This colab implements the Symplectic Gradient Adjustment (SGA) algorithm, inside the class SymplecticOptimizer
. It then applies this optimizer to two different experiments:
All experiments below run in 5-10 minutes with a GPU, but can of course be much slower on CPU.
Use this link to run this notebook in colab:
In [5]:
!pip install dm-sonnet
!pip install 'kfac[tensorflow]'
In [6]:
#@title Imports
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import os
import numpy as np
import sonnet as snt
import tensorflow as tf
import kfac
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sp
In [7]:
#@title Defining the SGA Optimiser
def list_divide_scalar(xs, y):
return [x / y for x in xs]
def list_subtract(xs, ys):
return [x - y for (x, y) in zip(xs, ys)]
def jacobian_vec(ys, xs, vs):
return kfac.utils.fwd_gradients(
ys, xs, grad_xs=vs, stop_gradients=xs)
def jacobian_transpose_vec(ys, xs, vs):
dydxs = tf.gradients(ys, xs, grad_ys=vs, stop_gradients=xs)
dydxs = [
tf.zeros_like(x) if dydx is None else dydx for x, dydx in zip(xs, dydxs)
return dydxs
def _dot(x, y):
dot_list = []
for xx, yy in zip(x, y):
dot_list.append(tf.reduce_sum(xx * yy))
return tf.add_n(dot_list)
class SymplecticOptimizer(tf.train.Optimizer):
"""Optimizer that corrects for rotational components in gradients."""
def __init__(self,
super(SymplecticOptimizer, self).__init__(
use_locking=use_locking, name=name)
self._gd = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate)
self._reg_params = reg_params
self._use_signs = use_signs
def compute_gradients(self,
return self._gd.compute_gradients(loss, var_list, gate_gradients,
colocate_gradients_with_ops, grad_loss)
def apply_gradients(self, grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None):
grads, vars_ = zip(*grads_and_vars)
n = len(vars_)
h_v = jacobian_vec(grads, vars_, grads)
ht_v = jacobian_transpose_vec(grads, vars_, grads)
at_v = list_divide_scalar(list_subtract(ht_v, h_v), 2.)
if self._use_signs:
grad_dot_h = _dot(grads, ht_v)
at_v_dot_h = _dot(at_v, ht_v)
mult = grad_dot_h * at_v_dot_h
lambda_ = tf.sign(mult / n + 0.1) * self._reg_params
lambda_ = self._reg_params
apply_vec = [(g + lambda_ * ag, x)
for (g, ag, x) in zip(grads, at_v, vars_)
if at_v is not None]
return self._gd.apply_gradients(apply_vec, global_step, name)
In [8]:
#@title An MLP Sonnet module
class MLP(snt.AbstractModule):
"""An MLP with hidden layers of the same width as the input."""
def __init__(self, depth, hidden_size, out_dim, name='SimpleNet'):
super(MLP, self).__init__(name=name)
self._depth = depth
self._hidden_size = hidden_size
self._out_dim = out_dim
def _build(self, input):
h = input
for i in range(self._depth):
h = tf.nn.relu(snt.Linear(self._hidden_size)(h))
return snt.Linear(self._out_dim)(h)
In [9]:
#@title Build Graph to train a GAN
def reset_and_build_graph(
depth, width, x_real_builder, z_dim, batch_size, learning_rate, mode):
x_real = x_real_builder(batch_size)
x_dim = x_real.get_shape().as_list()[1]
generator = MLP(depth, width, x_dim, 'generator')
discriminator = MLP(depth, width, 1, 'discriminator')
z = tf.random_normal([batch_size, z_dim])
x_fake = generator(z)
disc_out_real = discriminator(x_real)
disc_out_fake = discriminator(x_fake)
# Loss
disc_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(
logits=disc_out_real, labels=tf.ones_like(disc_out_real)))
disc_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(
logits=disc_out_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(disc_out_fake)))
disc_loss = disc_loss_real + disc_loss_fake
gen_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
logits=disc_out_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(disc_out_fake)))
gen_vars = generator.variable_scope.trainable_variables()
disc_vars = discriminator.variable_scope.trainable_variables()
# Compute gradients
xs = disc_vars + gen_vars
disc_grads = tf.gradients(disc_loss, disc_vars)
gen_grads = tf.gradients(gen_loss, gen_vars)
Xi = disc_grads + gen_grads
apply_vec = list(zip(Xi, xs))
if mode == 'RMS':
optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate)
elif mode == 'SGA':
optimizer = SymplecticOptimizer(learning_rate)
raise ValueError('Mode %s not recognised' % mode)
with tf.control_dependencies([g for (g, v) in apply_vec]):
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(apply_vec)
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
return train_op, x_fake, z, init, disc_loss, gen_loss
In [10]:
#@title Defining the functions for the experiment
def kde(mu, tau, bbox=None, xlabel="", ylabel="", cmap='Blues'):
values = np.vstack([mu, tau])
kernel = sp.stats.gaussian_kde(values)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
xx, yy = np.mgrid[bbox[0]:bbox[1]:300j, bbox[2]:bbox[3]:300j]
positions = np.vstack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
f = np.reshape(kernel(positions).T, xx.shape)
cfset = ax.contourf(xx, yy, f, cmap=cmap)
def train(train_op, x_fake, z, init, disc_loss, gen_loss, z_dim,
n_iter=10001, n_save=2000):
bbox = [-2, 2, -2, 2]
batch_size = x_fake.get_shape()[0].value
ztest = [np.random.randn(batch_size, z_dim) for i in range(10)]
with tf.Session() as sess:
for i in range(n_iter):
disc_loss_out, gen_loss_out, _ =
[disc_loss, gen_loss, train_op])
if i % n_save == 0:
print('i = %d, discriminant loss = %.4f, generator loss =%.4f' %
(i, disc_loss_out, gen_loss_out))
x_out = np.concatenate(
[, feed_dict={z: zt}) for zt in ztest], axis=0)
kde(x_out[:, 0], x_out[:, 1], bbox=bbox)
def learn_mixture_of_gaussians(mode):
def x_real_builder(batch_size):
sigma = 0.1
skel = np.array([
[ 1.50, 1.50],
[ 1.50, 0.50],
[ 1.50, -0.50],
[ 1.50, -1.50],
[ 0.50, 1.50],
[ 0.50, 0.50],
[ 0.50, -0.50],
[ 0.50, -1.50],
[-1.50, 1.50],
[-1.50, 0.50],
[-1.50, -0.50],
[-1.50, -1.50],
[-0.50, 1.50],
[-0.50, 0.50],
[-0.50, -0.50],
[-0.50, -1.50],
temp = np.tile(skel, (batch_size // 16 + 1,1))
mus = temp[0:batch_size,:]
return mus + sigma*tf.random_normal([batch_size, 2])*.2
z_dim = 64
train_op, x_fake, z, init, disc_loss, gen_loss = reset_and_build_graph(
depth=6, width=384, x_real_builder=x_real_builder, z_dim=z_dim,
batch_size=256, learning_rate=1e-4, mode=mode)
train(train_op, x_fake, z, init, disc_loss, gen_loss, z_dim)
In [11]:
# Use plain RmsProp to optimise the GAN parameters.
# This experiment demonstratest mode collapse in traditional GAN training.
In [0]:
# Use Symplectic Gradient Adjustment to optimise the GAN parameters.
# With SGA, all modes are produced by the trained GAN.
Learning a high dimensional Gaussian (dimension 75 in the experiment below) using a GAN is an experiment that was proposed in 'A Classification–Based Study of Covariate Shift in GAN Distributions' by Santurkar et al. (
In the experiments below, the graphs plot all 75 singular values, in decreasing order, of the covariance matrix of the data generated by the GAN.
In [0]:
#@title Defining the functions for the experiment
def compute_eigenvalue(sess, x, n_pts, title):
"""Computes the singular values of the covariance matrix of x.
The singular values are displayed in decreasing order in a plot.
sess: a Session object.
x: a Tensor of shape ```(batch_size, x_dim)```
n_pts: an int; the number of points used to compute the covariance matrix
title: a string; the title of the displayed plot
batch_size, x_dim = x.get_shape().as_list()
# Round n_pts to the next multiple of batch_size
n_runs = (n_pts + batch_size - 1) // batch_size
n_pts = n_runs * batch_size
mean = np.zeros([x_dim])
moment = np.zeros([x_dim, x_dim])
for _ in range(n_runs):
x_out =
mean += np.sum(x_out, axis=0)
moment += np.matmul(x_out.transpose(), x_out)
mean /= n_pts
moment /= n_pts
mean_2 = np.expand_dims(mean, 0)
cov = moment - np.matmul(mean_2.transpose(), mean_2)
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(cov)
def train(train_op, x_fake, init, disc_loss, gen_loss):
n_iter = 20001
n_save = 2000
with tf.Session() as sess:
compute_eigenvalue(sess, x_fake, 2**20, 'BEFORE TRAINING')
for i in range(n_iter):
disc_loss_out, gen_loss_out =[disc_loss, gen_loss])
if i % n_save == 0:
print('i = %d, discriminant loss = %.4f, generator loss =%.4f' %
(i, disc_loss_out, gen_loss_out))
compute_eigenvalue(sess, x_fake, 2**15, 'iter %d' % i)
compute_eigenvalue(sess, x_fake, 2**20, 'AFTER TRAINING')
def high_dim_gaussian_experiment(mode):
x_dim = 75
def x_real_builder(batch_size):
return tf.random_normal([batch_size, x_dim])
train_op, x_fake, unused_z, init, disc_loss, gen_loss = reset_and_build_graph(
depth=2, width=200, x_real_builder=x_real_builder, z_dim=200,
batch_size=64, learning_rate=2e-4, mode=mode)
train(train_op, x_fake, init, disc_loss, gen_loss)
In [0]:
# Use plain RmsProp to optimise the GAN parameters.
# This experiment demonstrate how traditional GAN training fails to learn all
# the directions of a high dimensional Gaussian.
In [0]:
# Use Symplectic Gradient Adjustment to optimise the GAN parameters