open your teminal, cd to the RISE folder, e.g.,
cd /github/RISE/
To install this nbextension, simply run
python install
from the RISE repository.
In the notebook toolbar, a new button ("Enter/Exit Live Reveal Slideshow") will be available.
The notebook toolbar also contains a "Cell Toolbar" dropdown menu that gives you access to metadata for each cell. If you select the Slideshow preset, you will see in the right corner of each cell a little box where you can select the cell type (similar as for the static reveal slides with nbconvert).
chengjuns-MacBook-Pro:~ chengjun$ cd github/cjc2016/code/
chengjuns-MacBook-Pro:code chengjun$ jupyter nbconvert slides.ipynb --to slides --post serve
In [10]:
a = \frac{1}{2}\\
In [1]:
print 'hello world'
In [2]:
for i in range(10):
print i
In [ ]:
# get a list of all the available magics
In [21]:
% lsmagic
In [20]:
% env
# to list your environment variables.
In [11]:
In [15]:
%time range(10)
In [14]:
%timeit range(100)
!: to run a shell command. E.g., ! pip freeze | grep pandas to see what version of pandas is installed.
In [17]:
! cd /Users/chengjun/github/
In [19]:
% matplotlib inline
# to show matplotlib plots inline the notebook.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(range(10), range(10), 'r-o')