In [1]:
import ConfigParser
CP = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()".config")
head = CP.get('IPyLogbook-Config','head')
url = CP.get('IPyLogbook-Config','url')
port = CP.get('IPyLogbook-Config','ssh-port')
name = CP.get('IPyLogbook-Config','name')

admin = CP.get('IPyLogbook-Admin','admin')
email = CP.get('IPyLogbook-Admin','email')
contact = '[' + admin + '](mailto:' + email + ')'

manage="[Manage the logbook]("+url+":"+port+"/notebooks/IPyLogbook/mgmt/IPyLogbookManager.ipynb)"
usersguide="[Learn to use the logbook]("+url+":"+port+"/notebooks/IPyLogbook/doc/IPyLogbookUsersGuide.ipynb)"

The {{name}} IPyLogbook Index

Experiment date Experiment lead Experiment summary
{{tree}} - Open the top level of the Logbook directory hierarchy

Please contact {{contact}} with issues/questions.

In [ ]: