1. Generate Flow Control Graphs From Intel x86/AMD 64 Assembly

   Parse a directory of .asm files and construct IDA Pro style flow control graphs using code
   blocks as vertices and jmp/call instructions as directed edges.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import graph as gra # http://www.python-course.eu/graphs_python.php
import os
from csv import writer
from multiprocessing import Pool

In [2]:
opcodes = ['call','int','ja','jb','jc','je','jg','jge','jl','jle','jmp','jna','jnb','jnl','jno','jnp','jns','jnz','jo','jp','jz']
blocks = ['sub_', 'loc_', 'locret_']
#blocks = ['loc_','locret_']

In [ ]:
# Now divide the train files into four groups for multiprocessing
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = os.listdir(ext_drive)
quart = len(tfiles)/4
train1 = tfiles[:quart]
train2 = tfiles[quart:(2*quart)]
train3 = tfiles[(2*quart):(3*quart)]
train4 = tfiles[(3*quart):]
print(len(tfiles), quart, (len(train1)+len(train2)+len(train3)+len(train4)))
trains = [train1, train2, train3, train4]
p = Pool(4)
p.map(extract_flow_control_graphs, trains)

In [ ]:
# Now divide the test files into four groups for multiprocessing
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/test/'
tfiles = os.listdir(ext_drive)
quart = len(tfiles)/4
test1 = tfiles[:quart]
test2 = tfiles[quart:(2*quart)]
test3 = tfiles[(2*quart):(3*quart)]
test4 = tfiles[(3*quart):]
print(len(tfiles), quart, (len(test1)+len(test2)+len(test3)+len(test4)))
tests = [test1, test2, test3, test4]
p = Pool(4)
p.map(extract_flow_control_graphs, tests)

In [16]:
def construct_flow_control_graph(lines):
    vertex = '.program_entry_point' # this is the root node, corresponds to the program entry point not C main().
    vertex_count = 1
    edge_count = 0
    cfgraph = gra.Graph()
    for row in lines:
      row = row.rstrip('\r\n')  # get rid of newlines they are annoying.
      if ';' in row:
        row = row.split(';')[0] # get rid of comments they are annoying.
      # get rid of all these things they are annoying.
      row = row.replace('short',' ')
      row = row.replace('ds:',' ')
      row = row.replace('dword',' ')
      row = row.replace('ptr',' ').replace(':',' ').replace(',',' ') #.replace('??',' ')
      row = row.replace('@','').replace('?','')
      parts = row.split() # tokenize code line
      parts_len = len(parts)
      if (parts_len < 3): # this is just a comment line, do NOT change this!!!
      if (parts_len > 3 ):
        if (parts[3] == 'endp'): # skip procedure end labels
        if (parts[3] == 'proc'): # check for procedures not labelled sub_????
            vertex = parts[2]
            vertex_count += 1
      # check for subroutines and block labels
      # block and subroutine labels are always after the .text HHHHHHHH relative address
      for block in blocks:
          token = parts[2]  
          idx = token.find(block)
          if (idx == 0): # add new vertex to the graph, we are now in a new subroutine or code block
              vertex = token
              # print("Vertex: " + vertex)
              vertex_count += 1

      # now check for edge opcode    
      for opcode in opcodes: # check the line for a new edge
          if opcode in parts:
              # Extract desination address/function name/interrupt number as the directed edge.
              idx = parts.index(opcode)
              if ((idx + 1) < parts_len):
                  next_vertex = parts[idx + 1]
                  next_vertex = "none"
              cfgraph.add_edge(vertex, next_vertex)
              # print("Edge: " + vertex + " " + parts[idx] + " " + edge)

    print("Vertex Count: {:d}".format(vertex_count))
    return cfgraph

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [17]:
def extract_flow_control_graphs(tfiles):
    asm_files = [i for i in tfiles if '.asm' in i]
    ftot = len(asm_files)
    pid = os.getpid()
    print('Process id:', pid)
    feature_file = 'data/' + str(pid) + '-malware-flow-control-graph.csv'  
    print('Flow Control Graph file:', feature_file)
    graph_lines = []
    with open(feature_file, 'w') as f:
        # write the column names for the csv file
        fw = writer(f)
        # colnames = ['filename','entropy','filesize']
        # fw.writerow(colnames)
        # Now iterate through the file list and extract the graph from each file.
        for idx, fname in enumerate(asm_files):
            fasm = open(ext_drive + fname, 'r', errors='ignore')
            #filesize = os.path.getsize(ext_drive + fname)
            lines = fasm.readlines()
            flow_control_graph = construct_flow_control_graph(lines)

            graph_lines.append([fname[:fname.find('.asm')]] + [str(flow_control_graph.to_str_multi_line_sorted())])   
            # Print progress
            if (idx+1) % 10 == 0:
              print(pid, idx + 1, 'of', ftot, 'files processed.')
              feature_counts = []
        # Write remaining files
        if len(graph_lines) > 0:
            graph_lines = []

In [ ]:

2. Convert Flow Control Graphs To Feature Vectors

   Since determining graph isomorphisms is NP-Complete, convert the graphs to feature vectors and
   use chi-squared tests to reduce the number features.

In [ ]:

3. Generate Call Graphs From Intel x86/AMD 64 Assembly

   Parse a directory of .asm files and construct call graphs using subroutines
   as vertices and call instructions as directed edges.

In [2]:
call_opcodes = ['call','int']
call_blocks = ['sub_']

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [3]:
def construct_call_graph(lines):
    vertex = '.program_entry_point' # this is the root node, corresponds to the program entry point not C main().
    vertex_count = 1
    edge_count = 0
    cfgraph = gra.Graph()
    for row in lines:
      row = row.rstrip('\r\n')  # get rid of newlines they are annoying.
      if ';' in row:
        row = row.split(';')[0] # get rid of comments they are annoying.
      # get rid of all these things they are annoying.
      row = row.replace('short','').replace('ds:',' ')
      row = row.replace('dword','').replace('near','')
      row = row.replace('ptr','').replace(':',' ').replace(',',' ') #.replace('??',' ')
      row = row.replace('@','').replace('?','')
      parts = row.split() # tokenize code line
      if (len(parts) < 4): # this is just a comment line
      if (parts[3] == 'endp'): # ignore subroutine end labels
      # check for subroutines and block labels
      # block and subroutine labels are always after the .text HHHHHHHH relative address
      for block in call_blocks:
          token = parts[2]  
          idx = token.find(block)
          if ((idx == 0) or (parts[3] == 'proc')):
              # add new vertex to the graph, we are now in a new subroutine
              vertex = token
              # print("Vertex: " + vertex)
              vertex_count += 1

      # now check for edge opcode    
      for opcode in call_opcodes: # check the line for a new edge
          if opcode in parts:
              # Extract desination address/function name/interrupt number as the directed edge.
              idx = parts.index(opcode)
              edge_count += 1
              if ((idx + 1) < len(parts)): # in a few ASM files there is no operand, disassembly error?
                  next_vertex = parts[idx + 1]
                  next_vertex = "none"
              cfgraph.add_edge(vertex, next_vertex)
              # print("Edge: " + vertex + " " + parts[idx] + " " + edge)

    # print("Vertex Count: {:d}".format(vertex_count))
    return cfgraph

In [4]:
def extract_call_graphs(tfiles):
    asm_files = [i for i in tfiles if '.asm' in i]
    ftot = len(asm_files)
    pid = os.getpid()
    print('Process id:', pid)
    feature_file = 'data/' + str(pid) + '-malware-call-graph-features.csv'  
    print('Graph Feature file:', feature_file)
    graph_lines = []
    graph_features = []
    graph_file = open('data/' + str(pid) + '-malware-call-graphs.gv', 'w') # write as a graphviz DOT format file
    with open(feature_file, 'w') as f:
        # write the column names for the csv file
        fw = writer(f)
        #colnames = ['filename','vertex_count','edge_count','delta_max','density','diameter']
        colnames = ['filename','vertex_count','edge_count','delta_max','density']
        # Now iterate through the file list and extract the call graph from each file.
        for idx, fname in enumerate(asm_files):
            fasm = open(ext_drive + fname, 'r', errors='ignore')
            lines = fasm.readlines()
            call_graph = construct_call_graph(lines)
            cgvc = call_graph.n_vertices()
            cgec = call_graph.n_edges()
            cgdm = call_graph.delta_max()
            cgde = call_graph.density()
            # cdia = call_graph.diameter() this is constantly problematic !!!
            graph_features.append([fname[:fname.find('.asm')]] + [cgvc, cgec, cgdm, cgde])
            # graph_lines.append(call_graph.to_str('multinoleaf')) 
            del(call_graph) # for some reason new graphs get appended to the previous graphs if not deleted???
            # Print progress
            if (idx + 1) % 10 == 0:
                print(pid, idx + 1, 'of', ftot, 'files processed.')
                graph_features = []
                graph_lines = []
        # Write remaining files
        if len(graph_lines) > 0:
            graph_features = []
            graph_lines = []

    print('Process id: {:d} finished.'.format(pid))

4. Generate Function Counts From Call Graphs.

  Construct a dictionary of functions names and counts for every ASM file call graph then
  write the function counts out to a csv feature file, it will be a sparse matrix.
  feature columns will be like (filename, function names in sorted order.....)

In [4]:
# Generate column names for the function count feature set
#call_graph_files = ['../3815-malware-call-graphs.gv', '../3816-malware-call-graphs.gv', '../3817-malware-call-graphs.gv', '../3818-malware-call-graphs.gv']
#call_graph_files = ['data/2278-malware-call-graphs.gv']

def generate_column_names(call_graph_file):
    counter = 0
    column_names = ['filename']
    graph_names = []
    graph_name = "none"
    graph_functions = {}

    fapi = open("data/APIs.txt")
    defined_apis = fapi.readlines()
    defined_apis = defined_apis[0].split(',')
    pid = os.getpid()
    print('Process id:', pid)
    column_names_file = 'data/' + str(pid) + '-reduced-column-names.csv'  
    print('Column names file: {:s}'.format(column_names_file))
    graph_names_file = 'data/' + str(pid) + '-graph-names.csv'  
    print('Graph names file: {:s}'.format(graph_names_file))    

    with open(call_graph_file, 'r', errors='ignore') as cfg:
        print("Starting graph file: {:s}".format(call_graph_file))
        for line in cfg:
            line = line.rstrip('\r\n')  # get rid of newlines they are annoying.
            # get rid of all these things they are annoying.
            line = line.replace(',',' ').replace('[',' ').replace(']',' ').replace('->',' ').replace("\'", ' ')
            parts = line.split() # tokenize call graph line
            graph_name = parts[0]
            parts = parts[1:]
            graph_functions = {}
            for func in parts:
                if func not in defined_apis: # ignore these API functions, they have already been counted.
                    if func.startswith('sub') or func.startswith('loc') or func.startswith('unk'):
                        func = func[:5] # lets try to reduce the vast number of functions.
                    elif func.startswith('eax+') or func.startswith('ebx+') or func.startswith('ecx+') or func.startswith('edx+'):
                        func = func[:5]
                    elif func.startswith('edi+') or func.startswith('esi+'):
                        func = func[:5]
                    elif func.startswith('byte_') or func.startswith('word_'): # or func.startswith('nullsub')
                        func = func[:6]
                    else: # reduce the feature set some more so my pissy pants PC can handle it.
                        func = func[:8]
                    if func not in column_names: # NOTE: or in Defined APIs, these have already been counted.    

            counter += 1
            # Print progress
            if ((counter + 1) % 1000) == 0:
                print("Processed number {:d} Graph_name {:s} Total column names {:d}".format(counter,graph_name,len(column_names)))       

    with open(column_names_file, 'w') as cols:
        fw = writer(cols)
    print("Completed writing {:d} column names.".format(len(column_names)))

    with open(graph_names_file, 'w') as gras:
        fw = writer(gras)
    print("Completed writing {:d} graph names.".format(len(graph_names)))

In [ ]:
# Generate the merged column names file single line.
counter = 0
column_names = []
column_name_files = ['data/3346-reduced-column-names.csv', 'data/3347-reduced-column-names.csv', 'data/3348-reduced-column-names.csv', 'data/3349-reduced-column-names.csv']
for cnamefile in column_name_files:
    with open(cnamefile, 'r') as cras:
        print("Starting file: {:s}".format(cnamefile))
        colstr = cras.readline()
        colnames = colstr.split(',')
        for cname in colnames:
            if cname not in column_names:
            counter += 1
            # Print progress
            if ((counter + 1) % 1000) == 0:
                print("Processed column names {:d}".format(counter))       

with open('data/all-reduced-function-column-names.csv', 'w') as cols:
    fw = writer(cols)
print("Completed writing column names total = {:d}".format(len(column_names)))

In [ ]:
#Generate the merged column names file multiline.
counter = 0
column_names = []
column_name_files = ['data/3346-reduced-column-names.csv', 'data/3347-reduced-column-names.csv', 'data/3348-reduced-column-names.csv', 'data/3349-reduced-column-names.csv']
for cnamefile in column_name_files:
    with open(cnamefile, 'r') as cras:
        print("Starting file: {:s}".format(cnamefile))
        colstr = cras.readline()
        colnames = colstr.split(',')
        for cname in colnames:
            if cname not in column_names:    
            counter += 1
            # Print progress
            if ((counter + 1) % 1000) == 0:
                print("Processed column names {:d}".format(counter))       

with open('data/all-reduced-function-column-names-multiline.csv', 'w') as cols:
    for cname in column_names:
        outline = cname + "\n"
print("Completed writing column names total = {:d}".format(len(column_names)))

In [ ]:

In [13]:
print("Completed writing column names total = {:d}".format(len(column_names)))

Completed writing column names total = 154810

In [ ]:
call_graph_files = ['/opt/kaggle/3662-malware-call-graphs-sline.gv', '/opt/kaggle/3663-malware-call-graphs-sline.gv', '/opt/kaggle/3664-malware-call-graphs-sline.gv', '/opt/kaggle/3665-malware-call-graphs-sline.gv']
p = Pool(4)
p.map(generate_column_names, call_graph_files)

In [10]:


In [12]:
# Generate function counts from graph files of the ASM malware samples.
# call_graph_files = ['../3815-malware-call-graphs.gv', '../3816-malware-call-graphs.gv', '../3817-malware-call-graphs.gv', '../3818-malware-call-graphs.gv']

def generate_function_counts(call_graph_file):
    counter = 0
    error_count = 0
    fapi = open("data/APIs.txt")
    defined_apis = fapi.readlines()
    defined_apis = defined_apis[0].split(',')
    colf = open('data/all-reduced-function-column-names.csv', 'r')
    all_column_names = []
    column_lines = colf.readlines()
    for line in column_lines:
        all_column_names += line.split(',')
    col_names_len = len(all_column_names)
    print("Column Names: {:d}".format(col_names_len))
    pid = os.getpid()
    print('Process id:', pid)
    feature_file_name = 'data/' + str(pid) + '-call-graph-reduced-function_counts.csv'  
    print('Call graph function counts file: {:s}'.format(feature_file_name))
    feature_file = open(feature_file_name, 'w')
    fw = writer(feature_file)
    call_graph_function_features = []
    with open(call_graph_file, 'r', errors='ignore') as cfg:
        for line in cfg:
            line.rstrip('\r\n')  # get rid of newlines they are annoying.
            # get rid of all these things they are annoying.
            line = line.replace(',',' ').replace('[',' ').replace(']',' ').replace('->',' ').replace("\'", ' ')
            parts = line.split() # tokenize graph line
            graph_name = parts[0]
            parts = parts[1:]
            function_dict = {}
            # now generate the function counts for this call graph
            for func in parts:
                if func not in defined_apis: # ignore these API functions, they have already been counted.
                    if func.startswith('sub') or func.startswith('loc') or func.startswith('unk'):
                        func = func[:5] # lets try to reduce the vast number of functions.
                    elif func.startswith('eax+') or func.startswith('ebx+') or func.startswith('ecx+') or func.startswith('edx+'):
                        func = func[:5]
                    elif func.startswith('edi+') or func.startswith('esi+'):
                        func = func[:5]
                    elif func.startswith('byte_') or func.startswith('word_'): # or func.startswith('nullsub')
                        func = func[:6]
                    else: # reduce the feature set some more so my pissy pants PC can handle it.
                        func = func[:8]
                    if (func in function_dict):
                        function_dict[func] += 1
                        function_dict[func] = 1
            # now generate the output row for this call graph

            function_counts = [0] * col_names_len # zero everything because this is a sparse matrix
            for func in function_dict:
                for idx, cname in enumerate(all_column_names):
                    if func == cname:
                        function_counts[idx] = function_dict[func]
            call_graph_function_features.append([graph_name] + function_counts)
            # Print progress and write out rows
            counter += 1
            if ((counter + 1) % 100) == 0:
                print("{:d} Graph: {:s} Count: {:d}".format(pid, graph_name, counter))
                call_graph_function_features = []
        # Write remaining files
        if len(call_graph_function_features) > 0:
            call_graph_function_features = []  
    print("Completed processing {:d} graphs.".format(counter))

In [ ]:
call_graph_files = ['/opt/kaggle/3662-malware-call-graphs-sline.gv', '/opt/kaggle/3663-malware-call-graphs-sline.gv', '/opt/kaggle/3664-malware-call-graphs-sline.gv', '/opt/kaggle/3665-malware-call-graphs-sline.gv']
p = Pool(4)
p.map(generate_function_counts, call_graph_files)

In [ ]:
# Ok, so we still have 71000+ features even after severely reducing the function name lengths.
# This is a problem. Having to process such a huge sparse matrix requires a lot of memory.
# Solution 1: rent an AWS server with plenty-o-ram.
# Solution 2: buy more RAM for my linux box.
# Solution 3: break the sparse matrix into smaller chunks and process individually.
# Solution 4: try the pandas sparse matrix data structure.
# Goto: feature-reduction-call-graphs.ipynb

In [ ]:
# Now divide the train files into four groups for multiprocessing
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = os.listdir(ext_drive)
quart = int(len(tfiles)/4)
train1 = tfiles[:quart]
train2 = tfiles[quart:(2*quart)]
train3 = tfiles[(2*quart):(3*quart)]
train4 = tfiles[(3*quart):]
print(len(tfiles), quart, (len(train1)+len(train2)+len(train3)+len(train4)))
trains = [train1, train2, train3, train4]
p = Pool(4)
p.map(extract_call_graphs, trains)

In [ ]:
# Now divide the test files into four groups for multiprocessing
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/test/'
tfiles = os.listdir(ext_drive)
quart = int(len(tfiles)/4)
test1 = tfiles[:quart]
test2 = tfiles[quart:(2*quart)]
test3 = tfiles[(2*quart):(3*quart)]
test4 = tfiles[(3*quart):]
print(len(tfiles), quart, (len(test1)+len(test2)+len(test3)+len(test4)))
tests = [test1, test2, test3, test4]
p = Pool(4)
p.map(extract_call_graphs, tests)

5. Test Code Only

In [5]:
# Test graph generation
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = ['0A32eTdBKayjCWhZqDOQ.asm', '1aAwe4J9VHrsq8uEoZhf.asm']

Process id: 4845
Graph file: data/4845-malware-graph.csv
Vertex Count: 1103
Vertex Count: 6418

In [7]:
# Test graph generation
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = ['0A32eTdBKayjCWhZqDOQ.asm', '0ACDbR5M3ZhBJajygTuf.asm']

Process id: 17216
Graph file: data/17216-malware-graph.csv
Vertex Count: 1103
Vertex Count: 180

In [18]:
# Test graph generation
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = ['0ACDbR5M3ZhBJajygTuf.asm']

Process id: 21155
Flow Control Graph file: data/21155-malware-flow-control-graph.csv
Vertex Count: 179

In [5]:
# Test call graph generation
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = ['0A32eTdBKayjCWhZqDOQ.asm', '0ACDbR5M3ZhBJajygTuf.asm']

Process id: 17385
Graph file: data/17385-malware-call-graph.csv
Vertex Count: 179
Vertex Count: 5

In [5]:
# Test call graph generation
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = ['0A32eTdBKayjCWhZqDOQ.asm', '0ACDbR5M3ZhBJajygTuf.asm']

Process id: 2278
Graph Feature file: data/2278-malware-call-graph-features.csv
Process id: 2278 finished.

In [5]:
g = { "a" : ["c"],
      "b" : ["c","e","f"],
      "c" : ["a","b","d","e"],
      "d" : ["c"],
      "e" : ["b","c","f"],
      "f" : ["b","e"]

graph = gra.Graph(g)

diameter = graph.diameter()



In [15]:
# Test call graph generation
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = ['0A32eTdBKayjCWhZqDOQ.asm', '0ACDbR5M3ZhBJajygTuf.asm']

Process id: 20756
Graph file: data/20756-malware-call-graph.csv
Vertex Count: 90
Vertex Count: 4

In [25]:
# Test call graph generation
ext_drive = '/opt/kaggle/train/'
tfiles = ['0A32eTdBKayjCWhZqDOQ.asm', '0ACDbR5M3ZhBJajygTuf.asm']

Process id: 20756
Graph file: data/20756-malware-call-graph.csv
Vertex Count: 90
Vertex Count: 4

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
fasm = open('/opt/kaggle/train/1aAwe4J9VHrsq8uEoZhf.asm', 'r', errors='ignore')
lines = fasm.readlines()

In [ ]:
fasm = open('/opt/kaggle/train/0A32eTdBKayjCWhZqDOQ.asm', 'r', errors='ignore')
lines = fasm.readlines()
cfgraph = parse_asm_code(lines)

In [ ]:

In [8]:
from collections import OrderedDict
a = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}

{'bar': 2, 'foo': 1}

In [9]:
{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}
b = OrderedDict(sorted(a.items()))

OrderedDict([('bar', 2), ('foo', 1)])

In [10]:
myDic={10: 'b', 3:'a', 5:'c'}

[3, 5, 10]

In [ ]:
# Deprecated, too slowwwww.

def construct_function_dict(call_graph):
    vertex_dict = call_graph.get_vertex_counts()
    file_name = call_graph.get_graph_name()
    function_dict[file_name] = vertex_dict

def generate_column_names():
    for file_name in function_dict:
        function_counts = function_dict[file_name]
        for func_name in function_counts:
            if func_name not in function_column_names:

def write_function_counts():
    # open function count feature file
    pid = os.getpid()
    feature_file = 'data/' + str(pid) + '-malware-function-count-features.csv'  
    print('Function Count Feature file:', feature_file)
    f = open(feature_file, 'w')
    fw = writer(f)
    colnames = ['filename'] + function_column_names
    counter = 0
    function_features = []
    function_count_list = [0] * len(function_column_names)
    for filename in function_dict:
        function_counts = function_dict[filename]
        for function in function_counts:
            idx = function_column_names.index(function)

            function_count_list[idx] = function_counts[function]
        function_features.append([filename] + function_count_list)
        counter += 1
        # Print progress
        if (counter + 1) % 10 == 0:
            print(pid, counter + 1, ' files processed.')
            function_features = []
    # Write remaining files
    if (len(function_features) > 0):
        func_features = []