In [1]:
import MySQLdb
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import collections

In [695]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib
zhfont = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(fname='/home/********/wqy-microhei.ttc', size=22)

In [693]:
sql_params = {'host': "********",
              'db' : "********",
              'user': "********",
              'passwd': "********",
              'charset': 'utf8'}

In [4]:
# Open database connection
connection = MySQLdb.connect (**sql_params)

Primary Stats Rates.R

In [113]:
td_str = '20170808'
td = datetime.datetime.strptime(td_str, '%Y%m%d')
print td
sql_query = "".join(["SELECT   c.*, d.S_INFO_WINDCODE, d.TRADE_DT, d.B_ANAL_YIELD_CNBD FROM( ",
               "WHERE a.B_INFO_ISSUERTYPE IN ('财政部', '政策性银行') ",
               "AND a.B_INFO_COUPON <> '505003000' ",
               "AND a.B_INFO_INTERESTTYPE = '501002000'",
               "AND a.B_INFO_LISTDATE IS NOT NULL ",
               "AND a.B_ISSUE_FIRSTISSUE > '20130101' ",
               "AND a.S_INFO_EXCHMARKET = 'NIB' ",
               # "AND a.S_INFO_WINDCODE LIKE '140016%' ",
               ") c LEFT JOIN CBONDANALYSISCNBD d ",
               "ON c.ticker = d.S_INFO_WINDCODE ",
               "AND date_add(str_to_date(c.B_ISSUE_FIRSTISSUE, '%Y%m%d'), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) > str_to_date(d.TRADE_DT, '%Y%m%d') ",
               "AND date_sub(str_to_date(c.B_ISSUE_FIRSTISSUE, '%Y%m%d'), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) <= str_to_date(d.TRADE_DT, '%Y%m%d') ",
               "AND d.B_ANAL_CREDIBILITY = '推荐' "])

data = pd.read_sql(sql_query, connection)

2017-08-08 00:00:00

In [114]:
my_columns = ["px.ticker","id.ticker","name","term","issuer","dt.carry", "dt.issue","amt.issue","failure","dt.list","dt.mature",
data.columns = my_columns
print data.shape
print data.dtypes

(173161, 26)
px.ticker          object
id.ticker          object
name               object
term              float64
issuer             object
dt.carry           object
dt.issue           object
amt.issue         float64
failure           float64
dt.list            object
dt.mature          object
cpn               float64
over.sub.ratio    float64
td.type           float64
td.high           float64
td.low            float64
td.px             float64
td.yld            float64
bidder.max        float64         float64
bidder.won        float64
bids.effect       float64          float64
ref.ticker         object
ref.dt             object
ref.yld           float64
dtype: object
px.ticker id.ticker name term issuer dt.carry dt.issue amt.issue failure dt.list dt.mature cpn over.sub.ratio td.type td.high td.low td.px td.yld bidder.max
0 150220.IB 150220Z6.IB 15国开20(增6) 5 2002700 20150924 20151117 40 0 20151123 20200924 3.46 5 530003000 103.48 99.04 101.16 3.3154 76 38 ...
1 150220.IB 150220Z6.IB 15国开20(增6) 5 2002700 20150924 20151117 40 0 20151123 20200924 3.46 5 530003000 103.48 99.04 101.16 3.3154 76 38 ...
2 150220.IB 150220Z6.IB 15国开20(增6) 5 2002700 20150924 20151117 40 0 20151123 20200924 3.46 5 530003000 103.48 99.04 101.16 3.3154 76 38 ...
3 150220.IB 150220Z6.IB 15国开20(增6) 5 2002700 20150924 20151117 40 0 20151123 20200924 3.46 5 530003000 103.48 99.04 101.16 3.3154 76 38 ...
4 150220.IB 150220Z6.IB 15国开20(增6) 5 2002700 20150924 20151117 40 0 20151123 20200924 3.46 5 530003000 103.48 99.04 101.16 3.3154 76 38 ...

5 rows × 26 columns

In [115]:
def cleanRatesData(df):
    df.loc[:, 'reopen'] = (df.loc[:, 'px.ticker'] == df.loc[:, 'id.ticker']).astype(int)
    for col in ['dt.issue', 'dt.list', 'dt.mature', 'ref.dt']:
        df.loc[:, col] = pd.to_datetime(df.loc[:, col], format="%Y%m%d")
    # seperate bond info and bond price  
    bond_info_columns = [col for col in list(df.columns) if col not in ['ref.ticker', 'ref.dt', 'ref.yld'] ]
    bond_info = df.loc[:, bond_info_columns].copy()
    bond_info = bond_info.drop_duplicates()
    # regroup bond price by term and issuer, rather than by ticker
    bond_px_columns = ['issuer', 'term', 'px.ticker', 'ref.dt', 'ref.yld']
    bond_px = df.loc[:, bond_px_columns].copy()
    bond_px.columns = ['issuer', 'term', 'ref.ticker', 'ref.dt', 'ref.yld']
    mask_null = np.logical_or(df.loc[:, 'ref.dt'].isnull(), df.loc[:, 'ref.yld'].isnull())
    mask_null = np.logical_not(mask_null)
    bond_px = bond_px.loc[mask_null, :] # get the price history
    bond_px = bond_px.drop_duplicates() 
    #bond_px = bond_px.sort_index(axis=0, by='ref.ticker')
    grouped = bond_px.groupby(by=['issuer', 'term', 'ref.dt'], as_index=False) # select only the most recent issue for each issuer / term / date
    bond_px = grouped.head(n=1) #TODO
    print "Sort top n by ref.ticker???"
    return df, bond_info, bond_px

data_x, bond_info, bond_px = cleanRatesData(data)

Sort top n by ref.ticker???

In [146]:
# rejoin bond info with bond price, by term and issuer
data_join = pd.merge(bond_info, bond_px, how='outer', left_on=['issuer', 'term'], right_on=['issuer', 'term'])# join yld history by issuer and term
data_join = data_join.loc[data_join.loc[:, 'dt.issue'] > data_join.loc[:, 'ref.dt'], :] # limit range to 30 days before issue

In [148]:
grouped = data_join.groupby(by='id.ticker', as_index=False)
data_join = grouped.head(1)

In [149]:
data_join.loc[:, 'dt.diff'] = data_join.loc[:, 'dt.issue'] - data_join.loc[:, 'ref.dt']
data_join = data_join.sort_index(axis=0, by='id.ticker')
print data_join.shape

(2316, 28)
px.ticker id.ticker name term issuer dt.carry dt.issue amt.issue failure dt.list dt.mature cpn over.sub.ratio td.type td.high td.low td.px td.yld bidder.max
1224680 070205.IB 070205Z.IB 07国开05(增发) 7 2002700 20070424 2014-01-17 50 0 2014-01-28 2014-04-24 3.82 2.76 530003000 102.67 102.52 102.552 4.9594 72 17 ...
1158328 070205.IB 070205Z2.IB 07国开05(增2) 7 2002700 20070424 2014-01-21 40 0 2014-02-08 2014-04-24 3.82 1.52 530003000 102.83 102.56 102.634 4.9044 72 15 ...
986764 110215.IB 110215Z.IB 11国开15(增发) 3 2002700 20110322 2013-12-19 50 0 2013-12-30 2014-03-22 3.83 1.11 530003000 102.53 102.50 102.508 5.3491 72 11 ...
928420 110234.IB 110234Z.IB 11国开34(增发) 3 2002700 20110602 2014-02-20 50 0 2014-02-28 2014-06-02 4.00 7.95 530003000 102.85 102.73 102.850 1.9917 72 30 ...
470533 110413.IB 110413Z.IB 11农发13(增发) 3 04M5F620A3 20110729 2014-04-09 100 0 2014-04-17 2014-07-29 4.50 2.91 530003000 103.38 103.14 103.296 3.9031 77 36 ...

5 rows × 28 columns

In [ ]:

In [150]:
def get_bond_upcoming(larger, smaller):
    s1 = set(larger.loc[:, 'id.ticker'].drop_duplicates())
    s2 = set(smaller.loc[:, 'id.ticker'].drop_duplicates())
    return list(s1.difference(s2))
bond_upcoming = get_bond_upcoming(data_x, data_join)

In [380]:
mask = bond_info.loc[:, 'id.ticker'].apply(lambda x: x in bond_upcoming)
data_x = pd.concat([bond_info.loc[mask, :], data_join], axis=0)
print data_x.shape

(2350, 28)

In [381]:
def firstDayOfWeek(dt):
    t = dt - datetime.timedelta(dt.weekday())
    return, t.month,
def firstDayOfMonth(dt):
    t = dt.replace(day=1)
    return, t.month,
def map_term_to_sector(t):
    if t <= 3:
        res = "Short"
        if t <= 7:
            res = "Mid"
        elif t == 10:
            res = "Ten"
            res = "Long"
    return res

RATES_ISSUER_DICT = {"2000850": u"国债", "2002700": u"国开", "0MT64BBFB6": u"口行", "04M5F620A3": u"农发"}

def process_data_x(df):
    df = df.copy()
    df.loc[:, 'dur.impact'] = df.loc[:, 'amt.issue'] * df.loc[:, 'term'] / 10.
    df.loc[:, 'term.remain'] = (df.loc[:, 'dt.mature'] - df.loc[:, 'dt.list']) / np.timedelta64(1,'D') /365.25 # remaining term in years
    df.loc[:, 'through'] = (df.loc[:, 'ref.yld'] - df.loc[:, 'td.yld']) * 100.
    df.loc[:, 'dt.month'] = df.loc[:, 'dt.issue'].apply(firstDayOfMonth)
    df.loc[:, 'dt.week'] = df.loc[:, 'dt.issue'].apply(firstDayOfWeek)
    df.loc[:, 'sector'] = df.loc[:, 'term'].apply(map_term_to_sector)
    df.loc[:, ''] = df.loc[:, 'issuer'].apply(lambda key: RATES_ISSUER_DICT[key])
    return df

data_x = process_data_x(data_x)
print data_x.shape

(2350, 35)
amt.issue bidder.max bidder.won bids.effect cpn dt.carry dt.diff dt.issue dt.list dt.mature failure id.ticker issuer name over.sub.ratio px.ticker ref.dt ref.ticker
7859 260 53 54 52 286 159 3.1500 20130110 NaT 2013-01-09 2013-01-16 2018-01-10 0 130001.IB 2000850 13附息国债01 1.92 130001.IB NaT NaN ...
13946 30 38 82 14 98 24 3.9500 20160226 NaT 2016-02-24 2016-03-01 2036-02-26 0 160410.IB 04M5F620A3 16农发10 4.61 160410.IB NaT NaN ...
20597 60 32 74 17 88 32 4.3251 20130110 NaT 2013-01-08 2013-01-16 2020-01-10 0 130204.IB 2002700 13国开04 2.12 130204.IB NaT NaN ...
21468 260 50 50 49 192 181 4.7600 20130916 NaT 2013-09-13 2013-09-23 2043-09-16 0 130019.IB 2000850 13附息国债19 1.13 130019.IB NaT NaN ...
23327 150 59 74 42 175 91 4.2400 20130322 NaT 2013-03-15 2013-03-28 2023-03-22 0 130403.IB 04M5F620A3 13农发03 1.43 130403.IB NaT NaN ...

5 rows × 35 columns

In [382]:
data_plot_columns = ["dt.issue", "dt.week", "dt.month", "term", "sector", "", "amt.issue", "dur.impact"]
data_plot = data_x.loc[:, data_plot_columns].copy()
print data_plot.shape

(2350, 8)
dt.issue dt.week dt.month term sector amt.issue dur.impact
7859 2013-01-09 2013-01-07 2013-01-01 5 Mid 国债 260 130
13946 2016-02-24 2016-02-22 2016-02-01 20 Long 农发 30 60
20597 2013-01-08 2013-01-07 2013-01-01 7 Mid 国开 60 42
21468 2013-09-13 2013-09-09 2013-09-01 30 Long 国债 260 780
23327 2013-03-15 2013-03-11 2013-03-01 10 Ten 农发 150 150

5 rows × 8 columns

In [383]:
data_plot_melt = pd.melt(data_plot, id_vars=["dt.issue", "dt.week", "dt.month", "term", "sector", ""],)
print data_plot_melt.shape

(4700, 8)
dt.issue dt.week dt.month term sector variable value
0 2013-01-09 2013-01-07 2013-01-01 5 Mid 国债 amt.issue 260
1 2016-02-24 2016-02-22 2016-02-01 20 Long 农发 amt.issue 30
2 2013-01-08 2013-01-07 2013-01-01 7 Mid 国开 amt.issue 60
3 2013-09-13 2013-09-09 2013-09-01 30 Long 国债 amt.issue 260
4 2013-03-15 2013-03-11 2013-03-01 10 Ten 农发 amt.issue 150

5 rows × 8 columns

In [384]:
#ISSUER_RANK = [u"国债", u"国开", u"口行", u"农发"]
ISSUER_RANK = collections.OrderedDict([(u"国债", 1), (u"国开", 2), (u"口行", 3), (u"农发", 4)])

def get_data_new(df):
    df = df.copy()
    mask = df.loc[:, 'dt.issue'] >= td
    cols = ["dt.issue", "", "term", "amt.issue", "id.ticker"]
    df = df.loc[mask, cols]
    df.loc[:, 'weekday'] = df.loc[:, 'dt.issue'].apply(lambda dt: dt.weekday() + 1)
    #df.loc[:, ''] = pd.Categorical(df.loc[:, ''], ISSUER_RANK)
    df.loc[:, 'rank'] = df.loc[:, ''].apply(lambda key: ISSUER_RANK.get(key))
    df = df.sort(columns=['dt.issue', 'rank', 'term'])
    df = df.drop('rank', axis=1)
    return df

data_new = get_data_new(data_x)
print data_new.shape

(12, 6)
dt.issue term amt.issue id.ticker weekday
979733 2017-08-08 国开 3 50 170205Z17.IB 2
140712 2017-08-08 国开 5 70 170206Z15.IB 2
1143325 2017-08-08 国开 7 40 170201Z18.IB 2
681149 2017-08-08 国开 10 140 170210Z18.IB 2
1959260 2017-08-09 国债 2 280 170012X2.IB 3

5 rows × 6 columns

In [385]:
def get_data_recent(df):
    df = df.copy()
    mask = np.logical_and(df.loc[:, 'dt.issue'] < td, 
                          df.loc[:, 'dt.issue'] >= td-datetime.timedelta(RATES_RECENT_DAYS_RANGE))
    cols = ["dt.issue", "", "term", "amt.issue", "id.ticker"]
    df = df.loc[mask, cols]
    df.loc[:, 'weekday'] = df.loc[:, 'dt.issue'].apply(lambda dt: dt.weekday() + 1)
    #df.loc[:, ''] = pd.Categorical(df.loc[:, ''], ISSUER_RANK)
    df.loc[:, 'rank'] = df.loc[:, ''].apply(lambda key: ISSUER_RANK.get(key))
    df = df.sort(columns=['dt.issue', 'rank', 'term'])
    df = df.drop('rank', axis=1)
    return df

data_recent = get_data_recent(data_x)
print data_recent.shape

(15, 6)
dt.issue term amt.issue id.ticker weekday
2048128 2017-08-01 国开 1 50 170207Z4.IB 2
117832 2017-08-01 国开 5 70 170206Z14.IB 2
670853 2017-08-01 国开 10 150 170210Z17.IB 2
2389947 2017-08-02 国债 1 360 170017.IB 3
654071 2017-08-02 国债 10 360 170018.IB 3

5 rows × 6 columns

In [197]:
TERM_RANK = ["Short", "Mid", "Ten", "Long"]

Total Issuance- monthly

In [394]:
grouped = data_plot.groupby(by=['dt.month', 'sector'], as_index=False)
grouped.agg({'amt.issue': np.sum, 'dur.impact': np.sum})

dt.month sector amt.issue dur.impact
0 2013-01-01 Mid 950.0 559.0000
1 2013-01-01 Short 820.0 162.0000
2 2013-01-01 Ten 110.0 110.0000
3 2013-02-01 Mid 1110.0 713.0000
4 2013-02-01 Short 440.0 108.0000
5 2013-02-01 Ten 380.0 380.0000
6 2013-03-01 Mid 1070.0 619.0000
7 2013-03-01 Short 390.0 78.0000
8 2013-03-01 Ten 490.0 490.0000
9 2013-04-01 Long 260.0 520.0000
10 2013-04-01 Mid 1090.0 669.0000
11 2013-04-01 Short 950.0 175.0000
12 2013-04-01 Ten 420.0 420.0000
13 2013-05-01 Long 200.0 1000.0000
14 2013-05-01 Mid 1060.0 658.0000
15 2013-05-01 Short 1180.0 268.0000
16 2013-05-01 Ten 570.0 570.0000
17 2013-06-01 Mid 610.0 379.0000
18 2013-06-01 Short 160.0 40.0000
19 2013-06-01 Ten 460.0 460.0000
20 2013-07-01 Mid 1310.0 785.0000
21 2013-07-01 Short 970.0 152.0000
22 2013-07-01 Ten 680.0 680.0000
23 2013-08-01 Long 260.0 520.0000
24 2013-08-01 Mid 900.0 566.0000
25 2013-08-01 Short 1050.0 238.0000
26 2013-08-01 Ten 580.0 580.0000
27 2013-09-01 Long 260.0 780.0000
28 2013-09-01 Mid 830.0 511.0000
29 2013-09-01 Short 1180.0 282.0000
30 2013-09-01 Ten 180.0 180.0000
31 2013-10-01 Mid 1080.0 664.0000
32 2013-10-01 Short 1600.0 298.0000
33 2013-10-01 Ten 440.0 440.0000
34 2013-11-01 Long 200.0 1000.0000
35 2013-11-01 Mid 850.0 489.0000
36 2013-11-01 Short 698.5 166.1795
37 2013-11-01 Ten 320.0 320.0000
38 2013-12-01 Long 240.0 720.0000
39 2013-12-01 Mid 1150.0 679.0000
40 2013-12-01 Short 550.0 138.0000
41 2013-12-01 Ten 140.0 140.0000
42 2014-01-01 Mid 750.0 443.0000
43 2014-01-01 Short 910.0 193.0000
44 2014-01-01 Ten 320.0 320.0000
45 2014-02-01 Mid 1320.0 772.0000
46 2014-02-01 Short 850.0 194.0000
47 2014-02-01 Ten 180.0 180.0000
48 2014-03-01 Mid 1640.0 972.0000
49 2014-03-01 Short 1820.0 421.0000
50 2014-03-01 Ten 610.0 610.0000
51 2014-04-01 Long 260.0 520.0000
52 2014-04-01 Mid 1370.0 809.0000
53 2014-04-01 Short 2070.0 427.0000
54 2014-04-01 Ten 540.0 540.0000
55 2014-05-01 Long 260.0 1300.0000
56 2014-05-01 Mid 1370.0 803.0000
57 2014-05-01 Short 1450.0 328.0000
58 2014-05-01 Ten 490.0 490.0000
59 2014-06-01 Long 80.0 120.0000
... ... ... ...

208 rows × 4 columns

In [396]:

['Short', 'Mid', 'Ten', 'Long']

In [705]:
SECTOR_COLOR_MAP = collections.OrderedDict([('Long', 'violet'), ('Ten', 'c'),
                                            ('Mid', 'mediumseagreen'), ('Short', 'salmon')])

def get_factors(df, yname, idxname, factorname):
    idx = np.sort(df.loc[:, idxname].drop_duplicates())
    df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.loc[:, idxname])
    res_df = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=SECTOR_COLOR_MAP.keys())
    for factor in SECTOR_COLOR_MAP.keys():
        mask = df.loc[:, factorname] == factor
        source = df.loc[mask, :]
        res_df.loc[source.index, factor] = source.loc[:, yname].values
    res_df = res_df.fillna(0)
    return res_df

def plot_total_issuance(df):
    df = df.copy()
    df.index = df.loc[:, 'dt.month']
    grouped = df.groupby(by=['dt.month', 'sector'], as_index=False)
    monthly_sum = grouped.agg({'amt.issue': np.sum, 'dur.impact': np.sum})
    mask = np.logical_and(monthly_sum.loc[:, 'dt.month'] >=, 1, 1), 
                          monthly_sum.loc[:, 'dt.month'] <, td.month, + datetime.timedelta(14))
    monthly_sum = monthly_sum.loc[mask, :]
    df_issue_plot = get_factors(monthly_sum, 'amt.issue', 'dt.month', 'sector')
    df_impact_plot = get_factors(monthly_sum, 'dur.impact', 'dt.month', 'sector')
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(30, 22), dpi=300)
    common_styles = {'edgecolor': '', 'width': 24.0}
    last_values = np.zeros(df_issue_plot.shape[0], dtype=float)
    for sector, color in SECTOR_COLOR_MAP.iteritems():, df_issue_plot.loc[:, sector], bottom=last_values,
                color=color, label=sector, **common_styles)
        last_values += df_issue_plot.loc[:, sector].values
    ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
    last_values = np.zeros(df_impact_plot.shape[0], dtype=float)
    for sector, color in SECTOR_COLOR_MAP.iteritems():, df_impact_plot.loc[:, sector], bottom=last_values,
                color=color, label=sector, **common_styles)
        last_values += df_impact_plot.loc[:, sector].values
    ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(pd.date_range(start=df_impact_plot.index[0], end=df_impact_plot.index[-1], freq='3M'))
    ax2.set_xlabel(u"月份", fontproperties=zhfont)
    ax1.set_ylabel(u"值", fontproperties=zhfont)
    plt.suptitle(u"总发行 - 每月", fontproperties=zhfont)
    ax1.set_title(u"发行量", fontproperties=zhfont)
    ax2.set_title(u"久期影响", fontproperties=zhfont)
#     ax2.set_xlabel("dt.month")
#     ax1.set_ylabel("value")
#     plt.suptitle("Total Issuance - monthly", fontproperties=zhfont)
#     ax1.set_title("amt.issue")
#     ax2.set_title("dur.impact")
    return fig

fig = plot_total_issuance(data_plot)
fig.savefig('RATES_1.png', bbox_inches='tight')

In [642]:

Total Issuance - weekly

In [704]:
def plot_total_issuance_week(df):
    df = df.copy()
    df.index = df.loc[:, 'dt.week']
    grouped = df.groupby(by=['dt.week', 'sector'], as_index=False)
    weekly_sum = grouped.agg({'amt.issue': np.sum, 'dur.impact': np.sum})
    mask = np.logical_and(weekly_sum.loc[:, 'dt.week'] >=, td.month, - datetime.timedelta(420), 
                          weekly_sum.loc[:, 'dt.week'] <, td.month, + datetime.timedelta(14))
    weekly_sum = weekly_sum.loc[mask, :]
    df_issue_plot = get_factors(weekly_sum, 'amt.issue', 'dt.week', 'sector')
    df_impact_plot = get_factors(weekly_sum, 'dur.impact', 'dt.week', 'sector')
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(30, 22), dpi=300)
    common_styles = {'edgecolor': '', 'width': 6.0}
    last_values = np.zeros(df_issue_plot.shape[0], dtype=float)
    for sector, color in SECTOR_COLOR_MAP.iteritems():, df_issue_plot.loc[:, sector], bottom=last_values,
                color=color, label=sector, **common_styles)
        last_values += df_issue_plot.loc[:, sector].values
    ax1.set_ylabel(u"值", fontproperties=zhfont)
    last_values = np.zeros(df_impact_plot.shape[0], dtype=float)
    for sector, color in SECTOR_COLOR_MAP.iteritems():, df_impact_plot.loc[:, sector], bottom=last_values,
                color=color, label=sector, **common_styles)
        last_values += df_impact_plot.loc[:, sector].values
    ax2.set_ylabel(u"值", fontproperties=zhfont)
    ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(pd.date_range(start=df_impact_plot.index[0], end=df_impact_plot.index[-1], freq='3W'))
    ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
    ax2.set_xlabel(u"星期", fontproperties=zhfont)
    plt.suptitle(u"总发行 - 每周", fontproperties=zhfont)
    ax1.set_title(u"发行量", fontproperties=zhfont)
    ax2.set_title(u"久期影响", fontproperties=zhfont)
#     ax2.set_xlabel("dt.week")
#     ax1.set_ylabel("value")
#     plt.suptitle("Total Issuance - weekly", fontproperties=zhfont)
#     ax1.set_title("amt.issue")
#     ax2.set_title("dur.impact")
    return fig

fig = plot_total_issuance_week(data_plot)
fig.savefig('RATES_2.png', bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Total Issuance Amt - weekly by Issuer

In [475]:

dt.issue dt.week dt.month term sector amt.issue dur.impact
7859 2013-01-09 2013-01-07 2013-01-01 5 Mid 国债 260 130
13946 2016-02-24 2016-02-22 2016-02-01 20 Long 农发 30 60
20597 2013-01-08 2013-01-07 2013-01-01 7 Mid 国开 60 42
21468 2013-09-13 2013-09-09 2013-09-01 30 Long 国债 260 780
23327 2013-03-15 2013-03-11 2013-03-01 10 Ten 农发 150 150

5 rows × 8 columns

In [706]:
def plot_total_issue_amt_week_issuer(df):
    df = df.copy()
    df.index = df.loc[:, 'dt.week']
    grouped = df.groupby(by=['dt.week', 'sector', ''], as_index=False)
    weekly_sum = grouped.agg({'amt.issue': np.sum, 'dur.impact': np.sum})
    mask = np.logical_and(weekly_sum.loc[:, 'dt.week'] >=, td.month, - datetime.timedelta(420), 
                          weekly_sum.loc[:, 'dt.week'] <, td.month, + datetime.timedelta(14))
    weekly_sum = weekly_sum.loc[mask, :]
    df_issuers = {}
    for issuer in ISSUER_RANK.keys():
        df_issuer = weekly_sum.loc[weekly_sum.loc[:, ''] == issuer, :]
        df_issuers[issuer] = get_factors(df_issuer, 'amt.issue', 'dt.week', 'sector')
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(ISSUER_RANK.keys()), 1, sharex=True, figsize=(30, 22), dpi=300)
    common_styles = {'edgecolor': '', 'width': 6.0}
    i = 3
    for issuer, df_plot in df_issuers.iteritems():
        last_values = np.zeros(df_plot.shape[0], dtype=float)
        for sector, color in SECTOR_COLOR_MAP.iteritems():
            axes[i].bar(df_plot.index, df_plot.loc[:, sector], bottom=last_values,
                        color=color, label=sector, **common_styles)
            last_values += df_plot.loc[:, sector].values
        axes[i].set_ylabel(u"值", fontproperties=zhfont)
        axes[i].set_title(issuer, fontproperties=zhfont)
        i -= 1
    axes[-1].xaxis.set_ticks(pd.date_range(start=df_plot.index[0], end=df_plot.index[-1], freq='3W'))
    axes[0].legend(loc='upper right')
    axes[-1].set_xlabel(u"星期", fontproperties=zhfont)
    plt.suptitle(u"总发行 - 每周", fontproperties=zhfont)
    #plt.suptitle(u"Total Issuance - weekly", fontproperties=zhfont)
    return fig

fig = plot_total_issue_amt_week_issuer(data_plot)
fig.savefig('RATES_3.png', bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Total Issuance Duration - weekly by Issuer

In [717]:
def plot_total_dur_impact_week_issuer(df):
    df = df.copy()
    df.index = df.loc[:, 'dt.week']
    grouped = df.groupby(by=['dt.week', 'sector', ''], as_index=False)
    weekly_sum = grouped.agg({'amt.issue': np.sum, 'dur.impact': np.sum})
    mask = np.logical_and(weekly_sum.loc[:, 'dt.week'] >=, td.month, - datetime.timedelta(420), 
                          weekly_sum.loc[:, 'dt.week'] <, td.month, + datetime.timedelta(14))
    weekly_sum = weekly_sum.loc[mask, :]
    df_issuers = {}
    for issuer in ISSUER_RANK.keys():
        df_issuer = weekly_sum.loc[weekly_sum.loc[:, ''] == issuer, :]
        df_issuers[issuer] = get_factors(df_issuer, 'dur.impact', 'dt.week', 'sector')
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(ISSUER_RANK.keys()), 1, sharex=True, figsize=(30, 22), dpi=300)
    common_styles = {'edgecolor': '', 'width': 6.0}
    i = 3
    for issuer, df_plot in df_issuers.iteritems():
        last_values = np.zeros(df_plot.shape[0], dtype=float)
        for sector, color in SECTOR_COLOR_MAP.iteritems():
            axes[i].bar(df_plot.index, df_plot.loc[:, sector], bottom=last_values,
                        color=color, label=sector, **common_styles)
            last_values += df_plot.loc[:, sector].values
        axes[i].set_ylabel(u"值", fontproperties=zhfont)
        axes[i].set_title(issuer, fontproperties=zhfont)
        i -= 1
    axes[-1].xaxis.set_ticks(pd.date_range(start=df_plot.index[0], end=df_plot.index[-1], freq='3W'))
    axes[0].legend(loc='upper right')
    axes[-1].set_xlabel(u"星期", fontproperties=zhfont)
    #plt.suptitle("Total Issuance - weekly", fontproperties=zhfont)
    plt.suptitle(u"总发行 - 每周", fontproperties=zhfont)
    return fig

fig = plot_total_dur_impact_week_issuer(data_plot)
fig.savefig('RATES_4.png', bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Bid-Cover ratio by Sector

In [564]:
grouped = data_x.groupby(by='sector')

amt.issue bidder.max bidder.won bids.effect cpn dt.carry dt.diff dt.issue dt.list dt.mature failure id.ticker issuer name over.sub.ratio px.ticker ref.dt ref.ticker
13946 30 38 82 14 98 24 3.95 20160226 NaT 2016-02-24 2016-03-01 2036-02-26 0 160410.IB 04M5F620A3 16农发10 4.61 160410.IB NaT NaN ...
21468 260 50 50 49 192 181 4.76 20130916 NaT 2013-09-13 2013-09-23 2043-09-16 0 130019.IB 2000850 13附息国债19 1.13 130019.IB NaT NaN ...
45698 50 10 11 8 103 36 3.88 20160112 NaT 2015-12-29 2016-01-14 2036-01-12 0 150319.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19 3.02 150319.IB NaT NaN ...
47400 40 24 76 14 98 40 3.80 20160125 NaT 2016-01-21 2016-01-27 2036-01-25 0 160205.IB 2002700 16国开05 3.56 160205.IB NaT NaN ...
53010 100 12 12 12 170 51 3.50 20161104 NaT 2016-11-02 2016-11-08 2046-11-04 0 160216.IB 2002700 16国开16 3.20 160216.IB NaT NaN ...
83516 200 50 51 33 169 58 4.24 20130520 NaT 2013-05-17 2013-05-24 2063-05-20 0 130010.IB 2000850 13附息国债10 2.13 130010.IB NaT NaN ...
86784 260 51 51 39 233 66 3.99 20130422 NaT 2013-04-19 2013-04-26 2033-04-22 0 130009.IB 2000850 13附息国债09 2.23 130009.IB NaT NaN ...
126071 80 5 5 5 60 30 5.24 20140704 NaT 2014-06-27 2014-07-10 2029-07-04 0 140217.IB 2002700 14国开17 1.95 140217.IB NaT NaN ...
158300 50 35 82 34 56 56 3.95 20160226 NaT 2016-02-24 2016-03-01 2031-02-26 0 160409.IB 04M5F620A3 16农发09 1.44 160409.IB NaT NaN ...
2406093 260 50 50 50 241 164 4.32 20130812 109 days 2013-08-09 2013-08-16 2033-08-12 0 130016.IB 2000850 13附息国债16 1.56 130016.IB 2013-04-22 130009.IB ...
2394514 200 49 50 41 194 131 5.31 20131118 177 days 2013-11-15 2013-11-22 2063-11-18 0 130024.IB 2000850 13附息国债24 1.51 130024.IB 2013-05-22 130010.IB ...
453122 240 50 50 47 302 182 5.05 20131209 74 days 2013-12-06 2013-12-13 2043-12-09 0 130025.IB 2000850 13附息国债25 1.65 130025.IB 2013-09-23 130019.IB ...
2405727 260 50 50 47 228 90 4.77 20140428 368 days 2014-04-25 2014-05-05 2034-04-28 0 140009.IB 2000850 14附息国债09 1.79 140009.IB 2013-04-22 130009.IB ...
2391744 260 50 50 35 243 72 4.67 20140526 366 days 2014-05-23 2014-05-30 2064-05-26 0 140010.IB 2000850 14附息国债10 2.30 140010.IB 2013-05-22 130010.IB ...
449108 260 50 50 49 233 152 4.76 20140724 303 days 2014-07-23 2014-07-30 2044-07-24 0 140016.IB 2000850 14附息国债16 1.57 140016.IB 2013-09-23 130019.IB ...
2404995 260 50 50 49 222 124 4.63 20140811 473 days 2014-08-08 2014-08-15 2034-08-11 0 140017.IB 2000850 14附息国债17 1.59 140017.IB 2013-04-22 130009.IB ...
454314 260 50 50 47 236 132 4.30 20141027 92 days 2014-10-24 2014-10-31 2044-10-27 0 140025.IB 2000850 14附息国债25 1.74 140025.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
2395558 260 49 50 43 213 134 4.24 20141124 179 days 2014-11-21 2014-11-28 2064-11-24 0 140027.IB 2000850 14附息国债27 1.62 140027.IB 2014-05-26 140010.IB ...
2403860 45 10 10 9 69 20 5.24 20140704 22 days 2015-03-19 2015-03-27 2029-07-04 0 140217Z.IB 2002700 14国开17(增发) 1.79 140217.IB 2015-02-25 140217.IB ...
2405361 260 50 50 49 209 153 4.09 20150427 732 days 2015-04-24 2015-04-30 2035-04-27 0 150008.IB 2000850 15附息国债08 1.59 150008.IB 2013-04-22 130009.IB ...
2393896 260 50 50 37 239 77 3.99 20150525 361 days 2015-05-22 2015-05-29 2065-05-25 0 150010.IB 2000850 15附息国债10 2.45 150010.IB 2014-05-26 140010.IB ...
454983 260 50 50 50 240 156 3.94 20150727 365 days 2015-07-24 2015-07-31 2045-07-27 0 150017.IB 2000850 15附息国债17 1.59 150017.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
2404263 260 50 50 49 205 129 3.74 20150922 882 days 2015-09-21 2015-09-28 2035-09-22 0 150021.IB 2000850 15附息国债21 1.70 150021.IB 2013-04-22 130009.IB ...
457659 260 50 50 44 221 88 3.74 20151020 452 days 2015-10-19 2015-10-26 2045-10-20 0 150025.IB 2000850 15附息国债25 1.88 150025.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
2392788 260 49 50 45 240 139 3.89 20151123 543 days 2015-11-20 2015-11-27 2065-11-23 0 150028.IB 2000850 15附息国债28 1.89 150028.IB 2014-05-26 140010.IB ...
2343391 20 34 66 9 88 17 3.88 20160112 31 days 2016-08-18 2016-08-24 2036-01-12 0 150319Z.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增发) 4.73 150319.IB 2016-07-18 150319.IB ...
2345428 30 33 66 21 93 40 3.88 20160112 65 days 2016-11-17 2016-11-23 2036-01-12 0 150319Z10.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增10) 2.53 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2344950 20 25 66 12 71 28 3.88 20160112 71 days 2016-11-23 2016-11-28 2036-01-12 0 150319Z11.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增11) 2.91 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2343038 20 29 66 13 67 22 3.88 20160112 79 days 2016-12-01 2016-12-07 2036-01-12 0 150319Z12.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增12) 3.05 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2344711 20 24 66 15 53 33 3.88 20160112 85 days 2016-12-07 2016-12-12 2036-01-12 0 150319Z13.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增13) 2.06 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2343516 30 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.88 20160112 321 days 2017-07-31 2017-08-04 2036-01-12 0 150319Z14.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增14) NaN 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2343869 20 36 66 14 100 28 3.88 20160112 45 days 2016-09-01 2016-09-07 2036-01-12 0 150319Z2.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增2) 6.10 150319.IB 2016-07-18 150319.IB ...
2344586 20 35 66 14 82 22 3.88 20160112 52 days 2016-09-08 2016-09-14 2036-01-12 0 150319Z3.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增3) 4.64 150319.IB 2016-07-18 150319.IB ...
2345667 20 31 66 10 101 16 3.88 20160112 16 days 2016-09-29 2016-10-12 2036-01-12 0 150319Z4.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增4) 5.95 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2342799 20 30 66 19 65 29 3.88 20160112 30 days 2016-10-13 2016-10-19 2036-01-12 0 150319Z5.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增5) 2.64 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2346145 20 34 66 10 110 14 3.88 20160112 37 days 2016-10-20 2016-10-26 2036-01-12 0 150319Z6.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增6) 6.47 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2345189 20 29 66 14 74 23 3.88 20160112 44 days 2016-10-27 2016-11-03 2036-01-12 0 150319Z7.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增7) 3.64 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2344233 30 32 66 20 79 43 3.88 20160112 51 days 2016-11-03 2016-11-09 2036-01-12 0 150319Z8.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增8) 2.40 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
2345906 30 29 66 17 87 37 3.88 20160112 58 days 2016-11-10 2016-11-16 2036-01-12 0 150319Z9.IB 0MT64BBFB6 15进出19(增9) 2.67 150319.IB 2016-09-13 150319.IB ...
458328 260 49 49 47 247 174 3.52 20160425 638 days 2016-04-22 2016-04-27 2046-04-25 0 160008.IB 2000850 16附息国债08 1.62 160008.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
456990 260 49 49 48 236 198 3.52 20160425 701 days 2016-06-24 2016-06-29 2046-04-25 0 160008X.IB 2000850 16附息国债08(续发) 1.85 160008.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
450969 260 49 49 48 366 173 3.52 20160425 729 days 2016-07-22 2016-07-27 2046-04-25 0 160008X2.IB 2000850 16附息国债08(续2) 2.70 160008.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
2395004 260 49 49 46 254 160 3.70 20160523 725 days 2016-05-20 2016-05-25 2066-05-23 0 160013.IB 2000850 16附息国债13 1.96 160013.IB 2014-05-26 140010.IB ...
452307 260 48 48 46 414 173 3.27 20160822 757 days 2016-08-19 2016-08-24 2046-08-22 0 160019.IB 2000850 16附息国债19 2.95 160019.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
453645 260 48 48 45 308 103 3.27 20160822 792 days 2016-09-23 2016-09-28 2046-08-22 0 160019X.IB 2000850 16附息国债19(续发) 2.92 160019.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
455652 190 48 48 46 262 129 3.27 20160822 827 days 2016-10-28 2016-11-02 2046-08-22 0 160019X2.IB 2000850 16附息国债19(续2) 2.96 160019.IB 2014-07-24 140016.IB ...
2391126 190 48 48 39 280 95 3.48 20161121 907 days 2016-11-18 2016-11-23 2066-11-21 0 160026.IB 2000850 16附息国债26 3.17 160026.IB 2014-05-26 140010.IB ...
2221855 20 29 76 11 102 16 3.80 20160125 3 days 2016-01-28 2016-02-03 2036-01-25 0 160205Z.IB 2002700 16国开05(增发) 5.49 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2221183 30 37 81 13 139 28 3.80 20160125 80 days 2016-04-14 2016-04-20 2036-01-25 0 160205Z10.IB 2002700 16国开05(增10) 5.12 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2218159 30 34 81 12 123 26 3.80 20160125 87 days 2016-04-21 2016-04-27 2036-01-25 0 160205Z11.IB 2002700 16国开05(增11) 4.96 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2217151 30 33 81 15 109 31 3.80 20160125 94 days 2016-04-28 2016-05-05 2036-01-25 0 160205Z12.IB 2002700 16国开05(增12) 4.52 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2214463 30 30 81 13 120 29 3.80 20160125 101 days 2016-05-05 2016-05-11 2036-01-25 0 160205Z13.IB 2002700 16国开05(增13) 4.24 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2220175 30 31 81 10 113 18 3.80 20160125 108 days 2016-05-12 2016-05-18 2036-01-25 0 160205Z14.IB 2002700 16国开05(增14) 4.84 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2223199 30 27 81 14 101 29 3.80 20160125 115 days 2016-05-19 2016-05-25 2036-01-25 0 160205Z15.IB 2002700 16国开05(增15) 3.88 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2220847 30 26 81 11 98 19 3.80 20160125 122 days 2016-05-26 2016-06-01 2036-01-25 0 160205Z16.IB 2002700 16国开05(增16) 4.55 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2211775 30 28 81 13 120 26 3.80 20160125 129 days 2016-06-02 2016-06-08 2036-01-25 0 160205Z17.IB 2002700 16国开05(增17) 4.18 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2209423 40 31 81 12 110 20 3.80 20160125 143 days 2016-06-16 2016-06-22 2036-01-25 0 160205Z18.IB 2002700 16国开05(增18) 4.85 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2211103 40 27 81 14 98 38 3.80 20160125 148 days 2016-06-21 2016-06-27 2036-01-25 0 160205Z19.IB 2002700 16国开05(增19) 3.56 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2208079 20 26 76 9 86 21 3.80 20160125 24 days 2016-02-18 2016-02-24 2036-01-25 0 160205Z2.IB 2002700 16国开05(增2) 4.83 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
2222863 40 29 81 16 107 26 3.80 20160125 155 days 2016-06-28 2016-07-05 2036-01-25 0 160205Z20.IB 2002700 16国开05(增20) 3.66 160205.IB 2016-01-25 160205.IB ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

131 rows × 35 columns

In [733]:
def bp_set_box(elem, box_color='red'):

def bp_set_median(elem, box_color='red'):

def bp_set_whisker(elem, box_color='red'):

def bp_set_cap(elem):
    global box_color

def plot_bc_ratio_sector(df, yname, title="", ynamecn=u""):
    df = df.copy()
    df.index = df.loc[:, 'dt.week']
    mask = df.loc[:, 'dt.week'] >= (, td.month, - datetime.timedelta(240))
    df = df.loc[mask, :]
    ylim = df.loc[:, yname].min() * 0.98, df.loc[:, yname].max() * 1.02
    grouped = df.groupby(by='sector', as_index=False)
    sector_colors = ['salmon', 'mediumseagreen', 'dodgerblue']
    sector_selected = ['Short', 'Mid', 'Ten']
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(sector_selected), 1, sharex=True, figsize=(30, 22), dpi=300)
    common_styles = {'sym': '+', 'vert': True, 'patch_artist': True}
    for i, sector in enumerate(sector_selected):
        df_plot = grouped.get_group(sector)
        df_plot = df_plot.loc[:, ['dt.week', yname]]
        grouped2 = df_plot.groupby(by='dt.week', as_index=False)
        box_data = []
        for week, idx in grouped2.groups.iteritems():
            box_data.append(df_plot.loc[idx, yname].values)
        bp_res = axes[i].boxplot(box_data, **common_styles)
        box_color = sector_colors[i]
        map(lambda x: bp_set_box(x, box_color), bp_res['boxes'])
        map(lambda x: bp_set_median(x, box_color), bp_res['medians'])
        map(lambda x: bp_set_whisker(x, box_color), bp_res['whiskers'])
        map(bp_set_cap, bp_res['caps'])
        plt.setp(bp_res['fliers'], color='red', marker='+')
        axes[i].set_title(u"期限: " + sector, fontproperties=zhfont)#TODOzhch期限
        axes[i].set_ylabel(ynamecn, fontproperties=zhfont)#TODOzhcn投标倍数
    weeks = map(lambda dt: dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"), grouped2.groups.keys())
    axes[-1].set_xticks(range(1, 34), ['lll']*33)
    axes[-1].set_xlabel(u"星期", fontproperties=zhfont)
    plt.suptitle(title, fontproperties=zhfont)#TODOzhcn
    return fig

fig = plot_bc_ratio_sector(data_x, 'over.sub.ratio', u"投标倍数 - 按期限分类", u"投标倍数")#"Bid Cover Ratio by Sector")
fig.savefig('RATES_5.png', bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [516]:

Bid-Cover ratio by Issuer

In [734]:
def plot_bc_ratio_issuer(df, yname, title="", ynamecn=u""):
    df = df.copy()
    df.index = df.loc[:, 'dt.week']
    mask = df.loc[:, 'dt.week'] >= (, td.month, - datetime.timedelta(240))
    df = df.loc[mask, :]
    ylim = df.loc[:, yname].min() * 0.98, df.loc[:, yname].max() * 1.02
    grouped = df.groupby(by='', as_index=False)
    sector_colors = ['salmon', 'mediumseagreen', 'dodgerblue', 'violet']
    sector_selected = ISSUER_RANK.keys()
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(sector_selected), 1, sharex=True, figsize=(30, 22), dpi=300)
    common_styles = {'sym': '+', 'vert': True, 'patch_artist': True}
    for i, sector in enumerate(ISSUER_RANK.keys()):
        #print sector
        df_plot = grouped.get_group(sector)
        df_plot = df_plot.loc[:, ['dt.week', yname]]
        grouped2 = df_plot.groupby(by='dt.week', as_index=False)
        box_data = []
        for week, idx in grouped2.groups.iteritems():
            box_data.append(df_plot.loc[idx, yname].values)
        bp_res = axes[i].boxplot(box_data, **common_styles)
        box_color = sector_colors[i]
        map(lambda x: bp_set_box(x, box_color), bp_res['boxes'])
        map(lambda x: bp_set_median(x, box_color), bp_res['medians'])
        map(lambda x: bp_set_whisker(x, box_color), bp_res['whiskers'])
        map(bp_set_cap, bp_res['caps'])
        plt.setp(bp_res['fliers'], color='red', marker='+')
        axes[i].set_ylim(ylim )
        axes[i].set_title(u"发行主体: " + sector, fontproperties=zhfont)
        axes[i].set_ylabel(ynamecn, fontproperties=zhfont)#TODOzhcn
    weeks = map(lambda dt: dt.strftime("%Y%m%d"), grouped2.groups.keys())
    axes[-1].set_xticks(range(1, 34), ['lll']*33)
    axes[-1].set_xlabel(u"星期", fontproperties=zhfont)
    plt.suptitle(title, fontproperties=zhfont)#TODOzhcn
    return fig

fig = plot_bc_ratio_issuer(data_x, 'over.sub.ratio', u"投标倍数 - 按发行主体分类", u"投标倍数")#"Bid Cover Ratio by Issuer")
fig.savefig('RATES_6.png', bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Through-tail by Sector

In [735]:
fig = plot_bc_ratio_sector(data_x, 'through', u"招标利率差值 - 按期限分类", u"差值")#TODOzhcn招标利率差值(实际- 市场)
fig.savefig('RATES_7.png', bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Through-tail by Issuer

In [736]:
fig = plot_bc_ratio_issuer(data_x, 'through', u"招标利率差值 - 按发行主体分类", u"差值")#"Through/Tail by Issuer")#TODOzhcn
fig.savefig('RATES_8.png', bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:

In [739]:
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
import reportlab.lib.pagesizes as rlps

mypagesize = rlps.A4[1], rlps.A4[0]

def calc_center(pagesize, fig):
    width, height = pagesize
    fw, fh = fig.get_size_inches() * 72.
    scale_ratio = width / fw * 0.95
    paint_w, paint_h = fw * scale_ratio, fh * scale_ratio
    x = (width - paint_w) / 2.
    return x, paint_w, paint_h

def draw_one_img_one_page(canvas, img_name, pagesize):
    fig_x, fig_width, fig_height = calc_center(pagesize, fig)
    canvas.drawImage(img_name, fig_x, 20, width=fig_width, height=fig_height)
def generate_PDF(fname='ex'):
    c = canvas.Canvas(fname+'.pdf', pagesize=mypagesize)
    from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
    from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
    pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('wqy', '/home/********/wqy-microhei.ttc'))

    c.setFont("wqy", 50)
    c.drawCentredString(mypagesize[0] / 2, mypagesize[1] * 4. / 5., u"利率债一级市场-大数据汇总")
    fig_width, fig_height = 756./3, 672./3
    c.drawImage("logo.png", (mypagesize[0] - fig_width) / 2., mypagesize[1] / 5, width=fig_width, height=fig_height)
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        draw_one_img_one_page(c, "RATES_{}.png".format(i), mypagesize)


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