In [1]:
import os, warnings, pdb
import numpy as np
import fitsio
from astropy.table import Table
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
import seaborn as sns
rc = {'': 'serif'}#, 'text.usetex': True}
sns.set(style='ticks', font_scale=1.5, palette='Set2', rc=rc)
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
acsfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'target', 'analysis', 'truth', 'parent', 'cosmos-acs.fits.gz')
allacs = Table(, ext=1, upper=True))
print('Read {} objects from {}'.format(len(allacs), acsfile))
In [5]:
def read_tractor(subset='0'):
"""Read the Tractor catalogs for a given cosmos subsest and cross-match
with the ACS catalog.
from glob import glob
from astropy.table import vstack
from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec
tractordir = '/global/cscratch1/sd/dstn/cosmos-dr7-7{}/tractor'.format(subset)
tractorfiles = glob('{}/???/tractor-*.fits'.format(tractordir))
alldr7 = []
for ii, tractorfile in enumerate(tractorfiles):
#if (ii % 10) == 0:
# print('Read {:02d} / {:02d} Tractor catalogs from subset {}.'.format(ii, len(tractorfiles), subset))
alldr7.append(Table(, ext=1, upper=True)))
alldr7 = vstack(alldr7)
alldr7 = alldr7[alldr7['BRICK_PRIMARY']]
# Cross-match
m1, m2, d12 = match_radec(allacs['RA'], allacs['DEC'], alldr7['RA'],
alldr7['DEC'], 1./3600.0, nearest=True)
print('Read {} objects with HST/ACS and DR7 photometry'.format(len(m1)))
return allacs[m1], alldr7[m2]
In [6]:
def select_ELGs(acs, dr7):
from desitarget.cuts import isELG_south
def unextinct_fluxes(cat):
"""We need to unextinct the fluxes ourselves rather than using desitarget.cuts.unextinct_fluxes
because the Tractor catalogs don't have forced WISE photometry.
res = np.zeros(len(cat), dtype=[('GFLUX', 'f4'), ('RFLUX', 'f4'), ('ZFLUX', 'f4')])
for band in ('G', 'R', 'Z'):
res['{}FLUX'.format(band)] = ( cat['FLUX_{}'.format(band)] /
cat['MW_TRANSMISSION_{}'.format(band)] )
return Table(res)
fluxes = unextinct_fluxes(dr7)
gflux, rflux, zflux = fluxes['GFLUX'], fluxes['RFLUX'], fluxes['ZFLUX']
ielg = isELG_south(gflux=fluxes['GFLUX'], rflux=fluxes['RFLUX'],
zflux=fluxes['ZFLUX'])#, gallmask=alltarg['ALLMASK_G'],
#rallmask=alltarg['ALLMASK_R'], zallmask=alltarg['ALLMASK_Z'])
print('Selected {} / {} ELGs'.format(np.sum(ielg), len(acs)))
return acs[ielg], dr7[ielg]
In [7]:
def get_mag(cat, band='R'):
return 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(cat['FLUX_{}'.format(band)])
def get_reff_acs(cat):
"""Convert SExtractor's flux_radius to half-light radius
using the relation (derived from simulations) in Sec 4.2
of Griffith et al. 2012.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
reff = np.log10(0.03 * 0.162 * cat['FLUX_RADIUS']**1.87)
return reff
def get_reff_tractor(cat):
fracdev = cat['FRACDEV']
reff = np.log10(fracdev * cat['SHAPEDEV_R'] + (1 - fracdev) * cat['SHAPEEXP_R'])
return reff
def get_ell_acs(cat):
ell = 1 - cat['B_IMAGE'] / cat['A_IMAGE']
return ell
def get_ell_tractor(cat):
fracdev = cat['FRACDEV']
ell_exp = np.hypot(cat['SHAPEEXP_E1'], cat['SHAPEEXP_E2'])
ell_dev = np.hypot(cat['SHAPEDEV_E1'], cat['SHAPEDEV_E2'])
ell = fracdev * ell_dev + (1 - fracdev) * ell_exp
return ell
In [23]:
def qa_true_properties(acs, dr7, subsetlabel='0', noplots=False,
pngsize=None, pngellipticity=None):
"""Use HST to characterize the *true* ELG size and ellipticity
istar = acs['CLASS_STAR'] > 0.9
igal = ~istar
nstar, ngal, nobj = np.sum(istar), np.sum(igal), len(acs)
print('True galaxies, N={} ({:.2f}%):'.format(ngal, 100*ngal/nobj))
for tt in ('PSF ', 'REX ', 'EXP ', 'DEV ', 'COMP'):
nn = np.sum(dr7['TYPE'][igal] == tt)
frac = 100 * nn / ngal
print(' {}: {} ({:.2f}%)'.format(tt, nn, frac))
print('True stars, N={} ({:.2f}%):'.format(nstar, 100*nstar/nobj))
for tt in ('PSF ', 'REX ', 'EXP ', 'DEV ', 'COMP'):
nn = np.sum(dr7['TYPE'][istar] == tt)
frac = 100 * nn / nstar
print(' {}: {} ({:.2f}%)'.format(tt, nn, frac))
if noplots:
rmag = get_mag(dr7)
reff = get_reff_acs(acs)
ell = get_ell_acs(acs)
# Size
j = sns.jointplot(rmag[igal], reff[igal], kind='hex', space=0, alpha=0.7,
stat_func=None, cmap='viridis', mincnt=3)
j.set_axis_labels('DECaLS $r$ (AB mag)', r'$\log_{10}$ (HST/ACS Half-light radius) (arcsec)')
j.ax_joint.axhline(y=np.log10(0.45), color='k', ls='--')
j.ax_joint.scatter(rmag[istar], reff[istar], marker='s', color='orange', s=10)
j.ax_joint.text(20.8, np.log10(0.45)+0.1, r'$r_{eff}=0.45$ arcsec', ha='left', va='center',
j.ax_joint.text(0.15, 0.2, 'HST Stars', ha='left', va='center',
fontsize=14, transform=j.ax_joint.transAxes)
j.ax_joint.text(0.05, 0.9, '{}'.format(subsetlabel), ha='left', va='center',
fontsize=16, transform=j.ax_joint.transAxes)
if pngsize:
# Ellipticity
j = sns.jointplot(rmag[igal], ell[igal], kind='hex', space=0, alpha=0.7,
stat_func=None, cmap='viridis', mincnt=3)
j.set_axis_labels('DECaLS $r$ (AB mag)', 'HST/ACS Ellipticity')
j.ax_joint.scatter(rmag[istar], ell[istar], marker='s', color='orange', s=10)
j.ax_joint.text(0.15, 0.2, 'HST Stars', ha='left', va='center',
fontsize=14, transform=j.ax_joint.transAxes)
j.ax_joint.text(0.05, 0.9, '{}'.format(subsetlabel), ha='left', va='center',
fontsize=16, transform=j.ax_joint.transAxes)
if pngellipticity:
In [9]:
def qa_compare_radii(acs, dr7, subsetlabel='0', seeing=None, png=None):
"""Compare the HST and Tractor sizes."""
igal = dr7['TYPE'] != 'PSF '
reff_acs = get_reff_acs(acs[igal])
reff_tractor = get_reff_tractor(dr7[igal])
sizelim = (-1.5, 1)
j = sns.jointplot(reff_acs, reff_tractor, kind='hex', space=0, alpha=0.7,
stat_func=None, cmap='viridis', mincnt=3,
xlim=sizelim, ylim=sizelim)
j.set_axis_labels(r'$\log_{10}$ (HST/ACS Half-light radius) (arcsec)',
r'$\log_{10}$ (Tractor/DR7 Half-light radius) (arcsec)')
j.ax_joint.plot([-2, 2], [-2, 2], color='k')
if seeing:
j.ax_joint.axhline(y=np.log10(seeing), ls='--', color='k')
j.ax_joint.text(0.05, 0.9, '{}'.format(subsetlabel), ha='left', va='center',
fontsize=16, transform=j.ax_joint.transAxes)
if png:
In [21]:
subset = '0'
allacs, alldr7 = read_tractor(subset=subset)
acs, dr7 = select_ELGs(allacs, alldr7)
subsetlabel = 'Subset {}\n{:.3f}" seeing'.format(subset, np.median(alldr7['PSFSIZE_R']))
qa_true_properties(acs, dr7, subsetlabel=subsetlabel, pngsize='truesize.png', pngellipticity='trueell.png')
In [14]:
for subset in ('0', '4', '9'):
allacs, alldr7 = read_tractor(subset=subset)
acs, dr7 = select_ELGs(allacs, alldr7)
medseeing = np.median(alldr7['PSFSIZE_R'])
subsetlabel = 'Subset {}\n{:.3f}" seeing'.format(subset, medseeing)
qa_compare_radii(acs, dr7, subsetlabel=subsetlabel, png='size_compare_subset{}.png'.format(subset))
In [24]:
subset = '9'
allacs, alldr7 = read_tractor(subset=subset)
acs, dr7 = select_ELGs(allacs, alldr7)
subsetlabel = 'Subset {}\n{:.3f}" seeing'.format(subset, np.median(alldr7['PSFSIZE_R']))
qa_true_properties(acs, dr7, subsetlabel=subsetlabel, noplots=True)
In [ ]: