Example's idea taken from https://github.com/rdp/ruby_gnuplot/blob/master/examples/histogram.rb .
In [1]:
require 'gnuplotrb'
include GnuplotRB
titles = %w{decade Austria Hungary Belgium}
data = [
['1891-1900', 234081, 181288, 18167],
['1901-1910', 668209, 808511, 41635],
['1911-1920', 453649, 442693, 33746],
['1921-1930', 32868, 30680, 15846],
['1931-1940', 3563, 7861, 4817],
['1941-1950', 24860, 3469, 12189],
['1951-1960', 67106, 36637, 18575],
['1961-1970', 20621, 5401, 9192],
x = data.map(&:first)
datasets = (1..3).map do |col|
y = data.map { |row| row[col] }
Dataset.new([x, y], using: '2:xtic(1)', title: titles[col], file: true)
histogramm = Plot.new(
title: 'Histogram example',
style: 'data histograms',
xtics: 'nomirror rotate by -45',
term: ['pngcairo', size: [600, 600]]
The same data may be also plotted in another form.
In [2]:
histogramm.style('data linespoints')
In [3]:
titles = %w{decade Build Test Deploy Overall}
data = [
[1, 312, 525, 215, 1052],
[2, 630, 1050, 441, 2121],
[3, 315, 701, 370, 1386],
[4, 312, 514, 220, 1046]
x = data.map(&:first)
datasets = (1..4).map do |col|
y = data.map { |row| row[col] }
Dataset.new([x, y], using: '2:xtic(1)', title: titles[col], file: true)
style_data: 'histograms',
style_fill: 'pattern border',
yrange: 0..2200,
xlabel: 'Number of test',
ylabel: 'Time, s',
title: 'Time spent to run deploy pipeline'