Notebook 8:

This is an IPython notebook. Most of the code is composed of bash scripts, indicated by %%bash at the top of the cell, otherwise it is IPython code. This notebook includes code to download, assemble and analyze a published RADseq data set.

In [2]:
### Notebook 8
### Data set 8: Barnacles
### Authors: Herrera et al. 2015
### Data Location: SRP051026

Download the sequence data

Sequence data for this study are archived on the NCBI sequence read archive (SRA). Below I read in SraRunTable.txt for this project which contains all of the information we need to download the data.

In [1]:
## make a new directory for this analysis
mkdir -p empirical_8/fastq/

For each ERS (individuals) get all of the ERR (sequence file accessions).

In [3]:
## IPython code
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import urllib2
import os

## open the SRA run table from github url
url = ""+\
intable = urllib2.urlopen(url)
indata = pd.read_table(intable, sep="\t")

## print first few rows
print indata.head()

    BioSample_s  MBases_l  MBytes_l                   Organism_s  \
0  SAMN03256053        39        32    Ashinkailepas seepiophila   
1  SAMN03256054        87        72  Ashinkailepas kermadecensis   
2  SAMN03256055        17        14             Leucolepas longa   
3  SAMN03256056        78        65        Neobrachylepas relica   
4  SAMN03256057         7         6         Neolepas sp. SH-2014   

  ReleaseDate_s       Run_s SRA_Sample_s Sample_Name_s    collected_by_s  \
0  Dec 10, 2014  SRR1702480    SRS785645         AsOK3  HOV Shinkai 2000   
1  Dec 11, 2014  SRR1702481    SRS785647        AsNiN2    ROV Quest 4000   
2  Dec 11, 2014  SRR1702482    SRS785649         VuTO2       HROV Nereus   
3  Dec 11, 2014  SRR1702484    SRS785650         bar06       ROV Jason 2   
4  Dec 11, 2014  SRR1702485    SRS785651         NeIn2  HOV Shinkai 6500   

   collection_date_s    ...     Platform_s SRA_Study_s         breed_s  \
0               1997    ...       ILLUMINA   SRP051026  not applicable   
1               2012    ...       ILLUMINA   SRP051026  not applicable   
2               2009    ...       ILLUMINA   SRP051026  not applicable   
3               2009    ...       ILLUMINA   SRP051026  not applicable   
4               2009    ...       ILLUMINA   SRP051026  not applicable   

  g1k_analysis_group_s  g1k_pop_code_s identified_by_s       isolate_s  \
0       <not provided>  <not provided>      S. Herrera  not applicable   
1       <not provided>  <not provided>      S. Herrera  not applicable   
2       <not provided>  <not provided>      S. Herrera  not applicable   
3       <not provided>  <not provided>      S. Herrera  not applicable   
4       <not provided>  <not provided>      S. Herrera  not applicable   

  isolation_source_s        source_s  tissue_s  
0  Hydrothermal vent  <not provided>    muscle  
1  Hydrothermal vent  <not provided>    muscle  
2  Hydrothermal vent  <not provided>    muscle  
3  Hydrothermal vent  <not provided>    muscle  
4  Hydrothermal vent  <not provided>    muscle  

[5 rows x 33 columns]

In [5]:
def wget_download(SRR, outdir, outname):
    """ Python function to get sra data from ncbi and write to
    outdir with a new name using bash call wget """
    ## get output name
    output = os.path.join(outdir, outname+".sra")
    ## create a call string 
    call = "wget -q -r -nH --cut-dirs=9 -O "+output+" "+\
           "{}/{}/{}.sra;".format(SRR[:6], SRR, SRR)
    ## call bash script
    ! $call

Here we pass the SRR number and the sample name to the wget_download function so that the files are saved with their sample names.

In [6]:
for ID, SRR in zip(indata.Sample_Name_s, indata.Run_s):
    wget_download(SRR, "empirical_8/fastq/", ID)

In [7]:
## convert sra files to fastq using fastq-dump tool
## output as gzipped into the fastq directory
fastq-dump --gzip -O empirical_8/fastq/ empirical_8/fastq/*.sra

## remove .sra files
rm empirical_8/fastq/*.sra

Read 1012150 spots for empirical_8/fastq/166_40.sra
Written 1012150 spots for empirical_8/fastq/166_40.sra
Read 1581225 spots for empirical_8/fastq/72638_22.sra
Written 1581225 spots for empirical_8/fastq/72638_22.sra
Read 2024006 spots for empirical_8/fastq/82121_15.sra
Written 2024006 spots for empirical_8/fastq/82121_15.sra
Read 1020530 spots for empirical_8/fastq/AsNiN2.sra
Written 1020530 spots for empirical_8/fastq/AsNiN2.sra
Read 458811 spots for empirical_8/fastq/AsOK3.sra
Written 458811 spots for empirical_8/fastq/AsOK3.sra
Read 909109 spots for empirical_8/fastq/bar06.sra
Written 909109 spots for empirical_8/fastq/bar06.sra
Read 570988 spots for empirical_8/fastq/bar22.sra
Written 570988 spots for empirical_8/fastq/bar22.sra
Read 898436 spots for empirical_8/fastq/barJC6731B1_1.sra
Written 898436 spots for empirical_8/fastq/barJC6731B1_1.sra
Read 84629 spots for empirical_8/fastq/NeIn2.sra
Written 84629 spots for empirical_8/fastq/NeIn2.sra
Read 77842 spots for empirical_8/fastq/NeOg1.sra
Written 77842 spots for empirical_8/fastq/NeOg1.sra
Read 139189 spots for empirical_8/fastq/SEPR_3.sra
Written 139189 spots for empirical_8/fastq/SEPR_3.sra
Read 845743 spots for empirical_8/fastq/VuMaU1.sra
Written 845743 spots for empirical_8/fastq/VuMaU1.sra
Read 208597 spots for empirical_8/fastq/VuTO2.sra
Written 208597 spots for empirical_8/fastq/VuTO2.sra
Read 9831255 spots total
Written 9831255 spots total

In [9]:
ls -lh empirical_8/fastq/

total 724M
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  75M Nov 24 12:49 166_40.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren 117M Nov 24 12:49 72638_22.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren 151M Nov 24 12:49 82121_15.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  75M Nov 24 12:49 AsNiN2.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  34M Nov 24 12:49 AsOK3.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  67M Nov 24 12:49 bar06.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  42M Nov 24 12:49 bar22.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  66M Nov 24 12:49 barJC6731B1_1.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren 6.3M Nov 24 12:49 NeIn2.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren 5.8M Nov 24 12:49 NeOg1.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  11M Nov 24 12:49 SEPR_3.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  63M Nov 24 12:49 VuMaU1.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 deren deren  15M Nov 24 12:49 VuTO2.fastq.gz

Make a params file

In [10]:
pyrad --version

pyRAD 3.0.63

In [11]:
## remove old params file if it exists
rm params.txt 

## create a new default params file
pyrad -n

	new params.txt file created


The data here are from Illumina Casava <1.8, so the phred scores are offset by 64 instead of 33, so we use that in the params file below.

In [14]:
## substitute new parameters into file
sed -i '/## 1. /c\empirical_8/           ## 1. working directory ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 6. /c\TGCAGG                 ## 6. cutters ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 7. /c\20                     ## 7. N processors      ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 9. /c\6                      ## 9. NQual             ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 10./c\.85                    ## 10. clust threshold  ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 12./c\4                      ## 12. MinCov           ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 13./c\10                     ## 13. maxSH            ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 14./c\empirical_8_m4          ## 14. output name      ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 18./c\empirical_8/fastq/*.gz ## 18. data location    ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 29./c\2,2                    ## 29. trim overhang    ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 30./c\p,n,s                  ## 30. output formats   ' params.txt

In [15]:
cat params.txt

==** parameter inputs for pyRAD version 3.0.63  **======================== affected step ==
empirical_8/           ## 1. working directory 
./*.fastq.gz              ## 2. Loc. of non-demultiplexed files (if not line 18)  (s1)
./*.barcodes              ## 3. Loc. of barcode file (if not line 18)             (s1)
vsearch                   ## 4. command (or path) to call vsearch (or usearch)    (s3,s6)
muscle                    ## 5. command (or path) to call muscle                  (s3,s7)
TGCAGG                 ## 6. cutters 
20                     ## 7. N processors      
6                         ## 8. Mindepth: min coverage for a cluster              (s4,s5)
6                      ## 9. NQual             
.85                    ## 10. clust threshold  
rad                       ## 11. Datatype: rad,gbs,pairgbs,pairddrad,(others:see docs)(all)
4                      ## 12. MinCov           
10                     ## 13. maxSH            
empirical_8_m4          ## 14. output name      
==== optional params below this line ===================================  affected step ==
                       ## 15.opt.: select subset (prefix* only selector)            (s2-s7)
                       ## 16.opt.: add-on (outgroup) taxa (list or prefix*)         (s6,s7)
                       ## 17.opt.: exclude taxa (list or prefix*)                   (s7)
empirical_8/fastq/*.gz ## 18. data location    
                       ## 19.opt.: maxM: N mismatches in barcodes (def= 1)          (s1)
                       ## 20.opt.: phred Qscore offset (def= 33)                    (s2)
                       ## 21.opt.: filter: def=0=NQual 1=NQual+adapters. 2=strict   (s2)
                       ## 22.opt.: a priori E,H (def= 0.001,0.01, if not estimated) (s5)
                       ## 23.opt.: maxN: max Ns in a cons seq (def=5)               (s5)
                       ## 24.opt.: maxH: max heterozyg. sites in cons seq (def=5)   (s5)
                       ## 25.opt.: ploidy: max alleles in cons seq (def=2;see docs) (s4,s5)
                       ## 26.opt.: maxSNPs: (def=100). Paired (def=100,100)         (s7)
                       ## 27.opt.: maxIndels: within-clust,across-clust (def. 3,99) (s3,s7)
                       ## 28.opt.: random number seed (def. 112233)              (s3,s6,s7)
2,2                    ## 29. trim overhang    
p,n,s                  ## 30. output formats   
                       ## 31.opt.: maj. base call at depth>x<mindepth (def.x=mindepth) (s5)
                       ## 32.opt.: keep trimmed reads (def=0). Enter min length.    (s2)
                       ## 33.opt.: max stack size (int), def= max(500,mean+2*SD)    (s3)
                       ## 34.opt.: minDerep: exclude dereps with <= N copies, def=1 (s3)
                       ## 35.opt.: use hierarchical clustering (def.=0, 1=yes)      (s6)
                       ## 36.opt.: repeat masking (def.=1='dust' method, 0=no)      (s3,s6)
                       ## 37.opt.: vsearch max threads per job (def.=6; see docs)   (s3,s6)
==== optional: list group/clade assignments below this line (see docs) ==================

Assemble in pyrad

In [ ]:
pyrad -p params.txt -s 234567 >> log.txt 2>&1

In [17]:
sed -i '/## 12./c\2                    ## 12. MinCov           ' params.txt
sed -i '/## 14./c\empirical_8_m2       ## 14. output name      ' params.txt

In [47]:
pyrad -p params.txt -s 7 >> log.txt 2>&1


We are interested in the relationship between the amount of input (raw) data between any two samples, the average coverage they recover when clustered together, and the phylogenetic distances separating samples.

Raw data amounts

The average number of raw reads per sample is 1.36M.

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
## read in the data
s2dat = pd.read_table("empirical_8/stats/s2.rawedit.txt", header=0, nrows=42)

## print summary stats
print s2dat[""].describe()

## find which sample has the most raw data
maxraw = s2dat[""].max()
print "\nmost raw data in sample:"
print s2dat['sample '][s2dat['']==maxraw]

count         13.000000
mean      702926.615385
std       544381.441228
min        72418.000000
25%       197210.000000
50%       775823.000000
75%       945017.000000
max      1854154.000000
Name:, dtype: float64

most raw data in sample:
2    82121_15
Name: sample , dtype: object

Look at distributions of coverage

pyrad v.3.0.63 outputs depth information for each sample which I read in here and plot. First let's ask which sample has the highest depth of coverage. The std of coverages is pretty low in this data set compared to several others.

In [3]:
## read in the s3 results
s8dat = pd.read_table("empirical_8/stats/s3.clusters.txt", header=0, nrows=14)

## print summary stats
print "summary of means\n=================="
print s8dat[''].describe()

## print summary stats
print "\nsummary of std\n=================="
print s8dat[''].describe()

## print summary stats
print "\nsummary of proportion lowdepth\n=================="
print pd.Series(1-s8dat['d>5.tot']/s8dat["total"]).describe()

## find which sample has the greatest depth of retained loci
max_hiprop = (s8dat["d>5.tot"]/s8dat["total"]).max()
print "\nhighest coverage in sample:"
print s8dat['taxa'][s8dat['d>5.tot']/s8dat["total"]==max_hiprop]

summary of means
count    13.000000
mean     33.165923
std      17.043971
min      12.552000
25%      18.726000
50%      35.771000
75%      40.778000
max      67.946000
Name:, dtype: float64

summary of std
count     13.000000
mean     109.360538
std       76.550954
min       19.386000
25%       57.572000
50%       94.316000
75%      154.275000
max      256.698000
Name:, dtype: float64

summary of proportion lowdepth
count    13.000000
mean      0.241166
std       0.100536
min       0.147948
25%       0.164743
50%       0.182743
75%       0.310341
max       0.422289
dtype: float64

highest coverage in sample:
2    82121_15
Name: taxa, dtype: object

In [4]:
maxprop =(s8dat['d>5.tot']/s8dat['total']).max()
print "\nhighest prop coverage in sample:"
print s8dat['taxa'][s8dat['d>5.tot']/s8dat['total']==maxprop]

highest prop coverage in sample:
2    82121_15
Name: taxa, dtype: object

In [6]:
import numpy as np
## print mean and std of coverage for the highest coverage sample
with open("empirical_8/clust.85/82121_15.depths", 'rb') as indat:
    depths = np.array(","), dtype=int)
print "Means for sample 82121_15"
print depths.mean(), depths.std()
print depths[depths>5].mean(), depths[depths>5].std()

Means for sample 82121_15
67.9461337257 256.697997144
79.3792210284 276.499000416

Plot the coverage for the sample with highest mean coverage

Green shows the loci that were discarded and orange the loci that were retained. The majority of data were discarded for being too low of coverage.

In [25]:
import toyplot
import toyplot.svg
import numpy as np

## read in the depth information for this sample
with open("empirical_8/clust.85/82121_15.depths", 'rb') as indat:
    depths = np.array(","), dtype=int)
## make a barplot in Toyplot
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=350, height=300)
axes = canvas.axes(xlabel="Depth of coverage (N reads)", 
                   ylabel="N loci", 

## select the loci with depth > 5 (kept)
keeps = depths[depths>5]

## plot kept and discarded loci
edat = np.histogram(depths, range(30)) # density=True)
kdat = np.histogram(keeps, range(30)) #, density=True)

#toyplot.svg.render(canvas, "empirical_8_depthplot.svg")

<toyplot.mark.BarMagnitudes at 0x7fe4346dd410>
0102030Depth of coverage (N reads)050010001500N locidataset8/sample=82121_15

In [25]:
cat empirical_8/stats/empirical_8_m4.stats

15502       ## loci with > minsp containing data
15502       ## loci with > minsp containing data & paralogs removed
15502       ## loci with > minsp containing data & paralogs removed & final filtering

## number of loci recovered in final data set for each taxon.
taxon	nloci
166_40       	12509
72638_22     	12551
82121_15     	12957
AsNiN2       	8260
AsOK3        	5942
NeIn2        	2368
NeOg1        	636
SEPR_3       	2401
VuMaU1       	10889
VuTO2        	4745
bar06        	2308
bar22        	9924
barJC6731B1_1	12071

## nloci = number of loci with data for exactly ntaxa
## ntotal = number of loci for which at least ntaxa have data
ntaxa	nloci	saved	ntotal
1	-
2	-		-
3	-		-
4	2793	*	15502
5	2943	*	12709
6	3110	*	9766
7	2763	*	6656
8	2107	*	3893
9	1187	*	1786
10	469	*	599
11	116	*	130
12	14	*	14

## nvar = number of loci containing n variable sites (pis+autapomorphies).
## sumvar = sum of variable sites (SNPs).
## pis = number of loci containing n parsimony informative sites.
## sumpis = sum of parsimony informative sites.
	nvar	sumvar	PIS	sumPIS
0	356	0	3376	0
1	692	692	3028	3028
2	1043	2778	2719	8466
3	1249	6525	1967	14367
4	1419	12201	1495	20347
5	1502	19711	1012	25407
6	1441	28357	714	29691
7	1356	37849	426	32673
8	1225	47649	319	35225
9	1065	57234	169	36746
10	843	65664	120	37946
11	722	73606	76	38782
12	642	81310	47	39346
13	511	87953	17	39567
14	396	93497	7	39665
15	302	98027	3	39710
16	205	101307	7	39822
17	152	103891	0	39822
18	148	106555	0	39822
19	74	107961	0	39822
20	56	109081	0	39822
21	31	109732	0	39822
22	33	110458	0	39822
23	17	110849	0	39822
24	12	111137	0	39822
25	5	111262	0	39822
26	1	111288	0	39822
27	2	111342	0	39822
28	2	111398	0	39822
total var= 111398
total pis= 39822
sampled unlinked SNPs= 15146
sampled unlinked bi-allelic SNPs= 14830

In [26]:
cat empirical_8/stats/empirical_8_m2.stats

26325       ## loci with > minsp containing data
26325       ## loci with > minsp containing data & paralogs removed
26325       ## loci with > minsp containing data & paralogs removed & final filtering

## number of loci recovered in final data set for each taxon.
taxon	nloci
166_40       	14910
72638_22     	16286
82121_15     	16879
AsNiN2       	12110
AsOK3        	9262
NeIn2        	2676
NeOg1        	832
SEPR_3       	2729
VuMaU1       	12796
VuTO2        	5385
bar06        	2969
bar22        	11523
barJC6731B1_1	14297

## nloci = number of loci with data for exactly ntaxa
## ntotal = number of loci for which at least ntaxa have data
ntaxa	nloci	saved	ntotal
1	-
2	7376	*	26325
3	3447	*	18949
4	2793	*	15502
5	2943	*	12709
6	3110	*	9766
7	2763	*	6656
8	2107	*	3893
9	1187	*	1786
10	469	*	599
11	116	*	130
12	14	*	14

## nvar = number of loci containing n variable sites (pis+autapomorphies).
## sumvar = sum of variable sites (SNPs).
## pis = number of loci containing n parsimony informative sites.
## sumpis = sum of parsimony informative sites.
	nvar	sumvar	PIS	sumPIS
0	3730	0	13784	0
1	2679	2679	3314	3314
2	2320	7319	2799	8912
3	2157	13790	1998	14906
4	2056	22014	1510	20946
5	2029	32159	1015	26021
6	1857	43301	714	30305
7	1653	54872	426	33287
8	1542	67208	319	35839
9	1320	79088	169	37360
10	1061	89698	120	38560
11	921	99829	76	39396
12	805	109489	47	39960
13	632	117705	17	40181
14	457	124103	7	40279
15	320	128903	3	40324
16	221	132439	7	40436
17	167	135278	0	40436
18	154	138050	0	40436
19	80	139570	0	40436
20	58	140730	0	40436
21	33	141423	0	40436
22	34	142171	0	40436
23	17	142562	0	40436
24	12	142850	0	40436
25	5	142975	0	40436
26	1	143001	0	40436
27	2	143055	0	40436
28	2	143111	0	40436
total var= 143111
total pis= 40436
sampled unlinked SNPs= 22595
sampled unlinked bi-allelic SNPs= 22162

Infer ML phylogeny in raxml as an unrooted tree

In [ ]:
## raxml argumement w/ ...
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX -f a -m GTRGAMMA -N 100 -x 12345 -p 12345 -T 20 \
                      -w /home/deren/Documents/RADmissing/empirical_8/ \
                      -n empirical_8_m4 -s empirical_8/outfiles/empirical_8_m4.phy

In [ ]:
## raxml argumement w/ ...
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX -f a -m GTRGAMMA -N 100 -x 12345 -p 12345 -T 20 \
                      -w /home/deren/Documents/RADmissing/empirical_8/ \
                      -n empirical_8_m2 -s empirical_8/outfiles/empirical_8_m2.phy

In [27]:
head -n 20 empirical_8/RAxML_info.empirical_8

This is RAxML version 8.0.16 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on March 21 2014.

With greatly appreciated code contributions by:
Andre Aberer      (HITS)
Simon Berger      (HITS)
Alexey Kozlov     (HITS)
Nick Pattengale   (Sandia)
Wayne Pfeiffer    (SDSC)
Akifumi S. Tanabe (NRIFS)
David Dao         (KIT)
Charlie Taylor    (UF)

Alignment has 63494 distinct alignment patterns

Proportion of gaps and completely undetermined characters in this alignment: 51.86%

RAxML rapid bootstrapping and subsequent ML search

Plot the tree in R using ape

In [11]:
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

In [12]:
%%R -h 800 -w 800
tre <- read.tree("empirical_8/RAxML_bipartitions.empirical_8")
ltre <- ladderize(tre)

plot(ltre, use.edge.length=F)

plot(ltre, type='u')

Get phylo distances (GTRgamma dist)

In [13]:

[1] 0.05226094