In [1]:
%pylab inline
In [2]:
import astropy.table
import astropy.constants
import astropy.units as u
CLIGHT_KM_S = / u.s).value
In [3]:
import time
Generate a rest-frame doublet spectrum using the specified parameter values:
In [4]:
def oii_doublet(wlen, total_flux=8., peak1_wlen=3727.092, peak2_wlen=3729.874, flux_ratio12=0.73, sigma_v=75.):
total_flux : float
Total rest-frame flux in units of 1e-17 erg / (cm2 s A)
peak1_wlen : float
Rest wavelength of the left-most peak in Angstroms.
peak2_wlen : float
Rest wavelength of the right-most peak in Angstroms.
flux_ratio12 : float
Ratio of flux in peak1 to peak2. Dimensionless.
sigma_v : float
Rest-frame velocity dispersion of the peaks in km/s.
sigma_log_wlen = sigma_v / CLIGHT_KM_S
log_wlen = np.log(wlen)
flux1 = total_flux * flux_ratio12 / (1 + flux_ratio12)
flux2 = total_flux / (1 + flux_ratio12)
denom = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma_log_wlen
amp1 = flux1 / peak1_wlen / denom
amp2 = flux2 / peak2_wlen / denom
flux = (
amp1 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((log_wlen - np.log(peak1_wlen)) / sigma_log_wlen)**2) +
amp2 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((log_wlen - np.log(peak2_wlen)) / sigma_log_wlen)**2))
return flux
Initialize the wavelength grid for doublets with z ~ 1.0:
In [5]:
def init_wlen(z_center, num_pixels=30, pixel_size=1., oversampling=20):
wlen_center = 3728.5 * (1 + z_center)
wlen_lo = wlen_center - 0.5 * num_pixels * pixel_size
wlen_hi = wlen_center + 0.5 * num_pixels * pixel_size
pixel_edges = np.linspace(wlen_lo, wlen_hi, num_pixels + 1)
pixel_centers = 0.5 * (pixel_edges[1:] + pixel_edges[:-1])
os_edges = np.linspace(wlen_lo, wlen_hi, oversampling * num_pixels + 1)
os_centers = 0.5 * (os_edges[1:] + os_edges[:-1])
return pixel_edges, pixel_centers, os_centers
In [6]:
z0 = 1.0
oversampling = 20
In [7]:
pixel_edges, pixel_centers, os_centers = init_wlen(z_center = z0, oversampling=oversampling)
Calculate velocity error of z relative to z0 in km/s:
In [8]:
def dvel(z):
return CLIGHT_KM_S * (z - z0) / (1. + z0)
Invert this relationship:
In [9]:
def zval(dv):
return z0 + dv / CLIGHT_KM_S * (1 + z0)
Generate an observed-frame doublet spectrum downsampled to observed pixels:
In [91]:
def doublet_model(dv, total_rest_flux=8., flux_ratio12=0.73, sigma_v=75., oversampling=20):
z = zval(dv)
# Convert oversampled observed bin edges to rest frame with this redshift.
wlen_rest = os_centers / (1. + z)
# Calculate observed ELG doublet mean flux on oversampled grid.
os_flux = oii_doublet(wlen_rest, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12=flux_ratio12, sigma_v=sigma_v) / (1. + z)
# Downsample to observed pixels.
pixel_flux = np.mean(os_flux.reshape(-1,oversampling), axis=-1)
return pixel_flux
Generate a data set to analyze. Noise is specified by a total SNR for the peak and assumed to be constant per pixel.
In [92]:
def get_sigma(flux, snr):
return np.sqrt(np.sum(flux ** 2)) / snr
In [93]:
def generate(dv, total_rest_flux=8., flux_ratio12=0.73, sigma_v=75., bg_flux = 0.5, snr=10., gen=None):
M = doublet_model(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v)
sigma_flux = get_sigma(M, snr)
M += bg_flux
if not isinstance(gen, np.random.RandomState):
gen = np.random.RandomState(gen)
return M + sigma_flux * gen.randn(len(M)), sigma_flux
In [94]:
def plot_generated(dv, total_rest_flux=8., flux_ratio12=0.73, sigma_v=75., bg_flux = 0.5,
snr=10., gen=None, chain=None):
pixel_flux = doublet_model(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v) + bg_flux
smooth = doublet_model(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v, oversampling=1) + bg_flux
noisy, sigma_flux = generate(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v, bg_flux, snr, gen)
#plt.hist(x=pixel_centers, bins=pixel_edges, weights=pixel_flux, color='b', alpha=0.25, histtype='stepfilled')
plt.hist(x=pixel_centers, bins=pixel_edges, weights=pixel_flux, color='b', histtype='step')
plt.plot(os_centers, smooth, 'b-', lw=2)
if chain is not None:
for theta in chain:
sample = doublet_model(*theta[:4], oversampling=1) + theta[4]
plt.plot(os_centers, sample, 'r-', lw=1, alpha=0.2)
plt.errorbar(x=pixel_centers, y=noisy, yerr=sigma_flux, ls='none', marker='o', color='k')
plt.xlim(pixel_edges[0], pixel_edges[-1])
plt.xlabel('Observed Wavelength [A]')
plt.ylabel('Observed Flux [$\\times 10^{17}\,\mathrm{erg}/(\mathrm{cm}^2\mathrm{s}\,\mathrm{A})$]')
In [95]:
plot_generated(-100., snr=10., gen=123)
Calculate the log-likelihood of a generated data set:
In [20]:
def loglike(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v, bg_flux, D, sigma_flux, dv_max=300.):
M = doublet_model(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v) + bg_flux
pulls = (D - M) / sigma_flux
return -0.5 *, pulls)
Calculate the log-prior of the parameters. We assume flat priors in dv and sigma_v, and Gaussian priors in flux and ratio12:
In [21]:
def logprior(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v, bg_flux):
result = 0.
# Uniform prior on -300 < dv < 300
if np.abs(dv) >= 300:
return -numpy.inf
# Uniform prior on 25 < sigma_v < 300
if sigma_v <= 25 or sigma_v >= 300:
return -numpy.inf
# Gaussian prior on total_rest_flux.
mu, sigma = 10., 2.
result -= 0.5 * ((total_rest_flux - mu) / sigma) ** 2
# Gaussian prior on flux_ratio12.
mu, sigma = 0.8, 0.2
result -= 0.5 * ((flux_ratio12 - mu) / sigma) ** 2
# Gaussian prior on bg_flux.
mu, sigma = 0., 5.
result -= 0.5 * ((bg_flux - mu) / sigma) ** 2
return result
Combine the log-likelihood and log-prior into the log-posterior:
In [22]:
def logpost(theta, D, sigma_flux):
dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v, bg_flux = theta
return (logprior(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v, bg_flux) +
loglike(dv, total_rest_flux, flux_ratio12, sigma_v, bg_flux, D, sigma_flux))
Generate a random set of parameters sampled from the prior.
In [23]:
def get_random_params(n, gen):
params = np.empty((n, 5))
# Sample dv from uniform prior.
params[:, 0] = gen.uniform(-300., +300., size=n)
# Sample total_rest_flux from normal prior.
params[:, 1] = gen.normal(10., 2., size=n)
# Sample flux_ratio12 from normal prior.
params[:, 2] = gen.normal(0.8, 0.2, size=n)
# Sample sigma_v from uniform prior.
params[:, 3] = gen.uniform(25., 300., size=n)
# Sample bg_flux from normal prior.
params[:, 4] = gen.normal(0., 5., size=n)
return params
In [24]:
import emcee
import corner
In [25]:
def build_emcee_chain(dv_truth, flux_truth, ratio_truth, sigv_truth, bg_truth,
snr=10., nkeep=20000, nburn=100, save=None, seed=1):
# Generate the data to fit for this study.
gen = np.random.RandomState(seed) if seed else None
D, sigma_flux = generate(dv_truth, flux_truth, ratio_truth, sigv_truth, bg_truth, snr, gen=gen)
# Initialize the sampler.
ndim, nwalkers = 5, 20
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, logpost, args=[D, sigma_flux])
# Generate random initial parameters for each walker.
theta0 = get_random_params(nwalkers, gen)
# Run the sampler.
begin = time.time()
sampler.run_mcmc(theta0, nburn + nkeep // nwalkers)
elapsed = time.time() - begin
print 'Sampling took {0:.1f} seconds.'.format(elapsed)
samples = sampler.chain[:, nburn:].reshape(-1, ndim)
# Display the results.
fig = corner.corner(samples,
labels=["$\Delta v$ [km/s]", "Rest Flux", "Ratio12", "$\sigma_v$ [km/s]", "BG Flux"],
truths=[dv_truth, flux_truth, ratio_truth, sigv_truth, bg_truth],
quantiles=(0.16, 0.5, 0.84),
truth_color='r', color='b', show_titles=True)
if save:
return samples
In [26]:
emcee_chain = build_emcee_chain(
dv_truth=50., flux_truth=12., ratio_truth=0.8, sigv_truth=65., bg_truth=0.5, snr=10., seed=123)
In [27]:
plot_generated(50., 12., 0.8, 65., 0.5, 10., 123, emcee_chain[::500])
In [28]:
emcee_chain2 = build_emcee_chain(
dv_truth=50., flux_truth=12., ratio_truth=0.8, sigv_truth=65., bg_truth=0.5, snr=10., seed=1234)
In [29]:
plot_generated(50., 12., 0.8, 65., 0.5, 10., 1234, emcee_chain[::500])
In [30]:
import pymc3
In [180]:
def create_pymc3_model(D, sigma_flux, peak1_wlen=3727.092, peak2_wlen=3729.874, oversampling=20):
model = pymc3.Model()
with model:
# Define priors on top-level parameters.
dv = pymc3.Uniform('dv', lower=-300., upper=+300.)
total_rest_flux = pymc3.Normal('Rest Flux', mu=10., sd=4.)
flux_ratio12 = pymc3.Normal('Ratio12', mu=0.8, sd=0.5)
sigma_v = pymc3.Uniform('sigv', lower=25., upper=300.)
bg_flux = pymc3.Normal('BG Flux', mu=0., sd=4.)
##bg_flux = pymc3.Uniform('BG Flux', lower=-5., upper=+5.)
# Calculate redshift from dv.
z = z0 + dv / CLIGHT_KM_S * (1 + z0)
sigma_log_wlen = sigma_v / CLIGHT_KM_S
denom = np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*sigma_log_wlen
# Convert oversampled observed wavelength grid to the rest frame.
wlen = os_centers / (1 + z)
# Calculate normalization factors for each peak.
flux1 = total_rest_flux * flux_ratio12 / (1 + flux_ratio12)
flux2 = total_rest_flux / (1 + flux_ratio12)
# Calculate the oversampled observed flux in observed frame.
log_wlen = pymc3.log(wlen)
peak1 = pymc3.exp(-0.5 * ((log_wlen - pymc3.log(peak1_wlen)) / sigma_log_wlen) ** 2)
peak2 = pymc3.exp(-0.5 * ((log_wlen - pymc3.log(peak2_wlen)) / sigma_log_wlen) ** 2)
denom = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma_log_wlen
amp1 = flux1 / peak1_wlen / denom
amp2 = flux2 / peak2_wlen / denom
oversampled_flux = (amp1 * peak1 + amp2 * peak2) / (1 + z)
# Downsample to pixels.
density = 1.0 / oversampling
downsampler = np.zeros((len(pixel_centers), len(os_centers)), dtype=float)
for i in xrange(len(pixel_centers)):
j1 = i * oversampling
j2 = j1 + oversampling
downsampler[i, j1:j2] = density
signal_flux =, oversampled_flux)
# Add background.
total_flux = signal_flux + bg_flux
# Calculate the likelihood of the observed D.
likelihood = pymc3.Normal('P(D|M)', mu=total_flux, sd=sigma_flux, observed=D)
return model
In [204]:
def build_pymc3_chain(dv_truth, flux_truth, ratio_truth, sigv_truth, bg_truth,
snr=10., nkeep=20000, nburn=100, save=None, seed=1, step_type='NUTS'):
# Generate the data to fit for this study.
D, sigma_flux = generate(dv_truth, flux_truth, ratio_truth, sigv_truth, bg_truth, snr, gen=seed)
# Initialize the model.
model = create_pymc3_model(D, sigma_flux)
with model:
# Find the max. a-posterior probability solution and use it as a starting point.
print '\n== Finding the MAP...'
begin = time.time()
start = pymc3.find_MAP()
elapsed = time.time() - begin
print '\n== MAP search took {0:.1f} seconds.'.format(elapsed)
step = pymc3.NUTS(scaling=start)
step = pymc3.HamiltonianMC(scaling=start)
step = pymc3.Metropolis()
step = pymc3.Slice()
print 'Sampler type not specified. Using NUTS'
# Generate samples.
print '\n== Sampling the posterior...'
begin = time.time()
samples = pymc3.sample(nburn + nkeep,step, start=start)
elapsed = time.time() - begin
print '\n== Sampling took {0:.1f} seconds.'.format(elapsed)
# Summarize
names = ('dv', 'Rest Flux', 'Ratio12', 'sigv', 'BG Flux')
chain = np.empty((nkeep, len(names)))
for i, name in enumerate(names):
chain[:, i] = samples.get_values(name, burn=nburn)
return chain
In [194]:
pymc3_chain = build_pymc3_chain(
dv_truth=50., flux_truth=12., ratio_truth=0.8, sigv_truth=65., bg_truth=0.5, snr=10., seed=123)
In [195]:
plot_generated(50., 12., 0.8, 65., 0.5, 10., 123, pymc3_chain[::500])
In [196]:
trace = pymc3_chain.reshape(-1,5)
labels=["$\Delta v$ [km/s]", "Rest Flux", "Ratio12", "$\sigma_v$ [km/s]", "BG Flux"],
truths=[50, 12, 0.8, 65, 0.5],
quantiles=(0.16, 0.5, 0.84),
truth_color='r', color='b', show_titles=True);
In [199]:
pymc3_chain2 = build_pymc3_chain(
dv_truth=50., flux_truth=12., ratio_truth=0.8, sigv_truth=65., bg_truth=0.5, snr=10., seed=123, step_type='HMC')
Did we just get unlikely with a particular data realization? Try a different random seed.
In [202]:
plot_generated(50., 12., 0.8, 65., 0.5, 10., 123, pymc3_chain2[::500])
In [201]:
trace2 = pymc3_chain2.reshape(-1,5)
labels=["$\Delta v$ [km/s]", "Rest Flux", "Ratio12", "$\sigma_v$ [km/s]", "BG Flux"],
truths=[50, 12, 0.8, 65, 0.5],
quantiles=(0.16, 0.5, 0.84),
truth_color='r', color='b', show_titles=True);
In [205]:
pymc3_chain3 = build_pymc3_chain(
dv_truth=50., flux_truth=12., ratio_truth=0.8, sigv_truth=65., bg_truth=0.5, snr=10., seed=123, step_type='Metropolis')
In [206]:
plot_generated(50., 12., 0.8, 65., 0.5, 10., 123, pymc3_chain3[::500])
In [207]:
trace3 = pymc3_chain3.reshape(-1,5)
labels=["$\Delta v$ [km/s]", "Rest Flux", "Ratio12", "$\sigma_v$ [km/s]", "BG Flux"],
truths=[50, 12, 0.8, 65, 0.5],
quantiles=(0.16, 0.5, 0.84),
truth_color='r', color='b', show_titles=True);
Animation on how different samplers do their job:
In [ ]: