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This colab allows reproducing the plots in Figures 2 and 3 in Section 3 of the paper [1]. We consider a particular instance of the stochastic gradient problem, eqn. (10). We would like to stochastically estimate the following quantity:
$\eta = \nabla_{\theta} \int \mathcal{N}(x|\mu, \sigma^2) f(x; k) dx; \quad \theta \in \{\mu, \sigma\}; \quad f \in \{(x-k)^2, \exp(-kx^2), \cos(kx)\}.$
Here the measure is a Gaussian distribution and the cost function is univariate.
In this experiment we consider several gradient estimators:
Since all the estimators are unbiased (have the same expectation), we compare the variance of these gradient estimators. A lower-variance estimator is almost universally preferred to a higher-variance one. For this simple univariate problem, we compute the variance via numerical integration to remove any noise in the measurements.
In [0]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.set_context('paper', font_scale=2.0, rc={'lines.linewidth': 2.0})
# We use INTEGRATION_LIMIT instead of infinity in integration limits
# Threshold for testing the unbiasedness of estimators
EPS = 1e-4
# Whether to save the resulting plots on disk
In [0]:
class SquareCost(object):
"""The cost f(x; k) = (x - k)^2"""
name = 'square'
def __init__(self, k):
self.k = k
def value(self, x):
return (x - self.k) ** 2
def derivative(self, x):
return 2 * (x - self.k)
class CosineCost(object):
"""The cost f(x; k) = cos kx"""
name = 'cos'
def __init__(self, k):
self.k = k
def value(self, x):
return np.cos(self.k * x)
def derivative(self, x):
return -self.k * np.sin(self.k * x)
class ExponentialCost(object):
"""The cost f(x; k) = exp(-k x^2)"""
name = 'exp'
def __init__(self, k):
self.k = k
def value(self, x):
return np.exp(-self.k * x ** 2)
def derivative(self, x):
return (-2 * self.k * x) * np.exp(-self.k * x ** 2)
In [0]:
class Normal(object):
"""Univariate Normal (Gaussian) measure."""
def __init__(self, mean, std, verify_unbiasedness):
self.distrib = scipy.stats.norm(loc=mean, scale=std)
self.mean = mean
self.std = std
self.verify_unbiasedness = verify_unbiasedness
def expect(self, g):
"""Computes the mean: E_p(x) g(x)"""
return scipy.integrate.quad(lambda x: self.distrib.pdf(x) * g(x),
def var(self, g, expect_g):
"""Compute the variance given the mean: E_p(x) (g(x) - E g(x))^2"""
if self.verify_unbiasedness:
assert (self.expect(g)[0] - expect_g) ** 2 < EPS
return self.expect(lambda x: (g(x) - expect_g) ** 2)
def cov(self, g, expect_g, h, expect_h):
"""Computes the covariance of two functions given their means:
E_p(x) (f(x) - E f(x)) (g(x) - E g(x))
if self.verify_unbiasedness:
assert (self.expect(g)[0] - expect_g) ** 2 < EPS
assert (self.expect(h)[0] - expect_h) ** 2 < EPS
return self.expect(lambda x: (g(x) - expect_g) * (h(x) - expect_h))
def dlogpdf_dmean(self, x):
"""Computes the score function for mean: \nabla_mean \log p(x; mean, std)
The score function is part of the score function estimator, see eqn. (13)
return (x - self.mean) / self.std ** 2
def dlogpdf_dstd(self, x):
"""Computes the score function for the std: \nabla_std \log p(x; mean, std)
The score function is part of the score function estimator, see eqn. (13)
return -(((self.mean + self.std - x) *
(-self.mean + self.std + x)) / self.std ** 3)
def dx_dmean(self, x):
"""Computes \nabla_mean x.
This is part of the pathwise estimator, see eqn. (35b).
For derivation, see eqn. (37).
return 1.
def dx_dstd(self, x):
"""Computes \nabla_std x.
This is part of the pathwise estimator, see eqn. (35b).
For derivation, see eqn. (37).
return (x - self.mean) / self.std
class StandardWeibull(object):
"""Weibull(2, 0.5) is a distribution used for measure-valued derivative w.r.t.
Normal mean.
See equation (46) for the derivation. This distribution has a density
function x * exp(-x^2 / 2) for x > 0
def __init__(self, verify_unbiasedness):
self.verify_unbiasedness = verify_unbiasedness
def expect(self, g):
"""Computes the mean: E_Weibull(x) g(x)"""
weibull_pdf = lambda x: x * np.exp(-0.5 * x ** 2)
return scipy.integrate.quad(lambda x: weibull_pdf(x) * g(x),
def var(self, g, expect_g):
"""Compute the variance given the mean: E_Weibull(x) (g(x) - E g(x))^2"""
if self.verify_unbiasedness:
assert (self.expect(g)[0] - expect_g) ** 2 < EPS
return self.expect(lambda x: (g(x) - expect_g) ** 2)
class StandardDsMaxwellCoupledWithNormal(object):
"""This is standard double-sided Maxwell distribution coupled with
standard Normal distribution. This is a bivariate distribution which is used
for measure-valued derivative w.r.t. Normal standard deviation, see Table 1.
Standard double-sided Maxwell distribution has the density function
x^2 exp(-x^2 / 2) / sqrt(2 pi) for x \in R.
To reduce the variance of the estimator, we couple the positve
(double-sided Maxwell) and negative (Gaussian) parts of the estimator.
See Section 7.2 for discussion of this idea. Technically, this is achieved
by representing a standard Normal sample as (m*u),
where m ~ DSMaxwell and u ~ U[0, 1].
def __init__(self, verify_unbiasedness):
self.verify_unbiasedness = verify_unbiasedness
def expect(self, g):
"""Computes the mean E_p(m, n) g(m, n) where m has a marginal DS-Maxwell
distribution and n has a marginal Normal distribution."""
def ds_maxwell_pdf(x):
return x ** 2 * np.exp(-0.5 * x ** 2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
return scipy.integrate.dblquad(
# m: Double Sided Maxwell, u: U[0, 1]
# The PDF of U[0, 1] is constant 1.
lambda m, u: ds_maxwell_pdf(m) * g(m, m * u),
# Limits for Uniform
0, 1,
# Limits for Double Sided Maxwell. Infinity is not supported by dblquad.
def var(self, g, expect_g):
"""Computes the variance E_p(m, n) (g(m, n) - E g(m, n)), where m has
a marginal DS-Maxwell distribution and n has a marginal Normal
if self.verify_unbiasedness:
assert (self.expect(g)[0] - expect_g) ** 2 < EPS
return self.expect(lambda m, n: (g(m, n) - expect_g) ** 2)
In [0]:
def numerical_integration(Cost, k, mean, std, verify_unbiasedness=False):
"""This function numerically evaluates the variance of gradient estimators.
Cost: the class of a cost function
k: a list/NumPy vector of values for the cost parameter k
mean: a scalar parameter of the Normal measure
std: a scalar parameter of the Normal measure
verify_unbiasedness: if True, perform additional asserts that verify
that the estimators are unbiased
A dictionary {key: NumPy array}. The keys have the form var_..., where ...
is the name of the estimator. The dimensions of the NumPy arrays are
[len(k), 2, 2], where the second dimension is [dmean, dstd], and the last
dimension is [value, integration_error].
measure = Normal(mean, std, verify_unbiasedness)
weibull = StandardWeibull(verify_unbiasedness)
ds_maxwell_coupled_with_normal = StandardDsMaxwellCoupledWithNormal(
ret = {}
for key in ['var_sf',
ret[key] = np.zeros([len(k), 2, 2])
for i in range(len(k)):
cost = Cost(k[i])
expect_loss = measure.expect(cost.value)[0]
# Compute $\nabla_{\theta} \int \mathcal{N}(x|\mu, \sigma^2) f(x; k) dx$
# using the score-function estimator
d_expect_loss = [
measure.expect(lambda x: cost.value(x) * measure.dlogpdf_dmean(x))[0],
measure.expect(lambda x: cost.value(x) * measure.dlogpdf_dstd(x))[0]
# Variance of the score-function estimator: Section 4, eqn. (13)
ret['var_sf'][i] = [
measure.var(lambda x: cost.value(x) * measure.dlogpdf_dmean(x),
measure.var(lambda x: cost.value(x) * measure.dlogpdf_dstd(x),
# Variance of the score-function estimator with the mean baseline
# Section 4, eqn. (14)
ret['var_sf_mean_baseline'][i] = [
measure.var(lambda x: (cost.value(x) - expect_loss) * measure.dlogpdf_dmean(x),
measure.var(lambda x: (cost.value(x) - expect_loss) * measure.dlogpdf_dstd(x),
# Computes the optimal baseline for the score-function estimator
# using Section 7.4.1, eqn. (65).
# Note that it has different values for mean and std.
optimal_baseline = [
(measure.cov(measure.dlogpdf_dmean, 0.,
lambda x: cost.value(x) * measure.dlogpdf_dmean(x),
/ measure.var(measure.dlogpdf_dmean, 0.)[0]),
(measure.cov(measure.dlogpdf_dstd, 0.,
lambda x: cost.value(x) * measure.dlogpdf_dstd(x),
/ measure.var(measure.dlogpdf_dstd, 0.)[0])
# Variance of the score-function estimator with the optimal baseline
# Section 4, eqn. (14)
ret['var_sf_optimal_baseline'][i] = [
measure.var(lambda x: (cost.value(x) - optimal_baseline[0]) * measure.dlogpdf_dmean(x),
measure.var(lambda x: (cost.value(x) - optimal_baseline[1]) * measure.dlogpdf_dstd(x),
# Variance of the pathwise estimator. Here we use the "implicit" form of the
# estimator that allows reusing the same Gaussian measure.
# See Section 5, eqn. (35) for details
ret['var_pathwise'][i] = [
measure.var(lambda x: cost.derivative(x) * measure.dx_dmean(x),
measure.var(lambda x: cost.derivative(x) * measure.dx_dstd(x),
# Variance of the measure-valued gradient estimator (Section 6, eqn. (44),
# Table 1) with variance reduction via coupling (Section 7.2)
ret['var_measure_valued_coupled'][i] = [
# We couple the Weibulls from the positive and negative parts of the
# estimator simply by reusing the value of the Weibull
lambda x: (cost.value(mean + std * x) - cost.value(mean - std * x)) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * std), d_expect_loss[0]),
# See Section 7.2 and documentation of StandardDsMaxwellCoupledWithNormal
# for details on this coupling. Here m ~ DS-Maxwell, n ~ Normal(0, 1)
lambda m, n: (cost.value(m * std + mean) - cost.value(n * std + mean)) / std, d_expect_loss[1])
return ret
In [0]:
def plot(k, ret, param_idx, logx, logy, ylabel, ylim, filename, xticks=None):
plt.figure(figsize=[8, 5])
plt.plot(k, ret['var_sf'][:, param_idx, 0],
label='Score function')
# plt.plot(k, ret['var_sf_mean_baseline'][:, param_idx, 0],
# label='Score function + mean baseline')
plt.plot(k, ret['var_sf_optimal_baseline'][:, param_idx, 0],
label='Score function + variance reduction')
plt.plot(k, ret['var_pathwise'][:, param_idx, 0],
plt.plot(k, ret['var_measure_valued_coupled'][:, param_idx, 0],
label='Measure-valued + variance reduction')
plt.xlim([np.min(k), np.max(k)])
if logx:
if logy:
if xticks is not None:
x_axis = plt.gca().get_xaxis()
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=200, transparent=True)
return plt.gca()
def plot_cost_cartoon(Cost, k, x, xticks, yticks, ylim, filename):
f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey='row', figsize=[12, 2])
for i in range(len(k)):
axes[i].plot(x, Cost(k[i]).value(x),
color='k', label='Value of the cost')
axes[i].plot(x, Cost(k[i]).derivative(x),
color='k', linestyle='--', label='Derivative of the cost')
f.savefig(filename, dpi=200, transparent=True)
return axes
In [0]:
for Cost in [SquareCost, CosineCost, ExponentialCost]:
ret = numerical_integration(
Cost, k=[0.1, 1., 10.], mean=1, std=1.5, verify_unbiasedness=True)
print('Maximum integration error: {}'.format(
max(np.max(v[..., 1]) for v in ret.values())))
In [0]:
Cost = SquareCost
k = np.linspace(-3., 3., 100)
ret = numerical_integration(Cost, k, mean=1, std=1)
print('Maximum integration error: {}'.format(
max(np.max(v[..., 1]) for v in ret.values())))
In [0]:
k, ret, param_idx=0,
logx=False, logy=True, ylabel=r'Variance of the estimator for $\mu$',
ylim=[1., 1e3], filename='variance_mu_{}.pdf'.format(
plot_ax = plot(
k, ret, param_idx=1,
logx=False, logy=True, ylabel=r'Variance of the estimator for $\sigma$',
ylim=[1., 1e3], filename='variance_sigma_{}.pdf'.format(
cartoon_ax = plot_cost_cartoon(
Cost, k=[np.min(k), 0, np.max(k)], x=np.linspace(-5., 5., 100),
xticks=[-5, 0, 5], yticks=[-2, 0, 5], ylim=[-2, 5],
In [0]:
Cost = ExponentialCost
k = np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(10.), 100)
ret = numerical_integration(Cost, k, mean=1, std=1)
print('Maximum integration error: {}'.format(
max(np.max(v[..., 1]) for v in ret.values())))
In [0]:
k, ret, param_idx=0,
logx=True, logy=True, ylabel=r'Variance of the estimator for $\mu$',
ylim=[1e-3, 1], xticks=[0.1, 1, 10],
plot_ax = plot(
k, ret, param_idx=1,
logx=True, logy=True, ylabel=r'Variance of the estimator for $\sigma$',
ylim=[1e-3, 1], xticks=[0.1, 1, 10],
cartoon_ax = plot_cost_cartoon(
Cost, k=[np.min(k), 1, np.max(k)], x=np.linspace(-3., 3., 100),
xticks=[-3, 0, 3], yticks=[-1, 0, 1], ylim=[-1.1, 1.1],
In [0]:
Cost = CosineCost
k = np.logspace(np.log10(0.5), np.log10(5.), 100)
ret = numerical_integration(Cost, k, mean=1, std=1)
print('Maximum integration error: {}'.format(
max(np.max(v[..., 1]) for v in ret.values())))
In [0]:
k, ret, param_idx=0,
logx=True, logy=True, ylabel=r'Variance of the estimator for $\mu$',
ylim=[0.005, 10], xticks=[0.5, 1, 2, 5],
plot_ax = plot(
k, ret, param_idx=1,
logx=True, logy=True, ylabel=r'Variance of the estimator for $\sigma$',
ylim=[0.1, 10], xticks=[0.5, 1, 2, 5],
cartoon_ax = plot_cost_cartoon(
10 ** ((np.log10(np.min(k)) + np.log10(np.min(k))) / 2),
x=np.linspace(-3., 3., 100),
xticks=[-3, 0, 3], yticks=[-3, 0, 3], ylim=[-3, 3],
In [0]:
plt.figure(figsize=[22, 1])
plt.legend(*plot_ax.get_legend_handles_labels(), loc='center',
frameon=False, ncol=5)
filename = 'estimators_legend.pdf'
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=200, transparent=True)
plt.figure(figsize=[22, 1])
plt.legend(*cartoon_ax[0].get_legend_handles_labels(), loc='center',
frameon=False, ncol=5)
filename = 'costs_legend.pdf'
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=200, transparent=True)