iPython notebook - SS analysis - User groups

Google Analytics data

1. Import libraries

In [18]:
%matplotlib inline 

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

pd.set_option('display.width', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', True)
import seaborn as sns #sets up styles and gives us more plotting options

In [19]:
URL = "tmrw.co" # User-entered website
  1. Settings

In [20]:
# Time period 17th Jan - 16th April (arbitrary )

# API credentials
# Email address 705762800217-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com
# Key IDs 948ee8e2a420ef14a5d5a29bd35104fe2f1e6ed4

In [21]:
# open file. It is requested via API explorer using request parameters:

#Account: TMRW Tech Hub
#Property: TMRW
#View: All Web Site Data
#ids: ga:123303369
#start-date: 2017-01-15
#end-date: yesterday




Skipped step: Check statistical validity Filter off spam traffic and own dev/marketing IPs

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Determine buckets

Are there lines that can be grouped by each metric:

Bounce Rate Avg. Session Duration
Goal 1 Completions
Goal 1 Conversion Rate
Pages / Session

Acceptable spread = 10%

Take Key_metrics and check volume of traffic and conversions. Which is the most extreme? Conversion bucket = new array TMRW_users_city.max=TMRW_users_city.max()

  1. Define key metrics Key_metrics = location/age. Can be location/gender or age/gender also. For them other API call needs to be made.

  2. Open file

  3. Visualise

In [22]:
# Open file
TMRW_users= pd.read_csv("files/TMRW_geo_loc_API.csv")

City Age % New Sessions Sessions Bounce Rate Avg. Session Duration Goal 1 Completions Goal 1 Conversion Rate Pages / Session
0 (not set) 35-44 43.750 16 62.500 53.500 0 0.000 1.688
1 London 55-64 77.778 36 47.222 92.472 0 0.000 2.333
2 London 45-54 70.909 165 53.939 135.079 2 1.212 1.915
3 Croydon 45-54 65.854 82 48.780 167.707 1 1.220 2.049
4 London 35-44 69.014 426 53.756 119.549 12 2.817 1.962
5 London 25-34 66.623 758 59.235 103.788 22 2.902 1.856
6 Croydon 35-44 64.216 204 43.137 158.848 6 2.941 2.284
7 Croydon 55-64 74.194 31 51.613 62.323 1 3.226 1.677
8 Croydon 18-24 69.767 86 43.023 101.384 3 3.488 2.140
9 (not set) 25-34 75.000 24 62.500 75.542 1 4.167 1.583
10 Croydon 25-34 58.194 299 47.157 198.344 15 5.017 2.261
11 London 18-24 75.484 155 51.613 172.226 8 5.161 2.187
12 London 65+ 85.714 14 71.429 116.857 1 7.143 1.286
13 Hove 35-44 75.000 12 16.667 69.417 1 8.333 2.167

In [ ]:

In [23]:
# rename columns
TMRW_users.columns=['city','age', 'new_sessions','sessions','bounce_rate','asd','goal1','goal1CR','PPS'] 

TMRW_users_filter = TMRW_users[TMRW_users.sessions > 80]

city age new_sessions sessions bounce_rate asd goal1 goal1CR PPS
2 London 45-54 70.909 165 53.939 135.079 2 1.212 1.915
3 Croydon 45-54 65.854 82 48.780 167.707 1 1.220 2.049
4 London 35-44 69.014 426 53.756 119.549 12 2.817 1.962
5 London 25-34 66.623 758 59.235 103.788 22 2.902 1.856
6 Croydon 35-44 64.216 204 43.137 158.848 6 2.941 2.284
8 Croydon 18-24 69.767 86 43.023 101.384 3 3.488 2.140
10 Croydon 25-34 58.194 299 47.157 198.344 15 5.017 2.261
11 London 18-24 75.484 155 51.613 172.226 8 5.161 2.187

In [24]:
# will need to convert dnumbers into tim
#TMRW_users_filter_new =pd.to_datetime(TMRW_users_filter['asd'], format='%H:%M')

new_sessions sessions bounce_rate asd goal1 goal1CR PPS
count 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.00000 8.000000 8.000000
mean 67.507625 271.875000 50.080000 144.615625 8.62500 3.094750 2.081750
std 5.122239 227.124533 5.641801 35.132391 7.28869 1.479211 0.161107
min 58.194000 82.000000 43.023000 101.384000 1.00000 1.212000 1.856000
25% 65.444500 137.750000 46.152000 115.608750 2.75000 2.417750 1.950250
50% 67.818500 184.500000 50.196500 146.963500 7.00000 2.921500 2.094500
75% 70.052500 330.750000 53.801750 168.836750 12.75000 3.870250 2.205500
max 75.484000 758.000000 59.235000 198.344000 22.00000 5.161000 2.284000

In [25]:
# Check if the number of sessions is enough for analysis

if TMRW_users.sessions.sum() < 80:

#if sessions are too small remove
#if one conversion - remove

# 1. Too small sessions
TMRW_users.describe().loc['mean', 'sessions']


In [26]:
#algo for bucketing into varios secsions: 

#buckets by goal1CR

TMRW_users_goal1CR = TMRW_users_filter.nlargest(3, 'goal1CR')
TMRW_users_goal1CR_gCity = TMRW_users_goal1CR.groupby(['city']).mean() #this is not too correct- average of proportion, but ok for now
TMRW_users_goal1CR_gAge = TMRW_users_goal1CR.groupby(['age']).mean() 

new_sessions sessions bounce_rate asd goal1 goal1CR PPS
Croydon 63.9805 192.5 45.090 149.864 9.0 4.2525 2.2005
London 75.4840 155.0 51.613 172.226 8.0 5.1610 2.1870

In [38]:


In [28]:
TMRW_users_goal1CR_gAge.loc[: , 'goal1']

18-24     5.5
25-34    15.0
Name: goal1, dtype: float64

In [35]:

city age new_sessions sessions bounce_rate asd goal1 goal1CR PPS
11 London 18-24 75.484 155 51.613 172.226 8 5.161 2.187
10 Croydon 25-34 58.194 299 47.157 198.344 15 5.017 2.261
8 Croydon 18-24 69.767 86 43.023 101.384 3 3.488 2.140

In [30]:
# The most converting audience
print(+" is most converting Demographic category")

#x = TMRW_users_goal1CR_gAge.index

y = TMRW_users_goal1CR.[: , 'goal1CR']


plt.title("Top converting buckets")
plt.xlabel("Conv rate")


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-70d1487a1078> in <module>()
      1 # The most converting audience
----> 2 print(+" is most converting Demographic category")
      4 x = TMRW_users_goal1CR_gAge.index

TypeError: bad operand type for unary +: 'str'

In [31]:
TMRW_users_bounce_rate = TMRW_users_filter.nlargest(3, 'bounce_rate')
#if the_largest traffic source = ('not_set') then output error ''

city age new_sessions sessions bounce_rate asd goal1 goal1CR PPS
5 London 25-34 66.623 758 59.235 103.788 22 2.902 1.856
2 London 45-54 70.909 165 53.939 135.079 2 1.212 1.915
4 London 35-44 69.014 426 53.756 119.549 12 2.817 1.962

In [70]:
TMRW_users_PPS = TMRW_users_filter.nlargest(3, 'PPS')

city age new_sessions sessions bounce_rate asd goal1 goal1CR PPS
6 Croydon 35-44 64.216 204 43.137 158.848 6 2.941 2.284
10 Croydon 25-34 58.194 299 47.157 198.344 15 5.017 2.261
11 London 18-24 75.484 155 51.613 172.226 8 5.161 2.187

In [10]:

new_sessions sessions bounce_rate asd goal1 goal1CR PPS
(not set) 118.750 40 125.000 129.042 1 4.167 3.271
Croydon 332.225 702 233.710 688.606 26 15.892 10.411
Hove 75.000 12 16.667 69.417 1 8.333 2.167
London 445.522 1554 337.194 739.971 45 19.235 11.539

In [10]:
selected=TMRW_users_agcities.loc[:,'Goal 1 Completions']

(not set)     1
Croydon      26
Hove          1
London       45
Name: Goal 1 Completions, dtype: int64

In [16]:
labels = selected.index
sizes = selected
# colours are taken from http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/
colors = ['#1f394d','#2a7585', '#163c45', '#004a6e']
explode = (0, 0, 0, 0)
plt.pie(sizes, explode=explode, labels=labels, colors=colors,
        autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=False, startangle=90)
plt.title('Cities by conversion')

# Conversion traffic

In [11]:
# Generate text
print (" segment converts best")

 segment converts best

Mobile analytics

In [120]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

input_mob = pd.read_csv('files/TMRW_mob.csv')
input_mob.columns=['device','sessions','%news', 'new_users','bounce_rate','PPS', 'ASD', 'goal1CR','goal1']
input_mob = input_mob.set_index('device')

def p2f(x):
    return float(x.strip('%'))/100


sessions %news new_users bounce_rate PPS ASD goal1CR goal1
desktop 2976 70.93% 2,111 53.36% 2.01 00:02:19 3.76% 112
mobile 1502 70.51% 1,059 60.19% 1.83 00:01:35 1.73% 26
tablet 171 73.10% 125 56.73% 1.74 00:01:33 1.75% 3

In [121]:
conv_increase =  float(input_mob.loc['mobile','sessions']) * p2f(input_mob.loc['desktop','goal1CR']) - float(input_mob.loc['mobile','goal1']) 

In [157]:
# Check if data is valid

is_valid = True
output_chart_data = input_mob.loc['mobile',['sessions','goal1']]

# convert percentages into float

mob_CR =  p2f(input_mob.loc['desktop','goal1CR'])
desk_CR = p2f(input_mob.loc['mobile','goal1CR'])

def funnel_cart():

# calculate difference

mob_dif = mob_CR / desk_CR

# if mobile goal1CR is less by more than 20% then reult is failed 

if mob_dif > 1.5:

       is_valid = False

# if not then build chart

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21397549/stack-bar-plot-in-matplotlib-and-add-label-to-each-section-and-suggestions
# http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/visualization.html#bar-plots

#mob_chart = output_chart_data
x = {1}
y = {100,10}

#ou = pd.DataFrame([100,10], columns=['sessions', 'goal1'])


mob_conv = input_mob.loc['mobile','goal1CR']

plt.title('Only %s of all mobile visitors end up completing a conversion' % mob_conv)

#need to specify analytics time perdiod
print("Have %s more conversions per month by optmiising mobile UX" % conv_increase)


Have 30 more conversions per month by optmiising mobile UX

In [146]:
## Continue here

sessions    1502
goal1         26
Name: mobile, dtype: object

In [ ]:

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