Examples of Stacking BOSS Spectra using Speclite

Examples of using the speclite package to perform basic operations on spectral data accessed with the bossdata package. To keep the examples small, we use data from a single BOSS plate (6641 observed on MJD 56383) and show how to work with both the individual spec-lite files and the combined spPlate file (see here for details on the different data products).

Package Initialization

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
import speclite


In [3]:
import bossdata


In [4]:
finder = bossdata.path.Finder()
mirror = bossdata.remote.Manager()

Stacked Sky

Get a list of sky spectra on plate 6641:

In [5]:
spAll = bossdata.meta.Database(lite=True)

In [6]:
sky_table = spAll.select_all(where='PLATE=6641 and OBJTYPE="SKY"')
print('Found {0} sky fibers for plate 6641.'.format(len(sky_table)))

Found 83 sky fibers for plate 6641.

Plot a stacked spectrum:

In [7]:
def plot_stack(data, truncate_percentile):
    valid = data['ivar'] > 0
    wlen = data['wavelength'][valid]
    flux = data['flux'][valid]
    dflux = data['ivar'][valid]**(-0.5)
    plt.fill_between(wlen, flux, lw=0, color='red')
    plt.errorbar(wlen, flux, dflux, color='black', alpha=0.5, ls='None', capthick=0)
    plt.xlim(np.min(wlen), np.max(wlen))
    plt.ylim(0, np.percentile(flux + dflux, truncate_percentile))
    plt.xlabel('Wavelength ($\AA$)')
    plt.ylabel('Flux $10^{-17}$ erg/(s cm$^2 \AA$)')

Stack individual Spec-lite files

Loop over all sky spectra on the plate. The necessary spec-lite files will be automatically downloaded, if necessary, which will take several minutes.

In [8]:
spec_sky = None
for row in sky_table:
    filename = finder.get_spec_path(plate=row['PLATE'], mjd=row['MJD'], fiber=row['FIBER'], lite=True)
    spectrum = bossdata.spec.SpecFile(mirror.get(filename))
    data = spectrum.get_valid_data(include_sky=True, use_ivar=True, fiducial_grid=True)
    spec_sky = speclite.accumulate(spec_sky, data, data_out=spec_sky, join='wavelength',
                                   add=('flux', 'sky'), weight='ivar')
spec_sky['flux'] += spec_sky['sky']

In [9]:
plot_stack(spec_sky, truncate_percentile=97.5)

Stack Spectra from one Plate file

Accumulate the sky spectra from a Plate file, which will be automatically downloaded if necessary.

In [10]:
plate_sky = None
filename = finder.get_plate_spec_path(plate=6641, mjd=56383)
plate = bossdata.plate.PlateFile(mirror.get(filename))
plate_data = plate.get_valid_data(sky_table['FIBER'], include_sky=True, use_ivar=True, fiducial_grid=True)
for data in plate_data:
    plate_sky = speclite.accumulate(plate_sky, data, data_out=plate_sky, join='wavelength',
                                    add=('flux', 'sky'), weight='ivar')
plate_sky['flux'] += plate_sky['sky']

In [11]:
plot_stack(plate_sky, truncate_percentile=97.5)

Stacked Quasars

Get a list of sky spectra on plate 6641, observed on MJD 56383:

In [12]:
DR12Q = bossdata.meta.Database(finder, mirror, quasar_catalog=True)

In [13]:
qso_table = DR12Q.select_all(where='PLATE=6641 and ZWARNING=0', what='PLATE,MJD,FIBER,Z_VI')
print('Found {0} QSO targets for plate 6641.'.format(len(qso_table)))

Found 132 QSO targets for plate 6641.

Plot the redshift distribution of the selected quasars:

In [14]:
plt.hist(qso_table['Z_VI'], bins=25);
plt.xlabel('Redshift z')

Stack spectra from individual Spec-lite files

Loop over all quasar spectra on the plate. The necessary spec-lite files will be automatically downloaded, if necessary, which will take several minutes.

In [15]:
fiducial_grid = np.arange(1000.,3000.)
rest_frame, resampled, spec_qso = None, None, None
for row in qso_table:
    filename = finder.get_spec_path(plate=row['PLATE'], mjd=row['MJD'], fiber=row['FIBER'], lite=True)
    spectrum = bossdata.spec.SpecFile(mirror.get(filename))
    data = spectrum.get_valid_data(use_ivar=True, fiducial_grid=True)
    rest_frame = speclite.redshift(z_in=row['Z_VI'], z_out=0, data_in=data, data_out=rest_frame, rules=[
        dict(name='wavelength', exponent=+1),
        dict(name='flux', exponent=-1),
        dict(name='ivar', exponent=+2)])
    resampled = speclite.resample(rest_frame, x_in='wavelength', x_out=fiducial_grid, y=('flux', 'ivar'),
    spec_qso = speclite.accumulate(spec_qso, resampled, data_out=spec_qso, join='wavelength',
                                   add='flux', weight='ivar')

In [16]:
plot_stack(spec_qso, truncate_percentile=99.5)

Stack spectra from one Plate file

In [17]:
filename = finder.get_plate_spec_path(plate=6641, mjd=56383)
plate = bossdata.plate.PlateFile(mirror.get(filename))
plate_data = plate.get_valid_data(qso_table['FIBER'], use_ivar=True, fiducial_grid=True)
zorder = np.argsort(qso_table['Z_VI'])

Transform each spectrum to its quasar rest frame. We perform this operation in place (re-using the memory of the input array) and in parallel on all spectra.

In [18]:
z_in = qso_table['Z_VI'][:,np.newaxis]
plate_data = speclite.redshift(z_in=z_in, z_out=0, data_in=plate_data, data_out=plate_data, rules=[
        dict(name='wavelength', exponent=+1),
        dict(name='flux', exponent=-1),
        dict(name='ivar', exponent=+2)

Resample each spectrum to a uniform rest wavelength grid and stack them together to calculate the mean rest-frame quasar spectrum. The resample() and accumulate() operations re-use the same memory for each input spectrum, so this loop has fixed (small) memory requirements, independent of the number of spectra being stacked.

In [19]:
resampled, plate_qso = None, None
for data in plate_data:
    resampled = speclite.resample(data, x_in='wavelength', x_out=fiducial_grid, y=('flux', 'ivar'), data_out=resampled)
    plate_qso = speclite.accumulate(spec_qso, resampled, data_out=plate_qso, join='wavelength',
                                   add='flux', weight='ivar')

In [20]:
plot_stack(plate_qso, truncate_percentile=99.5)