From notebook 14, we now have radio features. From notebook 13, we now have astronomical features and potential host galaxies. It's now time to put all of these together into a set of vectors and train a classifier.
I'll quickly go over the pipeline up to now. First, make sure you have MongoDB running with the radio
database containing the Radio Galaxy Zoo data. Then, convert all of the raw RGZ classifications into sanitised and nice-to-work-with classifications:
python -m crowdastro raw_classifications crowdastro-data/processed.db classifications
Next, compile the consensus database. For now, I'm only dealing with ATLAS data, so remember to specify the --atlas
python -m crowdastro consensuses crowdastro-data/processed.db classifications atlas_consensuses_raw --atlas
We need to generate the training data. If you don't have a Gator cache, it will be generated.
python -m crowdastro training_data \
crowdastro-data/processed.db atlas_consensuses_raw \
gator_cache \
crowdastro-data/training.h5 \
This dumps a file with astronomy features and potential hosts. Then, run 15_cnn to get CNN features (or just use the h5 and json files I already prepared) and run 16_pca to get a PCA matrix.
The pipeline is as follows:
In [379]:
import itertools
import sys
import bson
import h5py
import keras.layers
import keras.models
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy
import pandas
import sklearn.cross_validation
import sklearn.dummy
import sklearn.linear_model
import sklearn.metrics
sys.path.insert(1, '..')
In [173]:
with pandas.HDFStore('../crowdastro-data/training.h5') as store:
data = store['data']
We'll just look at a small number of potential hosts for now. I'll have to do batches to scale this up and I just want to check it works for now.
In [316]:
n = 5000
# I'm gathering up the radio patches first so I can run them through the CNN at the same time
# as one big matrix operation. In principle this would run on the GPU.
radio_patches = numpy.zeros((n, 80, 80))
labels = numpy.zeros((n,))
radius = 40
padding = 150
for idx, row in data.head(n).iterrows():
sid = bson.objectid.ObjectId(row['subject_id'][0].decode('ascii'))
x = row['x'][0]
y = row['y'][0]
label = row['is_host'][0]
labels[idx] = label
subject ={'_id': sid})
radio =, size='5x5')
patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
radio_patches[idx, :] = patch
In [254]:
# Load the CNN.
with open('../crowdastro-data/cnn_model_2.json', 'r') as f:
cnn = keras.models.model_from_json(
In [255]:
cnn.layers = cnn.layers[:5] # Pop the layers after the second convolution's activation.
In [256]:
cnn.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse') # I don't actually care about the optimiser or loss.
In [263]:
# Load the PCA.
with h5py.File('../crowdastro-data/pca.h5') as f:
pca = f['conv_2'][:]
In [318]:
# Find the radio features.
radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches.reshape(n, 1, 80, 80)) @ pca.T
In [320]:
# Add on the astronomy features.
features = numpy.hstack([radio_features, data.ix[:n-1, 'flux_ap2_24':'flux_ap2_80'].as_matrix()])
features = numpy.nan_to_num(features)
In [321]:
# Split into training and testing data.
xs_train, xs_test, ts_train, ts_test = sklearn.cross_validation.train_test_split(features, labels, test_size=0.2)
In [322]:
# Classify!
lr = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced'), ts_train)
In [323]:
lr.score(xs_test, ts_test)
In [324]:
sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(ts_test, lr.predict(xs_test), [0, 1])
So we get ~84% accuracy on just predicting labels. Let's compare to a random classifier.
In [326]:
dc = sklearn.dummy.DummyClassifier(strategy='stratified'), ts_train)
In [327]:
dc.score(xs_test, ts_test)
A stratified random classifier gets 88% accuracy, which doesn't look good for our logistic regression!
I am curious as to whether we can do better if we're considering the full problem, i.e. we know that exactly one potential host is the true host. Note that I'm ignoring the problem of multiple radio emitters for now. Let's try that: We'll get a subject, find the potential hosts, get their patches, and use the logistic regression and dummy classifiers to predict all the associated probabilities, and hence find the radio emitter. I'll only look at subjects not in the first n
potential hosts, else we'd overlap with the training data.
To get a feel for how the predictor works, I'll try colour-coding potential hosts based on how likely they are to be the true host. To do that, I'll softmax the scores.
In [376]:
def softmax(x):
exp = numpy.exp(x)
return exp / numpy.sum(exp, axis=0)
In [330]:
subject_ids = set()
for idx, row in data.ix[n:n * 2].iterrows():
sid = row['subject_id'][0]
In [382]:
for subject_id in itertools.islice(subject_ids, 0, 10):
# Pandas *really* doesn't like fancy indexing against string comparisons.
indices = (data['subject_id'] == subject_id).as_matrix().reshape(-1)
potential_hosts = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, 1:-1].astype(float))
subject ={'_id': bson.objectid.ObjectId(subject_id.decode('ascii'))})
radio =, size='5x5')
radio_patches = numpy.zeros((len(potential_hosts), 1, radius * 2, radius * 2))
for index, (x, y, *astro) in enumerate(potential_hosts):
patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
radio_patches[index, 0, :] = patch
radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches) @ pca.T
astro_features = potential_hosts[:, 2:]
features = numpy.hstack([radio_features, astro_features])
scores = lr.predict_proba(features)[:, 1].T
probs = softmax(scores)
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(potential_hosts[:, 0], potential_hosts[:, 1], c=probs)
This is quite interesting! Lots of points (blue) are not really considered, and sometimes there are a few candidates (red). These usually look pretty reasonable, but it also seems a lot like the predictor is just looking for bright things.
Let's try and get an accuracy out. There is still the problem of multiple radio sources, so I'll just say that if the predictor hits any true host, that's a hit.
In [396]:
hits = 0
attempts = 0
for subject_id in subject_ids:
indices = (data['subject_id'] == subject_id).as_matrix().reshape(-1)
potential_hosts = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, 1:-1].astype(float))
labels = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, -1].astype(bool))
subject ={'_id': bson.objectid.ObjectId(subject_id.decode('ascii'))})
radio =, size='5x5')
radio_patches = numpy.zeros((len(potential_hosts), 1, radius * 2, radius * 2))
for index, (x, y, *astro) in enumerate(potential_hosts):
patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
radio_patches[index, 0, :] = patch
radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches) @ pca.T
astro_features = potential_hosts[:, 2:]
features = numpy.hstack([radio_features, astro_features])
scores = lr.predict_proba(features)[:, 1].reshape(-1)
predicted_host = scores.argmax()
if labels[predicted_host]:
hits += 1
attempts += 1
In [397]:
print('Accuracy: {:.02%}'.format(hits / attempts))
Against a random classifier...
In [398]:
hits = 0
attempts = 0
for subject_id in subject_ids:
indices = (data['subject_id'] == subject_id).as_matrix().reshape(-1)
potential_hosts = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, 1:-1].astype(float))
labels = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, -1].astype(bool))
subject ={'_id': bson.objectid.ObjectId(subject_id.decode('ascii'))})
radio =, size='5x5')
radio_patches = numpy.zeros((len(potential_hosts), 1, radius * 2, radius * 2))
for index, (x, y, *astro) in enumerate(potential_hosts):
patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
radio_patches[index, 0, :] = patch
radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches) @ pca.T
astro_features = potential_hosts[:, 2:]
features = numpy.hstack([radio_features, astro_features])
scores = dc.predict_proba(features)[:, 1].reshape(-1)
predicted_host = scores.argmax()
if labels[predicted_host]:
hits += 1
attempts += 1
In [399]:
print('Accuracy: {:.02%}'.format(hits / attempts))
It would also be useful to know what the classifier considers "hard" to classify. I think an entropy approach might work (though there are problems with this...). Let's find the highest-entropy subject.
In [400]:
max_entropy = float('-inf')
max_subject = None
for subject_id in subject_ids:
indices = (data['subject_id'] == subject_id).as_matrix().reshape(-1)
potential_hosts = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, 1:-1].astype(float))
labels = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, -1].astype(bool))
subject ={'_id': bson.objectid.ObjectId(subject_id.decode('ascii'))})
radio =, size='5x5')
radio_patches = numpy.zeros((len(potential_hosts), 1, radius * 2, radius * 2))
for index, (x, y, *astro) in enumerate(potential_hosts):
patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
radio_patches[index, 0, :] = patch
radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches) @ pca.T
astro_features = potential_hosts[:, 2:]
features = numpy.hstack([radio_features, astro_features])
probabilities = softmax(lr.predict_proba(features)[:, 1].reshape(-1))
entropy = -(probabilities * numpy.log(probabilities)).sum()
if entropy > max_entropy:
max_entropy = entropy
max_subject = subject
In [401]:
In [402]:
indices = (data['subject_id'] == str(max_subject['_id']).encode('ascii')).as_matrix().reshape(-1)
potential_hosts = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, 1:-1].astype(float))
subject = max_subject
radio =, size='5x5')
radio_patches = numpy.zeros((len(potential_hosts), 1, radius * 2, radius * 2))
for index, (x, y, *astro) in enumerate(potential_hosts):
patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
radio_patches[index, 0, :] = patch
radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches) @ pca.T
astro_features = potential_hosts[:, 2:]
features = numpy.hstack([radio_features, astro_features])
scores = lr.predict_proba(features)[:, 1].T
probs = softmax(scores)
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(potential_hosts[:, 0], potential_hosts[:, 1], c=probs)
In [411]:
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(sorted(probs), marker='x')
In [ ]: