with MySQL (optional approach)

In [2]:
USER = # enter database username
PASS = # enter database password
HOST = # enter hostname, e.g. ''
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=USER, password=PASS, host=HOST)

In [3]:
cursor = cnx.cursor()

In [4]:
# Approach / Code modified from MySQL Connector web page
DB_NAME = "CalDb"

# 1) Creates database if it doesn't already exist
# 2) Then connects to the database
def create_database(cursor):
            "CREATE DATABASE {} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8'".format(DB_NAME))
    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
        print("Failed creating database: {}".format(err))

    cnx.database = DB_NAME    
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
    if err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR:
        cnx.database = DB_NAME

In [5]:
# Create table specifications
TABLES['eBike'] = (
    "  `eBikeName` varchar(10),"
    "  `Organizer` varchar(100),"
    "  `Created` datetime NOT NULL,"
    "  `Start` datetime NOT NULL,"
    "  `End` datetime NOT NULL"
    ") ENGINE=InnoDB")

In [6]:
# If table does not already exist, this code will create it based on specifications
for name, ddl in TABLES.iteritems():
        print("Creating table {}: ".format(name), end='')
    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
        if err.errno == errorcode.ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR:
            print("already exists.")

Creating table eBike: OK

In [7]:
# Obtain current count from each calendar to read in and add additional entries only
cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eBike WHERE eBikeName = 'Gold'")
GoldExistingCount = cursor.fetchall()

cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eBike WHERE eBikeName = 'Blue'")
BlueExistingCount = cursor.fetchall()

In [1]:

Read in Calendar Data

In [8]:
# Declare lists
eBikeName = []
Organizer = []
DTcreated = []
DTstart = []
DTend = []
Counter = 0

In [9]:
# Open first e-bike calendar, appends data, then repeats for second calendar. 
# A future modification I am working on is to bring this into one loop such that 
# as many calendars as desired for a specific table can be read in from one folder. 
# Additionally, I plan to look into potential for using the .ics url to read in
# calendar data so that the file does not need to be updated each time this code
# is run for analysis of calendar data. 
b = open('Gold.ics','rb')

In [10]:
cal = Calendar.from_ical(

timezones = cal.walk('VTIMEZONE')

for k in cal.walk():
    if == "VEVENT":
        Counter = Counter + 1
        if Counter > GoldExistingCount[0][0]:
            Organizer.append( re.sub(r'mailto:', "", str(k.get('ORGANIZER') ) ) )
            DTcreated.append( cp._fix_timezone( k.decoded('CREATED'), pytz.timezone(timezones[0]['TZID']) ) )
            DTstart.append( cp._fix_timezone( k.decoded('DTSTART'), pytz.timezone(timezones[0]['TZID']) ) )
            DTend.append( cp._fix_timezone( k.decoded('DTEND'), pytz.timezone(timezones[0]['TZID']) ) )


In [11]:
# Resetting 'Counter' to 0 and opening next calendar...
Counter = 0
b = open('Blue.ics','rb')

In [12]:
cal = Calendar.from_ical(

timezones = cal.walk('VTIMEZONE')

for k in cal.walk():
    if == "VEVENT":
        Counter = Counter + 1
        if Counter > BlueExistingCount[0][0]:
            Organizer.append( re.sub(r'mailto:', "", str(k.get('ORGANIZER') ) ) )
            DTcreated.append( cp._fix_timezone( k.decoded('CREATED'), pytz.timezone(timezones[0]['TZID']) ) )
            DTstart.append( cp._fix_timezone( k.decoded('DTSTART'), pytz.timezone(timezones[0]['TZID']) ) )
            DTend.append( cp._fix_timezone( k.decoded('DTEND'), pytz.timezone(timezones[0]['TZID']) ) )


In [13]:
# Now that calendar data is fully read in, create a list with data in a format for 
# entering into the MySQL database. 
# At this point, if the MySQL Connector component is not desired, other approaches  
# include creating a Pandas dataframe or something else.
# For reference, a Pandas dataframe could be created with the following command: 
# df = pandas.DataFrame({'ORGANIZER' : Organizer,'CREATED' : DTcreated, 'DTSTART' : DTstart,'DTEND': DTend})
eBikeData = []
for i in range(len(DTcreated)):
    eBikeData.append((eBikeName[i], Organizer[i], DTcreated[i], DTstart[i], DTend[i]))

MySQL and Excel Connection for Desired Data

In [14]:
# Insert calendar data into MySQL table eBike
cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO eBike (eBikeName, Organizer, Created, Start, End) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", 

Emails for Weekly E-Bike Use Survey

In [3]:
# Find emails associated with reservations created at latest 7 days ago

cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT Organizer FROM eBike WHERE DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), Start) <= 7 AND DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), Start) >= 0")
WeeklyEmail = cursor.fetchall()
Email = []
for i in range(len(WeeklyEmail)):
    if(Email[i] != 'None'):

In [415]:
# Workbook Document Name
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('E-BikeUpdate' + datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d") + '.xlsx')

# Define 'bold' format
bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
format1 = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1,
                               'bg_color': '#3CDAE5',
                               'font_color': '#092A51'})
format2 = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1,
                               'bg_color': '#DA7BD0',
                               'font_color': '#A50202'})

# Add Intro Sheet
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('INTRO')
worksheet.write('A1', 'Sheet', bold)
worksheet.write('A2', 'Ebike_Rides_by_User')
worksheet.write('A3', 'Trips_by_Res_Time')
worksheet.write('A4', 'Trips_by_Weekday')
worksheet.write('A5', 'Utilization')
worksheet.write('A6', 'Aggregate_Advance_Reservation')
worksheet.write('A7', 'Time_Series_Advance_Reservation')

worksheet.write('B1', 'Description', bold)
worksheet.write('B2', 'Total E-Bike Rides by User Email')
worksheet.write('B3', 'Total E-Bike Rides by Reservation Hour')
worksheet.write('B4', 'Total E-Bike Rides by Weekday')
worksheet.write('B5', 'Average and Maximum Percent and Hours Utilization')
worksheet.write('B6', 'Number of Days E-Bikes Were Reserved in Advance, by Count of Reservations')
worksheet.write('B7', 'Number of Days E-Bikes Were Reserved in Advance, by Reservation Start Datetime')


Total e-Bike Rides by User

In [416]:
cursor.execute("SELECT Organizer, COUNT(*) AS Total_Rides FROM eBike GROUP BY Organizer ORDER BY Total_Rides DESC;")
TotalRides_by_User = cursor.fetchall()

In [417]:
# Worksheet Name
worksheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet('Ebike_Rides_by_User')

# Column Names
worksheet1.write('A1', 'User', bold)
worksheet1.write('B1', 'Total Rides', bold)

# Declare Starting Point for row, col
row = 1
col = 0

# Iterate over the data and write it out row by row
for UserEmail, UserRideCount in (TotalRides_by_User):
    worksheet1.write(row, col,     UserEmail)
    worksheet1.write(row, col + 1, UserRideCount)
    row += 1

# Conditional Formatting: E-bike Users with 20+ Rides
worksheet1.conditional_format('B1:B9999', {'type':     'cell',
                                        'criteria': '>=',
                                        'value':    20,
                                        'format':   format1})

Total Trips by Reservation Time

In [418]:
cursor.execute("SELECT EXTRACT(HOUR FROM Start) AS Hour_24, DATE_FORMAT(Start, '%h %p') AS Reservation_Time, COUNT(*) AS Total_Rides FROM eBike GROUP BY Reservation_Time, Hour_24 ORDER BY Hour_24 ASC")
Trips_by_Time = cursor.fetchall()

In [419]:
# Worksheet Name
worksheet2 = workbook.add_worksheet('Trips_by_Res_Time')  # Data.

# Column Names
worksheet2.write('A1', 'Reservation Time', bold)
worksheet2.write('B1', 'Total Rides', bold)

# Declare Starting Point for row, col
row = 1
col = 0

# Iterate over the data and write it out row by row
for Hour_24, Reservation_Time, Total_Rides in (Trips_by_Time):
    worksheet2.write(row, col,     Reservation_Time)
    worksheet2.write(row, col + 1, Total_Rides)
    row += 1
# Add Chart
chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'line'})

# Add Data to Chart
    'categories': '=Trips_by_Res_Time!$A$2:$A$16',
    'values':     '=Trips_by_Res_Time!$B$2:$B$16',
    'fill':       {'color': '#791484'},
    'border':     {'color': '#52B7CB'}

# Format Chart
    'name': 'Total Rides by Reservation Time',
    'name_font': {
        'name': 'Calibri',
        'color': '#52B7CB',

    'name': 'Reservation Time',
    'empty_cells': 'gaps',
    'name_font': {
        'name': 'Calibri',
        'color': '#52B7CB'
    'num_font': {
        'name': 'Arial',
        'color': '#52B7CB',

    'name': 'Total Rides',
    'empty_cells': 'gaps',
    'name_font': {
        'name': 'Calibri',
        'color': '#52B7CB'
    'num_font': {
        'italic': True,
        'color': '#52B7CB',

# Remove Legend
chart.set_legend({'position': 'none'})

# Insert Chart
worksheet2.insert_chart('E1', chart)


Total Trips by Weekday

In [420]:
cursor.execute("SELECT DAYNAME(Start) AS Weekday, COUNT(*) AS Total_Rides FROM eBike GROUP BY Weekday ORDER BY FIELD(Weekday, 'MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY', 'FRIDAY', 'SATURDAY', 'SUNDAY')")
Trips_by_Weekday = cursor.fetchall()

In [421]:
# Worksheet Name
worksheet3 = workbook.add_worksheet('Trips_by_Weekday')

# Column Names
worksheet3.write('A1', 'Weekday', bold)
worksheet3.write('B1', 'Total Rides', bold)

# Declare Starting Point for row, col
row = 1
col = 0

# Iterate over the data and write it out row by row
for Weekday, Total_Rides_by_Weekday in (Trips_by_Weekday):
    worksheet3.write(row, col,     Weekday)
    worksheet3.write(row, col + 1, Total_Rides_by_Weekday)
    row += 1
# Add Chart
chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'line'})

# Add Data to Chart
    'categories': '=Trips_by_Weekday!$A$2:$A$8)',
    'values':     '=Trips_by_Weekday!$B$2:$B$8)',
    'fill':       {'color': '#791484'},
    'border':     {'color': '#52B7CB'}

# Format Chart
    'name': 'Total Rides by Weekday',
    'name_font': {
        'name': 'Calibri',
        'color': '#52B7CB',

    'name': 'Weekday',
    'name_font': {
        'name': 'Calibri',
        'color': '#52B7CB'
    'num_font': {
        'name': 'Arial',
        'color': '#52B7CB',

    'name': 'Total Rides',
    'name_font': {
        'name': 'Calibri',
        'color': '#52B7CB'
    'num_font': {
        'italic': True,
        'color': '#52B7CB',

# Remove Legend
chart.set_legend({'position': 'none'})

# Insert Chart
worksheet3.insert_chart('E1', chart)

Average and Maximum Hours and Percent Utilization by Weekday

In [422]:
cursor.execute("SELECT DAYNAME(Start) AS Weekday, MAX((HOUR(End - Start)*60 + MINUTE(End - Start))/60) AS Max_Hours, (MAX((HOUR(End - Start)*60 + MINUTE(End - Start))/60)/8)*100 AS Max_PCT_Utilization, AVG((HOUR(End - Start)*60 + MINUTE(End - Start))/60) AS Avg_Hours, (AVG((HOUR(End - Start)*60 + MINUTE(End - Start))/60)/8)*100 AS Avg_PCT_Utilization FROM eBike GROUP BY Weekday ORDER BY FIELD(Weekday, 'MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY', 'FRIDAY', 'SATURDAY', 'SUNDAY')")
Avg_Max_Hours_PCTutilization_by_Weekday = cursor.fetchall()

In [423]:
# Worksheet Name
worksheet4 = workbook.add_worksheet('Utilization')

# Column Names
worksheet4.write('A1', 'Weekday', bold)
worksheet4.write('B1', 'Maximum Reservation Duration (hrs)', bold)
worksheet4.write('C1', 'Maximum Percentage Utilization', bold)
worksheet4.write('D1', 'Average Reservation Duration (hrs)', bold)
worksheet4.write('E1', 'Average Percent Utilization', bold)

# Declare Starting Point for row, col
row = 1
col = 0

# Iterate over the data and write it out row by row
for Weekday_AMH, Max_Hours, Max_PCT_Utilization, Avg_Hours, Avg_PCT_Utilization in (Avg_Max_Hours_PCTutilization_by_Weekday):
    worksheet4.write(row, col,     Weekday_AMH)
    worksheet4.write(row, col + 1, Max_Hours)
    worksheet4.write(row, col + 2, Max_PCT_Utilization)
    worksheet4.write(row, col + 3, Avg_Hours)
    worksheet4.write(row, col + 4, Avg_PCT_Utilization)
    row += 1
# Conditional Formatting: Percent Utilization Greater Than 50
worksheet4.conditional_format('E2:E8', {'type':     'cell',
                                        'criteria': '>=',
                                        'value':    30,
                                        'format':   format1})

How far in Advance Reservations are Created

In [424]:
# How far in advance reservations are created
cursor.execute("SELECT DATEDIFF(Start, Created) AS Days_Advance_Reservation, COUNT(*) AS Number_Reserved_Trips FROM eBike WHERE DATEDIFF(Start, Created) >= 0 GROUP BY Days_Advance_Reservation ORDER BY Days_Advance_Reservation DESC")
Advance_Reservation = cursor.fetchall()

In [425]:
# Worksheet Name
worksheet5 = workbook.add_worksheet('Aggregate_Advance_Reservation')

# Column Names
worksheet5.write('A1', 'Days E-Bike was Reserved Ahead of Time', bold)
worksheet5.write('B1', 'Total Reservations', bold)

# Declare Starting Point for row, col
row = 1
col = 0

# Iterate over the data and write it out row by row
for Days_Advance_Reservation, Number_Reserved_Trips in (Advance_Reservation):
    worksheet5.write(row, col,     Days_Advance_Reservation)
    worksheet5.write(row, col + 1, Number_Reserved_Trips)
    row += 1
worksheet5.conditional_format('B2:B9999', {'type':     'cell',
                                        'criteria': '>=',
                                        'value':    5,
                                        'format':   format2})

In [426]:
# Time series of how far in advance reservations are created
cursor.execute("SELECT Start, DATEDIFF(Start, Created) AS Days_Advance_Reservation FROM eBike WHERE DATEDIFF(Start, Created) > 0 ORDER BY Start ASC")
Time_Series_Advance_Reservation = cursor.fetchall()

In [432]:
Starts = []
for i in range(0, len(Time_Series_Advance_Reservation)): 

In [433]:
# Worksheet Name
worksheet6 = workbook.add_worksheet('Time_Series_Advance_Reservation')

# Column Names
worksheet6.write('A1', 'Reservation Start Date', bold)
worksheet6.write('B1', 'Days E-Bike was Reserved Ahead of Time', bold)

# Declare Starting Point for row, col
row = 1
col = 0

# Iterate over the data and write it out row by row
for StartVal in Starts:
    worksheet6.write(row, col, StartVal)
    row += 1

row = 1
for Start, Days_Advance_Reservation in (Time_Series_Advance_Reservation):
    worksheet6.write(row, col + 1, Days_Advance_Reservation)
    row += 1
# Add Chart
chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'line'})

worksheet6.conditional_format('B2:B9999', {'type':     'cell',
                                        'criteria': '>=',
                                        'value':    5,
                                        'format':   format2})

In [434]:

In [16]:


In [17]: