This notebook demonstrates how to open a polyline vector file (.shp format) and generate a Hovmoller plot of NDVI for that polyline
In [1]:
%pylab notebook
from __future__ import print_function
import datacube
import xarray as xr
from import masking
from import mask_to_dict
from datacube.helpers import ga_pq_fuser
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates
import fiona
import shapely
import shapely.geometry
from shapely.geometry import shape
import rasterio
In [2]:
dc = datacube.Datacube(app='dc-Hovmoller polyline example')
In [3]:
#This defines the function that converts a linear vector file into a string of x,y coordinates
def geom_query(geom, geom_crs='EPSG:4326'):
Create datacube query snippet for geometry
return {
'x': (geom.bounds[0], geom.bounds[2]),
'y': (geom.bounds[1], geom.bounds[3]),
'crs': geom_crs
def warp_geometry(geom, crs_crs, dst_crs):
warp geometry from crs_crs to dst_crs
return shapely.geometry.shape(rasterio.warp.transform_geom(crs_crs, dst_crs, shapely.geometry.mapping(geom)))
def transect(data, geom, resolution, method='nearest', tolerance=None):
dist = [i for i in range(0, int(geom.length), resolution)]
points = list(zip(*[geom.interpolate(d).coords[0] for d in dist]))
indexers = {[0]: list(points[1]),[1]: list(points[0])
return data.sel_points(xr.DataArray(dist, name='distance', dims=['distance']),
In [4]:
#Select polyline, replacing /g/... with /*your_path_here*/your_file.shp
vec_fname = 'shapefiles/08_Example.shp'
with as src:
geom = shape(src[0]['geometry'])
#Define temporal range
start_of_epoch = '1987-01-01'
#need a variable here that defines a rolling 'latest observation'
end_of_epoch = '2016-12-31'
#Define wavelengths/bands of interest, remove this kwarg to retrieve all bands
bands_of_interest = [#'blue',
#Define sensors of interest
sensors = ['ls8','ls7','ls5']
query = {'time': (start_of_epoch, end_of_epoch),}
query['crs'] = 'EPSG:4326'
In [5]:
In [6]:
#Group PQ by solar day to avoid idiosyncracies of N/S overlap differences in PQ algorithm performance
pq_albers_product = dc.index.products.get_by_name(sensors[0]+'_pq_albers')
valid_bit = pq_albers_product.measurements['pixelquality']['flags_definition']['contiguous']['bits']
In [7]:
#Define which pixel quality artefacts you want removed from the results
mask_components = {'cloud_acca':'no_cloud',
'cloud_shadow_acca' :'no_cloud_shadow',
'cloud_shadow_fmask' : 'no_cloud_shadow',
'cloud_fmask' :'no_cloud',
'blue_saturated' : False,
'green_saturated' : False,
'red_saturated' : False,
'nir_saturated' : False,
'swir1_saturated' : False,
'swir2_saturated' : False,
In [8]:
#Retrieve the NBAR and PQ data for sensor n
sensor_clean = {}
for sensor in sensors:
#Load the NBAR and corresponding PQ
sensor_nbar = dc.load(product= sensor+'_nbar_albers', group_by='solar_day', measurements = bands_of_interest, **query)
sensor_pq = dc.load(product= sensor+'_pq_albers', group_by='solar_day', fuse_func=ga_pq_fuser, **query)
#grab the projection info before masking/sorting
crs =
crswkt =
affine = sensor_nbar.affine
#This line is to make sure there's PQ to go with the NBAR
sensor_nbar = sensor_nbar.sel(time = sensor_pq.time)
#Apply the PQ masks to the NBAR
cloud_free = masking.make_mask(sensor_pq, **mask_components)
good_data = cloud_free.pixelquality.loc[start_of_epoch:end_of_epoch]
sensor_nbar = sensor_nbar.where(good_data)
sensor_clean[sensor] = sensor_nbar
In [9]:
#Concatenate the data from different sensors together and sort by time
nbar_clean = xr.concat(sensor_clean.values(), dim='time')
time_sorted = nbar_clean.time.argsort()
nbar_clean = nbar_clean.isel(time=time_sorted)
nbar_clean.attrs['crs'] = crs
nbar_clean.attrs['affine'] = affine
#Extract the hovmoller data volume
geom_w = warp_geometry(geom, query['crs'], crs.wkt)
hov = transect(nbar_clean, geom_w, 25)
In [10]:
print('The number of time slices at this location is '+ str([0]))
In [11]:
#select time slice of interest - this is trial and error until you get a decent image
time_slice_i = 550
rgb = nbar_clean.isel(time =time_slice_i).to_array(dim='color').sel(color=['swir1', 'nir', 'green']).transpose('y', 'x', 'color')
#rgb = nbar_clean.isel(time =time_slice).to_array(dim='color').sel(color=['swir1', 'nir', 'green']).transpose('y', 'x', 'color')
fake_saturation = 4500
clipped_visible = rgb.where(rgb<fake_saturation).fillna(fake_saturation)
max_val = clipped_visible.max(['y', 'x'])
scaled = (clipped_visible / max_val)
In [12]:
#View the polyline vector on the imagery
fig = plt.figure(figsize =(12,6))
plt.scatter(x=hov.coords['x'], y=hov.coords['y'], c='r') #turn this on or off to show location of transect
plt.imshow(scaled, interpolation = 'nearest',
extent=[scaled.coords['x'].min(), scaled.coords['x'].max(),
scaled.coords['y'].min(), scaled.coords['y'].max()])
date_ = nbar_clean.time[time_slice_i]
In [13]:
#Calculate NDVI
hov_ndvi = ((
#Set up an NDVI colour ramp
ndvi_cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['blue', '#ffcc66','#ffffcc' , '#ccff66' , '#2eb82e', '#009933' , '#006600'])
ndvi_bounds = [-1, 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.8, 1]
ndvi_norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(ndvi_bounds, ndvi_cmap.N)
#Generate the Hovmoller plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.27,11.69))
hov_ndvi.plot(x='distance', y='time', yincrease = False, cmap = ndvi_cmap, norm = ndvi_norm)
In [14]:
# You'll notice that there are some rows that contain very few observations and make the plot harder to interpret
# Set the percentage of good data that you'd like to display with pernan variable - 0.9 will return rows that have 90%
# of valid values
pernan = 0.9
hov_ndvi_drop = hov_ndvi.dropna('time', thresh = int(pernan*hov.distance.size))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.27,11.69))
hov_ndvi_drop.plot(x='distance', y='time', yincrease = False, cmap = ndvi_cmap, norm = ndvi_norm)
In [15]:
#You can check below to see the number of time slices dropped
print('The number of time slices unfiltered = '+ str(hov_ndvi.time.size))
print('The number of time slices filtered = ' + str(hov_ndvi_drop.time.size))
In [16]:
#Use firstyear and lastyear to zoom into periods of interest
firstyearhov = '1995-01-01'
lastyearhov = '2015-12-31'
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.27,11.69))
hov_ndvi_drop.plot(x='distance', y='time', yincrease = False, cmap = ndvi_cmap, norm = ndvi_norm)
plt.axis([0, hov_ndvi_drop.distance.max(), lastyearhov , firstyearhov])
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