Multi-label classification -- bottom push loss

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext line_profiler
%load_ext memory_profiler
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import os, sys, time
import pickle as pkl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import check_grad
from scipy.special import logsumexp
from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, f1_score, make_scorer, label_ranking_loss

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
import seaborn as sns
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

In [32]:
from evaluate import avgPrecisionK, evaluatePrecision, evaluateF1, evaluateRankingLoss, f1_score_nowarn, calcLoss
from datasets import create_dataset, dataset_names, nLabels_dict
from util import plot_loss

In [3]:

['yeast', 'scene', 'bibtex', 'bookmarks', 'delicious', 'mediamill']

In [4]:
data_ix = 2

In [5]:
dataset_name = dataset_names[data_ix]
nLabels = nLabels_dict[dataset_name]
print(dataset_name, nLabels)

bibtex 159

In [6]:
data_dir = 'data'
SEED = 918273645
fmodel_base = os.path.join(data_dir, 'bp-' + dataset_name + '-base.pkl')
fmodel_prec = os.path.join(data_dir, 'bp-' + dataset_name + '-prec.pkl')
fperf_base = os.path.join(data_dir, 'perf-bp-base.pkl')
fperf_prec = os.path.join(data_dir, 'perf-bp-prec.pkl')

Load dataset.

In [7]:
X_train, Y_train = create_dataset(dataset_name, train_data=True, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED)
X_test,  Y_test  = create_dataset(dataset_name, train_data=False)

Feature normalisation.

In [8]:
X_train_mean = np.mean(X_train, axis=0).reshape((1, -1))
X_train_std = np.std(X_train, axis=0).reshape((1, -1)) + 10 ** (-6)
X_train -= X_train_mean
X_train /= X_train_std
X_test  -= X_train_mean
X_test  /= X_train_std

In [9]:
def print_dataset_info(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test):
    N_train, D = X_train.shape
    K = Y_train.shape[1]
    N_test = X_test.shape[0]
    print('%-45s %s' % ('Number of training examples:', '{:,}'.format(N_train)))
    print('%-45s %s' % ('Number of test examples:', '{:,}'.format(N_test)))
    print('%-45s %s' % ('Number of features:', '{:,}'.format(D)))
    print('%-45s %s' % ('Number of labels:', '{:,}'.format(K)))
    avgK_train = np.mean(np.sum(Y_train, axis=1))
    avgK_test  = np.mean(np.sum(Y_test, axis=1))
    print('%-45s %.3f (%.2f%%)' % ('Average number of positive labels (train):', avgK_train, 100*avgK_train / K))
    print('%-45s %.3f (%.2f%%)' % ('Average number of positive labels (test):', avgK_test, 100*avgK_test / K))
    #print('%-45s %.4f%%' % ('Average label occurrence (train):', np.mean(np.sum(Y_train, axis=0)) / N_train))
    #print('%-45s %.4f%%' % ('Average label occurrence (test):', np.mean(np.sum(Y_test, axis=0)) / N_test))
    print('%-45s %.3f%%' % ('Sparsity (percent) (train):', 100 * np.sum(Y_train) /
    print('%-45s %.3f%%' % ('Sparsity (percent) (test):', 100 * np.sum(Y_test) /

In [10]:
print('%-45s %s' % ('Dataset:', dataset_name))
print_dataset_info(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test)

Dataset:                                      bibtex
Number of training examples:                  4,880
Number of test examples:                      2,515
Number of features:                           1,836
Number of labels:                             159
Average number of positive labels (train):    2.380 (1.50%)
Average number of positive labels (test):     2.444 (1.54%)
Sparsity (percent) (train):                   1.497%
Sparsity (percent) (test):                    1.537%

bottom-push loss

Multi-label learning with bottom push loss.

In [11]:
def obj_bottompush(w, X, Y, C, r=1, weighting=True):
        Objective of bottom push loss for examples
            - w: current weight vector, flattened L x D
            - X: feature matrix, N x D
            - Y: label matrix,   N x K
            - r: parameter for log-sum-exp approximation
            - weighting: if True, divide K+ in top-push loss
    N, D = X.shape
    K = Y.shape[1]
    assert(w.shape[0] == K * D)
    assert(r > 0)
    W = w.reshape(K, D)  # theta
    J = 0.0  # cost
    G = np.zeros_like(W)  # gradient matrix
    if weighting is True:
        KNegAll = np.sum(1-Y, axis=1)  # number of negative labels for each example, N by 1
        KNegAll = np.ones(N)
    A1_diag = 1.0 / KNegAll
    A1Y = (1-Y) * A1_diag[:, None]
    T1 =, W.T)  # N by K
    m0 = 0.5 * (np.max(T1) + np.min(T1))
    m1 = r * m0
    #print(np.min(T1), np.max(T1), m0)
    #print(np.min(r*T1), np.max(r*T1), m1)
    #print(np.min(r * T1 - m1), np.max(r * T1 - m1))
    T2 = np.multiply(Y, np.exp(-r * T1 + m1))  # N by K
    B1_tilde_diag =, np.ones(K))
    #print(np.max(B_tilde_diag), np.min(B_tilde_diag))  # big numbers here, can cause overflow in T3
    #T3 = np.exp(-T1 + m0) * np.power(B_tilde_diag, 1.0 / r)[:, None]
    #T4 = np.multiply(AY, np.log1p(T3))
    T3 = (T1 - m0) + (1.0 / r) * np.log(B1_tilde_diag)[:, None]
    #print(np.min(T3), np.max(T3))
    m2 = 0.5 * (np.min(T3) + np.max(T3))
    #T4 = np.logaddexp(0, T3)
    T4 = np.logaddexp(-m2, T3-m2) + m2
    T5 = np.multiply(A1Y, T4)  
    J =, w) * 0.5 / C +,, np.ones(K))) / N
    #T5 = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.divide(1.0, T3))
    #T5 = np.divide(T3, 1 + T3)
    T6 = np.exp(T3 - T4)
    G1 =, T6).T, X)
    #print(np.max(T2), np.min(T2), np.max(T7), np.min(T7))
    O1_diag =, T6), np.ones(K))
    T7 = A1_diag * (1.0 / B1_tilde_diag) * O1_diag
    T8 = T2 * T7[:, None]
    G2 =, -X)
    G = W / C + (G1 + G2) / N
    return (J, G.ravel())

In [12]:
def obj_bottompush_loop(w, X, Y, C=1, r=1, weighting=True):
        Objective of bottom push loss for examples
            - w: current weight vector, flattened L x D
            - X: feature matrix, N x D
            - Y: label matrix,   N x K
            - C: regularisation constant, C = 1 / lambda
            - r: parameter for log-sum-exp approximation
    N, D = X.shape
    K = Y.shape[1]
    assert(w.shape[0] == K * D)
    assert(r > 0)
    W = w.reshape(K, D)  # theta
    J = 0.0  # cost
    G = np.zeros_like(W)  # gradient matrix
    if weighting is True:
        KNegAll = np.sum(1-Y, axis=1)  # number of negative labels for each example, N by 1
        KNegAll = np.ones(N)
    for n in range(N):
        for k in range(K):
            if Y[n, k] == 0:
                s1 = np.sum([np.exp(-r *[i, :] - W[k, :], X[n, :])) for i in range(K) if Y[n, i] == 1])
                J += np.log1p(np.power(s1, 1.0 / r)) / KNegAll[n]
    J =, w) * 0.5 / C + J / N
    for k in range(K):
        for n in range(N):
            if Y[n, k] == 0:
                t1 = np.sum([np.exp(-r *[i, :] - W[k, :], X[n, :])) for i in range(K) if Y[n, i] == 1])
                t2 = 1.0 / (1 + np.power(t1, -1.0 / r))
                G[k, :] = G[k, :] + X[n, :] * t2 / KNegAll[n]
                sk = 0.0
                for k1 in range(K):
                    if Y[n, k1] == 0:
                        t3 = np.sum([np.exp(-r *[i,:] - W[k1, :], X[n, :])) \
                                     for i in range(K) if Y[n, i] == 1])
                        t4 = np.exp(-r *[k, :] - W[k1, :], X[n, :]))
                        sk += t4 / (np.power(t3, 1.0 - 1.0 / r) + t3)
                G[k, :] = G[k, :] - X[n, :] * sk / KNegAll[n]
    G = W / C + G / N
    return (J, G.ravel())

Check gradient

In [13]:
#w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn(Y_train.shape[1] * X_train.shape[1])
#check_grad(lambda w: obj_bottompush(w, X_train, Y_train, C=10, r=8)[0], 
#           lambda w: obj_bottompush(w, X_train, Y_train, C=10, r=8)[1], w0)

In [14]:
def cmp_loop_vec(func_loop, func_vec, X_train, Y_train, r=8):
    print('%15s %15s %15s %15s %15s' % ('C','J_Diff', 'J_loop', 'J_vec', 'G_Diff'))
    w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn(Y_train.shape[1] * X_train.shape[1])
    for e in range(-6, 10):
        C = 10**(e)
        #w0 = init_var(X_train, Y_train)
        J,  G  = func_loop(w0, X_train, Y_train, C, r=r)
        J1, G1 = func_vec(w0, X_train, Y_train, C, r=r)
        Gdiff = G1 - G
        #print('%-15g %-15g %-15g' % (J1 - J, J, J1))
        print('%15g %15g %15g %15g %15g' % (C, J1 - J, J, J1,, Gdiff)))

In [15]:
def check_grad_loop(func, X_train, Y_train, r=4):
    w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn(Y_train.shape[1] * X_train.shape[1])
    eps = 1.49e-08
    w = np.zeros_like(w0)
    for i in range(len(w0)):
        sys.stdout.write('\r%d / %d' % (i+1, len(w0)))
        wi1 = w0.copy()
        wi2 = w0.copy()
        wi1[i] = wi1[i] - eps
        wi2[i] = wi2[i] + eps
        J1, _ = func(wi1, X_train, Y_train, r=r)
        J2, _ = func(wi2, X_train, Y_train, r=r)
        w[i] = (J2 - J1) / (2 * eps)
    J, w1 = obj_toppush_loop(w0, X_train, Y_train, C)
    diff = w1 - w
    return np.sqrt(, diff))

In [16]:
#cmp_loop_vec(obj_bottompush_loop, obj_bottompush, X_train, Y_train)

In [26]:
class MLC_bottompush(BaseEstimator):
    """All methods are necessary for a scikit-learn estimator"""
    def __init__(self, C=1, r=1, weighting=True):
        assert C > 0
        assert r > 0
        assert type(weighting) == bool
        self.C = C
        self.r = r
        self.weighting = weighting
        self.obj_func = obj_bottompush
        self.trained = False
    def fit(self, X_train, Y_train):
        """Model fitting by optimising the objective"""
        opt_method = 'L-BFGS-B' #'BFGS' #'Newton-CG'
        options = {'disp': 1, 'maxiter': 10**5, 'maxfun': 10**5} # , 'iprint': 99}
        print('\nC: %g, r: %g, weighting: %s' % (self.C, self.r, self.weighting))
        N, D = X_train.shape
        K = Y_train.shape[1]
        #w0 = np.random.rand(K * D) - 0.5  # initial guess in range [-1, 1]
        w0 = 0.001 * np.random.randn(K * D)
        opt = minimize(self.obj_func, w0, args=(X_train, Y_train, self.C, self.r, self.weighting), \
                       method=opt_method, jac=True, options=options)
        if opt.success is True:
            self.W = np.reshape(opt.x, (K, D))
            self.trained = True
            sys.stderr.write('Optimisation failed')
            self.trained = False
    def decision_function(self, X_test):
        """Make predictions (score is real number)"""
        assert self.trained is True, "Can't make prediction before training"
        D = X_test.shape[1]
        return, self.W.T)
    def predict(self, X_test):
        return self.decision_function(X_test)
    #    """Make predictions (score is boolean)"""   
    #    preds = sigmoid(self.decision_function(X_test))
    #    #return (preds >= 0)
    #    assert self.TH is not None
    #    return preds >= self.TH        
    # inherit from BaseEstimator instead of re-implement
    #def get_params(self, deep = True):
    #def set_params(self, **params):

In [18]:
def dump_results(predictor, X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, fname, rankingLoss=False):
        Compute and save performance results
    preds_train = predictor.decision_function(X_train)
    preds_test  = predictor.decision_function(X_test)
    print('Training set:')
    perf_dict_train = evaluatePrecision(Y_train, preds_train, verbose=1)
    print('Test set:')
    perf_dict_test = evaluatePrecision(Y_test, preds_test, verbose=1)
    if rankingLoss is True:
        print('Training set:')
        perf_dict_train.update(evaluateRankingLoss(Y_train, preds_train))
        print(label_ranking_loss(Y_train, preds_train))
        print('Test set:')
        perf_dict_test.update(evaluateRankingLoss(Y_test, preds_test))
        print(label_ranking_loss(Y_test, preds_test))

    # compute F1 score w.r.t. different thresholds
    #TH1 = predictor.cv_results_['mean_test_TH'][clf.best_index_]
    #TH2 = np.mean(Y_train, axis=0)
    #TH3 = np.mean(TH2)
    #preds_train_bin = sigmoid(preds_train)
    #preds_test_bin  = sigmoid(preds_test)
    #F1_train1 = f1_score_nowarn(Y_train, sigmoid(preds_train) >= TH1, average='samples')
    #F1_test1  = f1_score_nowarn(Y_test, sigmoid(preds_test) >= TH1, average='samples')
    #print('\nTrain: %.4f, %f' % (F1_train1, f1_score(Y_train, sigmoid(preds_train) >= TH1, average='samples')))
    #print('\nTest : %.4f, %f' % (F1_test1, f1_score(Y_test, sigmoid(preds_test) >= TH1, average='samples')))
    #F1_train2 = f1_score_nowarn(Y_train, (preds_train_bin - TH2) >= 0, average='samples')
    #F1_test2  = f1_score_nowarn(Y_test, (preds_test_bin - TH2) >= 0, average='samples')
    #print('\nTrain: %.4f, %f' % (F1_train2, f1_score(Y_train, (preds_train_bin - TH2) >= 0, average='samples')))
    #print('\nTest : %.4f, %f' % (F1_test2, f1_score(Y_test, (preds_test_bin - TH2) >= 0, average='samples')))
    #F1_train3 = f1_score_nowarn(Y_train, preds_train_bin >= TH3, average='samples')
    #F1_test3  = f1_score_nowarn(Y_test, preds_test_bin >= TH3, average='samples')
    #print('\nTrain: %.4f, %f' % (F1_train3, f1_score(Y_train, preds_train_bin >= TH3, average='samples')))
    #print('\nTest : %.4f, %f' % (F1_test3, f1_score(Y_test, preds_test_bin >= TH3, average='samples')))
    #perf_dict_train.update({'F1': [(F1_train1,), (F1_train2,), (F1_train3,)]})
    #perf_dict_test.update( {'F1': [(F1_test1,),  (F1_test2,),  (F1_test3,)]})
    #perf_dict_train.update({'F1': [(F1_train2,), (F1_train3,)]})
    #perf_dict_test.update( {'F1': [(F1_test2,),  (F1_test3,)]})
    perf_dict = {'Train': perf_dict_train, 'Test': perf_dict_test}
    if os.path.exists(fname):
        _dict = pkl.load(open(fname, 'rb'))
        if dataset_name not in _dict:
            _dict[dataset_name] = perf_dict
        _dict = {dataset_name: perf_dict}
    pkl.dump(_dict, open(fname, 'wb'))
    print(pkl.load(open(fname, 'rb')))

In [19]:
old_settings = np.seterr(all='ignore')  # seterr to known value
#np.seterr(**old_settings)  # restore settings

{'divide': 'ignore', 'invalid': 'ignore', 'over': 'ignore', 'under': 'ignore'}

In [20]:
#%memit[:30], Y_train[:30])
#%mprun -f minimize[:100], Y_train[:100])
#%mprun -f _minimize_slsqp[:10], Y_train[:10])

Default model.

In [21]:
%%script false
if os.path.exists(fmodel_base):
    clf = pkl.load(open(fmodel_base, 'rb'))
    clf = clf = MLC_hybrid(), Y_train)
    pkl.dump(clf, open(fmodel_base, 'wb'))

In [22]:
#dump_results(clf, X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, fperf_base)

Cross validation w.r.t. average precision@K.

In [23]:
#ranges = range(-6, 7)
#ranges = range(-6, 5)
#parameters = [{'C': sorted([10**(e) for e in ranges] + [3 * 10**(e) for e in ranges]),
parameters = [{'C': [1e-3, 3e-3, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1e3, 3e3],
               'r': [8],
               'weighting': [True, False],
scorer = {'Prec': make_scorer(avgPrecisionK)}

In [27]:
if not os.path.exists(fmodel_prec):
    clf = GridSearchCV(MLC_bottompush(), parameters, scoring=scorer, cv=5, n_jobs=1, refit='Prec'), Y_train)
    #pkl.dump(clf, open(fmodel_prec, 'wb'))
    clf = pkl.load(open(fmodel_prec, 'rb'))

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.001, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.003, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.01, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.03, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 0.3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 10, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 30, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 100, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 300, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: True

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 3000, r: 8, weighting: False

C: 1, r: 8, weighting: False

In [28]:
dump_results(clf, X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, fperf_prec, rankingLoss=True)

Training set:
Average Precision@3: 0.6260, 0.004
Average Precision@5: 0.4378, 0.004
Average Precision@10: 0.2334, 0.002
Average Precision@K: 0.9373, 0.003

Test set:
Average Precision@3: 0.3956, 0.006
Average Precision@5: 0.2909, 0.004
Average Precision@10: 0.1796, 0.003
Average Precision@K: 0.5040, 0.008

Training set:
Average RankingLoss: 1.0244, 0.093

Test set:
Average RankingLoss: 23.0398, 0.872

{'bibtex': {'Train': {'Precision@3': (0.62595628415300542, 0.0040613135652862887), 'Precision@5': (0.437827868852459, 0.0035630819409572267), 'Precision@10': (0.23340163934426231, 0.0021711211383909647), 'Precision@K': (0.93731985455346123, 0.0028196397401742067), 'RankingLoss': (1.0243852459016394, 0.09269276396510101)}, 'Test': {'Precision@3': (0.39562624254473161, 0.0055573892644766171), 'Precision@5': (0.29089463220675948, 0.0040404635955718559), 'Precision@10': (0.17964214711729626, 0.0025284543385536472), 'Precision@K': (0.5039756716081123, 0.0077405680207442394), 'RankingLoss': (23.039761431411531, 0.87238193647693718)}}}

In [ ]:
pkl.dump(clf, open(fmodel_prec, 'wb'))

In [29]:
preds_train = clf.decision_function(X_train)
tploss_train = calcLoss(Y_train, preds_train, 'TopPush', njobs=4)
pak_train = calcLoss(Y_train, preds_train, 'Precision@K', njobs=4)

In [30]:
preds_test = clf.decision_function(X_test)
tploss_test = calcLoss(Y_test, preds_test, 'TopPush', njobs=4)
pak_test = calcLoss(Y_test, preds_test, 'Precision@K', njobs=4)

In [33]:
plot_loss(tploss_train, pak_train, 'Training set (' + dataset_name + ')')

away from diagonal portion: 0.0858606557377

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
np.mean(tploss_train != 1-pak_train)

In [ ]:

In [34]:
plot_loss(tploss_test, pak_test, 'Test set (' + dataset_name + ')')

away from diagonal portion: 0.285487077535

In [ ]:
clf2 = MLC_hybrid(C=300, C1=2, r=8, weighting=True), Y_train)

In [ ]:
dump_results(clf2, X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, fperf_prec, rankingLoss=False)

In [ ]:
#f1_score_nowarn(Y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test) > 0, average='samples')