User groups

0. Import libraries

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline 

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

pd.set_option('display.width', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', True)
import seaborn as sns #sets up styles and gives us more plotting options

1. Settings

In [ ]:
URL = "" # User-entered website

In [20]:
# Time period 1st Jan - 30th April (arbitrary )

# API credentials
# Email address
# Key IDs 948ee8e2a420ef14a5d5a29bd35104fe2f1e6ed4

In [21]:
# open file. It is requested via API explorer using request parameters:

#Account: TMRW Tech Hub
#Property: TMRW
#View: All Web Site Data
#ids: ga:123303369
#start-date: 2017-01-01
#end-date: 2017-04-30




Skipped step: Check statistical validity Filter off spam traffic and own dev/marketing IPs

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Determine buckets

Are there lines that can be grouped by each metric:

Bounce Rate Avg. Session Duration
Goal 1 Completions
Goal 1 Conversion Rate
Pages / Session

Acceptable spread = 10%

Take Key_metrics and check volume of traffic and conversions. Which is the most extreme? Conversion bucket = new array TMRW_users_city.max=TMRW_users_city.max()

  1. Define key metrics Key_metrics = location/age. Can be location/gender or age/gender also. For them other API call needs to be made.

  2. Open file

  3. Visualise

2. Data import & transformation

In [102]:
# Open file
input_users = pd.read_csv("files/TMRW_users.csv")

# rename columns
#input_users = input_users.sort_values('CR')

input_users_filter = input_users[input_users.Sessions > 80]

City Age Sessions BR Conversions CR
2 London 45-54 165 53.939 2 1.212
3 Croydon 45-54 82 48.780 1 1.220
4 London 35-44 426 53.756 12 2.817
5 London 25-34 758 59.235 22 2.902
6 Croydon 35-44 204 43.137 6 2.941
8 Croydon 18-24 86 43.023 3 3.488
10 Croydon 25-34 299 47.157 15 5.017
11 London 18-24 155 51.613 8 5.161

3. Calculate

In [104]:
max_CR = max(input_users_filter.CR)

max_CR_City = input_users_filter.set_index('CR').loc[max_CR,"City"]
max_CR_Age = input_users_filter.set_index('CR').loc[max_CR,"Age"]
max_CR_City_Age = max_CR_City + " " + max_CR_Age

'London 18-24'

In [ ]:

In [116]:
#algo for bucketing into varios secsions: 

#buckets by CR

input_users_CR = input_users_filter.nlargest(5, 'CR')
input_users_CR_City = input_users_CR.groupby(['City','Age']).mean()
input_users_CR_Age = input_users_CR.groupby(['Age']).mean()

4. Validate

5. Visualise

In [106]:
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.charts import Bar, Line, show
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show

p = Bar(input_users_filter, label='City', values='CR', stack='Age', title="%s is most converting Demographic category" % max_CR_City_Age, agg="mean", legend="top_right")
#print("Conversion rate for homepage is %s" % homepage_CR + "%")
#print("Put an additional button \"Contact Us\" on the main page. (or adding the contact form link to the menu bar at the top of the homepage")

Loading BokehJS ...

In [107]:
input_users_BR = input_users.nlargest(3, 'BR')
#if the_largest traffic source = ('not_set') then output error ''

City Age Sessions BR Conversions CR
12 London 65+ 14 71.429 1 7.143
0 (not set) 35-44 16 62.500 0 0.000
9 (not set) 25-34 24 62.500 1 4.167
0 (not set) 35-44 16 62.500 0 0.000
9 (not set) 25-34 24 62.500 1 4.167

In [113]:
input_users_city_sum = input_users.groupby(["City"]).sum()

Sessions BR Conversions CR
(not set) 40 125.000 1 4.167
Croydon 702 233.710 26 15.892
Hove 12 16.667 1 8.333
London 1554 337.194 45 19.235

In [114]:

(not set)     1
Croydon      26
Hove          1
London       45
Name: Conversions, dtype: int64

In [118]:
labels = output_chart_city.index
sizes = output_chart_city
# colours are taken from
colors = ['#1f394d','#2a7585', '#163c45', '#004a6e']
explode = (0, 0, 0, 0)
plt.pie(sizes, explode=explode, labels=labels, colors=colors,
        autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=False, startangle=90)

# Conversion traffic

# Generate text
print ("%s segment converts best" % max_CR_City )

London segment converts best

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