getting the cloud fraction from channels 1 and 31

For Wednesday's assignment you wrote a script that defined the output_h5 function and wrote test_output.h5 Now read channel1 and channel 31 back in and use them to calculate the cloud fraction. (Recall that MODIS channels 1 and 31 are centered at about 0.64 microns and 11 microns, respectively.) This notebook assumes that you have converted your MYD021KM and MYD03 files to test_output.

In [0]:
from __future__ import print_function
import os,site
import glob
import h5py
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# add the lib folder to the path assuming it is on the same
# level as the notebooks folder
from modismeta_h5 import parseMeta
from h5dump import dumph5

In [0]:
%matplotlib inline

the glob function finds a file using a wildcard to save typing (google: python glob wildcard)

In [0]:
print("found subsetted file {}".format(h5_filename))

In [0]:

Read back the arrays I wrote with output_h5

In [0]:
with h5py.File

turn the repoj_L1B notebook function into a module:

In [0]:
from reproject import reproj_L1B

In [0]:
xlim=[np.min(lons), np.max(lons)]
ylim=[np.min(lats), np.max(lats)]
C31_grid, longitude, latitude, bin_count = reproj_L1B(chan31,lons, lats, xlim, ylim, 0.1)
C1_grid, longitude, latitude, bin_count = reproj_L1B(chan1,lons, lats, xlim, ylim, 0.1)

In [0]:, C31_grid), bin_count), longitude), latitude)

Two dimensional histograms using histogram2d

**`numpy.histogram2d`** is the main function we use here to create a 2-D histogram, it partitions two 1-D arrays into two 1-D binned arrays, and returns 2-D counts in a matrix formed by sqauares consisting of the intersection of the two sets of bins, as well as the 2-D bin edges.

The I/O format of numpy.histogram2d is a little obscure -- the arguments look like:

H, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y, x, bins=(y_bins, x_bins))
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_edges[:-1], y_edges[:-1]) # '-1' because number_bins=number_data-1

numpy.histogram2d is different from **`numpy.digitize`** used for regridding. numpy.digitize does not returns counts in each bin and we have to do this in a for loop (as we did in our function reproj_L1B).

There is a counterpart of numpy.histogram2d for 1-D histogram named **`numpy.histogram`**. One can also make histograms through **`pyplot.hist`** and **`pyplot.hist2d`**.

In [0]:
# create bins for channel-31 
C31_bins = 100
C31_lim=[np.nanmin(C31_grid), np.nanmax(C31_grid)]
C31_bins=np.linspace(C31_lim[0], C31_lim[1], C31_bins, dtype=np.float)
# and channel-1
C1_bins = 150 
C1_lim=[np.nanmin(C1_grid), np.nanmax(C1_grid)]
C1_bins=np.linspace(C1_lim[0], C1_lim[1], C1_bins, dtype=np.float)

In [0]:
fig=plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 9.5))
ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
image=ax.pcolormesh(longitude, latitude, C31_grid)

In [0]:
#got to 0.05 degrees for higher resolution
xlim=[np.min(lons), np.max(lons)]
ylim=[np.min(lats), np.max(lats)]
C31_grid, longitude, latitude, bin_count = reproj_L1B(chan31, lons, lats, xlim, ylim, res)
C1_grid, longitude, latitude, bin_count = reproj_L1B(chan1, lons, lats, xlim, ylim, res)

As a first try: bin the longwave radiances into 100 bins and the shortwave reflectances into 150 bins

In [0]:
# create bins for channel-31 
C31_bins = 100
C31_lim=[np.nanmin(C31_grid), np.nanmax(C31_grid)]
C31_bins=np.linspace(C31_lim[0], C31_lim[1], C31_bins, dtype=np.float)
# and channel-1
C1_bins = 150 
C1_lim=[np.nanmin(C1_grid), np.nanmax(C1_grid)]
C1_bins=np.linspace(C1_lim[0], C1_lim[1], C1_bins, dtype=np.float)

Here, we define channel-1 data on x-axis and call np.histogram2d to get the bin_count value x_edges and y_edges. Use some print statments to find the dimensions of H, X, and Y. In particular, make sure you understand how np.meshgrid is turning two 1-dimensional arrays into two 2-dimensional arrays. Try something like:

np.meshgrid([1,2,3,4],[-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6]) to see what it does

In [0]:
y=C31_grid.flat[:]; y_bins=C31_bins # x: C31
x=C1_grid.flat[:]; x_bins=C1_bins # y: C1
H, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y, x, bins=(y_bins, x_bins))
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_edges[:-1], y_edges[:-1])

Then we make 2-D histogram to see the difference between clouds and ocean, the core idea is:

# 2-D histogram
ax.contourf(X, Y, H/np.max(H)) # use percentage, because H depends on the resolution 'res' we used before.
# try to distinguish clouds from ocean through linear function
# x is channel-1

We will display the 2-D histogram as the central plot, with 1-d histograms positioned to the left and below. We want an approximately 9-color colormap showing percentages in increments of 10% between our min and max

In [0]:
# make_axes_locatable ---> for axis control
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
# set axis locations for three different plots
# a main contour plot and two histograms below and on
# the left hand side
left=0.1; width = 0.8; bottom=0.1; height = 0.65
gap=0.02; hist_len=0.2; cbar_len=0.12
# location of the three axes  -- located by trial and error
rect_main  = [left+hist_len+gap, bottom, width, height]
rect_histx = [left+hist_len+gap, left+height+gap, width-cbar_len, hist_len]
rect_histy = [left, bottom, hist_len, height]
# clev
#clevs=range(40, 281, 40)
# set up a color map for the histogram percentages,  again
# trial and erro shows that about 10 bins between 3 and 30%
# looks attractive
#  also assign white to percentages below 3%
clevs=np.arange(3, 31, 3)
CMap.set_over(CMap(np.arange(256))[-1, 0:3])
xlim_bin=[np.min(X), np.max(X)]
ylim_bin=[np.min(Y), np.max(Y)]
# ========== figure ========== #
fig=plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
# ========== Central histogram here ========== #
# axis 
axMain.set_xlabel('Channel-1 reflectivity', fontsize=12)
axMain.set_ylabel('Channel-31 radiance ($W/m^2/\mu m/sr$)', fontsize=12)
axMain.set_title('2-D Histogram -- MODIS 0.6 and 11 microns', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold', x=1.15, y=1.15)
#  divider is a container  used locate the colorbar to the right of the 2-d histogram
#  it knows where axMain is located on the page
# grid and frame
plt.grid() # grid on
#  make the axes thicker than default
[i.set_linewidth(2) for i in axMain.spines.itervalues()] # a bold frame
#  plot the main histogram with the counts converted to percent
CS=axMain.contourf(X, Y, H/np.max(H)*100, clevs, cmap=CMap, extend='both') # 2-D histgram
CAx=divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.75)
CBar=plt.colorbar(CS, cax=CAx)
CBar.set_label('Percentage ( % )', fontsize=10)'y', length=22.5)
# draw line showing the boundary between cloudy and clear pixels
#  slope and intercept chosen by eye
axMain.plot(x_edges, x_edges*4.5+7.1, \
            color='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=5)
axMain.text(0.4, 6.25, 'Cloud', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold', \
                    ha='center', va='center', color='k')
axMain.text(0.125, 8.0, 'Ocean', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold', \
                    ha='center', va='center', color='k')
# ========== Hist-x on bottom axis========== #
#  place a 1-d histogram below the 2-d histogram to show
#  channel 1 reflectivities
axHistx.hist(x, bins=x_bins, color=[0.3, 0.6, 0.8])
# scientific notation for x, y-axis
plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both', scilimits=(0,0))
[i.set_linewidth(2) for i in axHistx.spines.itervalues()]
# ========== Hist-y ========== #
# place a 1-d histogram to the left of the 2-d histogram to show channel 31
axHisty = plt.axes(rect_histy)
axHisty.hist(y, bins=y_bins, color=[0.3, 0.6, 0.8], orientation='horizontal')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both', scilimits=(0,0))
out=[i.set_linewidth(2) for i in axHisty.spines.itervalues()]
# savefig
#plt.savefig('01_MODIS_L1B_histgram.png', dpi=450, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
#            orientation='portrait', papertype='letter', format='png',
#            transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0,
#           frameon=None)

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