In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext line_profiler
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import os, sys, time
import pickle as pkl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import check_grad
from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, make_scorer, label_ranking_loss
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
In [ ]:
#from evaluate import avgPrecisionK, evaluatePrecision, evaluateF1, evaluateRankingLoss, f1_score_nowarn, calcLoss
#from datasets import create_dataset, dataset_names, nLabels_dict
from models import obj_pclassification
from tools import create_dataset, dataset_names, nLabels_dict
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
data_ix = 0
In [ ]:
dataset_name = dataset_names[data_ix]
nLabels = nLabels_dict[dataset_name]
print(dataset_name, nLabels)
In [ ]:
data_dir = 'data'
SEED = 918273645
fmodel_base = os.path.join(data_dir, 'pc-' + dataset_name + '-base.pkl')
fmodel_prec = os.path.join(data_dir, 'pc-' + dataset_name + '-prec.pkl')
fmodel_f1 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'pc-' + dataset_name + '-f1.pkl')
Load data.
In [ ]:
X_train, Y_train = create_dataset(dataset_name, train_data=True, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED)
X_test, Y_test = create_dataset(dataset_name, train_data=False)
Feature normalisation.
In [ ]:
X_train_mean = np.mean(X_train, axis=0).reshape((1, -1))
X_train_std = np.std(X_train, axis=0).reshape((1, -1)) + 10 ** (-6)
X_train -= X_train_mean
X_train /= X_train_std
X_test -= X_train_mean
X_test /= X_train_std
In [ ]:
def print_dataset_info(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test):
N_train, D = X_train.shape
K = Y_train.shape[1]
N_test = X_test.shape[0]
print('%-45s %s' % ('Number of training examples:', '{:,}'.format(N_train)))
print('%-45s %s' % ('Number of test examples:', '{:,}'.format(N_test)))
print('%-45s %s' % ('Number of features:', '{:,}'.format(D)))
print('%-45s %s' % ('Number of labels:', '{:,}'.format(K)))
avgK_train = np.mean(np.sum(Y_train, axis=1))
avgK_test = np.mean(np.sum(Y_test, axis=1))
print('%-45s %.3f (%.2f%%)' % ('Average number of positive labels (train):', avgK_train, 100*avgK_train / K))
print('%-45s %.3f (%.2f%%)' % ('Average number of positive labels (test):', avgK_test, 100*avgK_test / K))
#print('%-45s %.4f%%' % ('Average label occurrence (train):', np.mean(np.sum(Y_train, axis=0)) / N_train))
#print('%-45s %.4f%%' % ('Average label occurrence (test):', np.mean(np.sum(Y_test, axis=0)) / N_test))
print('%-45s %.3f%%' % ('Sparsity (percent) (train):', 100 * np.sum(Y_train) /
print('%-45s %.3f%%' % ('Sparsity (percent) (test):', 100 * np.sum(Y_test) /
In [ ]:
print('%-45s %s' % ('Dataset:', dataset_name))
print_dataset_info(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test)
check gradient.
In [ ]:
PU = np.zeros((Y_train.shape[0], 3), dtype=Y_train.dtype)
PU[[0, 1, 2, 10], [0, 1, 1, 2]] = 1
upl_ix = [[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15]]
w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn((Y_train.shape[1] + 3) * X_train.shape[1] + 1)
loss = 'both'
lambda w: obj_pclassification(w, X_train, Y_train, C1=10, C2=1, C3=2, p=3, loss_type=loss,
PU=PU, user_playlist_indices=upl_ix)[0],
lambda w: obj_pclassification(w, X_train, Y_train, C1=10, C2=1, C3=2, p=3, loss_type=loss,
PU=PU, user_playlist_indices=upl_ix)[1],w0)
Multi-label learning with p-classification loss.
In [ ]:
def obj_pclassification(w, X, Y, C, p, weighting=True):
Objective with L2 regularisation and p-classification loss
- w: current weight vector, flattened L x D + 1 (bias)
- X: feature matrix, N x D
- Y: label matrix, N x L
- C: regularisation constant, is consistent with scikit-learn C = 1 / (N * \lambda)
- p: constant for p-classification push loss
N, D = X.shape
K = Y.shape[1]
assert(w.shape[0] == K * D + 1)
assert(p >= 1)
assert(C > 0)
W = w[1:].reshape(K, D) # reshape weight matrix
b = w[0] # bias
OneN = np.ones(N) # N by 1
OneK = np.ones(K) # K by 1
if weighting is True:
#KPosAll = np.sum(Y, axis=1) # number of positive labels for each example, N by 1
KPosAll =, OneK)
KNegAll = K - KPosAll # number of negative labels for each example, N by 1
KPosAll = np.ones(N)
KNegAll = np.ones(N)
A_diag = np.divide(1, KPosAll) # N by 1
P_diag = np.divide(1, KNegAll) # N by 1
#T1 =, W.T) # N by K
T1 =, W.T) + b # N by K
T1p = np.multiply(Y, T1)
T2 = np.multiply(Y, np.exp(-T1p)) # N by K
T3 = T2 * A_diag[:, None] # N by K
#T1n = np.multiply(1-Y, T1)
T1n = T1 - T1p
T4 = np.multiply(1-Y, np.exp(p * T1n)) # N by K
T5 = T4 * P_diag[:, None] # N by K
J =, W.ravel()) * 0.5 / C
J += (,, OneK)) +,, OneK))) / N
#J =, W.ravel()) * 0.5 / C + (, + T5/p, OneK))) / N # not as efficient
#G = W / C + (, -X) +, X)) / N
G = W / C + ( + T5).T, X)) / N # more efficient
db =, + T5, OneK)) / N
gradients = np.concatenate(([db], G.ravel()), axis=0)
return (J, gradients)
In [ ]:
def loss_pclassification(X, Y, p, W, b, weighting=True):
Accumulated loss for p-classification, for test tightness of bound.
- w: current weight vector, flattened L x D
- X: feature matrix, N x D
- Y: label matrix, N x L
- p: constant for p-classification push loss
N, D = X.shape
K = Y.shape[1]
assert W.shape == (K, D)
assert p >= 1
OneN = np.ones(N) # N by 1
OneK = np.ones(K) # K by 1
if weighting is True:
#KPosAll = np.sum(Y, axis=1) # number of positive labels for each example, N by 1
KPosAll =, OneK)
KNegAll = K - KPosAll # number of negative labels for each example, N by 1
KPosAll = np.ones(N)
KNegAll = np.ones(N)
A_diag = np.divide(1, KPosAll) # N by 1
P_diag = np.divide(1, KNegAll) # N by 1
T1 =, W.T) + b # N by K
T1p = np.multiply(Y, T1)
T2 = np.multiply(Y, np.exp(-T1p)) # N by K
T3 = T2 * A_diag[:, None] # N by K
#T1n = np.multiply(1-Y, T1)
T1n = T1 - T1p
T4 = np.multiply(1-Y, np.exp(p * T1n)) # N by K
T5 = T4 * P_diag[:, None] # N by K
return + T5/p, OneK)
In [ ]:
def obj_pclassification_loop(w, X, Y, C, p, weighting=True):
Objective with L2 regularisation and p-classification loss
- w: current weight vector, flattened L x D
- X: feature matrix, N x D
- Y: label matrix, N x L
- C: regularisation constant, is consistent with scikit-learn C = 1 / (N * \lambda)
- p: constant for p-classification push loss
N, D = X.shape
L = Y.shape[1]
assert(w.shape[0] == L * D + 1)
assert(p >= 1)
assert(C > 0)
W = w[1:].reshape(L, D) # reshape weight matrix
b = w[0]
J = 0.0 # cost
G = np.zeros_like(W) # gradient matrix
db = 0.0
if weighting is True:
nPosAll = np.sum(Y, axis=1) # number of positive labels for each example, N by 1
nNegAll = L - nPosAll # number of negative labels for each example, N by 1
nPosAll = np.ones(N)
nNegAll = np.ones(N)
for k in range(L):
wk = W[k, :]
Yk = Y[:, k]
sPosVec =[Yk == 1, :], wk) + b # Nk+ by 1
sNegVec =[Yk == 0, :], wk) + b # NK- by 1
nPosVec = nPosAll[Yk == 1] # Nk+ by 1
nNegVec = nNegAll[Yk == 0] # NK- by 1
#nPosVec = np.sum(Y[Yk == 1, :], axis=1) # Nk+ by 1
#nNegVec = np.sum(Y[Yk == 0, :], axis=1) # NK- by 1
#nPosVec = np.sum(Y[Yk == 1, :], axis=1) + 0.01 # Nk+ by 1 with smoothing
#nNegVec = np.sum(Y[Yk == 0, :], axis=1) + 0.01 # NK- by 1 with smoothing
#nPosVec = np.ones_like(sPosVec) * N
#nNegVec = np.ones_like(sNegVec) * N
lossPos = np.divide(np.exp(-sPosVec), nPosVec) # NK+ by 1
lossNeg = np.divide(np.exp(p * sNegVec), nNegVec) # NK- by 1
J += np.sum(lossPos) + np.sum(lossNeg) / p
db += -np.sum(lossPos) + np.sum(lossNeg)
#print(X[Yk == 0, :][0])
#print(np.exp([Yk == 0, :][0], wk)))
GradPos = -X[Yk == 1, :] * lossPos[:, None]
GradNeg = X[Yk == 0, :] * lossNeg[:, None]
G[k, :] = np.sum(GradPos, axis=0) + np.sum(GradNeg, axis=0)
#J = 0.5 * C *, w) + J / N
#G = C * W + G / N
# be consistent with scikit-learn C = 1 / (N * \lambda)
# normalise the objective J by dividing it C
J =, W.ravel()) / (2.0 * C) + J / N
G = W / C + G / N
gradients = np.concatenate(([db/N], G.ravel()), axis=0)
return (J, gradients)
In [ ]:
def obj_pclassification_loop0(w, X, Y, C, p, weighting=True):
Objective with L2 regularisation and p-classification loss
- w: current weight vector, flattened L x D
- X: feature matrix, N x D
- Y: label matrix, N x L
- C: regularisation constant, is consistent with scikit-learn C = 1 / (N * \lambda)
- p: constant for p-classification push loss
N, D = X.shape
K = Y.shape[1]
assert(w.shape[0] == K * D + 1)
assert(p >= 1)
assert(C > 0)
W = w[1:].reshape(K, D) # reshape weight matrix
b = w[0]
J = 0.0 # cost
G = np.zeros_like(W) # gradient matrix
db = 0.0
if weighting is True:
KPosAll = np.sum(Y, axis=1) # number of positive labels for each example, N by 1
KNegAll = K - KPosAll # number of negative labels for each example, N by 1
KPosAll = np.ones(N)
KNegAll = np.ones(N)
for k in range(K):
for n in range(N):
score =[k, :], X[n, :]) + b
if Y[n, k] == 1:
t1 = np.exp(-score) / KPosAll[n]
J += t1
db -= t1
G[k, :] = G[k, :] - X[n, :] * t1
t2 = np.exp(p * score) / KNegAll[n]
J += t2 / p
db += t2
G[k, :] = G[k, :] + X[n, :] * t2
J =, W.ravel()) * 0.5 / C + J / N
db = db / N
G = W / C + G / N
gradients = np.concatenate(([db/N], G.ravel()), axis=0)
return (J, gradients)
Check gradient
In [ ]:
#w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn(Y_train.shape[1] * X_train.shape[1] + 1)
#check_grad(lambda w: obj_pclassification(w, X_train, Y_train, C=1, p=8)[0],
# lambda w: obj_pclassification(w, X_train, Y_train, C=1, p=8)[1], w0)
In [ ]:
#w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn(Y_train.shape[1] * X_train.shape[1] + 1)
#check_grad(lambda w: obj_pclassification_loop(w, X_train, Y_train, C=1, p=8)[0],
# lambda w: obj_pclassification_loop(w, X_train, Y_train, C=1, p=8)[1], w0)
In [ ]:
def cmp_loop_vec(func_loop, func_vec, X_train, Y_train, p=1):
print('%15s %15s %15s %15s %15s' % ('C','J_Diff', 'J_loop', 'J_vec', 'G_Diff'))
w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn(Y_train.shape[1] * X_train.shape[1] + 1)
for e in range(-6, 10):
C = 10**(e)
J, G = func_loop(w0, X_train, Y_train, C, p=p)
J1, G1 = func_vec( w0, X_train, Y_train, C, p=p)
Gdiff = G1 - G
print('%15g %15g %15g %15g %15g' % (C, J1 - J, J, J1,, Gdiff)))
In [ ]:
#cmp_loop_vec(obj_pclassification_loop, obj_pclassification, X_train, Y_train, p=8)
Line profiling
In [ ]:
#C = 10; p = 2
#w0 = np.random.rand(X_train.shape[1] * nLabels + 1)
#%lprun -f obj_pclassification check_grad(lambda w: obj_pclassification(w, X_train, Y_train, C, p)[0], \
# lambda w: obj_pclassification(w, X_train, Y_train, C, p)[1], w0)
Class definition.
In [ ]:
class MLC_pclassification(BaseEstimator):
"""All methods are necessary for a scikit-learn estimator"""
def __init__(self, C=1, p=1, weighting=True):
assert C > 0
assert p >= 1
self.C = C
self.p = p
self.weighting = weighting
self.obj_func = obj_pclassification
self.trained = False
def fit(self, X_train, Y_train):
"""Model fitting by optimising the objective"""
opt_method = 'L-BFGS-B' #'BFGS' #'Newton-CG'
options = {'disp': 1, 'maxiter': 10**5, 'maxfun': 10**5} # , 'iprint': 99}
sys.stdout.write('\nC: %g, p: %g, weighting: %s\n' % (self.C, self.p, self.weighting))
N, D = X_train.shape
K = Y_train.shape[1]
#w0 = np.random.rand(K * D + 1) - 0.5 # initial guess in range [-1, 1]
w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn(K * D + 1)
opt = minimize(self.obj_func, w0, args=(X_train, Y_train, self.C, self.p, self.weighting), \
method=opt_method, jac=True, options=options)
if opt.success is True:
self.b = opt.x[0]
self.W = np.reshape(opt.x[1:], (K, D))
self.trained = True
sys.stderr.write('Optimisation failed')
self.trained = False
def decision_function(self, X_test):
"""Make predictions (score is real number)"""
assert self.trained is True, "Can't make prediction before training"
D = X_test.shape[1]
return, self.W.T) + self.b # log of prediction score
def predict(self, X_test):
return self.decision_function(X_test)
# """Make predictions (score is boolean)"""
# preds = sigmoid(self.decision_function(X_test))
# #return (preds >= 0)
# assert self.TH is not None
# return preds >= self.TH
# inherit from BaseEstimator instead of re-implement
#def get_params(self, deep = True):
#def set_params(self, **params):
In [ ]:
def dump_results(predictor, X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, rankingLoss=False):
Compute and save performance results
preds_train = predictor.decision_function(X_train)
preds_test = predictor.decision_function(X_test)
print('Training set:')
perf_dict_train = evaluatePrecision(Y_train, preds_train, verbose=1)
print('Test set:')
perf_dict_test = evaluatePrecision(Y_test, preds_test, verbose=1)
if rankingLoss is True:
print('Training set:')
perf_dict_train.update(evaluateRankingLoss(Y_train, preds_train))
print(label_ranking_loss(Y_train, preds_train))
print('Test set:')
perf_dict_test.update(evaluateRankingLoss(Y_test, preds_test))
print(label_ranking_loss(Y_test, preds_test))
In [ ]:
def avgF1(Y_true, Y_pred):
#THs = [0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.70, 0.75] # SPEN THs
THs = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85]
F1 = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(f1_score_nowarn)(Y_true, Y_pred >= th, average='samples') for th in THs)
bestix = np.argmax(F1)
print('best threshold: %g, best F1: %g, #examples: %g' % (THs[bestix], F1[bestix], Y_true.shape[0]))
return F1[bestix]
In [ ]:
def avgF1_0(Y_true, Y_pred):
F1 = f1_score_nowarn(Y_true, Y_pred >= 0, average='samples')
print('F1: %g, #examples: %g' % (F1, Y_true.shape[0]))
return F1
In [ ]:
if os.path.exists(fmodel_f1):
clf = pkl.load(open(fmodel_f1, 'rb'))
In [ ]:
avgF1(Y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test))
In [ ]:
avgF1(Y_train, clf.decision_function(X_train))
In [ ]:
clf.best_threshold = 0.7
In [ ]:
f1_score_nowarn(Y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test) >= clf.best_threshold, average='samples')
In [ ]:
f1_score_nowarn(Y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test) >= clf.best_threshold, average='macro')
In [ ]:
pkl.dump(clf, open(fmodel_f1, 'wb'))
In [ ]:
clf = MLC_pclassification(C=100, p=2, weighting=True), Y_train)
print(avgF1(Y_train, clf.decision_function(X_train)))
print(avgF1(Y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test)))
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
C_set = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000] # bibtex, bookmarks level 1
p_set = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
parameters = [{'C': C_set, 'p': p_set, 'weighting': [True]}]
#scorer = {'Prec': make_scorer(avgPrecisionK)}
scorer = {'F1': make_scorer(avgF1)}
In [ ]:
clf = GridSearchCV(MLC_pclassification(), parameters, scoring=scorer, cv=5, n_jobs=1, refit='F1'), Y_train)
#pkl.dump(clf, open(fmodel_f1, 'wb'))
In [ ]:
clf.cv_results_['mean_test_F1'].reshape(len(C_set), len(p_set))
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
C_set = [150, 200, 250, 500, 750] # bookmarks level 2
p_set = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
parameters = [{'C': C_set, 'p': p_set, 'weighting': [True]}]
In [ ]:
clf2 = GridSearchCV(MLC_pclassification(), parameters, scoring=scorer, cv=5, n_jobs=1, refit='F1'), Y_train)
#pkl.dump(clf, open(fmodel_f1, 'wb'))
In [ ]:
clf2.cv_results_['mean_test_F1'].reshape(len(C_set), len(p_set))
In [ ]:
print(avgF1(Y_train, clf2.decision_function(X_train)))
print(avgF1(Y_test, clf2.decision_function(X_test)))
In [ ]:
pkl.dump(clf2, open(fmodel_f1, 'wb'))
In [ ]:
print('Train (' + dataset_name + '):', avgF1(Y_train, clf.decision_function(X_train))); print()
print('Test (' + dataset_name + '):', avgF1(Y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test)))
In [ ]:
# use the testing threshold of the best hyper-params in cross validation above
# it is 0.8 for both bibtex and bookmarks dataset
threshold = 0.7
print('average F1:', f1_score_nowarn(Y_test, clf2.decision_function(X_test) >= threshold, average='samples'))
In [ ]:
#ysum = Y_train.sum(axis=1)
In [ ]:
#ax = plt.subplot('111')
#ax.hist(ysum, bins=20)
In [ ]:
def calcF1(Y_true, Y_pred):
Compute F1 scores for multilabel prediction, one score for each example.
precision = true_positive / n_true
recall = true_positive / n_positive
f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) = 2 * true_positive / (n_true + n_positive)
assert Y_true.shape == Y_pred.shape
N, K = Y_true.shape
OneK = np.ones(K)
n_true =, OneK)
n_positive =, OneK)
true_positive =, Y_pred), OneK)
numerator = 2 * true_positive
denominator = n_true + n_positive
nonzero_ix = np.nonzero(denominator)[0]
f1 = np.zeros(N)
f1[nonzero_ix] = np.divide(numerator[nonzero_ix], denominator[nonzero_ix])
return f1
In [ ]:
f1_score_nowarn(Y_train, clf.decision_function(X_train) > 0.9, average='samples')
In [ ]:
np.mean(calcF1(Y_train, clf.decision_function(X_train) > 0.9))
In [ ]:
from util import plot_loss
xlabel = 'P-Classification Loss'
ylabel = '1 - F1'
In [ ]:
losses = loss_pclassification(X=X_train, Y=Y_train, \
W=clf.best_estimator_.W, b=clf.best_estimator_.b, p=clf.best_params_['p'])
In [ ]:
f11 = 1 - calcF1(Y_train, clf.decision_function(X_train) >= 0)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
np.nonzero(losses < f11)
In [ ]:
ind = 2666
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
pred = clf.decision_function(X_train)[ind] < 0
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
np.multiply(Y_train[ind], pred).sum()
In [ ]:
th_train = 0
title = 'Train (' + dataset_name + ')'
loss_train = loss_pclassification(X=X_train, Y=Y_train, \
W=clf.best_estimator_.W, b=clf.best_estimator_.b, p=clf.best_params_['p'])
plot_loss(loss_train, 1-calcF1(Y_train, clf.decision_function(X_train) >= th_train), xlabel, ylabel, title)
In [ ]:
th_test = 0
title = 'Test (' + dataset_name + ')'
loss_test = loss_pclassification(X=X_test, Y=Y_test, \
W=clf.best_estimator_.W, b=clf.best_estimator_.b, p=clf.best_params_['p'])
plot_loss(loss_test, 1-calcF1(Y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test) >= th_test), xlabel, ylabel, title)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
indices = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['yeast', 'bibtex'], ['Logistic Regression', 'P-Classification'],
['Train', 'Test']], names=['Dataset', 'Method', 'Split'])
In [ ]:
result = pd.DataFrame(index=indices, columns=['F1', 'Precision@K', 'P-Classification Loss'])
In [ ]:
#result = pkl.load(open('tmp.tmp', 'rb'))
In [ ]:
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'P-Classification', 'Train'), 'F1'] = avgF1(Y_train, clf.decision_function(X_train))
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'P-Classification', 'Test'), 'F1'] = avgF1(Y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test))
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'P-Classification', 'Train'), 'Precision@K'] = avgPrecisionK(Y_train,
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'P-Classification', 'Test'), 'Precision@K'] = avgPrecisionK(Y_test,
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'P-Classification', 'Train'), 'P-Classification Loss'] = \
np.mean(loss_pclassification(W=clf.best_estimator_.W, X=X_train, Y=Y_train, p=clf.best_params_['p']))
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'P-Classification', 'Test'), 'P-Classification Loss'] = \
np.mean(loss_pclassification(W=clf.best_estimator_.W, X=X_test, Y=Y_test, p=clf.best_params_['p']))
In [ ]:
from BinaryRelevance import BinaryRelevance
br_clf = pkl.load(open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'br-' + dataset_name + '-f1.pkl'), 'rb'))
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
losses = loss_pclassification(W=br_clf.best_estimator_.estimator.coef_, X=X_train, Y=Y_train, p=2)
#np.mean(losses[losses < 1000])
#np.sum(losses > 1000)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
print('%g' % losses.max())
In [ ]:
45 / losses.shape[0]
In [ ]:
p = 2 # dataset specific from cross validation of P-Classification
In [ ]:
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'Logistic Regression', 'Train'), 'F1'] = \
f1_score_nowarn(Y_train, br_clf.decision_function(X_train) >= 0, average='samples')
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'Logistic Regression', 'Test'), 'F1'] = \
f1_score_nowarn(Y_test, br_clf.decision_function(X_test) >= 0, average='samples')
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'Logistic Regression', 'Train'), 'Precision@K'] = \
avgPrecisionK(Y_train, br_clf.decision_function(X_train))
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'Logistic Regression', 'Test'), 'Precision@K'] = \
avgPrecisionK(Y_test, br_clf.decision_function(X_test))
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'Logistic Regression', 'Train'), 'P-Classification Loss'] = \
np.mean(loss_pclassification(W=br_clf.best_estimator_.estimator.coef_, X=X_train, Y=Y_train, p=p))
result.loc[(dataset_name, 'Logistic Regression', 'Test'), 'P-Classification Loss'] = \
np.mean(loss_pclassification(W=br_clf.best_estimator_.estimator.coef_, X=X_test, Y=Y_test, p=p))
In [ ]:
pkl.dump(result, open('tmp.tmp', 'wb'))
In [ ]:
rstr = result.to_latex(float_format=lambda x: '$%.4f$' % x, na_rep='-', multirow=True, escape=False)
#print('\\caption{Performance on test set}')