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Combine archives

The experiment, i.e. model with the simulation description, can be stored as Combine Archive.

In [1]:
import tellurium as te, tempfile, os

%matplotlib inline

antimony_str = '''
model myModel
  S1 -> S2; k1*S1
  S1 = 10; S2 = 0
  k1 = 1

phrasedml_str = '''
  model1 = model "myModel"
  sim1 = simulate uniform(0, 5, 100)
  task1 = run sim1 on model1
  plot "Figure 1" time vs S1, S2

# create an inline OMEX (inline representation of a COMBINE archive)
# from the antimony and phrasedml strings
inline_omex = '\n'.join([antimony_str, phrasedml_str])

# execute the inline OMEX
# export to a COMBINE archive
workingDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="_omex")
te.exportInlineOmex(inline_omex, os.path.join(workingDir, 'archive.omex'))

In [2]:
te.executeCombineArchive(os.path.join(workingDir, 'archive.omex'))

{'c:\\users\\kirich~1\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmpbllk1j\\main.xml': {'code': u'r"""\n####################################################################################################\n                            tellurium 2.0.12\n-+++++++++++++++++-         Python Environment for Modeling and Simulating Biological Systems\n .+++++++++++++++.\n  .+++++++++++++.           Homepage:\n-//++++++++++++/.   -:/-`   Documentation:\n.----:+++++++/.++  .++++/   Forum:!forum/tellurium-discuss\n      :+++++:  .+:` .--++   Bug reports:\n       -+++-    ./+:-://.   Repository:\n        .+.       `...`\n\nSED-ML simulation experiments:\n    sedmlDoc: L1V2  \n    inputType:      \'SEDML_FILE\'\n    workingDir:     \'c:\\users\\kirich~1\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmpbllk1j\'\n    saveOutputs:    \'False\'\n    outputDir:      \'None\'\n    plottingEngine: \'<MatplotlibEngine>\'\n\nWindows-7-6.1.7601-SP1\npython 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:53:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]\n####################################################################################################\n"""\nimport tellurium as te\nfrom roadrunner import Config\nfrom tellurium.sedml.mathml import *\nfrom tellurium.sedml.tesedml import process_trace, terminate_trace, fix_endpoints\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport mpl_toolkits.mplot3d\ntry:\n    import tesedml as libsedml\nexcept ImportError:\n    import libsedml\nimport pandas\nimport os.path\nConfig.LOADSBMLOPTIONS_RECOMPILE = True\n\nworkingDir = r\'c:\\users\\kirich~1\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmpbllk1j\'\n\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n# Models\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n# Model <model1>\nmodel1 = te.loadSBMLModel(os.path.join(workingDir, \'myModel.xml\'))\n\n\n\n\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n# Tasks\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n# Task <task1>\n# Task: <task1>\ntask1 = [None]\nmodel1.setIntegrator(\'cvode\')\nif model1.conservedMoietyAnalysis == True: model1.conservedMoietyAnalysis = False\nmodel1.timeCourseSelections = [\'[S1]\', \'[S2]\', \'time\']\nmodel1.reset()\ntask1[0] = model1.simulate(start=0.0, end=5.0, steps=100)\n\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n# DataGenerators\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n# DataGenerator <plot_0_0_0>\n__var__time = np.concatenate([sim[\'time\'] for sim in task1])\nif len(__var__time.shape) == 1:\n     __var__time.shape += (1,)\nplot_0_0_0 = __var__time\n# DataGenerator <plot_0_0_1>\n__var__S1 = np.concatenate([sim[\'[S1]\'] for sim in task1])\nif len(__var__S1.shape) == 1:\n     __var__S1.shape += (1,)\nplot_0_0_1 = __var__S1\n# DataGenerator <plot_0_1_1>\n__var__S2 = np.concatenate([sim[\'[S2]\'] for sim in task1])\nif len(__var__S2.shape) == 1:\n     __var__S2.shape += (1,)\nplot_0_1_1 = __var__S2\n\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n# Outputs\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n# Output <plot_0>\n_engine = te.getPlottingEngine()\ntefig = _engine.newFigure(title=\'Figure 1\', xtitle=\'time\')\n\nfor k in range(plot_0_0_0.shape[1]):\n    extra_args = {}\n    if k == 0:\n        extra_args[\'name\'] = \'S1\'\n    tefig.addXYDataset(plot_0_0_0[:,k], plot_0_0_1[:,k], color=\'C0\', tag=\'tag0\', **extra_args)\nfor k in range(plot_0_0_0.shape[1]):\n    extra_args = {}\n    if k == 0:\n        extra_args[\'name\'] = \'S2\'\n    tefig.addXYDataset(plot_0_0_0[:,k], plot_0_1_1[:,k], color=\'C1\', tag=\'tag1\', **extra_args)\nfig = tefig.render()\n\n####################################################################################################',
  'dataGenerators': {'plot_0_0_0': array([[0.  ],
          [0.1 ],
          [0.2 ],
          [0.3 ],
          [0.4 ],
          [0.5 ],
          [0.6 ],
          [0.7 ],
          [0.8 ],
          [0.9 ],
          [1.  ],
          [1.1 ],
          [1.2 ],
          [1.3 ],
          [1.4 ],
          [1.5 ],
          [1.6 ],
          [1.7 ],
          [1.8 ],
          [1.9 ],
          [2.  ],
          [2.1 ],
          [2.2 ],
          [2.3 ],
          [2.4 ],
          [2.5 ],
          [2.6 ],
          [2.7 ],
          [2.8 ],
          [2.9 ],
          [3.  ],
          [3.1 ],
          [3.2 ],
          [3.3 ],
          [3.4 ],
          [3.5 ],
          [3.6 ],
          [3.7 ],
          [3.8 ],
          [3.9 ],
          [4.  ],
          [4.1 ],
          [4.2 ],
          [4.3 ],
          [4.4 ],
          [4.5 ],
          [4.6 ],
          [4.7 ],
          [4.8 ],
          [4.9 ],
          [5.  ]]), 'plot_0_0_1': array([[10.        ],
          [ 9.51229478],
          [ 9.04837601],
          [ 8.60708133],
          [ 8.1873084 ],
          [ 7.78800677],
          [ 7.40817715],
          [ 7.04687053],
          [ 6.70318432],
          [ 6.37626316],
          [ 6.06528894],
          [ 5.76948224],
          [ 5.48810228],
          [ 5.2204444 ],
          [ 4.96583988],
          [ 4.72365261],
          [ 4.49327726],
          [ 4.27413784],
          [ 4.06568595],
          [ 3.86740024],
          [ 3.6787849 ],
          [ 3.49936821],
          [ 3.3287018 ],
          [ 3.16635886],
          [ 3.0119336 ],
          [ 2.86503997],
          [ 2.7253105 ],
          [ 2.59239692],
          [ 2.46596695],
          [ 2.34570353],
          [ 2.231304  ],
          [ 2.12248435],
          [ 2.01897085],
          [ 1.92050481],
          [ 1.82684058],
          [ 1.73774427],
          [ 1.65299308],
          [ 1.57237551],
          [ 1.4956901 ],
          [ 1.42274479],
          [ 1.35335743],
          [ 1.28735442],
          [ 1.22457002],
          [ 1.16484805],
          [ 1.10803845],
          [ 1.05399922],
          [ 1.00259553],
          [ 0.95369856],
          [ 0.90718638],
          [ 0.86294256],
          [ 0.82085652],
          [ 0.78082318],
          [ 0.74274217],
          [ 0.70651858],
          [ 0.67206162],
          [ 0.63928502],
          [ 0.60810708],
          [ 0.57844956],
          [ 0.55023846],
          [ 0.52340323],
          [ 0.49787667],
          [ 0.47359512],
          [ 0.45049774],
          [ 0.42852684],
          [ 0.40762751],
          [ 0.38774739],
          [ 0.36883691],
          [ 0.35084867],
          [ 0.3337377 ],
          [ 0.31746128],
          [ 0.30197859],
          [ 0.28725105],
          [ 0.27324176],
          [ 0.25991567],
          [ 0.24723954],
          [ 0.23518159],
          [ 0.22371174],
          [ 0.21280128],
          [ 0.2024229 ],
          [ 0.19255071],
          [ 0.18315996],
          [ 0.17422721],
          [ 0.16573013],
          [ 0.15764742],
          [ 0.14995893],
          [ 0.1426454 ],
          [ 0.13568854],
          [ 0.12907099],
          [ 0.12277616],
          [ 0.11678835],
          [ 0.11109256],
          [ 0.10567454],
          [ 0.10052078],
          [ 0.09561835],
          [ 0.09095503],
          [ 0.08651914],
          [ 0.08229957],
          [ 0.07828581],
          [ 0.07446779],
          [ 0.07083598],
          [ 0.0673813 ]]), 'plot_0_1_1': array([[0.        ],
          [1.8126916 ],
          [4.7795556 ],
          [6.3212151 ],
          [6.6712982 ],
          [6.9880664 ],
          [7.2746895 ],
          [7.768696  ],
          [8.5043099 ],
          [9.6662623 ],
          [9.7975771 ],
          [9.8573546 ],
          [9.9326187 ]])},
  'platform': 'Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1'}}

In [ ]: