One early question we we want to ask is "How many possible host galaxies are there in each image?" (#4). To answer this question I will first need to determine how confidently labelled each example is, a question which is covered in Banfield et al. (2015). This will allow me to find the dimmest confidently classified example. This will then be the lower brightness threshold for potential hosts. Finally, I will count how many hosts are in each image.
Every subject has some associated classifications (from which I will eventually derive the labels). There are usually multiple classifications. The consensus for a given subject is defined by Banfield et al. as
$$ C = \frac{n_{\text{consensus}}}{n_{\text{all}}} $$where $n_{\text{consensus}}$ is the number of classifications in agreement with the most common classification for a subject, and $n_{\text{all}}$ is the total number of classifications for the subject.
How do we determine "agreement"? There are two components to this: agreement on which radio observations are components of the same source, and agreement on which infrared source is the host galaxy. Radio observation agreement is easy since participants select predefined contours and these are included in the dataset. The classification itself, however, is an $(x, y)$ coordinate. These coordinates could vary but still represent the same infrared source. I'll follow the approach taken by Banfield et al. and use a kernel-density estimator (KDE) with the click locations. The Banfield et al. paper gives no threshold for whether two clicks are counted as agreeing, so I will have to choose this threshold myself (which I will do later, once I have seen some data).
An implementation of the consensus computation is located here for Python 2. I'll be doing something quite similar here.
For this notebook, I'll use the same subject as Banfield et al.: FIRSTJ124610.0+384838 (ARG000180p).
In [1]:
import collections
import io
import itertools
import os
import pprint
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy
import PIL
import pymongo
import requests
import skimage.exposure
import skimage.feature
import scipy.ndimage.filters
import scipy.ndimage.morphology
import scipy.stats
%matplotlib inline
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 27017
DB_NAME = 'radio'
IMAGE_SCALE = 500/424
RGZ_CACHE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), 'rgz_cache')
In [2]:
# Setup MongoDB.
client = pymongo.MongoClient(HOST, PORT)
db = client[DB_NAME]
In [3]:
# Load the subject.
subject = db.radio_subjects.find_one({'zooniverse_id': 'ARG000180p'})
In [4]:
# Download the images associated with this subject.
infrared =['location']['standard']).content))
radio =['location']['radio']).content))
combined = PIL.Image.blend(infrared, radio, 0.5)
In [5]:
# Find the classifications associated with this subject.
classifications = list(db.radio_classifications.find({'subject_ids': subject['_id']}))
An example classification:
{'_id': ObjectId('52b1dd4e4258ec455d001f91'),
'annotations': [{'ir': {'0': {'x': '251.5', 'y': '212'}},
'radio': {'0': {'xmax': '102.32255232729742',
'xmin': '87.5456431846481',
'ymax': '72.12894883061881',
'ymin': '62.77882105432897'},
'1': {'xmax': '71.01281894294526',
'xmin': '56.02975587403343',
'ymax': '69.5085910834056',
'ymin': '62.2958306709543'}}},
{'finished_at': '',
'started_at': ''},
{'user_agent': ''}],
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 18, 17, 37, 19),
'project_id': ObjectId('52afdb804d69636532000001'),
'subject_ids': [ObjectId('52af820baf2fdc059a005621')],
'subjects': [{'id': ObjectId('52af820baf2fdc059a005621'),
'location': {'contours': '',
'radio': '',
'standard': ''},
'zooniverse_id': 'ARG000180p'}],
'tutorial': False,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 18, 17, 37, 18, 452000),
'user_id': ObjectId('52b0a0f62b60f168a9000013'),
'user_ip': '',
'user_name': '',
'workflow_id': ObjectId('52afdb804d69636532000002')}
In [6]:
# Get the click locations.
clicks = []
for c in classifications:
if 'ir' not in c['annotations'][0] or c['annotations'][0]['ir'] == 'No Sources':
c_clicks = c['annotations'][0]['ir']
for click in c_clicks.values():
clicks.append((float(click['x']), float(click['y'])))
clicks = numpy.array(clicks)
clicks_x, clicks_y = clicks.T
In [7]:
# Plot the images.
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1, 3, 1)
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1, 3, 2)
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1, 3, 3)
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(clicks_x*IMAGE_SCALE, clicks_y*IMAGE_SCALE, marker='+')
matplotlib.pyplot.xlim((0, 500))
matplotlib.pyplot.ylim((0, 500))
The clicks don't line up unless multiplied by a constant. The data description mentions a scaling factor but no such factor is included here; instead, this is due to the rescaling of the images for web viewing. The scale factor is $500/424$.
In [8]:
# List of signatures, immutable objects uniquely representing combinations of radio sources.
radio_signatures = []
# I'll also gather up all the click locations while I'm at it.
# This dict maps single radio signatures to lists of clicks for that specific signature.
radio_signature_to_clicks = collections.defaultdict(list)
for classification in classifications:
# Generate a radio signature for each classification.
classification_radio_signature = []
galaxies = [annotation for annotation in classification['annotations'] if 'ir' in annotation]
for galaxy in galaxies:
# Generate a signature for each radio contours combination. This is just a sorted list of all the xmax values
# associated with radio contours in the combination.
if galaxy['radio'] == 'No Contours':
radio_signature = ()
radio_signature = tuple(sorted({
round(float(r['xmax']), 15) # There's floating point precision errors in the data.
for r in galaxy['radio'].values()
if galaxy['ir'] == 'No Sources':
continue # Totally ignoring this case for now.
# I'm also ignoring the case where there are multiple clicks.
# The GitHub code associated with the paper also seems to do this.
click = (float(galaxy['ir']['0']['x']), float(galaxy['ir']['0']['y']))
classification_radio_signature = tuple(sorted(classification_radio_signature))
for signature, clicks in radio_signature_to_clicks.items():
radio_signature_to_clicks[signature] = numpy.array(clicks)
In [9]:
# Sanity check: About 10% of participants split the radio sources.
print(len([s for s in radio_signatures if len(s) == 2])/len(radio_signatures))
In [10]:
# Sanity check: Let's look at the clicks.
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
for index, (signature, clicks) in enumerate(radio_signature_to_clicks.items()):
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1, len(radio_signature_to_clicks), index + 1)
xs, ys = clicks.T
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(xs, ys, marker='+')
matplotlib.pyplot.xlim((50, 450))
matplotlib.pyplot.ylim((50, 450))
In [11]:
# Now we'll check the click location consensus. This will be computed for each radio combination.
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
radio_signature_to_click_density_peaks = {}
radio_signature_to_plurality_click = {}
for index, (signature, clicks) in enumerate(radio_signature_to_clicks.items()):
clicks += numpy.random.normal(size=clicks.shape)
kernel = scipy.stats.kde.gaussian_kde(clicks.T)
X, Y = numpy.mgrid[0:500:100j, 0:500:100j]
positions = numpy.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()])
density = kernel(positions).T.reshape(X.shape)
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(len(radio_signature_to_clicks), 2, index * 2 + 1)
# From
neighborhood = numpy.ones((5, 5))
local_max = scipy.ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(density, footprint=neighborhood) == density
eroded_background = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(density == 0, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1)
detected_peaks = local_max ^ eroded_background
weighted_peaks = detected_peaks * density
# Find all click peaks.
all_clicks = numpy.transpose(detected_peaks.nonzero()) * 5
radio_signature_to_click_density_peaks[signature] = all_clicks
# Find the plurality click.
plurality_click = numpy.array(numpy.unravel_index(weighted_peaks.argmax(), weighted_peaks.shape)) * 5
radio_signature_to_plurality_click[signature] = plurality_click
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(len(radio_signature_to_clicks), 2, index * 2 + 2)
At this point, I can't follow the paper any further — it doesn't provide any way of identifying which clicks agree with the plurality vote. I definitely need to figure out a good way to deal with this properly but for now I'll check which peak is closest to any given click.
In [12]:
# Find the plurality radio signature.
radio_signature_counts = collections.Counter()
for radio_signature in radio_signatures:
radio_signature_counts[radio_signature] += 1
plurality_radio_signature = max(radio_signature_counts, key=radio_signature_counts.get)
In [13]:
# For each classification, check whether the radio signature matches the plurality radio signature.
# If it does, check whether the click matches the plurality click for each galaxy.
# If it does, then this classification agrees with the consensus. Else it does not.
n_consensus = 0
n_all = len(classifications)
for classification, classification_radio_signature in zip(classifications, radio_signatures):
if classification_radio_signature != plurality_radio_signature:
galaxies = [annotation for annotation in classification['annotations'] if 'ir' in annotation]
for galaxy in galaxies:
# Regenerate the signature for this radio combination so we can look up the associated click peaks.
if galaxy['radio'] == 'No Contours':
radio_signature = ()
radio_signature = tuple(sorted({
round(float(r['xmax']), 15)
for r in galaxy['radio'].values()
if galaxy['ir'] == 'No Sources':
click = (float(galaxy['ir']['0']['x']), float(galaxy['ir']['0']['y']))
# Find the closest click density peak.
peaks = radio_signature_to_click_density_peaks[radio_signature]
closest_peak = min(peaks, key=lambda peak: numpy.hypot(click[0] - peak[0], click[1] - peak[1]))
if (closest_peak != radio_signature_to_plurality_click[radio_signature]).any():
n_consensus += 1
print('{:.02%}'.format(n_consensus / n_all))
This seems a lot lower than what the paper seems to imply, but maybe this is because of my method of finding which peak was clicked. The next thing I'll want to do is run this over a lot of data, so let's try that. I'll bundle it up in a function.
In [14]:
def click_peaks(clicks, kernel_size=10):
kernel = scipy.stats.kde.gaussian_kde(clicks.T)
X, Y = numpy.mgrid[0:500:100j, 0:500:100j]
positions = numpy.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()])
density = kernel(positions).T.reshape(X.shape)
# From
neighborhood = numpy.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size))
local_max = scipy.ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(density, footprint=neighborhood) == density
eroded_background = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(density == 0, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1)
detected_peaks = local_max ^ eroded_background
weighted_peaks = detected_peaks * density
# Find all click peaks.
all_clicks = numpy.transpose(detected_peaks.nonzero()) * 5
# Find the plurality click.
plurality_click = numpy.array(numpy.unravel_index(weighted_peaks.argmax(), weighted_peaks.shape)) * 5
return all_clicks, plurality_click
In [15]:
def consensus(zid, subject=None):
"""Computes the consensus for a given Zooniverse object.
zid: Zooniverse ID.
subject: (Optional) Zooniverse subject. If not specified, will be loaded from database.
-> float, percentage consensus.
if subject is None:
subject = db.radio_subjects.find_one({'zooniverse_id': zid})
classifications = list(db.radio_classifications.find({'subject_ids': subject['_id']}))
if not classifications:
return 1.0
radio_signatures = []
radio_signature_to_clicks = collections.defaultdict(list)
for classification in classifications:
# Generate a radio signature for each classification.
classification_radio_signature = []
galaxies = [annotation for annotation in classification['annotations'] if 'ir' in annotation]
for galaxy in galaxies:
# Generate a signature for each radio contours combination. This is just a sorted list of all the xmax values
# associated with radio contours in the combination.
if galaxy['radio'] == 'No Contours':
radio_signature = ()
radio_signature = tuple(sorted({
round(float(r['xmax']), 15) # There's floating point precision errors in the data.
for r in galaxy['radio'].values()
if galaxy['ir'] == 'No Sources':
continue # Totally ignoring this case for now.
# I'm also ignoring the case where there are multiple clicks.
# The GitHub code associated with the paper also seems to do this.
click = (float(galaxy['ir']['0']['x']), float(galaxy['ir']['0']['y']))
classification_radio_signature = tuple(sorted(classification_radio_signature))
for signature, clicks in radio_signature_to_clicks.items():
radio_signature_to_clicks[signature] = numpy.array(clicks)
radio_signature_to_click_density_peaks = {}
radio_signature_to_plurality_click = {}
for index, (signature, clicks) in enumerate(radio_signature_to_clicks.items()):
if len(clicks) == 1:
radio_signature_to_click_density_peaks[signature] = [clicks[0]]
plurality_click = clicks[0]
clicks += numpy.random.normal(size=clicks.shape)
all_clicks, plurality_click = click_peaks(clicks)
radio_signature_to_click_density_peaks[signature] = all_clicks
radio_signature_to_plurality_click[signature] = plurality_click
# Find the plurality radio signature.
radio_signature_counts = collections.Counter()
for radio_signature in radio_signatures:
radio_signature_counts[radio_signature] += 1
plurality_radio_signature = max(radio_signature_counts, key=radio_signature_counts.get)
n_consensus = 0
n_all = len(classifications)
for classification, classification_radio_signature in zip(classifications, radio_signatures):
if classification_radio_signature != plurality_radio_signature:
galaxies = [annotation for annotation in classification['annotations'] if 'ir' in annotation]
for galaxy in galaxies:
# Regenerate the signature for this radio combination so we can look up the associated click peaks.
if galaxy['radio'] == 'No Contours':
radio_signature = ()
radio_signature = tuple(sorted({
round(float(r['xmax']), 15)
for r in galaxy['radio'].values()
if galaxy['ir'] == 'No Sources':
click = (float(galaxy['ir']['0']['x']), float(galaxy['ir']['0']['y']))
# Find the closest click density peak.
peaks = radio_signature_to_click_density_peaks[radio_signature]
if len(peaks) == 0:
closest_peak = min(peaks, key=lambda peak: numpy.hypot(click[0] - peak[0], click[1] - peak[1]))
if (closest_peak != radio_signature_to_plurality_click[radio_signature]).any():
n_consensus += 1
return n_consensus / n_all
In [16]:
# Sanity check: Let's try it on the same subject as before.
Now let's run that on some more subjects.
In [17]:
cs = [consensus(subject['zooniverse_id']) for subject in db.radio_subjects.find().limit(10000)]
matplotlib.pyplot.hist(cs, bins=10)
In [18]:
# Sanity check: The mean consensus found by Banfield et al. was 0.67.
That's a higher average than it should be (though note that trying this on 1000 subjects results in ~0.67 — maybe the paper only uses some of the data).
We now need to figure out how bright each host galaxy is. We will find the plurality click, and then check the pixel value of the associated infrared image. Since the images are at different exposures, I also want to try equalising the value histogram of the image and seeing if this makes the distribution of brightnesses more compact.
I'll also have to cache the data I'm downloading locally somehow. I don't want to burden the RGZ servers too much.
In [19]:
# We need a function that will cache the data I download locally.
def get_infrared_image(subject):
"""Gets the infrared image of a subject.
subject: RGZ subject dict.
-> [[float]]
image_path = os.path.join(RGZ_CACHE, 'subject_{}.png'.format(subject['zooniverse_id']))
im =
except FileNotFoundError:
image_data = requests.get(subject['location']['standard']).content
with open(image_path, 'wb') as image_file:
im =
return numpy.array(im.convert('L').getdata()).reshape(im.size).T / 255
# return im.convert('L')
In [20]:
# Check that works.
point = (250*IMAGE_SCALE, 210*IMAGE_SCALE)
get_infrared_image(db.radio_subjects.find_one({'zooniverse_id': 'ARG000180p'}))
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter([point[0]], [point[1]])
print(get_infrared_image(db.radio_subjects.find_one({'zooniverse_id': 'ARG000180p'}))[point])
In [ ]:
def classification_brightnesses(zid, subject=None):
"""Find out how bright a given classified object is.
zid: Zooniverse ID.
subject: (Optional) Zooniverse subject. If not specified, will be loaded from database.
-> [float] Brightnesses of classifications in the subject.
if subject is None:
subject = db.radio_subjects.find_one({'zooniverse_id': zid})
classifications = list(db.radio_classifications.find({'subject_ids': subject['_id']}))
if not classifications:
return []
radio_signatures = []
radio_signature_to_clicks = collections.defaultdict(list)
for classification in classifications:
# Generate a radio signature for each classification.
classification_radio_signature = []
galaxies = [annotation for annotation in classification['annotations'] if 'ir' in annotation]
for galaxy in galaxies:
# Generate a signature for each radio contours combination. This is just a sorted list of all the xmax values
# associated with radio contours in the combination.
if galaxy['radio'] == 'No Contours':
radio_signature = ()
radio_signature = tuple(sorted({
round(float(r['xmax']), 15) # There's floating point precision errors in the data.
for r in galaxy['radio'].values()
if galaxy['ir'] == 'No Sources':
continue # Totally ignoring this case for now.
# I'm also ignoring the case where there are multiple clicks.
# The GitHub code associated with the paper also seems to do this.
click = (float(galaxy['ir']['0']['x']), float(galaxy['ir']['0']['y']))
classification_radio_signature = tuple(sorted(classification_radio_signature))
# Find the plurality radio signature.
radio_signature_counts = collections.Counter()
for radio_signature in radio_signatures:
radio_signature_counts[radio_signature] += 1
plurality_radio_signature = max(radio_signature_counts, key=radio_signature_counts.get)
infrared = get_infrared_image(subject)
values = []
for signature in plurality_radio_signature:
clicks = numpy.array(radio_signature_to_clicks[signature])
if len(clicks) == 0:
if len(clicks) == 1:
plurality_click = clicks[0]
clicks += numpy.random.normal(size=clicks.shape)
_, plurality_click = click_peaks(clicks)
value = infrared[tuple(plurality_click * IMAGE_SCALE)]
return values
In [ ]:
# Try this out on the example subject.
In [ ]:
# Let's try running that on more subjects. We also want to split on confidence - maybe it's harder to label dimmer subjects.
brightnesses_low_consensus = []
brightnesses_high_consensus = []
for subject in db.radio_subjects.find().limit(2500):
c = consensus(subject['zooniverse_id'], subject)
brightnesses = classification_brightnesses(subject['zooniverse_id'], subject)
if c < 0.5:
matplotlib.pyplot.hist([brightnesses_low_consensus, brightnesses_high_consensus], bins=10, stacked=True)
matplotlib.pyplot.legend(['$C < 0.5$', '$C \\geq 0.5$'], loc='upper left')
In [ ]:
print('High consensus mean:', numpy.mean(brightnesses_high_consensus))
print('High consensus median:', numpy.median(brightnesses_high_consensus))
print('High consensus min:', min(brightnesses_high_consensus))
print('Low consensus mean:', numpy.mean(brightnesses_low_consensus))
print('Low consensus median:', numpy.median(brightnesses_low_consensus))
print('Low consensus min:', min(brightnesses_low_consensus))
So there's no apparent difference between the brightnesses of subjects with different consensus levels.
Now we need to find out how many potential subjects there are in each image. I expect these supermassive black holes to be in the middle of galaxies, so I would also expect the host we want to click on to be a local brightness maximum. I can't think of any scenarios where this isn't true and a human classifier would be able to get around it. Thus I'll find all local maxima across some subjects and then count how many there are for each subject. I'll also threshold the maxima at 0.190 in line with the findings above.
The first thing I want to do is figure out a good way of getting local maxima. Let's repurpose the same approach used by Banfield et al. (since I already reimplemented that anyway!).
In [ ]:
infrared = get_infrared_image(db.radio_subjects.find_one({'zooniverse_id': 'ARG000180p'}))
neighborhood = numpy.ones((10, 10))
local_max = scipy.ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(infrared, footprint=neighborhood) == infrared
local_max = local_max.nonzero()
matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(infrared, origin='lower')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(local_max[1], local_max[0], c='w', marker='+')
We can see that there's a lot of peaks, and not all of them look useful. Let's run a low-pass filter on the image first and see if that has any effect.
In [ ]:
blurred_infrared = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(infrared, 1)
local_max = scipy.ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(blurred_infrared, footprint=neighborhood) == blurred_infrared
local_max = local_max.nonzero()
matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(infrared, origin='lower')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(local_max[1], local_max[0], c='w', marker='+')
# eroded_background = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(density == 0, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1)
# detected_peaks = local_max ^ eroded_background
# weighted_peaks = detected_peaks * density
This is a bit better. Next, let's try and collapse those contiguous regions into single features.
In [ ]:
blurred_infrared = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(infrared, 1)
local_max = scipy.ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(blurred_infrared, footprint=neighborhood) == blurred_infrared
region_labels, n_labels = scipy.ndimage.measurements.label(local_max)
maxima = numpy.array(
[numpy.array((region_labels == i + 1).nonzero()).T.mean(axis=0)
for i in range(n_labels)]
matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(infrared, origin='lower')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(maxima[:, 1], maxima[:, 0], c='w', marker='+')
That looks pretty good! Now, let's get rid of all those peaks on the sides.
In [ ]:
maxima = maxima[numpy.logical_and(maxima[:, 1] != 0, maxima[:, 1] != 499)]
matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(infrared, origin='lower')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(maxima[:, 1], maxima[:, 0], c='w', marker='+')
I'll get the pixel values of each point and see what kinds of values we're looking at.
In [ ]:
values = [infrared[tuple(m)] for m in maxima]
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel('Number of potential hosts')
print('Min:', min(values))
It seems most potential hosts are pretty dim. Maybe we could bias toward the centre, but I'm not sure that's a good idea — I'll look at it later.
Let's check out the distribution of the number of potential hosts across all data.
In [ ]:
def potential_hosts(zid, subject=None):
"""Finds potential hosts in a subject image.
zid: Zooniverse ID.
subject: (Optional) Zooniverse subject. If not specified, will be loaded from database.
-> (list of brightnesses, list of coordinates)
if subject is None:
subject = db.radio_subjects.find_one({'zooniverse_id': zid})
infrared = get_infrared_image(subject)
blurred_infrared = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(infrared, 1)
local_max = scipy.ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(blurred_infrared, footprint=neighborhood) == blurred_infrared
region_labels, n_labels = scipy.ndimage.measurements.label(local_max)
maxima = numpy.array(
[numpy.array((region_labels == i + 1).nonzero()).T.mean(axis=0)
for i in range(n_labels)]
maxima = maxima[numpy.logical_and(maxima[:, 1] != 0, maxima[:, 1] != 499)]
values = [infrared[tuple(m)] for m in maxima]
return values, maxima
In [ ]:
# Sanity check: Run this on the example subject.
values, maxima = potential_hosts('ARG000180p')
matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(infrared, origin='lower')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(maxima[:, 1], maxima[:, 0], c='w', marker='+')
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel('Number of potential hosts')
In [ ]:
all_values = []
potential_hosts_counts = []
for subject in db.radio_subjects.find().limit(1000):
values, _ = potential_hosts(subject['zooniverse_id'], subject)
matplotlib.pyplot.hist(all_values, bins=10)
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel('Number of potential hosts')
matplotlib.pyplot.hist(potential_hosts_counts, bins=10)
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel('Number of potential hosts')
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel('Subjects with given number of potential hosts')
In conclusion:
It would be useful to run the code above on more data points, in case the distribution changes with more data (1000 is a very small number of samples when there are 177000 subjects in the database).
In [ ]: