


计算传播网 http://computational-communication.com

数据清洗(data cleaning)

是数据分析的重要步骤,其主要目标是将混杂的数据清洗为可以被直接分析的数据,一般需要将数据转化为数据框(data frame)的样式。


  • 清洗错误行
  • 正确分列
  • 提取所要分析的内容
  • 介绍通过按行、chunk的方式对大规模数据进行预处理

1. 抽取tweets样本做实验


In [23]:
bigfile = open('/Users/chengjun/百度云同步盘/Writing/OWS/ows-raw.txt', 'rb')
chunkSize = 1000000
chunk = bigfile.readlines(chunkSize)
print len(chunk)
with open("/Users/chengjun/GitHub/cjc2016/data/ows_tweets_sample.txt", 'w') as f:
    for i in chunk:


2. 清洗错行的情况

In [13]:
with open("/Users/chengjun/GitHub/cjc2016/data/ows_tweets_sample.txt", 'rb') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

In [14]:
# 总行数


In [15]:
# 查看第一行

'"Twitter ID",Text,"Profile Image URL",Day,Hour,Minute,"Created At",Geo,"From User","From User ID",Language,"To User","To User ID",Source\n'

问题: 第一行是变量名

1. 如何去掉换行符?

2. 如何获取每一个变量名?

In [16]:
varNames = lines[0].replace('\n', '').split(',')

['"Twitter ID"',
 '"Profile Image URL"',
 '"Created At"',
 '"From User"',
 '"From User ID"',
 '"To User"',
 '"To User ID"',

In [17]:


In [26]:

'121818600490283009,"RT @chachiTHEgr8: RT @TheNewDeal: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - Gandhi #OccupyWallStreet #OWS #p2",http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/326662126/Photo_233_normal.jpg,2011-10-06,5,26,"2011-10-06 05:26:32",N;,k_l_h_j,382233343,en,,0,"<a href="http://twitter.com/#!/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a>"\n'


In [30]:
with open("/Users/chengjun/GitHub/cjc2016/data/ows_tweets_sample_clean.txt", 'w') as f:
    right_line = '' # 正确的行,它是一个空字符串
    blocks = [] # 确认为正确的行会被添加到blocks里面
    for line in lines:
        right_line += line.replace('\n', ' ')
        line_length = len(right_line.split(','))
        if line_length >= 14:
            right_line = ''
    for i in blocks:
        f.write(i + '\n')

In [20]:


In [27]:

'121818879105310720,"RT @Min_Reyes: RT @The99Percenters: New video to go viral. From We Are Change\rhttp://t.co/6Ff718jk Listen to the guy begging... #ows #cdnpoli",http://a3.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_0_normal.png,2011-10-06,5,27,"2011-10-06 05:27:38",N;,MiyazakiMegu,260948518,en,,0,"<a href="http://www.tweetdeck.com" rel="nofollow">TweetDeck</a>"'

In [32]:
with open("/Users/chengjun/GitHub/cjc2016/data/ows_tweets_sample_clean4.txt", 'w') as f:
    right_line = '' # 正确的行,它是一个空字符串
    blocks = [] # 确认为正确的行会被添加到blocks里面
    for line in lines:
        right_line += line.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')
        line_length = len(right_line.split(','))
        if line_length >= 14:
            right_line = ''
    for i in blocks:
        f.write(i + '\n')

In [33]:

'121818879105310720,"RT @Min_Reyes: RT @The99Percenters: New video to go viral. From We Are Change http://t.co/6Ff718jk Listen to the guy begging... #ows #cdnpoli",http://a3.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_0_normal.png,2011-10-06,5,27,"2011-10-06 05:27:38",N;,MiyazakiMegu,260948518,en,,0,"<a href="http://www.tweetdeck.com" rel="nofollow">TweetDeck</a>" '

3. 读取数据、正确分列

In [35]:
# 提示:你可能需要修改以下路径名
with open("/Users/chengjun/GitHub/cjc2016/data/ows_tweets_sample_clean.txt", 'rb') as f:
    chunk = f.readlines()

In [36]:


In [37]:

['"Twitter ID",Text,"Profile Image URL",Day,Hour,Minute,"Created At",Geo,"From User","From User ID",Language,"To User","To User ID",Source\n',
 '121813144174727168,"RT @AnonKitsu: ALERT!!!!!!!!!!COPS ARE KETTLING PROTESTERS IN PARK W HELICOPTERS AND PADDYWAGONS!!!! #OCCUPYWALLSTREET #OWS #OCCUPYNY PLEASE RT !!HELP!!!!",http://a2.twimg.com/profile_images/1539375713/Twitter_normal.jpg,2011-10-06,5,4,"2011-10-06 05:04:51",N;,Anonops_Cop,401240477,en,,0,"<a href="http://twitter.com/">web</a>"\n',
 '121813146137657344,"@jamiekilstein @allisonkilkenny Interesting interview (never aired, wonder why??) by Fox with #ows protester http://t.co/Fte55Kh7",http://a2.twimg.com/profile_images/1574715503/Kate6_normal.jpg,2011-10-06,5,4,"2011-10-06 05:04:51",N;,KittyHybrid,34532053,en,jamiekilstein,2149053,"<a href="http://twitter.com/">web</a>"\n']

In [38]:
import csv

lines = csv.reader((line.replace('\x00','') for line in chunk[1:]), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

4. 统计数量



In [39]:
from collections import defaultdict
data_dict = defaultdict(int)
line_num = 0
lines = csv.reader((line.replace('\x00','') for line in chunk[1:]), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
for i in lines:
    line_num +=1
    data_dict[i[8]] +=1 # i[8] 是user

In [41]:

[('Mike_EH_52', 1),
 ('neeirish', 1),
 ('heroofcamelot', 1),
 ('agentdarkapple', 1),
 ('KliphScurlock', 1)]

In [72]:
print line_num


In [48]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
#matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Microsoft YaHei'] #指定默认字体 
matplotlib.rc("savefig", dpi=100)
font = FontProperties(fname=r'/Users/chengjun/github/cjc2016/data/msyh.ttf', size=14) # 注意:修改这里的路径名

In [49]:
plt.xlabel(u'发帖数', fontproperties=font)
plt.ylabel(u'人数', fontproperties=font)

In [50]:
tweet_dict = defaultdict(int)
for i in data_dict.values():
    tweet_dict[i] += 1
plt.loglog(tweet_dict.keys(), tweet_dict.values(), 'ro',linewidth=2)  
plt.xlabel(u'推特数', fontproperties=font)
plt.ylabel(u'人数', fontproperties=font)

In [51]:
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm

def powerPlot(d_value, d_freq, color, marker):
    d_freq = [i + 1 for i in d_freq]
    d_prob = [float(i)/sum(d_freq) for i in d_freq]
    #d_rank = ss.rankdata(d_value).astype(int)
    x = np.log(d_value)
    y = np.log(d_prob)
    xx = sm.add_constant(x, prepend=True)
    res = sm.OLS(y,xx).fit()
    constant,beta = res.params
    r2 = res.rsquared
    plt.plot(d_value, d_prob, linestyle = '',  color = color, marker = marker)
    plt.plot(d_value, np.exp(constant+x*beta),"red")
    plt.xscale('log'); plt.yscale('log')
             r'$\beta$ = ' + str(round(beta,2)) +'\n' + r'$R^2$ = ' + str(round(r2, 2)))

In [52]:
histo, bin_edges = np.histogram(data_dict.values(), 15)
bin_center = 0.5*(bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1])
powerPlot(bin_center,histo, 'r', 'o')
#lg=plt.legend(labels = [u'Tweets', u'Fit'], loc=3, fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel(u'概率', fontproperties=font)
plt.xlabel(u'推特数', fontproperties=font)

In [53]:
import statsmodels.api as sm
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np

def powerPlot(data):
    d = sorted(data, reverse = True )
    d_table = defaultdict(int)
    for k in d:
        d_table[k] += 1
    d_value = sorted(d_table)
    d_value = [i+1 for i in d_value]
    d_freq = [d_table[i]+1 for i in d_value]
    d_prob = [float(i)/sum(d_freq) for i in d_freq]
    #d_rank = ss.rankdata(d_value).astype(int)
    x = np.log(d_value)
    y = np.log(d_prob)
    xx = sm.add_constant(x, prepend=True)
    res = sm.OLS(y,xx).fit()
    constant,beta = res.params
    r2 = res.rsquared
    plt.plot(d_value, d_prob, 'ro')
    plt.plot(d_value, np.exp(constant+x*beta),"red")
    plt.xscale('log'); plt.yscale('log')
             'Beta = ' + str(round(beta,2)) +'\n' + 'R squared = ' + str(round(r2, 2)))

In [54]:

5. 清洗tweets文本

In [60]:
            #OCCUPYWALLSTREET #OWS #OCCUPYNY PLEASE @chengjun @mili http://computational-communication.com 
            http://ccc.nju.edu.cn RT !!HELP!!!!'''

In [61]:
import re

import twitter_text


pip install twitter-text-py

In [62]:
import re
import twitter_text

def extract_rt_user(tweet):
    rt_patterns = re.compile(r"(RT|via)((?:\b\W*@\w+)+)", re.IGNORECASE)
        rt_user_name = rt_patterns.findall(tweet)[0][1].strip(' @')
        return rt_user_name
    except IndexError, e:

In [63]:
def extract_tweet_text(tweet, at_names, urls):
    for i in at_names:
        tweet = tweet.replace(i, '')
    for j in urls:
        tweet = tweet.replace(j, '')
    marks = ['RT @', '@', '"', '#', '\n', '\t', '  ']
    for k in marks:
        tweet = tweet.replace(k, '')
    return tweet

In [64]:
ex = twitter_text.Extractor(tweet)
at_names = ex.extract_mentioned_screen_names()
urls = ex.extract_urls()
hashtags = ex.extract_hashtags()
rt_user = extract_rt_user(tweet)
tweet_text = extract_tweet_text(tweet, at_names, urls)

print at_names, urls, hashtags, rt_user,'-------->', tweet_text

[u'AnonKitsu', u'chengjun', u'mili'] [u'http://computational-communication.com', u'http://ccc.nju.edu.cn'] [u'OCCUPYWALLSTREET', u'OWS', u'OCCUPYNY'] AnonKitsu --------> : ALERT!!!!!!!!!!COPS ARE KETTLING PROTESTERS IN PARK W HELICOPTERS AND PADDYWAGONS!!!! OCCUPYWALLSTREET OWS OCCUPYNY PLEASE RT !!HELP!!!!

In [65]:
import csv

lines = csv.reader((line.replace('\x00','') for line in chunk[1:]), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
tweets = [i[1] for i in lines]

In [66]:
for tweet in tweets[:5]:
    ex = twitter_text.Extractor(tweet)
    at_names = ex.extract_mentioned_screen_names()
    urls = ex.extract_urls()
    hashtags = ex.extract_hashtags()
    rt_user = extract_rt_user(tweet)
    tweet_text = extract_tweet_text(tweet, at_names, urls)

    print at_names, urls, hashtags, rt_user, 
    print tweet_text

[u'jamiekilstein', u'allisonkilkenny'] [u'http://t.co/Fte55Kh7'] [u'ows'] None Interesting interview (never aired, wonder why??) by Fox with ows protester 
[u'Seductivpancake'] [] [u'ows'] None  Right! Those guys have a victory condition: regime change. ows doesn't seem to have a goal I can figure out.
[u'bembel'] [u'http://j.mp/rhHavq'] [u'OccupyWallStreet', u'OWS'] bembel  Occupy Wall Street als linke Antwort auf die Tea Party?OccupyWallStreet OWS
[] [] [u'ows'] None ows White shirt= Brown shirt.

In [77]:
import csv

lines = csv.reader((line.replace('\x00','') for line in chunk[1:]), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
tweet_user_data = [(i[1], i[8]) for i in lines]
for tweet,user in tweet_user_data:
    rt_user = extract_rt_user(tweet)
    if rt_user:
        print rt_user, ',', user

AnonKitsu , Anonops_Cop
bembel , hamudistan
TheNewDeal , vickycrampton
ForseenUnNamed , AnonOws
tinadupuy , ryanjnagle
UnderdogLib , JanSKay
anonops , msaf
OccupyWallSt , Seekadoo2
TheNewDeal , Jay_in_Omaha
KevDGrussing , starshollowgzt
LJSearles , TopCat_TC
OccupyMainSt , ElizabethBrossa
BlueDuPage , dpfournier
OpWallStreet , ReTweetAgain
Anon_is_you: @AnonyOps , tommymiles
TheNewDeal , Perlins
OccupySF , SuzanneTwoTon
MMFlint , adpucci
OccupySF , subiepick
OccupySF , Tawanda46
TrueGilby , RowleyGirl_4
Titleixbaby , starshollowgzt
neverfox , yelbley
raypride , Beelzebjorn
kittylight , dove_hawk
AnonymousIRC , dctwice
OccupySF , JorgexMA
TheNewDeal , LeftSlashRight
Spudlovr , 2foodie
kittylight , dove_hawk
OccupySF , AnnaLovesBooks
diceylee808 , Tawanda46
kittylight , dove_hawk
LyndsayFarlow , WhatMattersNews
OccupySF , JonusMiles
kittylight , dove_hawk
Beelzebjorn , JorgexMA
kittylight , dove_hawk
consciouslibert , CitizenWorm
BlueDuPage , GreeGreece
akrockefeller , HenryZeniewicz
OccupySF , OccupyHsv
OccupySF , subiepick
kelly_carlin , JonathanDBrown
OccupySF , Helyxcious
Din_SFLA , kikiki321
singlepayer , kenjey
livestream , alyssa011968
TheNewDeal , napcat1947
OccupySF , occupygreenbay
Jeannie_Hartley , rivernewstc
KeithOlbermann , Wanderer19
OccupySF , Citizen1452
“@SabzBrach , lulusgirl888
OccupyWallSt , bahnree
kittylight: “@anonops , dove_hawk
OccupySF , volksmenner
cjohanns , LandLLaBoy
GreeGreece , katiaperuca
A_L_A_Politics , WhatMattersNews
KeithOlbermann , dannydoodar
OccupyPics , liujingsheng001
AnonymousIRC , Hacksperger
OccupyVancouver , amandalilja8
AnonKitsu , LifeasaReader
pixls , thedailyfishfry
Jeannie_Hartley , The_News_DIVA
angela0328 , OccupyNCGBORO
labgrrl , HenryZeniewicz
KrisKaos , CitizenWorm
OccupySF , robveliz
OccupySF , robveliz
TheReidReport , allanbrauer
CharlesBivona , smacknrat
anonops , primeris
TheNewDeal , ImogeneM1
WeOccupyAmerica , cheappoet
OccupySF , artkiver
Shoq , Kinniska
OccupySF , Helyxcious
Beelzebjorn , Amywhere
CharlesBivona , Timothy_S
: @OccupyFDSF , CalFireNews
Spudlovr , mangobeach
mrbarnard1 , LifeasaReader
BrettGleason , AccidentalBear
CharlesBivona , OccupyMainSt
majorityfm , popart84
Balkingpoints: @JeffSharlet , TucsonOccupy
A_L_A_Politics , Christoph2012
BlueDuPage , OccupyNCGBORO
Leslie_Wolfe , lhsalmon
OccupySF , dangerousalice
OccupySF , rbscaife
OccupyMainSt , kassandria13
“@ForseenUnNamed , lulusgirl888
OccupySF , dangerousalice
jacobchicago @MattVTyler , MattVTyler
LibertyBelle4 , kelliebrat61
Balkingpoints: @JeffSharlet , DonShappelle
Seekadoo2 , CAFalk
KeithOlbermann , FernandoSabines
OccupySF , sfslim
OccupySF , indigojourney
jeremyscahill , msaf
OccupySF , jimmytheheel
TheNewDeal , vickycrampton
CelluloidBlonde , KimbrlyKrautter
azmoderate , bebird
OccupyWallSt , Truthcaster1
CalFireNews , nicoles
KeithOlbermann , jameswhitely
TheNewDeal , WomanVote
CharlesBivona , OccupyWallSt
TheNewDeal , nepsik_proto
KrisKaos , Jay_in_Omaha
CharlesBivona , jodicanary0501
WeOccupyAmerica , born2twittah
OccupySF , nicoles
OccupySF , dangerousalice
anonops , Tibby1989
UnderdogLib , cheappoet
BigBizznass , nicoles
anonops , ScurvyMcRickets
Wotansson , dctwice
OccupySF , okiebowl
AnonymousIRC , KaruJOY
OccupySF , BlizzyBe
CharlesBivona , cheappoet
anonops , Bavilabo
MattBors , b_strange
josh2462 , WhatMattersNews
MoveOn , LGJuanDewey
cjohanns , AnonNCarolina2
kittyFitz50 , bebird
JoshuaHol , Procoolgranny
OccupyAlbany , SirrK
OccupySF , thewindsofwar
OccupySF , BlizzyBe
jeremyscahill , cheappoet
MoveOn , 45JORDAN
pdneko , A_L_A_Politics
SGardinier , chantzerolin
Lizardoid , Tokyo_Tom
Saccaparami , thewindsofwar
jeremyscahill , born2twittah
JoshuaHol , Procoolgranny
jeremyscahill , ApolloForever
TdottH , StevConnor
cjohanns: @MMFlint , ConspiracyWATCH
OccupySF , JaniceKay5
OccupySF , indigojourney
boffchops , UsRevolt11
labgrrl , esd2000
OccupySF , OccupyHsv
angela0328 , AnonNCarolina2
OccupySF , GreggJLevine
OccupySF , subiepick
99_film , ChipleKira
OccupySF , occupygreenbay
AACina , zatch6789
OccupyMainSt , cheappoet
NeffKen , RevLea
OccupySF , skweekie
KeithOlbermann , rayvyn2k
Spudlovr , occupygreenbay
soynicay , mafuok
CalFireNews , kittystryker
OccupySF , Eva_in_Oregon
Joshsod , URSUExternal
nicolesandler , Balkingpoints
peterrothberg , _Snafubar_
Thomasgivens , LibertyBelle4
BiffSpliff: “@ModernBetsy , lulusgirl888
BlueDuPage , BlizzyBe
RichardKimNYC , BakaKale
kittylight , kittylightsCat
OccupySF , Scoopyex
myrddenbuckley , Loading1333
OccupySF , nicoles
KeithSmooth , RubberRoomHotel
kelly_carlin , dannydoodar
99_film , zatch6789
TheNewDeal , elctrodnd21
KeithOlbermann , JBeres87
Beelzebjorn , ganralf7
kittylight , kittylightsCat
jeremyscahill , pixplz
kittylight , kittylightsCat
angela0328 , cassandraheresy
TheNewDeal , revrendoni
labgrrl , ANGRYSAM
kittylight , kittylightsCat
99_film , Break1_9
TheOther99 , Phraise_one
99_film , 99_occupy
99_film , AudreyEwell
OccupySF , Shiftinthinking
MattBors , Cocoxochitl
OccupySF , KMM_OR
majorityfm , djtroublemaker
JLownLaw , The99Percenters
kittylight , kittylightsCat
kittylight , kittylightsCat
TheOther99: @TheOther99 , miss_millions
JLownLaw , Kaymee
CharlesBivona , Truthcaster1
kittylight , kittylightsCat
DaveMc99TA , Azurke
TheNewDeal , bonapartess1
Hexham67 , ladykayaker
cjohanns , Amywhere
brookejarvis , swianecki
CharlesBivona , kassandria13
anonops , livvy_xox
CalFireNews , KarynBakoCA
bveeus , The_Proletarian
LJSearles , thewindsofwar
TorianBrown , distantlover125
cjohanns , kittylightsCat
OccupyWallSt , RowleyGirl_4
OccupySF , CaraCordoni
OccupySF , Leoslaire
codeamazon , robinjpearson
BlueDuPage , LeftSlashRight
JeffreyFeldman , NouriNv
robertolobianco , Cin_Le1
anonops , shahid
CelluloidBlonde , liubaldo_garcia
cjoh , kreneskyp
Beelzebjorn , Nemokrati
CharlesBivona , ellinjaa
OccupySF , Jay_in_Omaha
OccupyWallSt , Vida_Jay
jeremyscahill , justinhaaheim
TheNewDeal , MiyazakiMegu
OccupySF , LJSearles
HuggyBear116 , miixxy
OccupySF , Shiftinthinking
OccupySF , OccupyHsv
OccupySF , Shiftinthinking
PattyOnEdge , N1CKG_g
OccupySF , GuerrillaDaily
OccupySF , volksmenner
OccupyMainSt , BlueDuPage
TorianBrown , miixxy
OccupySF , Mikee1da
ConspiracyWATCH , mattdina
gwynnek , xica25
wordpressdotcom , MentalPoison
HumanityCritic , PhattyF
OccupySF , Shiftinthinking
TheNewDeal , MinkoffMinx
DJHustle @T5JS @ArtisticBlog @magnifyk , CosmUnity
jeremyscahill , twatwaffle8
michaelschaub , jazzidiot
OccupySantaFe , BlueDuPage
OccupySF , little_sparrows
BigMoe_ , AtomAu
anonops , jefe331
anonops , phileeznuts
TheNewDeal , tjgdolphin
ForseenUnNamed , asperkimberly
jeffsharlet , NewAmericaMedia
CharlesBivona , RhythmFootPrint
TorianBrown , kittylight
Saccaparami , mangobeach
LibertyBelle4 , brx0
FreakOutNation , Screwcomforttoo
WeOccupyAmerica , AnnieAngst
miixxy , LittonFire
SoufiandMe , ishtarmuz
csobol , MiyazakiMegu
LJSearles , jimmytheheel
robert3242 , RowleyGirl_4
deniseromano , CrimeCaster
TheNewDeal , tjgdolphin
OccupySF , StillDiggin
WeOccupyAmerica , favstar_pop
CalFireNews , bakerbacare
OccupySF , StillDiggin
CalFireNews , lynx55
PennyRed , LutherPatenge
OccupySF , StillDiggin
TheRealGiest , soynicay
neverfox , KirsteninMT
CalFireNews , WarOnErrorDKos
OccupySF , OccupyHsv
OccupyWallSt , RyanHigginsRyan
lynx55 , kittylight
codeamazon , TheNewPopulists
OccupySF , HenryZeniewicz
OccupySF , StillDiggin
anonops , MarlowesFaustus
WhatMattersNews , OccupySomething
joemerino5 , miixxy
Beelzebjorn , berinder
anonops , AnonymousFL
jopauca , forever_flavor6
JLownLaw , mike42024769
OccupyMainSt , esd2000
CalFireNews , LusciousLani
LibertyBelle4 , Tawanda46
beetle_eater , ElizabethJone18
OccupyWallSt , evilllamas
geckomom , jimmytheheel
bluedupage , WR_
NewAmericaMedia , mafuok
TimothyS , RevLea
OccupySF , CaraCordoni
LJSearles , thewindsofwar
ChefKreyolAyiti , MsRamy
deniseromano , MarlowesFaustus
Din_SFLA , hlebcats
OccupyResults , bebird
PhattyF , dvnix
Dharmapunk12 , MostafaCFE
miixxy , jimmytheheel
The99Pct , iteabellsingers
CalFireNews , ElizabethJone18
Seekadoo2 , Amywhere
inbarati , fpaulin
FreakOutNation , DrinkBeerN0tTea
OccupySF , Eva_in_Oregon
phillipanderson , michaelwhitney
inbarati , wavyca
TheNewDeal , subiepick
inbarati , Thunderbro_
The99Pct , agentdarkapple
OccupySF , HenryZeniewicz
ZempOh , TheSHW
LJSearles , ishtarmuz
OccupySF , airialclark
Jeannie_Hartley , leeand00
VoidSeed , OOOlson
OccupySantaFe , cjohanns
CalFireNews , HeartOfOrion
glorie_: @andersoncooper , wavyca
cjohanns , galatorg
BevanWhitfield , rivenhomewood
OccupySF , StillDiggin
OccupySF , VendettaStudies
MJMcKean , mamachao23
misosusanowa , rivenhomewood
OccupySF , pagescster
ewshefarted , Dogpatch05
OccupySF , lynx55
thomshouse , explainify
OccupyWallSt , King_Gonad
CalFireNews , kittylight
cjohanns , galatorg
PoliticsOfFear , CraigR3521
LJSearles , HeartOfOrion
p_auer , explainify
Jehuniko1 , Ikuestion
miixxy , Kaymee
OccupySF , ishtarmuz
BlueDuPage , jashsf
TheNewDeal , bebullish20k
CalFireNews , n4rky
TheNewDeal , MistrGreen56
Spudlovr , Nougatrocity
OccupySantaFe , marxistveteran
OccupySF , subiepick
99_film , aaronaites
OccupySF , OccupyToledo
Spudlovr , DubMasterC
labgrrl , leeand00
TheEdShow , timmytink
OccupySF , OccupyBham
Spudlovr , HenryZeniewicz
anonops , UnderdogLib
jeremyscahill , rjkuyvenhoven
diceylee808 , SabzBrach
Leslie_Wolfe , vickycrampton
SupermanHotMale , Shikona
anonops , JoBremerton
OccupySF , jxxmxx
CalFireNews , ShelleyBuck
OccupySF , Wanderer19
UnanimousHQ , cassandraheresy
timmytink , Tosfm
diceylee808 , OccupyWallSt
Ilikewoods: @Tawanda46 , Tawanda46
OccupyWallSt , lukelavanway
TrueGilby , pandazizou
OccupySF , kittylight
OccupyRedlands: @OccupyRiverside @OccupyLA @OWSLosAngeles , occupyRiverside
OccupySantaFe , ActivistsVoice
LucyKafanov , leeand00
OccupySantaFe , lancejgosnell
OccupyWallSt , paralax999
OccupySF , chhockle
OccupySantaFe , The99Percenters
BuoySirUs , MiyazakiMegu
ChipleKira: @KeithOlbermann , melissaS130
OccupySF , The99Percenters
OccupySF , chhockle
jeremyscahill , King_Gonad
OccupySF , VendettaStudies
FreakOutNation , memimemimy
OccupyRedlands @OccupyRiverside @OccupyLA @OWSLosAngeles , occupyRiverside
anonops , wrwarwick
OccupySF , OccupyAppleton
OccupySF , PyreBorn
OccupySF , OccupyAppleton
allisonkilkenny , 1sideways8
TorianBrown , OccupySomething
OccupySF , OccupyAppleton
OccupySF , PyreBorn
schwartzbrown , shilkytouch
kallou22 , MiyazakiMegu
TheNewDeal , markwhitt1
TheOther99: @TheOther99 , KliphScurlock
occupyRiverside , adamwebs1
AnonymousIRC , Beal187
LJSearles , INTLRevolver
jeremyscahill , bellanerdette
diceylee808 , spacefroot
TheNewDeal , markwhitt1
findantruth , TheZparty
McBlondeLand , watergatesummer
OccupySF , melanie0010
azmoderate , HenryZeniewicz
hadearkandil , J4LYN
diceylee808 , AcePants
WeOccupyAmerica , ishtarmuz
diceylee808 , sandra1672
TimothyChutes , cgpb
GuerillaMonk , A_Lambillion
PoliticsOfFear , Libertarian52
diceylee808 , Canarycall
TheNewDeal , markwhitt1
OccupySF , Wanderer19
pixls , URSUExternal
OccupySantaFe , StargazingFire
AngieignA: @Maikel_Mangapul , Maikel_Mangapul
diceylee808 , diydanna
diceylee808 , micchiato
tazshedevl , Spudlovr
UnderdogLib , skweekie
TheEdShow , vallie
AnonymousIRC , The_Proletarian
CalFireNews , KurtSchlichter
BlackLagooner , robinjpearson
angelsavant , OpWallStreet
OccupyWallSt , steadyblogging
diceylee808 , bluedutchess726
TimothyS , jcporter1
anonops , markwhitt1
timmytink , franniebobannie
dominicksaia , NationalReset
PhattyF , kyduchess
PoliticsOfFear , OccupySomething
TorianBrown , OpWallStreet
OccupyAnchorage: “@aldrichj , strawprophet
WeOccupyAmerica , okiebowl
OccupySF , HeartOfOrion
majorityfm , JennaRayJedi
TheNewDeal , rowan_celeste
PirateWench , Sinj1
KeithOlbermann , adamluebke
anonops , OpPanama
BigMoe_ , leeand00
OccupyWallSt , ReemMosleh
patrickshampine , Man0101oWar
youtube , Aine
mytwistedwords1: @jacobchicago , FunkynFortunate
KeithOlbermann , ratkins
jeremyscahill , martinperna
OOOlson , bluedutchess726
meiwd , eraser
OccupySantaFe , mattmdiaz
PirateWench , Sinj1
OccupyMainSt , VoiceFromLeft
diceylee808 , AnonNCarolina2
UnderdogLib , bluedutchess726
TorianBrown , Canarycall
burgerbuilders , No_Bozo
ClassStruggler , literaryleft
Spudlovr , peaceonstreets
Titleixbaby , cwebba1
PyreBorn , UnseenLetterbox
TheNewDeal , SMitchell38
vallie , INTLRevolver
AnonNCarolina2 , miixxy
OpWallStreet , OpeningPage
anonops , 1940_1980
diceylee808 , Toasterrr
derekahunter , themick1962
OccupySF , skweekie
i8wamu , SocialApocalyps
TorianBrown , judderwocky
PoliticsOfFear , OccupySomething
kittylight: “@anonops , lynx55
TheLoneDeranger , StargazingFire
CharlesBivona , superreturns
i8wamu , thewindsofwar
TheNewDeal , the_other_HK
butttless , carrig41
OccupyMN , bratmeg
OccupySF , burgerbuilders
TheNewDeal , Kaymee
ElizabethJone18 , RevLea
OccupyVancouver , linzgay
OccupySF , thewindsofwar
TimothyS , jcporter1
OccupySantaFe , kyduchess
pyrmontvillage , RoyE_AU
Barry_O44 , SpreadButter
OccupySF , BigBizznass
OccupyWallSt , Truthcaster1
WeOccupyAmerica , kikiki321
TheNewDeal , billgcta
martinperna , ryanjnagle
anonops , DratSaddamWCK
diceylee808 , KVSwagger
diceylee808 , burgerbuilders
Dharmapunk12 , cassandraheresy
Kaymee , DownWithTheBull
TorianBrown , Hanksingle
PyreBorn , Shiftinthinking
MattBors , Jelperman
Min_Reyes , pqpolitics
dominicksaia , Spudlovr
anonops , melissaS130
CountdownKO , RowleyGirl_4
derekahunter , BradMarston
kathiewallace , malcolmjackson
PyreBorn , ElizabethJone18
Anon_Lobo , melanie0010
kcravenmusic: @OccupyFlorida , markwhitt1
PyreBorn , NWDowns
PoliticsOfFear , frank95054
OccupyComms , malaeus
BlueDuPage , watergatesummer
DonShappelle , Kaydreein
CalFireNews , Renaistweet
mpjackson , MarlowesFaustus
TheBookVlogger , Occupy_duess
OccupyWallSt , welchem89
Asher_Wolf , malaeus
peterrothberg , madhousemirror
diceylee808 , superbranch
OccupySF , Angelete71
OccupyHouston , Ironic_IconsArt
ClassicBookworm , identitytempl8
hadearkandil , mattmdiaz
TooBigToBail , wavyca
diceylee808 , andrewbigdoor
WeOccupyAmerica , UsRevolt11
anonops , misfitjen
MattBors , phillipanderson
diceylee808 , phill_spiker
ForseenUnNamed , arielpoland
jeremyscahill , mfu
k_l_h_j , jimmytheheel
OccupySF , Tawanda46
LJSearles , wrenandox
cjohanns , Nick_Est
PyreBorn , tylerhjames64
youtube , Aine
OccupySF , Calin_EU
butttless , DiverCTH
jackwadeshow , Jockque
PyreBorn , Shiftinthinking
hadearkandil , airialclark
jackwadeshow , 6eep6eep
diceylee808 , SonDancing
AnonNCarolina2 , Kaymee
TheNewDeal , korpdawg
mpjackson , red_rogers
lawscribe , Zintia_nl
mrsteele28 , WhatMattersNews
hadearkandil , tommymiles
Trutherton , oPHILOSORAPTORo
TorianBrown , ma5terenexili0
Badgitator , heidi6300
OccupyMainSt , UnifiedLeft
marcocesarsaenz , lexcampbell
marcocesarsaenz , NYC_GMC
OccupySF , Kaymee
TheNewDeal , King_Gonad
joehump52: @OccupyWallStNYC , forever_flavor6
MeTheMessinger , ihadaneviltwin
OccupyWallSt , Vida_Jay
ElizabethJone18 , holidaygoheavy
TriRunner302 , IronChad
millbot , Spudlovr
rspires1952 , PMgeezer
seasonothebitch , madeline_oh
TheNewDeal , shannona_smith
BaileyMcC , megather
akrockefeller , Tokyo_Tom
OccupySF , OccupyBham
lawscribe , LiviaBorak
diceylee808 , IglooAnonymous
Badgitator , OccupyWallSt
TommySwitch , DjSknee
PyreBorn , Shiftinthinking
hadearkandil , Beelzebjorn
tinadupuy , javimorillo
ElizabethBrossa , DemonProphet
hadearkandil , heartbraden
OccupySantaFe , AlvinsMom
anonops , critmasspanic
OccupyMainSt , pishka
PyreBorn , NWDowns
TurboKitty , mangobeach
sundeux , GuerrillaDaily
occupythefuture , MikePFrank
PennyRed , acid_
Badgitator , PyreBorn
Beyerstein , Titleixbaby
Benjamin_Flex , RevLea
OccupySF , occupyRiverside
OccupySF , deviousjenna
lovexinfiniti , WhatMattersNews
TorianBrown , SvenStraatveit
AlanColmes , shannona_smith
Badgitator , KKElephant
KeithOlbermann , KaraAlesandra
Badgitator , OccupyMainSt
TheNewDeal , lonnie509
OccupyMainSt , soybomber
anonops , modsix
OccupySF , occupyRiverside
cjohanns , rattlecans
UltraVerified , starshollowgzt
Badgitator , OccupyBham
Badgitator , LauraShezBar
Badgitator , BlackOceanGhost
WeOccupyAmerica , cheappoet
Valerie0714 , Luchia_
OccupyWallSt , DemonProphet
Badgitator , OccupySeattle
OccupyWallSt , laurenj_ellis
Badgitator , S_Paden11
TheOther99 , realsociology
derekahunter , LRJD
guardian , evaottesmith
PhattyF , AlvinsMom
Badgitator , MikkiCZ
millbot , WhatMattersNews
jeremyscahill , deezthugs
anonops , ZK82
Badgitator , CrownCityCuts
sundeux , melanie0010
deniseromano , raycapiral
shannona_smith , chillchuckchill
leighalexander , Manpuncher
CharlesBivona , Garou_Cuac
diceylee808 , MikeHeXt
Badgitator , AntonioFlores00
amandafrahm , Beelzebjorn
sundeux , GlobalRevLive
k_l_h_j: @mariacaranto , TheNewPopulists
millbot , goundermytongue
Shoq , shannona_smith
TheNewDeal , SMitchell38
OccupySF , galatorg
guardian , evaottesmith
OccupySF , occupyRiverside
BSox_Revolution , TheNewPopulists
Badgitator , ClassicBookworm
TheNewDeal , naveplanetoide
sundeux , Mikee1da
Badgitator , mattmdiaz
daveweigel , shannona_smith
kelly_carlin , JoAllisonHenn
Benjamin_Flex , blackdognorth
Badgitator , thewindsofwar
OccupyMainSt , NinaNerdFace
TheNewDeal , laflifa
Badgitator , Break1_9
TheNewDeal , paris1939
KeithOlbermann , pswswiney
UnanimousHQ , dgsr505
Badgitator , josh_ulino
LJSearles , JackDeTate
Badgitator , deviousjenna
lawscribe , radiofreejordan
Badgitator , Matias_DreadScy
OccupyMainSt , sardonicallyme
TurboKitty , jimmytheheel
OccupySantaFe , deviousjenna
Valerie0714 , bluedutchess726
diceylee808 , HahaYoureFunny
Badgitator , Johnnyjuby
MJMcKean , zenbazooka
DaveMc99TA , randytweets510
LibertyBelle4 , watergatesummer
kittylight: “@Truth247 , dove_hawk
ElizabethJone18 , IamNickyT
TheNewDeal , naveplanetoide
BlackLagooner , OccupySeattle
Badgitator , Desencubridor
Badgitator , DeemaM
kittylight: “@LOLGOP , dove_hawk
UnderdogLib , bluedutchess726
timmytink , TopCat_TC
AnonNCarolina2 , TheChaseNight
diceylee808 , Break1_9
Badgitator , rocketgirl3914
Badgitator , angelindiskies
Badgitator , 6eep6eep
Badgitator , seemegonzo
jeremyscahill , josh_ulino
Badgitator , TheBookVlogger
BlackLagooner , heatherhydra
tazshedevl , mangobeach
anonops , _in_lakech
OccupyMainSt , Tokyo_Tom
Teddy2500 , OccupyHolidays
sundeux , indigojourney
OccupySF , PASmokey
LibertyBelle4 , starshollowgzt
KBDPHD , BangoRkt
OccupyMainSt , bluedutchess726
Badgitator , ADAPTChicago
Badgitator , andrewbigdoor
NeffKen: @MikeBloomberg @NYCMayorsOffice @NYGovCuomo , nayan1875
hadearkandil , NasJab
Valerie0714 , esd2000
guardian , evaottesmith
seasonothebitch , phillipanderson
UnderdogLib , search4truth1
OccupySF , dove_hawk
Badgitator , Nicotone
sundeux , good2bgreene
youtube , OhMeadhbh
Badgitator , Snarkathon
Badgitator , Myss_Relentless
sundeux , skweekie
Badgitator , ellinjaa
OccupySF , ElizabethJone18
PyreBorn , Eva_in_Oregon
sunshineejc: @OccupyWallStreet , Procoolgranny
Zoocritter , _joaniegirl
TorianBrown , Kevinovations
jeremyscahill , aarondhknight
Badgitator , RevLea
OccupyMainSt , kikiki321
OccupyMainSt , DonShappelle
sundeux , lancejgosnell
hadearkandil , darrenlund
OccupyMainSt , DieLowen
AnonKitsu , theJGway
OccupyMainSt , Ciudadano_Zer0
alphaisforever , rustymk2
ArrghPaine , angelsavant
Badgitator , arthurfragoso
WeOccupyAmerica , HahaYoureFunny
Badgitator , Little_Luna1
MMFlint , veggieterrain
kikiki321 , leeand00
millbot , SalCtrProg
anonops , Queiroga_
cmfcknw , LiveFree24x7
ZandarVTS , King_Gonad
holidaygoheavy , ElizabethJone18
jmalsin , watergatesummer
PyreBorn , americanzpring
GreeGreece , DanaGirl
TurboKitty , skweekie
OccupyWallSt , MarcoCesarSaenz
OccupyMainSt , acatman
Badgitator , LinkIzMyHomeboy
MikeHeXt , reneeroman300
TheNewDeal , oakAsfan24
Badgitator , MyDixie_Wrecked
sundeux , OccupyOrlMedia
sundeux , ArianaFaustini
JLownLaw , AGrandKerfuffle
peterrothberg , LeftSlashRight
Badgitator , LGwhat
Moizzil , Muslims4RonPaul
kkalmes2 , bazingainc
sundeux , Break1_9
BlackLagooner , SvenStraatveit
Badgitator , CACR25
OccupySF , PASmokey
diceylee808 , OccupySeattle
CharlesBivona , halabalusa
Badgitator , bebird
TheNewDeal , MarlowesFaustus
BCeeGee , Nosapaid
Badgitator , imchasesbrain
tommasonic , Gloves4Masons
dominique_e_ , oglhaiti
mobius1ski , AGrandKerfuffle
red_rogers , guykanon
TorianBrown , papabearblaker
McBlondeLand , watergatesummer
LiveFree24x7 , KrissyRubbles
OccupySF , 48thave
OccupySF , kidcaregiver
PoliticsOfFear , liveforthesun
OccupyMainSt , Kaydreein
DratSaddamWCK , skweekie
AnonKitsu , emmaleelife
Badgitator , plathrop7
occupygreenbay , AnonyMissBadger
Spudlovr , mangobeach
anonops , RayPayola
TheNewDeal , Jennyjinx
OccupySF , OccupySeattle
rustymk2 , ShawnMilli
DaveMc99TA , frogsarelovely
ChipleKira , KeithOlbermann
deniseromano , LaidBackFarmer
Spudlovr , leeand00
OccupyMainSt , Kaymee
deniseromano , letfreedomspk
OccupyWallSt , nom_de_fume
sundeux , GlobalOccupier
SEIUenEspanol , RafaelMorataya2
kkalmes2 , MAK7591
OccupyWallSt , alaskaRP
MitchHurley , franniebobannie
TorianBrown , UnifiedLeft
KeithOlbermann , maximosis
TheNewDeal , nom_de_fume
Badgitator , nbcapobia
OccupySF , WeROccupyUnited
Badgitator , Psy51
OccupySF , katwithabook
KeithOlbermann , pswswiney
TheNewDeal , chachiTHEgr8
OccupyMainSt , dannydoodar
OccupySF , mgpettit
KeithOlbermann , 3rdShftSexClerk
KeithOlbermann , kikiki321
Genespark: @justgrateful @ows , justgrateful
TheNewDeal , Bobbitz1944
KeithOlbermann , mjsunflowerjj
liveforthesun , Hardline_Stance
KeithOlbermann , Luchia_
KeithOlbermann , bebird
OccupySF , BadMonsanto
BigBizznass , mgpettit
OccupySF , mgpettit
CharlesBivona , Gobanian
millbot , Athenae
hadearkandil , franniebobannie
lukec , keeth
OccupySF , Tawanda46
TheNewDeal , ElleCSid
Badgitator , justforclasss
peterrothberg , mangobeach
tnr , JackHart67
alphaisforever , jugganautical
sundeux , kidcaregiver
DeadJack57 , xalisae
sundeux , kallou22
KeithOlbermann , starshollowgzt
anonops , klejko
margiemetz44 , WhatMattersNews
KeithOlbermann , quirkyme
KeithOlbermann , skooks
sundeux , occupygreenbay
KeithOlbermann , TheRagingCelt
CalFireNews , CynthiaY29
chachiTHEgr8 , k_l_h_j
seasonothebitch , JahFurry
KeithOlbermann , Aine
anonops , timetrick
Zoocritter , achariw
KeithOlbermann , trevineanise
seasonothebitch , emiliawrites
anonops , Anti_Secret
jeremyscahill , randytweets510
Robyn_DaHood: @headhntr @Fight4Fairness @YourAnonNews , skweekie
miixxy , Tokyo_Tom
because_thalb , Can_ada
pourmecoffee , cherrytreecig
PsychoNotLiz , NWDowns
KeithOlbermann , MAK7591
sundeux , lipstickham
KeithOlbermann , jlr_1969
Valerie0714 , DaveMc99TA
KeithOlbermann , OccupyWallStNYC
CharlesBivona , tinajbowen
Spudlovr , occupygreenbay
sundeux , StargazingFire
PyreBorn , NWDowns
KeithOlbermann , five15design
McBlondeLand , starshollowgzt
hyperlocavore , because_thalb
KeithOlbermann , FinchHaven
diceylee808 , KNDEA
KeithOlbermann , josephdemaria
KeithOlbermann , SuzanneTwoTon
CultOfAngelique , skweekie
Shoq: @AP , mykatmikey
OccupySF , AtomAu
randytweets510 , MAK7591
JC_Christian , SuzanneTwoTon
Badgitator , Kevinovations
CharlesBivona , cgartmann24
phillipanderson , bmaz
WeROccupyUnited , thewindsofwar
KeithOlbermann , FreiahD
livestream , mbooshay
diceylee808 , AnoniW33ZY
Saccaparami , mangobeach
KeithOlbermann , rckvm
mkink , Jessica_Shearer
GhostPanther , buckzollo
jimmytheheel: @TurboKitty , VegasPhotog
WeOccupyAmerica , revrendoni
TTSCanada , frogsarelovely
Badgitator , Screwcomforttoo
WeOccupyAmerica , vtknitboy
JC_Christian , starshollowgzt
KeithOlbermann , billgcta
TheNewDeal , StigNasty
PyreBorn , thewindsofwar
shannona_smith , lipstickham
PyreBorn , Anti_Secret
Min_Reyes , MiyazakiMegu
allisonkilkenny , YezeniaPoulsen
OccupySF , BigBizznass
alanranta , deviousjenna
azmoderate , boilthebeast
TheNewDeal , bebullish20k
sundeux , 3lis3Ashl3y
ChipleKira , AnonNCarolina2
Spudlovr , jimgigliotti
KeithOlbermann , jeskriske
mobius1ski , OccupyWallStNYC
TheNewDeal , alnayeb
WeROccupyUnited , thewindsofwar
Beelzebjorn , babaoreilymike
kkalmes2 , Rebecca1nAZ
UnionPlus , IELMCC
KeithOlbermann , NWDowns
tnr , democrab
MJMcKean , peterdamien
JosephKBlack: @andersoncooper , skweekie
biinT , torinstweets
TheLoneDeranger , pulserazor
Jeannie_Hartley , rkell
deniseromano: @Pirata13 , sisbuzz
mobius1ski , kcravenmusic
jeremyscahill , jimgigliotti
ChipleKira , AnonNCarolina2
jeremyscahill , alaskaRP
PyreBorn , JoshuaHol
KeithOlbermann , because_thalb
UnderdogLib , babaoreilymike
ChipleKira , ptypk
KeithOlbermann , pishka
occupygreenbay , because_thalb
edgewatercreek , Isajah78
DanaGirl , skweekie
OccupySF , SteveLussier
Tokyo_Tom , Santnamor2013
randytweets510 , Prime_116
TheNewDeal , Tigergal62
AnonyOps , MikeHeXt
PyreBorn , AtomAu
KeithSmooth , RawwrrrRyan
red_rogers , Demopublican1
Spudlovr , leeand00
KeithOlbermann , Meisju
Shoq , MiyazakiMegu
AddThis , jasminepw
seasonothebitch , RickSmithShow
seasonothebitch , banditelli
WeOccupyAmerica , mospiritu
OccupySF , SteveLussier
KeithOlbermann , monkeyofdarknes
KeithOlbermann , grassrootzv
mobius1ski , cee_skwared
WeROccupyUnited , GlobalRevLive
KeithOlbermann , MastaMp3
mobius1ski , OccupyWallSt
KeithOlbermann , Kaymee
KeithOlbermann , RearNakedSmoke
seasonothebitch , bmaz
TheOther99: @TheOther99 , malaeus
WeOccupyAmerica , UrbanForager
KeithOlbermann , FackBuster
deniseromano , malaeus
mobius1ski , starshollowgzt
JoshuaHol , WThomasMarks
WeROccupyUnited , good2bgreene
anonops , bori_214
anonops , thedrunkdriver
OccupyWallSt , Daigansf
PyreBorn , ladykayaker
MotherJones , christianepps
Valerie0714 , azmoderate
Tokyo_Tom , leeand00
hadearkandil , hjertebraaten
Titleixbaby , wheeliesmom
WeROccupyUnited , BigBizznass
Screwcomforttoo , freespeach2
JoshuaHol , joanwalsh
pixls , sKgBdub
KeithOlbermann , kaatje36
KeithOlbermann , ACCBiggz
PoliticsOfFear , GeorgeAngus
KeithOlbermann , derrickcrowe
LJSearles , because_thalb
Spudlovr , jimgigliotti
JoshuaHol , PyreBorn
JosephKBlack , KforKallisti
TracyLeigh10 , Tokyo_Tom
anonops , superreturns
Badgitator , yarddonky
KeithOlbermann , Itsmekelly
crewislife , GomerWHoward
themojowire , skweekie
mobius1ski , soybomber
WeROccupyUnited , Break1_9
DrBenway23 , wavyca
Valerie0714 , mangobeach
inwpress , prajnaseek
TheNewDeal , dmcrane
caine2000 , cassandraheresy
DonShappelle , myfaceinforums
KeithOlbermann , KarynBakoCA
anonops , NotWilson1
KeithOlbermann , OWNtheNWO
KeithOlbermann , Matt_Mahaney
KeithOlbermann , soybomber
JoshuaHol , GreggJLevine
thedejavudu , syaume
tinadupuy , jscottfitzwater
JoshuaHol , freespeach2
KeithOlbermann , realthaniil
inwpress , prajnaseek
diceylee808 , Aine
WeROccupyUnited , Marshallsfuture
KeithOlbermann , heatherhydra
JoshuaHol , SooperMexican
KeithOlbermann , mykatmikey
52stations , Pixelfish
Spudlovr , dmcrane
KeithOlbermann , AgentMomost
PyreBorn , klaptastic
sundeux , Can_ada
JoshuaHol , MikeElk
KeithOlbermann , BuzzIzarownd
PlanetPOV , BrainTrack
KeithOlbermann , Tim_Sanchez
Spudlovr , occupygreenbay
mobius1ski , MiroWare
OccupyMainSt , yarddonky
KeithOlbermann , Break1_9
KeithOlbermann , LeightonCardno
millbot , shonan_naminori
Badgitator , OccupyWallStNYC
anonops , pishka
KeithOlbermann , Shadow_Frau
WeROccupyUnited , Occupy_duess
mobius1ski , farewellRPBLC
SolCollins: @moposc , Kaydreein
OccupyWallSt , superreturns
Badgitator , charliezugasti
PyreBorn , liamrulz
KeithOlbermann , Hussein_Jaafar
Badgitator , fresh__air
KeithOlbermann , gypsy18
lynx55 , wheeliesmom
KeithOlbermann , xbradx75
ewshefarted , stevenstim
KeithOlbermann , liubaldo_garcia
Badgitator , Imlostinwyoming
thomascarpe , WhatMattersNews
holidaygoheavy , liamrulz
WeROccupyUnited , brendanorrell
MoveOn , Sweet_Reason
WeROccupyUnited , AnonBecca
mobius1ski , soybomber
Beelzebjorn , lancejgosnell
KeithOlbermann , Occupy_duess
TracyLeigh10 , GreeGreece
KeithOlbermann , Andreas24x7
KeithOlbermann , johntheBasterd
mobius1ski , mean_uhh
TheNewDeal , GomerWHoward
opticaldensity , southsidedeauce
GhostPanther , bexistntlcrisis
OpWallStreet , Mattixbigs
JoshuaHol , NWDowns
Tokyo_Tom , AlexLFz
KeithOlbermann , LadybugJennlee
Teddy2500 , JamesSTL77
Anomaly100 , GomerWHoward
mtracey , diceylee808
BlueDuPage , wheeliesmom
OpWallStreet , heatherhydra
dominique_e_ , guykanon
The99Pct , AlohaEvery1
KeithOlbermann , ArmAnon
TheNewDeal , call_me_kimster
TheNewDeal , INTLRevolver
kelly_carlin , Irenehammer
anjalimullany , Amanda_j_w
JoshuaHol , americanzpring
Badgitator , because_thalb
radicalbytes , Occupythebanks
SenatorSanders , colanana
WeROccupyUnited , dj_moni
ChipleKira , mditeresa
KeithOlbermann , malaeus
WeOccupyAmerica , unklejohn
WeROccupyUnited , baysocialist
KeithOlbermann , antonborst
KeithOlbermann , ReTweetAgain
WeROccupyUnited , ArianaFaustini
JoshuaHol , PASmokey
bobbarrick , dannydoodar
Badgitator , Marshallsfuture
OccupySF , wheeliesmom
OpWallStreet , Niahlist78
mobius1ski , Moon_Shadows
JLownLaw , AGrandKerfuffle
KeithOlbermann , campeaux
mobius1ski , MarlowesFaustus
OpWallStreet , OccupyOrlMedia
youtube , OhMeadhbh
Leslie_Wolfe , MPlatt4
Spudlovr , jimgigliotti
JoshuaHol , mki_mom
JoshuaHol , NDHduz
“@OccupySF , alikat747
OccupySF , Moon_Shadows
anonops , Psycho_Iko
Badgitator , antmuni
TheNewDeal , AtomAu
Badgitator , SarinMods
Badgitator , BillCody
OpWallStreet , INTLRevolver
OpWallStreet , colanana
UnifiedLeft , TexasCommie
UnifiedLeft , TX_YCL
KeithOlbermann , statmanbaugh
UnifiedLeft , RedWorkerbot
diceylee808 , Tosfm
OpWallStreet , ReTweetAgain
arclight , amanicdroid
diceylee808 , zenDR
BrainTrack , Can_ada
WeROccupyUnited , Niahlist78
dominique_e_ , branadams
diceylee808 , ismailhpolat
WeOccupyAmerica , wheeliesmom
ChipleKira , phillipanderson
mobius1ski , Rusty626
Wonkette , because_thalb
PyreBorn , NWDowns
Badgitator , babaoreilymike
KeithOlbermann , LaidBackFarmer
KeithOlbermann , Guy_Tweeting
McBlondeLand , wheeliesmom
ElizabethJone18 , americanzpring
diceylee808 , get_enlightened
KeithOlbermann , berkchops
PyreBorn , CynthiaY29
Badgitator , Craftmydemise
OpWallStreet , ShalyG
DanielDenvir , curiouscliche
Badgitator , maxberger
RowleyGirl_4 , get_enlightened
Spudlovr , mangobeach
KeithOlbermann , evlance
jackwadeshow , Kinniska
anonops , MiroWare
shortformblog , andrewmcgill
evaottesmith , TheAngryindian
J4LYN , MiyazakiMegu
ElizabethJone18 , Pootentate
KeithOlbermann , xica25
CosmUnity , ReaLiveArtist
TexasCommie , Shayne213
PyreBorn , kstatik
Beelzebjorn , cjohanns
PyreBorn , americanzpring
TheNewDeal , statikluft
allisonkilkenny , HEALERBREE
TheNewDeal , Procoolgranny
JoshuaHol , kidcaregiver
KeithOlbermann , everydaymuslim
OpWallStreet , MightyPenGirl
WeOccupyAmerica , Obamaphile
Badgitator , matt_v_824
anonops , Lusho0487
WeROccupyUnited , lancejgosnell
Barry_O44 , SpreadButter
micahuetricht , monicareida
KeithOlbermann , lawscribe
PyreBorn , Pootentate
KeithOlbermann , GoOnBeCrazy
PsychoNotLiz , tourtored1221
WeROccupyUnited , greenthumbnails
diceylee808 , J4LYN
singlepayer , LeftSlashRight
TorianBrown , colanana
WeOccupyAmerica , bluedutchess726
KeithOlbermann , HEALERBREE
KeithOlbermann , JeannedarcRemko
Badgitator , ANarrowView
diceylee808 , LKmpf
ClassicBookworm , Dawn_GN
ElizabethJone18 , Fallaryn
SupermanHotMale , margaritateresa
occupy_berlin , rhabarbeer
ChipleKira , okiedeb64
Badgitator , SonDancing
OccupySF , DougEDougie
Badgitator , fragileeve
Badgitator , CoyoteOnPeyote
kalpazan1 , MightyPenGirl
Spudlovr , bluedutchess726
Cocoxochitl , marygkosta
WeOccupyAmerica , azmoderate
KeithOlbermann , wendyjohnson_BA
EddieAtari: @OccupyWallSt , DonShappelle
UnderdogLib , lexky1
OccupySF , INTLRevolver
OccupySF , DougEDougie
eli_d_m , bori_214
KeithOlbermann , reneeroman300
KeithOlbermann , DerekAldous
The99Percenters , sindikaria
Badgitator , taylorsilvestri
majorityfm , tnecniva
mobius1ski , Photoronin3
Badgitator , Shiftinthinking
KeithOlbermann , beetle_eater
KeithOlbermann , oyemenena
OccupySF , DougEDougie
ElizabethJone18 , SJ_duh
WeROccupyUnited , AnonOws
JoshuaHol , adamhudson5
ClassicBookworm , Dawn_GN
JoshuaHol , rattlecans
mobius1ski , AceOfChubbz
TheNewDeal , MarlowesFaustus
DougEDougie , jhwygirl
PyreBorn , MightyPenGirl
mobius1ski , The_News_DIVA
KeithOlbermann , andrewbigdoor
Min_Reyes , robinjpearson
WeROccupyUnited , MightyPenGirl
LibertyBelle4 , chemoelectric
ClassicBookworm , DonShappelle
JoshuaHol , Kaymee
AnonymousIRC , endoJap
UnderdogLib , GomerWHoward
cjohanns , lancejgosnell
alikat747 , americanzpring
jeremyscahill , Dawn_GN
OccupyWallSt , malaeus
veggieterrain , CocoPazzo
kcravenmusic: @OccupyFlorida , malaeus
Cocoxochitl , opticaldensity
PsychoNotLiz , sindikaria
Badgitator , TaraNeverTerra
OpWallStreet , ParadiseGray
jeremyscahill , EdHinJr
KeithOlbermann , DonShappelle
phillipanderson , GreggJLevine
Smithsofia , hadearkandil
CrisisJones , INTLRevolver
Badgitator , daweiner
youtube , JoeyBoots
OccupyToledo , ArianaFaustini
OccupySF , roaming_radical
KeithOlbermann , gyrizar
TheNewDeal , andreadevinney
TracyLeigh10 , because_thalb
KeithOlbermann , londonriots8
jeremyscahill , Procoolgranny
JoshuaHol , howlnmoon
KeithOlbermann , alyssa011968
theblej , MightyPenGirl
OccupyMainSt , sindikaria
OccupyToledo , americanzpring
punkflamingo , liveforthesun
KeithOlbermann , veggienut
KeithOlbermann , justindarc
TheNewDeal , jeffbrewerjr
OccupySF , bebird
Badgitator , ChillOutSquad
jeremyscahill , boppy6
FourYawkeyWay: @hadearkandil , hadearkandil
PyreBorn , Shayne213
KeithOlbermann , daweiner
TracyLeigh10 , mangobeach
malcolmjackson , RomperSTL
TorianBrown , TakeWallStreet
Badgitator , CrimeCaster
Valerie0714 , carolerae
WallStProtests , guykanon
jeremyscahill , expressional
KeithOlbermann , Hanksingle
hadearkandil , bebird
anonops , d3z78
public_archive , CrimeCaster
Badgitator , simplyShervin
Badgitator , lautarodamato
zeitkunst , notPICNIC
PyreBorn , ToddColorado
Badgitator , fistbait
phillipanderson , saraGcouture
KeithOlbermann , mindofH
PsychoNotLiz , yarddonky
GoOnBeCrazy , acatman
WeROccupyUnited , mtlunasea
CalFireNews , EnkindlerAnon
JosephKBlack , CrimeCaster
OpWallStreet , mangobeach
ToddColorado , ArianaFaustini
RailWriter: @Kaymee , Kaymee
cjohanns , opticaldensity
PyreBorn , mindofH
DaveMc99TA , twitrbugs
TheNewDeal , mangobeach
CelluloidBlonde , miixxy
dominique_e_ , public_archive
MJMcKean , rhymeswithran
Pootentate , komcaast
WeROccupyUnited , OccupyAppleton
phillipanderson , EmpressSteph
anonops , Manpanzeehawk
GeekHillbilly , TksABunchJohn
KeithOlbermann , sweet1kim
Badgitator , JoeyBoots78
OccupyMainSt , ReaLiveArtist
anonops , starcaster
OpWallStreet , UsRevolt11
bradisinnewyork , CrimeCaster
OccupyOrlMedia: @occupywallst , OccupyOrlandoFL
GoOnBeCrazy , Clarknt67
JoshuaHol , meimichan
Badgitator , enjen99
KeithOlbermann , papabearblaker
TracyLeigh10 , lynx55
CalFireNews , NDHduz
Badgitator , wheeliesmom
OpWallStreet , occupy_berlin
Beyerstein , daveweeden
Min_Reyes , BrianDCrouse
Beelzebjorn , StargazingFire
Badgitator , ArmAnon
jchicksrock , MightyPenGirl
Asher_Wolf , treisiroon
PyreBorn , UnderdogLib
Badgitator , zoesch
TheNewDeal , Moon_Shadows
Dharmapunk12 , sisbuzz
OWNtheNWO , airialclark
PyreBorn , NWDowns
ashleykingsley , BSidesNarrative
KeithOlbermann , Aidanwakefield
KeithOlbermann , OccupyAppleton
OpWallStreet , OccupyNorthCal
jeremyscahill , kmontenegro
AnonyMissBadger , bluedutchess726
BatshitGOP , MiyazakiMegu
KeithOlbermann , enjen99
OccupyMainSt: @ErinBurnettCNN , yeahhcurtis
Badgitator , thatsLILO
PyreBorn , NDHduz
Badgitator , Kim_SFB
hadearkandil , occpal
mobius1ski , LuckyLeilani
jhwygirl , OccupySaltLake
Badgitator , msaf
daizy44: @PyreBorn , PyreBorn
KeithOlbermann , nyceducation
OccupyWallSt @KeithOlbermann , danicosme
diceylee808 , melanie0010
CelluloidBlonde , bori_214
Nikchick , lilibat
The99Pct , AlohaEvery1
CharlesBivona , LuckyGirlBlue
Spudlovr , cliffbaker9
Badgitator , ccharvella
McBlondeLand , wheeliesmom
OpWallStreet , bob_dane
C0d3Fr0sty , anonlgrisback
mobius1ski , movimty
mobius1ski , msaf
diceylee808 , mtlunasea
rkl2195 , RomperSTL
diceylee808 , yarddonky
KeithOlbermann , wheeliesmom
RoelVerrycken , amedee
alikat747 , MightyPenGirl
OccupyMainSt , ReaLiveArtist
anonops , hemiix3
MattBors , philly1776
Beelzebjorn , get_enlightened
Badgitator , The99Percenters
JoshuaHol , RobertBogdal
WeROccupyUnited , soybomber
TheNewDeal , randytweets510
OWNtheNWO , ArianaFaustini
because_thalb , guykanon
k_l_h_j: @mariacaranto , RedArmyChef
GoddessBlue , expressional
Badgitator , GaloiseE
diceylee808 , SuzanneTwoTon
KeithOlbermann , YezeniaPoulsen
bradisinnewyork , MightyPenGirl
public_archive , BlackGod917
marygkosta , braifycakes
KeithOlbermann , bsmood
TorianBrown , Break1_9
TheNewDeal , Bilked2TheBrink
KeithOlbermann , RobertBogdal
mobius1ski , ReTweetAgain
OWNtheNWO , MightyPenGirl
inwpress , prajnaseek
Jeannie_Hartley: @Mia_Farrow , Rev_LeePhillips
MirelaMonte , highway39
Luchia_: !@OccupyWallSt , opticaldensity
C0d3Fr0sty , opticaldensity
inwpress , prajnaseek
TheNewDeal , Bilked2TheBrink
shortformernie , cgpb
Badgitator , trident90
KeithOlbermann , TProlificJones
RuralBC , Min_Reyes
Teddy2500 , UsRevolt11
JLownLaw , J4LYN
chiplekira: @KeithOlbermann , CelluloidBlonde
CelluloidBlonde , JenEvolve
Beelzebjorn , FiteTruth2Power
Badgitator , aerosolhalos
WhyWeOccupy , big_dl77
JackHart67: @MikeBloomberg , J4LYN
Badgitator , asaslight
PyreBorn , NWDowns
AngryBlackLady , dvnix
2011rebelion , movimty
OccupyWallStNYC , ReTweetAgain
diceylee808 , matthewme23
jeremyscahill , 2bit_reportage
TheNewDeal , daveweeden
lipstickham , J4LYN
mobius1ski , flaviocafe
anonops , matthewme23
TheBookVlogger , smacknrat
TheNewDeal , JefTek
66sicksfishstix , ArianaFaustini
PyreBorn , thewindsofwar
hnombi , Spudlovr
TakeWallStreet , Break1_9
KeithOlbermann , matthewme23
KeithOlbermann , EricPiet
anonops , mamajo76
TakeWallStreet , AngryHuman43
TakeWallStreet , ReTweetAgain
AACina: @AJStream , saraGcouture
saramikaila , kstatik
mobius1ski , SirMcHaggis
mobius1ski , OccupyKauai
GhostPanther , Bartisan
PyreBorn , ArianaFaustini
OccupyWallSt , CraigBlaylock
KeithOlbermann , LilEsBella
TheNewDeal , Bilked2TheBrink
JoshuaHol , prancingpapio
anonops , matthewme23
KeithOlbermann , LeXKalibur
OccupyComms: @MMFlint , tyler_c_kelley
ILoveHumansClub , guykanon
MattBors , hughcmcbride
TakeWallStreet , Muslims4RonPaul
JoshuaHol , IsaacHale
UnderdogLib , GoOnBeCrazy
C0d3Fr0sty , odees2
firehat , OccupySomething
KeithOlbermann , OccupyKauai
LibertyBelle4 , mykatmikey
superbranch , CraigBlaylock
OccupyWallSt , burgerbuilders
CelluloidBlonde , mindofH
Luchia_: !@OccupyWallSt , melanie0010
TheNewDeal , Bilked2TheBrink
justgrateful , aeidinger
OccupyWallSt , matthewme23
ReTweetAgain , tyler_c_kelley
KeithOlbermann , The99Percenters
azmoderate , aliyunafsah
phillipanderson , yonezawamacaron
Beelzebjorn , cgpb
OccupyWallSt , matthewme23
MPwrites , RecommTweet
PyreBorn , NWDowns
Badgitator , liubaldo_garcia
UltraVerified , ChristofPierson
inwpress , prajnaseek
OccupySF , 1940_1980
Spudlovr , randytweets510
Badgitator , IsaacHale
KeithOlbermann , WEou812
saramikaila , Aranjedeath
youtube , OhMeadhbh
jeremyscahill , eriqsaurusrex
KeithOlbermann , AshleyFloyd
JLownLaw , The99Percenters
KeithOlbermann , OccupyID
hadearkandil , db_s_turbosnail
UnderdogLib , sisbuzz
C0d3Fr0sty , db_s_turbosnail
sindikaria , UsRevolt11
WashPahpin: @LeftyJeenyus @SVNTHLTTR , LeftyJeenyus
KeithOlbermann , ArtandLogik
JoshuaHol , LUCKYMW
ThomasRHart , matthewme23
tmsimmz , acatman
LibertyBelle4 , RevLea
Min_Reyes , Kaymee
KeithOlbermann , MiroCollas
humanright2home , smacknrat
jamiekilstein , matthewme23
C0d3Fr0sty , AgainstOblivion
OccupyMainSt , cliffbaker9
anonops , badweatherrr
JLownLaw , OccupyMainSt
WhyWeOccupy , Minus777
KeithOlbermann , Janiebt
OccupyBrooklyn , AaronBBrown
DeadJack57 , xalisae
JLownLaw , cjohanns
PyreBorn , torinstweets
mobius1ski , liubaldo_garcia
KeithOlbermann , NewCarlisleNews
JGChesney , GyouzaSpec
hnombi , lynx55
OccupySF , Can_ada
Beelzebjorn , indigojourney
inwpress , prajnaseek
Badgitator , revrendoni
cryptogon , UnanimousHQ
KeithOlbermann , yarddonky
HuffingtonPost , matthewme23
KeithOlbermann , MoAli87
JLownLaw , PyreBorn
AngryBlackLady , MuxerMaravilla
Badgitator , Occupy_duess
KeithOlbermann , hlebcats
JLownLaw , lancejgosnell
DSuperior , OccupyOpenMind
UltraVerified , OccupyWallSt
PsychoNotLiz , UsRevolt11
SenatorSanders , matthewme23
99_film , verfremdung
OWNtheNWO , americanzpring
McBlondeLand , jashsf
ThomasRHart , EisMC2
Badgitator , mefranny
Badgitator , conductorebrio
OpWallStreet , Occupy_duess
jeremyscahill , GabiElenaDohm
revmagdalen: @TheNewDeal , unpaidtroll
dmcrane , mangobeach
SupermanHotMale , smshetty
TheNewDeal , mykatmikey
jeremyscahill , InaGrae
LOLGOP , NoToPalins
JoshuaHol , agentska
MMFlint , Corruptbastards
public_archive , Can_ada
michaelidov , zeltserman
JLownLaw , 1Viperbabe
LOLGOP , TexasCommie
mobius1ski , siblatha
UltraVerified , Kaymee
SupermanHotMale , matthewme23
AngryBlackLady , dvnix
ChipleKira , chrismclark
doctordrewl , dissenting
JLownLaw , 2KindsJustice
OpWallStreet , Ssimpatic
LibertyBelle4 , suzannah_mpls
Badgitator , BuoySirUs
jackwadeshow , AntarianRani
LOLGOP , JayandSteve
public_archive , justoneblackman
AngryBlackLady , mangobeach
OccupySF , ProjectCambio
HuffingtonPost , DlorenDarnell
tommasonic , EVICTIONSLA
Genespark , JayandSteve
Badgitator , Peaceisillegal
KeithOlbermann , camicakes_
LOLGOP , paul_fkn_y
2011rebelion , Wednesday33
LOLGOP , malasadasbooks
anonops , chema1686
cjohanns , The99Percenters
WeROccupyUnited , Ognir2
CelluloidBlonde , guykanon
j3 , MightyPenGirl
OccupySF , ProjectCambio
phillipanderson , johnrennhack
AngryBlackLady , justoneblackman
CelluloidBlonde , j9lonehill
Dymaxion , ElizabethJone18
KeithOlbermann , wrobson
JLownLaw , NWDowns
michellemalkin , DlorenDarnell
LeeCamp , Occupy3rdStone
OccupyOregon , jandroid
saramikaila , alanpdx
KeithOlbermann , johnpgatta
youtube , ghalyah4life
LOLGOP , ciruelas_rojas
Badgitator , BKronick
AngryBlackLady , because_thalb
OpWallStreet , OccupySaltLake
TheNewDeal , Bilked2TheBrink
Herfarm , DlorenDarnell
JLownLaw , RomperSTL
lynx55 , matthewme23
Herfarm , DlorenDarnell
JoshuaHol , DemsatSFSU
UltraVerified , IsaacHale
AngryBlackLady , justoneblackman
BenMcNulty , MightyPenGirl
PyreBorn , aiz3319
mtlunasea , bethechange75
KeithOlbermann , JethroGibbsFan
TheNewDeal , amartinfoley
C0d3Fr0sty , VinceMalumBono
Spudlovr , 2KindsJustice
TheNewDeal , AntarianRani
akrockefeller , KarmickBrew
UltraVerified , Truthcaster1
Min_Reyes , ma5terenexili0
JosephKBlack , yesreallyy
OccupyWallSt , occupyamsterdam
AngryBlackLady , mangobeach
McBlondeLand , matthewme23
mobius1ski , conductorebrio
ThomasRHart , Saccaparami
KeithOlbermann , WolfNW
OpWallStreet , CultOfAngelique
OccupyToledo , The99Percenters
anonops , Adreadonymous
mpchristoffels , mikebabz
ElizabethJone18 , Pootentate
TakeWallStreet , AnonNep
hadearkandil , revmagdalen
AngryBlackLady , because_thalb
AngryBlackLady , JGibsonDem
KeithOlbermann , theevilhour
guaracybm , kaatje36
sundeux , OccupySaltLake
KeithOlbermann , conductorebrio
TakeWallStreet , OpWallStreet
ToddColorado , guykanon
LOLGOP , MightyPenGirl
kikiki321 , sisbuzz
m_cetera , bailey_carlson
OccupySF , Kinniska
akrockefeller , MissRedy
KeithOlbermann , tannazebd
SenatorSanders , CCC4Hope
PyreBorn , paisleyrae
Badgitator , SocialApocalyps
Spudlovr , Conan776
ElizabethJone18 , thewindsofwar
csobol , sindikaria
saramikaila , brx0
WeROccupyUnited , The99Percenters
Spudlovr , littlejolit
VoiceFromLeft , guykanon
diceylee808 , Conan776
66sicksfishstix , RichardH0well
OpWallStreet , The99Percenters
Beelzebjorn , aliasooze
ElizabethJone18 , chhockle
TheBookVlogger , INTLRevolver
Herfarm , ElizabethWard2
PyreBorn , NWDowns
OccupyMainSt: @ErinBurnettCNN , UsRevolt11
SuperFastMovies , campamocha7
KTVU , ancasuiu
bfrysworld , Hardline_Stance
darianknight , matthewme23
OccupyMainSt: @ErinBurnettCNN , Pootentate
C0d3Fr0sty , Masta420Chiefa
Cryptomeorg , curiouscliche
sindikaria , kaatje36
randytweets510 , OccupySomething
youtube , StealthBull
rspires1952 , lookupfolks
ThomasRHart , favstar_pop
BenMcNulty , torinstweets
PyreBorn , DakotaNorthAnon
Badgitator , SexasaurusRAWR
UltraVerified , andrewbigdoor
AngryBlackLady , MightyPenGirl
inwpress , prajnaseek
JGChesney , carrig41
OccupyWallSt , Stephano_N
mobius1ski , EXplorerDasta
WeROccupyUnited , PyreBorn
sillymickel , sisbuzz
TakeWallStreet , Imlostinwyoming
Truthcaster1 , Shiftinthinking
OccupySF , shoutcacophony
TheNewDeal , veggieterrain
Tramz93 , kaatje36
MJMcKean , mikepropst
diceylee808 , OccupyID
LOLGOP , janniaragon
SupermanHotMale , MightyPenGirl
KeithOlbermann , Master0fPuppets
kaatje36 , joukjebroier
PyreBorn , frogsarelovely
jeremyscahill , joshuacstephens
inwpress , prajnaseek
OccupySF , Adreadonymous
michellemalkin , rtoberl
OccupyToledo , angelindiskies
sindikaria , MightyPenGirl
JoshuaHol , alphadm
ElizabethJone18 , J4LYN
inwpress , prajnaseek
mobius1ski , vieillefemme
CalFireNews , DakotaNorthAnon
WeROccupyUnited , Kaymee
OpWallStreet , Amywhere
Shoq , Ziggy_Daddy
OWNtheNWO , pishka
KeithOlbermann , hush2012
PyreBorn , Beelzebjorn
gemimms: “@TheNewDeal , margaritateresa
singlepayer , randytweets510
AnonymousIRC , dirtyknives
geckomom , treisiroon
KeithOlbermann , TheVinceEdwards
paisleyrae , 99Prcnt
ThomasRHart , KyleStyle4
inwpress , prajnaseek
PyreBorn , DakotaNorthAnon
ForseenUnNamed , crissymoss
TheNewDeal , Adam_Stirling
WeROccupyUnited , kidcaregiver
Truthcaster1 , aiz3319
OccupyMainSt , veggieterrain
LeeCamp , Occupy3rdStone
CelluloidBlonde , liubaldo_garcia
bikeswarm , GaryRidesBikes
LOLGOP , piqueristic
Min_Reyes , MiyazakiMegu
rightinillinois , WindyCityRednek
LibertyBelle4 , chemoelectric
superbranch , andrewbigdoor
WeROccupyUnited , NWDowns
jackwadeshow , Kinniska
TheOther99: @TheOther99 , sophantastic93
inwpress , prajnaseek
theblej , manbear
AaronBBrown , kaatje36
seasonothebitch , BFRESHPhoto
Badgitator , spirefly
DanielDenvir , HethreC
UltraVerified , Break1_9
paisleyrae , matthewme23
AngryBlackLady , LeftSlashRight
jackwadeshow , oneunionmom
anonops , ivyrayne83
ElizabethJone18 , americanzpring
mobius1ski , fiorentina5
turnageb , laurenglasscock
C0d3Fr0sty , Zjlynch
Ciudadano_Zer0 , silviaglaa
TheNewDeal , txmeljo
WeOccupyAmerica , pllorenzo
TakeWallStreet , judderwocky
Spudlovr , Benjamin_Flex
OpWallStreet , viktorado
TheNewDeal , only_positivity
duylinhtu , anamsiddiq
KeithOlbermann , bioticvector
TheOther99 , NotQuiteMary
AnonyKonk: @BarackObama , MightyPenGirl
LOLGOP , twitrbugs
hadearkandil , MiranHosny
crazyjane13 , MiyazakiMegu
majorityfm , bori_214
j3 , manbear
DailyKos , pdjmoo
OccupyOrlMedia: @occupywallst , LaLaurLaura
CelluloidBlonde , portugaltheman
TheNewDeal , robin_egg_blue_
CalFireNews , _ScottRoy
KeithOlbermann , Perazza
BrianDCrouse , MightyPenGirl
HuffingtonPost , politicsofamy
CelluloidBlonde , DadaIsGalletas
Art_Guy1 , dvnix
TheNewDeal , Amywhere
politicsofamy , EvanPokroy
PyreBorn , pishka
PyreBorn , portugaltheman
Teddy2500 , RomperSTL
hadearkandil , hjertebraaten
Shoq , dvnix
hadearkandil , occpal
JeffSharlet , AntarianRani
WikiTerms , vaneeesa
Beelzebjorn , OccupyKC
WikiTerms , vaneeesa
WikiTerms , vaneeesa
UltraVerified , singlepayer
TheOther99 , DBAYJR
WikiTerms , vaneeesa
OWNtheNWO , guykanon
ElizabethJone18 , DakotaNorthAnon
diceylee808 , Isajah78
OccupyWallSt , trvslogan
WikiTerms , vaneeesa
allisonkilkenny , autolysis
JLownLaw , UsRevolt11




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