In [1]:
import sys
import pandas as pd

In [2]:
aggregated_data_path = '../../CF_output/combined/'

In [3]:
batches = [3,4,5,6]

Combine constructiveness and toxicity annotations from different batches

In [4]:
dfs = []
for batch in batches:
    filename = aggregated_data_path + 'batch' + str(batch) + '_constructiveness_and_toxicity_combined.csv'

In [5]:
combined_annotations_df = pd.concat(dfs)

In [6]:
# Sort the merged dataframe on constructiveness and toxicity

(4158, 25)

In [7]:
# Relevant columns
cols = (['article_id', 'article_author', 'article_published_date',
        'article_title', 'article_url', 'article_text',
       'comment_author', 'comment_counter', 'comment_text',
       'agree_constructiveness_expt', 'agree_toxicity_expt', 'constructive', 'constructive_internal_gold', 
       'crowd_toxicity_level', 'crowd_toxicity_level_internal_gold',
       'has_content', 'crowd_discard',  
       'constructive_characteristics', 'non_constructive_characteristics',
       'other_con_chars', 'other_noncon_chars', 'other_toxic_chars'         

Write contructiveness and toxicity combined CSV

In [8]:
output_dir = '../../CF_output/annotated_data/'

In [9]:
combined_annotations_df.to_csv( output_dir + 'constructiveness_and_toxicity_annotations.csv', columns = cols, index = False)