Membership Form

Script to help fill out a form.

In [13]:
import json

In [14]:
fordict = dict()

In [ ]:
print ('Parent to complete this section: ')
firnam = raw_input('first name: ')
lasnam = raw_input('last name: ')
adrs = raw_input('street number and name: ')
adtow = raw_input('city/town: ')
fordict.update({'firstname': firnam, 'lastname': lasnam, 'street': adrs, 'city': adtow})

hnum = raw_input('home number: ')
mnum = raw_input('mobile number: ')

emad = raw_input('email address: ')

skol = raw_input('school: ')
fordict.update({'homenumber': hnum, 'mobilenumber': mnum, 'emailaddr': emad, 'school': skol})

yrlvl = raw_input('year of school (0 for left): ')

gndr = raw_input('gender: ')

ethnic = raw_input('ethnicity: ')

fordict.update({'year': yrlvl, 'gender': gndr, 'ethnic': ethnic})

npare = raw_input('Name of Parent: ')

empar = raw_input('Email address of Parent: ')

phpar = raw_input('Home number of Parent: ')

phwor = raw_input('Work number of Parent: ')

phmol = raw_input('Mobile number of Parent: ')

fordict.update({'nameparent': npare, 'emailparent': empar, 'homenumparent': phpar, 'worknumparent': phwor, 'mobilenumparent': phmol})

dietreq = raw_input('Any dietary requirments? ')

medcond = raw_input('Details of any medical conditions we should be aware of: ')

permis = raw_input('Do you give permission to enrol in YouthTek15, attend bus trip to Wellington and for photos to be used for reporting and promotional purposes ')

transpor = raw_input('I can provide safe transport to and from Te Takere each day ')

signam = raw_input('Signature: ')
fordict.update({'diet': dietreq, 'permission': permis, 'transport': transpor})

In [9]:

{'city': 'levin',
 'diet': 'no',
 'emailaddr': '',
 'emailparent': '',
 'ethnic': 'white',
 'firstname': 'will',
 'gender': 'male',
 'homenumber': '123',
 'homenumparent': '123',
 'lastname': 'mckee',
 'mobilenumber': '123',
 'mobilenumparent': '123',
 'nameparent': 'billy',
 'permission': 'yes',
 'school': 'nua',
 'street': '16',
 'transport': 'yes',
 'worknumparent': '123',
 'year': '0'}

In [10]:
print ('Student to complete this sectionn: ')

whycom = raw_input('Why do you wish to participate in YouthTek15: ')

whatit = raw_input('What IT experience do you have: ')

whereyt = raw_input('Where did you hear able YouthTek15? ')

fordict.update({'why': whycom, 'what': whatit, 'where': whereyt})
undstan = raw_input('Bus Trip is only for those that attend full week: ')

partful = raw_input('I will actively participate in the project fully for the whole week.')

signatz = raw_input('Signature: ')

fordict.update({'bus': undstan, 'participate': partful, 'studsign': signatz})

Student to complete this sectionn: 
Why do you wish to participate in YouthTek15: cos you are cool
What IT experience do you have: made a site or 7
Where did you hear able YouthTek15? jd
Bus Trip is only for those that attend full week: ok
I will actively participate in the project fully for the whole week.ok
Signature: wcm

In [11]:
print ('School teacher to complete this section')

sccom = raw_input('Comments: ')

supportthis = raw_input('I fully support the application form: ')

signza = raw_input('Signature: ')

napost = raw_input('Name and Position: ')

fordict.update({'teacom': sccom, 'teasup': supportthis, 'teasig': signza, 'teanampos': napost})

School teacher to complete this section
Comments: student is cool
I fully support the application form: yes
Signature: wbk
Name and Position: wbk

In [12]:

{'bus': 'ok',
 'city': 'levin',
 'diet': 'no',
 'emailaddr': '',
 'emailparent': '',
 'ethnic': 'white',
 'firstname': 'will',
 'gender': 'male',
 'homenumber': '123',
 'homenumparent': '123',
 'lastname': 'mckee',
 'mobilenumber': '123',
 'mobilenumparent': '123',
 'nameparent': 'billy',
 'participate': 'ok',
 'permission': 'yes',
 'school': 'nua',
 'street': '16',
 'studsign': 'wcm',
 'teacom': 'student is cool',
 'teanampos': 'wbk',
 'teasig': 'wbk',
 'teasup': 'yes',
 'transport': 'yes',
 'what': 'made a site or 7',
 'where': 'jd',
 'why': 'cos you are cool',
 'worknumparent': '123',
 'year': '0'}

In [ ]: