In [1]:
import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import SVG
from numpy import matrix
from numpy.linalg import inv, pinv
from numpy import transpose as T
from collections import namedtuple
Coeffecients = namedtuple('Coeffecients','a b c d e')
_Default_coef = Coeffecients(0,0,0,0,0)
def control_points(P0,P3,Intercept,m0,m1):
xm,ym = Intercept
x0,y0 = P0
x3,y3 = P3
Y = T(np.matrix(((y0-m0*x0),(y3-m1*x3),(xm-(x0+x3)/8),(ym-(y0+y3)/8))))
E = np.matrix(((-m0,0,1,0),(0,-m1,0,1),(3/8,3/8,0,0),(0,0,3/8,3/8)))
C = pinv(E)*Y
x1 = round(float(C[0])*1E11)/1E11
x2 = round(float(C[1])*1E11)/1E11
y1 = round(float(C[2])*1E11)/1E11
y2 = round(float(C[3])*1E11)/1E11
Control = namedtuple('Control','P0,P1,P2,P3')
control = Control((x0,y0),(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3))
return control
def intercept(P0,P3,coef):
"""Returns a namedtuple containing intersection point.
The point is the intersection of the perpendicular
bisector of the cord between P0 and P3 and the
defection curve that joins them. The curve is
defined in by the coeffecients which should be
a namedtuple with "a" being the coefficient of
the fourth order term and "e" being the vertical
offset (zeroth order term).
x0,y0 = P0
x3,y3 = P3
x_c = (x0+x3)/2
y_c = (y0+y3)/2
m = (y3-y0)/(x3-x0)
if m!=0:
m_perp = -1/m
b_perp = -m_perp*x_c +y_c
a,b,c,d,e = coef.a, coef.b, coef.c, coef.d, coef.e
d -= m_perp
e -= b_perp
roots = poly.polyroots(np.array([e,d,c,b,a]))
found = []
X = []
for root in roots:
if root.imag !=0:
x = root.real
if x>max(x0,x3) or x<min(x0,x3):
y_i = a*x**4+b*x**3+c*x**2+coef.d*x+coef.e
y_p = m_perp*(x)+b_perp
#print('y_i,y_p = {}'.format((y_i,y_p)))
if round(y_i*1E4) == round((y_p)*1E4):
if len(found)>1:
er="We have a problem, {} all are the y interscepts".format(found)
y_i = found[0]
x_i = X[0]
val = {'m':m,'x_c':x_c,'y_c':y_c,'m_perp':m_perp,'b_perp':b_perp,'x0':x0,'x3':x3,'roots':roots}
er = 'Error! No soluion found. {}'.format(val)
a,b,c,d,e = coef.a, coef.b, coef.c, coef.d, coef.e
y_i = a*x_c**4+b*x_c**3+c*x_c**2+coef.d*x_c+coef.e
x_i = x_c
Intercept = namedtuple('Intercept','x_i y_i')
inter = Intercept(x_i,y_i)
return inter
def dist(p0,p1):
x0,y0 = p0
x1,y1 = p1
return ((x1-x0)**2+(y1-y0)**2)**0.5
class Spline(object):
def __init__(self,P0=[0,0],P3=[100,0],coef=_Default_coef):
self.P0 = P0
self.P3 = P3
self.fill = 'none'
self.color = 'black'
self.width = '1'
self.points = True
self.coef = coef
self._EI = 1
self.sag = 0
self.buffer = 10
if coef != _Default_coef:
self.coef = coef
self.automatic_coef = False
self.automatic_coef = True
self.centerline = False
def L(self):
return dist(self.P0,self.P3)
def _w(self):
"""Returns the assumed uniform load based on the current deflection
This is used in the locating of coordinates on the spline and
the slopes at those points."""
L = self.L
D = self.sag
EI = self._EI
w = D*384*EI/(5*L**4)
return w
def Y_(self,x):
"""Returns the vertical location based on an absolute horizontal location
This is done using a curve based on the coefficients and adjusting for
the end point location."""
a,b,c,d,e = self.Coefficients()
y = a*x**4+b*x**3+c*x**2+d*x+e
return y
def Coefficients(self):
if self.automatic_coef:
x0, y0 = self.P0
EI = self._EI
w = self._w
L = self.L
mod = w/(2*EI)
a = mod/12
b = mod/3*-(L/2 + x0)
c = mod/2*(L*x0+x0**2)
d = mod*(L**3/12-L*x0**2/2-x0**3/3)
e = mod/6*(-L**3*x0/2+L*x0**3+x0**4/2)+y0 # 0 if spline starts at 0,0
coef = Coeffecients(a,b,c,d,e)
coef = self.coef
return coef
def P_M(self):
"Returns the point that the spline is passing through."
M = intercept(self.P0,self.P3,self.Coefficients())
return M
def end_angles(self):
m0 = self.instant_slope(self.P0)
m1 = self.instant_slope(self.P3)
θ_0 = np.arctan2(m0,1)
θ_1 = np.arctan2(m1,1)
Angles = namedtuple('Angles','θ_0 θ_1')
return Angles(θ_0,θ_1)
def instant_slope(self,P):
x,y = P
a,b,c,d,e = self.Coefficients()
m = 4*a*x**3+3*b*x**2+2*c*x+d
return m
def control_points(self):
P0 = self.P0
P3 = self.P3
Intercept = self.P_M()
m0 = self.instant_slope(P0)
m1 = self.instant_slope(P3)
C = control_points(P0,P3,Intercept,m0,m1)
return C
def __repr__(self):
txt = 'Spline data:\n'
for item, value in self.__dict__.items():
txt +="{} = {}\n".format(item, value)
return txt
def bounds(self):
C = self.control_points()
top = min([P[1] for P in C])
bottom = max([P[1] for P in C])
height = bottom - top
left = min([P[0] for P in C])
right = max([P[0] for P in C])
width = right-left
Bounds = namedtuple('Bounds','left top width height')
buf = self.buffer
b = Bounds(left-buf, top-buf, width+2*buf, height+2*buf)
return b
def svg_txt(self):
circle = '<circle cx="{}" cy="{}" r="2" stroke="{}" stroke-width="1" fill="none" />'+'\n'
cL = ' stroke-dasharray="20,5,5,5" '
path = ('<path%s\n'
'd="M {},{} C {},{} {},{} {},{}"\n'
'inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />\n')
path = path%cL if self.centerline else path%''
if self.points:
txt += circle.format(self.P0[0],self.P0[1],self.color)
txt += circle.format(self.P3[0],self.P3[1],self.color)
M = self.P_M()
txt += circle.format(M[0],M[1],self.color)
C = self.control_points()
txt += path.format(self.color,self.width,C.P0[0],C.P0[1],C.P1[0],C.P1[1],C.P2[0],C.P2[1],C.P3[0],C.P3[1])
return txt
def _repr_svg_(self):
b = self.bounds()
txt='<svg viewBox = "%f %f %f %f">\n'%(b.left,,b.width,b.height)
txt += self.svg_txt()
txt += '</svg>'
return txt
In [2]:
s = Spline()
In [3]:
s.sag = 10
In [5]:
In [ ]: