You can find the source of these slides on GitHub.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from make_partition_plots import make_butterfly
In [2]:
from IPython import display
In [3]:
import numpy as np
def load_whale():
data = np.load('resources/bluewhale.npz')
X = data['X']
sampling_rate = int(data['rate'])
blue_whale_begin = 24500 - 1
blue_whale_end = 31000 - 1
blue_whale_call = X[blue_whale_begin:blue_whale_end + 1]
size_call = len(blue_whale_call)
# Pad signal with zeros up to the next power of 2.
N = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(size_call)))
blue_whale_call = np.hstack([
np.zeros(N - len(blue_whale_call)),
return sampling_rate, blue_whale_call
In [4]:
sampling_rate, blue_whale_call = load_whale()
N = len(blue_whale_call)
time_base = np.arange(N) * 10.0 / sampling_rate
In [5]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.plot(time_base, blue_whale_call)
plt.title('Blue Whale B Call')
plt.xlim((time_base[0], time_base[-1]))
plt.xlabel('Time (seconds)')
In [6]:
import time
start = time.time()
dft_whale_call = np.fft.fft(blue_whale_call, n=N)
fft_duration = time.time() - start
message = r'\text{Duration with FFT optimized: } %2.10f' % (fft_duration,)
In [7]:
re_sampled_time = np.arange(len(dft_whale_call)) * sampling_rate / (10.0 * N)
amplitude = np.abs(dft_whale_call) / N
plt.plot(re_sampled_time[:N/2], amplitude[:N/2])
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Component Frequencies')
In [8]:
from make_partition_plots import get_random_intervals
from make_partition_plots import naive_interaction
S_VALUES, T_VALUES = get_random_intervals(16)
naive_interaction(S_VALUES, T_VALUES, N=16)
In [9]:
def compute_f_hat(f, t, s, kernel_func):
f_hat = np.zeros(f.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
for k in xrange(len(f)):
# Vectorized update.
f_hat[k] = np.sum(kernel_func(t[k], s) * f)
return f_hat
In [10]:
# We expect a "slowdown factor" of N / log N
expected_quadratic = fft_duration * N / np.log2(N)
message = r'\text{Expected Quadratic Run-time: } %2.10f' % (expected_quadratic,)
In [11]:
N_vals = np.arange(N, dtype=np.float64)
t = 2 * np.pi * N_vals
s = N_vals / N
def dft_kernel(t, s):
return np.exp(- 1.0j * t * s)
start = time.time()
f_hat = compute_f_hat(blue_whale_call, t, s, dft_kernel)
naive_duration = time.time() - start
message = r'\text{Actual Naive Duration: } %2.10f' % (naive_duration,)
In [12]:
error = np.linalg.norm(f_hat - dft_whale_call, ord=2)
sig, exponent = str(error).split('e')
expr = r'\|e\|_2 = %s \cdot 10^{%s}' % (sig, exponent)
In [13]:
naive_interaction(S_VALUES, T_VALUES, N=16)
In [14]:
from make_partition_plots import binned_interaction
binned_interaction(S_VALUES, T_VALUES, L=2)
In [15]:
from make_partition_plots import make_1D_centers
make_1D_centers(L=2, s_values=S_VALUES)
In [16]:
make_butterfly(L=4, level=0)
In [17]:
make_butterfly(L=4, level=1)
In [18]:
make_butterfly(L=4, level=2)
In [19]:
make_butterfly(L=4, level=3)
In [20]:
make_butterfly(L=4, level=4)
In [21]:
import sympy
t, s, tau, sigma = sympy.symbols('t s tau sigma')
RHS = tau * sigma + tau * (s - sigma) + sigma * (t - tau) + (s - sigma) * (t - tau)
In [22]:
We start with $\ell = 0$ and consider what it might take to compute.
In [23]:
make_butterfly(L=4, level=0)
• $\left|\left\{B(\sigma)\right\}_{\sigma}\right| = 2^L = \mathcal{O}(N)$
• $\left|\left\{D(\tau, \sigma, \alpha)\right\}_{\tau, \sigma, \alpha}\right| = \mathcal{O}(N)$
• $\widehat{f}(t) = \displaystyle \sum_{\sigma, \alpha} K'(t, \sigma, \alpha) D(\tau, \sigma, \alpha)$ takes $\mathcal{O}(N)$
• Total: $\mathcal{O}\left(N^2\right)$ since $D(\tau, \sigma, \alpha) = \displaystyle \sum_{s \in B(\sigma)} \cdots$
Instead we consider the end where $\ell = L$.
In [24]:
make_butterfly(L=4, level=4)
• $\left|\left\{B(\sigma)\right\}_{\sigma}\right| = 1$
• $\widehat{f}(t) = \displaystyle \sum_{\sigma, \alpha} K'(t, \sigma, \alpha) D(\tau, \sigma, \alpha)$ takes $\mathcal{O}(1)$
• Now $D(\tau, \sigma, \alpha) = \displaystyle \sum_{s \in B(\sigma)} \cdots$ is $\mathcal{O}(N)$
• Total: still $\mathcal{O}\left(N^2\right)$
In [25]:
def get_bins_and_deltas(vals, min_val, bin_width, num_bins):
bin_indices = np.floor((vals - min_val) / bin_width)
# max(vals) falls in the last bin
bin_indices = np.minimum(bin_indices, num_bins - 1)
bin_centers = min_val + (0.5 + bin_indices) * bin_width
return bin_indices.astype(int), vals - bin_centers
In [26]:
def create_initial_data(s_values, min_s, max_s, tau,
actual_data, num_bins, M):
bin_width = (max_s - min_s) / float(num_bins)
bin_indices, s_deltas = get_bins_and_deltas(s_values, min_s,
bin_width, num_bins)
sum_parts = np.zeros((len(s_values), M), dtype=np.complex128)
sum_parts[:, 0] = dft_kernel(tau, s_values) * actual_data
for alpha in xrange(1, M):
sum_parts[:, alpha] = (sum_parts[:, alpha - 1] * s_deltas *
(-1.0j) / alpha)
result = []
curr_sigma = min_s + 0.5 * bin_width
for bin_index in xrange(num_bins):
sum_across_bin = np.sum(
sum_parts[np.where(bin_indices == bin_index)[0], :], axis=0)
result.append((tau, curr_sigma, sum_across_bin.reshape(M, 1)))
curr_sigma += bin_width
return result
In [27]:
def compute_t_by_bins(t_values, min_t, max_t, coeff_vals, num_bins, M):
bin_width = (max_t - min_t) / float(num_bins)
bin_indices, t_deltas = get_bins_and_deltas(t_values, min_t,
bin_width, num_bins)
# We assume all sigma values are the same and do not check.
sigma = coeff_vals[0][1]
exponents = np.arange(M, dtype=np.float64)
t_delta_powers = t_deltas[:, np.newaxis]**exponents[np.newaxis, :]
# Use hstack since the vectors are 2D, then transpose.
coefficients = np.hstack([triple[2] for triple in coeff_vals]).T
t_matched_coeffs = coefficients[bin_indices, :]
fhat_t = np.sum(t_delta_powers * t_matched_coeffs, axis=1,
fhat_t *= dft_kernel(t_deltas, sigma)
return fhat_t
In [28]:
def A1(M, delta, eye_func=np.eye):
result = eye_func(M)
result[0, 1] = delta
for col in xrange(2, M):
prev_val = result[0, col - 1]
# Pascal's triangle does not apply at ends. The zero term
# already set on the diagonal.
result[0, col] = delta * prev_val
for row in xrange(1, col):
curr_val = result[row, col - 1]
result[row, col] = prev_val + delta * curr_val
prev_val = curr_val
return result
In [29]:
A1_val = A1(5, -1.0)
print A1_val
In [30]:
A1_symb = A1(5, sympy.Symbol('Delta'), eye_func=sympy.eye)
In [31]:
from make_partition_plots import show_tau_refine
In [32]:
def mult_diag(val, A, M, diag):
first_row = max(0, -diag)
last_row = min(M, M - diag)
for row in xrange(first_row, last_row):
A[row, row + diag] *= val
def A_update(A_val, scale_multiplier=0.5, upper_diags=True):
M = A_val.shape[0]
# If not `upper_diags` we want the lower diagonal.
diag_mult = 1 if upper_diags else -1
# We don't need to update the main diagonal since exponent=0.
scale_factor = 1
for diagonal in xrange(1, M):
scale_factor *= scale_multiplier
mult_diag(scale_factor, A_val, M, diagonal * diag_mult)
In [33]:
A1_negative = A1_val.copy()
A_update(A1_negative, scale_multiplier=-1.0)
print A1_negative
In [34]:
all_ones = sympy.ones(4, 4)
A_update(all_ones, scale_multiplier=sympy.Symbol('x'), upper_diags=True)
A_update(all_ones, scale_multiplier=sympy.Symbol('y'), upper_diags=False)
In [35]:
from make_partition_plots import show_sigma_coarsen
In [36]:
def complex_eye(M):
return np.eye(M, dtype=np.complex128)
def set_diag(val, A, M, diag):
first_row = max(0, -diag)
last_row = min(M, M - diag)
for row in xrange(first_row, last_row):
A[row, row + diag] = val
def A2(M, delta, eye_func=complex_eye, imag=1.0j):
result = eye_func(M)
new_delta = -imag * delta
diagonal_value = 1
for sub_diagonal in xrange(1, M):
diagonal_value = diagonal_value * new_delta / sub_diagonal
set_diag(diagonal_value, result, M, -sub_diagonal)
return result
In [37]:
A2_val = A2(5, 1.0j)
print 'Frobenius norm of imaginary part:', np.linalg.norm(np.imag(A2_val), ord='fro')
print '-' * 40
A2_val = np.real(A2_val)
print A2_val
In [38]:
A2_symb = A2(5, sympy.Symbol('Delta'),
eye_func=sympy.eye, imag=sympy.I)
In [39]:
A_update(A2_val, scale_multiplier=2.0, upper_diags=False)
print A2_val
In [40]:
A_update(A2_val, scale_multiplier=-1.0, upper_diags=False)
print A2_val
In [41]:
a, b, c, d, e, f = sympy.symbols('a b c d e f')
M_left = sympy.Matrix([[a, b, 0, 0], [0, 0, a, b]])
M_right = sympy.Matrix([[c, 0], [0, d], [e, 0], [0, f]])
message = sympy.latex(M_left) + sympy.latex(M_right)
In [42]:
M_prod = M_left * M_right
message = sympy.latex(M_prod)
In [43]:
from itertools import izip
def increase_tau_refinement(values, num_tau, num_sigma, update_func):
result = []
for tau_index in xrange(num_tau):
begin = tau_index * num_sigma
end = begin + num_sigma
# We need to hold the right values until all the left values
# have been added.
right_updated = []
# Assumes num_sigma is even.
left_vals, right_vals = values[begin:end:2], values[1 + begin:end:2]
for left_val, right_val in izip(left_vals, right_vals):
new_left, new_right = update_func(left_val, right_val)
return result
In [44]:
def custom_update(left_val, right_val):
tau, sigma1 = left_val
tau2, sigma2 = right_val
new_sigma = sigma1 >> 1
if tau != tau2 or new_sigma != (sigma2 >> 1):
raise ValueError(left_val, right_val)
new_left = (2 * tau, new_sigma)
new_right = (2 * tau + 1, new_sigma)
return new_left, new_right
In [45]:
num_tau = 2
num_sigma = 4
index_pairs1 = [(tau, sigma)
for tau in xrange(num_tau)
for sigma in xrange(num_sigma)]
index_pairs2 = increase_tau_refinement(
index_pairs1, num_tau, num_sigma, custom_update)
index_pairs3 = increase_tau_refinement(
index_pairs2, 2 * num_tau, num_sigma / 2, custom_update)
In [46]:
row_template = (r'\left(\tau_{%d}, \sigma_{%d}\right) & \rightarrow & '
r'\left(\tau_{%d}, \sigma_{%d}\right) & \rightarrow & '
r'\left(\tau_{%d}, \sigma_{%d}\right) \\')
latex_rows = [
r'\ell = 1 & & \ell = 2 & & \ell = 3 \\',
for (i1, j1), (i2, j2), (i3, j3) in zip(index_pairs1,
index_pairs2, index_pairs3):
latex_rows.append(row_template % (i1, j1, i2, j2, i3, j3))
In [47]:
In [48]:
def make_update_func(A1_minus, A1_plus, A2_minus, A2_plus, delta_T):
top_left, top_right =,
bottom_left, bottom_right =,
def update_func(left_val, right_val):
tau, sigma, alpha_vals_left = left_val
# We expect the pair to share tau, and don't check to avoid slowdown.
tau_same, sigma_prime, alpha_vals_right = right_val
sigma_minus = 0.5 * (sigma + sigma_prime)
tau_left = tau - delta_T
tau_right = tau + delta_T
new_alpha_vals_left = (
dft_kernel(-delta_T, sigma) * +
dft_kernel(-delta_T, sigma_prime) *
new_alpha_vals_right = (
dft_kernel(delta_T, sigma) * +
(dft_kernel(delta_T, sigma_prime) *
new_left_val = (tau_left, sigma_minus, new_alpha_vals_left)
new_right_val = (tau_right, sigma_minus, new_alpha_vals_right)
return new_left_val, new_right_val
return update_func
In [49]:
def solve(s, t, data, L, M):
min_t, max_t = np.min(t), np.max(t)
min_s, max_s = np.min(s), np.max(s)
num_bins = 2**L
tau = 0.5 * (min_t + max_t)
coeff_vals = create_initial_data(s, min_s, max_s,
tau, data, num_bins, M)
# ell = 0
delta_S = (max_s - min_s) / (2.0 * num_bins)
delta_T = (max_t - min_t) * 0.25
num_tau, num_sigma = 1, num_bins
A1_minus, A1_plus = A1(M, -delta_T), A1(M, delta_T)
A2_minus, A2_plus = A2(M, -delta_S), A2(M, delta_S)
for ell in xrange(1, L + 1):
update_func = make_update_func(A1_minus, A1_plus, A2_minus,
A2_plus, delta_T)
coeff_vals = increase_tau_refinement(coeff_vals, num_tau,
num_sigma, update_func)
num_tau, num_sigma, delta_T = update_loop_vals(
num_tau, num_sigma, delta_T,
A1_minus, A1_plus, A2_minus, A2_plus)
return compute_t_by_bins(t, min_t, max_t, coeff_vals, num_bins, M)
In [50]:
def update_loop_vals(num_tau, num_sigma, delta_T,
A1_minus, A1_plus, A2_minus, A2_plus):
num_tau = num_tau * 2
num_sigma = num_sigma / 2
delta_T *= 0.5
A_update(A1_plus, scale_multiplier=0.5, upper_diags=True)
A_update(A1_minus, scale_multiplier=0.5, upper_diags=True)
A_update(A2_plus, scale_multiplier=2.0, upper_diags=False)
A_update(A2_minus, scale_multiplier=2.0, upper_diags=False)
return num_tau, num_sigma, delta_T
In [51]:
N = blue_whale_call.size
N_vals = np.arange(N, dtype=np.float64)
t = 2 * np.pi * N_vals
s = N_vals / N
L = 10 # relax by 3 levels
M = 50
start = time.time()
soln = solve(s, t, blue_whale_call, L, M)
duration = time.time() - start
message = r'\text{Butterfly Duration: } %2.10f' % (duration,)
In [52]:
message = r'\text{Recall, Actual Naive Duration: } %2.10f' % (naive_duration,)
In [53]:
error = np.linalg.norm(soln - dft_whale_call, ord=2)
sig, exponent = str(error).split('e')
expr = r'\|e\|_2 = %s \cdot 10^{%s}' % (sig, exponent)
In [54]:
# NOTE: This assumes s, t, blue_whale_call, dft_whale_call are globals at definition time
def get_time(L, M, s=s, t=t, data=blue_whale_call,
start = time.time()
soln = solve(t, s, data, L, M=M)
duration = time.time() - start
error = np.linalg.norm(soln - true_soln, ord=2)
return error, duration
In [55]:
L10_M_choices = (10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50, 58)
L10_time_pairs = [get_time(L=10, M=M) for M in L10_M_choices]
L11_M_choices = (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35)
L11_time_pairs = [get_time(L=11, M=M) for M in L11_M_choices]
L12_M_choices = (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28)
L12_time_pairs = [get_time(L=12, M=M) for M in L12_M_choices]
L13_M_choices = (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21)
L13_time_pairs = [get_time(L=12, M=M) for M in L13_M_choices]
In [56]:
from make_partition_plots import make_time_plots
make_time_plots(L10_M_choices, L11_M_choices, L12_M_choices, L13_M_choices,
L10_time_pairs, L11_time_pairs, L12_time_pairs, L13_time_pairs)
Two truncations: $$K(t, s) \approx K(\tau, \sigma) K(t - \tau, \sigma) K(\tau, s - \sigma) \sum_{\alpha = 0}^{M - 1} \frac{\left(- \sqrt{-1}\right)^{\alpha}}{\alpha!} (t - \tau)^{\alpha} \left(s - \sigma\right)^{\alpha}$$ and $$D(\tau_+, \sigma, \alpha) \approx K(\tau_+ - \tau, \sigma) \sum_{\beta : \alpha + \beta < M} \binom{\alpha + \beta}{\alpha} \left(\tau_+ - \tau\right)^{\beta} D(\tau, \sigma, \alpha + \beta)$$ We need to understand how these errors propagate through our solution.
In [57]:
# Custom styling, borrowed from
import os
# Make plots centered. H/T to
STYLE = """\
div.output_area, .ui-wrapper {
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In [58]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
N_exp = 4 # 8 boxes
N = 2**N_exp
# import seaborn
# seaborn.husl_palette(n_colors=7)
[0.9677975592919913, 0.44127456009157356, 0.5358103155058701],
[0.7757319041862729, 0.5784925270759935, 0.19475566538551875],
[0.5105309046900421, 0.6614299289084904, 0.1930849118538962],
[0.20433460114757862, 0.6863857739476534, 0.5407103379425205],
[0.21662978923073606, 0.6676586160122123, 0.7318695594345369],
[0.5049017849530067, 0.5909119231215284, 0.9584657252128558],
[0.9587050080494409, 0.3662259565791742, 0.9231469575614251],
def remove_axis_frame(ax):
# H/T:
for tic in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
tic.tick1On = tic.tick2On = False
for tic in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
tic.tick1On = tic.tick2On = False
def make_1D_centers(L=N_exp, s_values=None):
rows, cols = 1, 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols)
N = 2**L
all_sigma = np.linspace(0, 1, N + 1)
ax.plot(all_sigma, np.zeros(all_sigma.shape),
color='black', marker='|', markersize=20)
if s_values is not None:
ax.plot(s_values, np.zeros(s_values.shape),
color='blue', marker='o', linestyle='None')
center_pts = all_sigma[:-1] + 0.5 / N
ax.plot(center_pts, np.zeros(center_pts.shape),
color='red', marker='o', linestyle='None')
for i, x_val in enumerate(center_pts):
label = r'$\sigma_{%d}$' % (i,)
ax.annotate(label, xy=(x_val, -0.05), xytext=(x_val - 0.01, -0.04),
ax.set_xlim(-0.05, 1.05)
ax.set_ylim(-0.05, 0.05)
width, height = fig.get_size_inches()
fig.set_size_inches(2 * width, 2 * height, forward=True)
def add_labeled_M(ax, time_only, log_errors, M_choices, loc='upper right'):
for x, y, M, c in zip(time_only, log_errors, M_choices, SEABORN_COLORS):
ax.plot([x], [y], marker='o', label=r'$M = %d$' % (M,), color=c)
def make_time_plots(L10_M_choices, L11_M_choices, L12_M_choices, L13_M_choices,
L10_time_pairs, L11_time_pairs, L12_time_pairs,
rows = cols = 2
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(rows, cols)
L10_log_errors = [np.log10(pair[0]) for pair in L10_time_pairs]
L11_log_errors = [np.log10(pair[0]) for pair in L11_time_pairs]
L12_log_errors = [np.log10(pair[0]) for pair in L12_time_pairs]
L13_log_errors = [np.log10(pair[0]) for pair in L13_time_pairs]
L10_time_only = [pair[1] for pair in L10_time_pairs]
L11_time_only = [pair[1] for pair in L11_time_pairs]
L12_time_only = [pair[1] for pair in L12_time_pairs]
L13_time_only = [pair[1] for pair in L13_time_pairs]
true_min = np.min(L10_log_errors + L11_log_errors +
L12_log_errors + L13_log_errors)
true_min -= 1.0
true_max = np.max(L10_log_errors + L11_log_errors +
L12_log_errors + L13_log_errors)
true_max += 1.3
true_left = np.min(L10_time_only + L11_time_only +
L12_time_only + L13_time_only)
true_left -= 0.1
true_right = np.max(L10_time_only + L11_time_only +
L12_time_only + L13_time_only)
true_right += 0.1
ax1.plot(L10_time_only, L10_log_errors, color='black')
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\log_{10} ||e||_2$', rotation=0, fontsize=20, labelpad=40)
ax1.set_title(r'$L = 10$', fontsize=20)
ax1.set_xlim((true_left, true_right))
ax1.set_ylim((true_min, true_max))
add_labeled_M(ax1, L10_time_only, L10_log_errors, L10_M_choices)
ax2.plot(L11_time_only, L11_log_errors, color='black')
ax2.set_title(r'$L = 11$', fontsize=20)
ax2.set_xlim((true_left, true_right))
ax2.set_ylim((true_min, true_max))
add_labeled_M(ax2, L11_time_only, L11_log_errors, L11_M_choices)
ax3.plot(L12_time_only, L12_log_errors, color='black')
ax3.set_ylabel(r'$\log_{10} ||e||_2$', rotation=0, fontsize=20, labelpad=40)
ax3.set_xlabel('runtime', fontsize=20)
ax3.set_title(r'$L = 12$', fontsize=20)
ax3.set_xlim((true_left, true_right))
ax3.set_ylim((true_min, true_max))
add_labeled_M(ax3, L12_time_only, L12_log_errors,
L12_M_choices, loc='upper left')
ax4.plot(L13_time_only, L13_log_errors, marker='o')
ax4.set_title(r'$L = 13$', fontsize=20)
ax4.set_xlabel('runtime', fontsize=20)
ax4.set_xlim((true_left, true_right))
ax4.set_ylim((true_min, true_max))
add_labeled_M(ax4, L13_time_only, L13_log_errors,
L13_M_choices, loc='upper left')
width, height = fig.get_size_inches()
fig.set_size_inches(2 * width, 2 * height, forward=True)
def make_butterfly(L=4, level=None):
rows, cols = 1, 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols)
if level is not None:
s_index, t_index = L - level, level
ax.set_title(r'$L = %d, \, \ell = %d$' % (L, L - s_index),
heights = np.linspace(0, 1, L + 1)
x_vals = np.array([0.0, 1.0]) # Left and right half.
for i in xrange(L + 1):
j = L - i
begin = np.array([0.0, heights[i]])
end = np.array([1.0, heights[j]])
quarter_dir = 0.25 * (end - begin)
dx, dy = quarter_dir
ax.arrow(dx, heights[i] + dy, 2 * dx, 2 * dy,
length_includes_head=True, color='blue')
ax.arrow(0.0, heights[i], dx, dy,
length_includes_head=False, color='black')
ax.plot([3 * dx, 1.0], [heights[i] + 3 * dy, heights[j]],
color='black', linewidth=1.5)
if level is not None:
s_boundaries = np.linspace(-0.55, -0.05, 2**s_index + 1)
heights[s_index] * np.ones(2**s_index + 1),
color='black', marker='|', markersize=20)
s_width = s_boundaries[1] - s_boundaries[0]
ax.plot(s_width * 0.5 + s_boundaries[:-1],
heights[s_index] * np.ones(2**s_index),
color='red', marker='o', linestyle='None')
t_boundaries = np.linspace(1.05, 1.55, 2**t_index + 1)
heights[t_index] * np.ones(2**t_index + 1),
color='black', marker='|', markersize=20)
t_width = t_boundaries[1] - t_boundaries[0]
ax.plot(t_width * 0.5 + t_boundaries[:-1],
heights[t_index] * np.ones(2**t_index),
color='red', marker='o', linestyle='None')
if level is None:
ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
ax.set_xlim(-0.55, 1.55)
ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
width, height = fig.get_size_inches()
fig.set_size_inches(2 * width, 2 * height, forward=True)
def get_random_intervals(N):
interval_width = 1.0 / N
interval_starts = np.linspace(0, 1 - interval_width, N)
L = interval_starts + interval_width * np.random.random(N)
R = interval_starts + interval_width * np.random.random(N)
return L, R
def naive_interaction(L, R, N=16, return_fig=False):
rows, cols = 1, 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols)
N = N or len(L)
ax.set_title(r'$N = %d$' % (N,), fontsize=20)
for l_val in L:
for r_val in R:
ax.plot([0, 1], [l_val, r_val], color='blue')
ax.annotate('$S$', xy=(0.0, 0.5), xytext=(-0.05, 0.5),
ax.annotate('$T$', xy=(1.0, 0.5), xytext=(1.025, 0.5),
width, height = fig.get_size_inches()
fig.set_size_inches(2 * width, 2 * height, forward=True)
if return_fig:
return ax, fig
def binned_interaction(s_values, t_values, L=2):
N = len(s_values)
bin_width = 1.0 / 2**L
sigma_values = 0.5 * bin_width + np.arange(2**L) * bin_width
bin_ends = np.arange(2**L + 1) * bin_width
ax, fig = naive_interaction(sigma_values, t_values,
N=N, return_fig=True)
bin_ends, marker='_', color='black',
ax.plot(np.zeros(s_values.shape), s_values,
color='blue', marker='o', linestyle='None')
ax.plot(np.zeros(sigma_values.shape), sigma_values,
color='red', marker='o', linestyle='None')
ax.set_xlim(-0.1, 1.0)
def show_tau_refine():
rows, cols = 1, 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols)
ax.plot([-1, 1], [0, 0], color='black', marker='|', markersize=20)
ax.plot([-1, 0, 1], [-0.2, -0.2, -0.2], color='black',
marker='|', markersize=20)
ax.plot([0], [0], color='red', marker='o', linestyle='None')
ax.plot([-0.5, 0.5], [-0.2, -0.2], color='red',
marker='o', linestyle='None')
dx, dy = 0.5, -0.2
ax.arrow(-dx * 0.1, dy * 0.1, -dx * 0.8, dy * 0.8,
length_includes_head=True, color='blue')
ax.arrow(dx * 0.1, dy * 0.1, dx * 0.8, dy * 0.8,
length_includes_head=True, color='blue')
ax.set_xlim(-1.1, 1.1)
ax.set_ylim(-0.3, 0.1)
ax.annotate(r'$\tau$', xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(-0.02, 0.05),
ax.annotate(r"$\tau_{+}'$", xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(-0.5 - 0.025, -0.325),
ax.annotate(r"$\tau_{+}''$", xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(0.5 - 0.025, -0.325),
width, height = fig.get_size_inches()
fig.set_size_inches(2 * width, 2 * height, forward=True)
def show_sigma_coarsen():
rows, cols = 1, 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols)
ax.plot([-1, 1], [-0.2, -0.2], color='black', marker='|', markersize=20)
ax.plot([-1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], color='black',
marker='|', markersize=20)
ax.plot([0], [-0.2], color='red', marker='o', linestyle='None')
ax.plot([-0.5, 0.5], [0, 0], color='red',
marker='o', linestyle='None')
dx, dy = 0.5, -0.2
ax.arrow(-0.5 + dx * 0.1, dy * 0.1, dx * 0.8, dy * 0.8,
length_includes_head=True, color='blue')
ax.arrow(0.5 - dx * 0.1, dy * 0.1, -dx * 0.8, dy * 0.8,
length_includes_head=True, color='blue')
ax.set_xlim(-1.1, 1.1)
ax.set_ylim(-0.3, 0.1)
ax.annotate(r'$\sigma_{\minus}$', xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(-0.02, -0.275),
ax.annotate(r'$\sigma$', xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(-0.5 - 0.025, 0.05),
ax.annotate(r"$\sigma'$", xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(0.5 - 0.025, 0.05),
width, height = fig.get_size_inches()
fig.set_size_inches(2 * width, 2 * height, forward=True)