Unicode byte limits

Why? Isn't UTF-8 good enough as-is?

Apparently not. I'm looking at you, Amazon Mechanical Turk. MTurk supports only a subset of UTF-8, a subset that does excludes characters longer than 3 bytes. How convenient.

Python has no concept of runes, as Golang calls them, so to process a Unicode string character-by-character, we must convert to bytes and consult the UTF-8 specification.

Not particularly fun, but it works.

In [1]:
import os
import csv
import unicodedata 
import re

In [9]:
def bytes_in_sequence(byte):
    if byte >= 0b11111100:
        return 6
    elif byte >= 0b11111000:
        return 5
    elif byte >= 0b11110000:
        return 4
    elif byte >= 0b11100000:
        return 3
    elif byte >= 0b11000000:
        return 2
        return 1

In [3]:
def bitfilter(char_iter, maxbytes):
    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
    bits of code point ; bytes in sequence ; byte 1
     7 1  0xxxxxxx
    11 2  110xxxxx
    16 3  1110xxxx
    21 4  11110xxx
    26 5  111110xx
    31 6  1111110x
    while True:
        char = char_iter.next()
        seq_length = bytes_in_sequence(ord(char))
        if seq_length > maxbytes:
            # don't presume that unicode characters have a max 32-bit (4-byte) length
            for _ in range(1, seq_length):
            yield char

In [10]:
def simplify(text_unicode, maxbytes):
    Input should be unicode, output will be unicode,
    but it will translate to UTF-8 in the process.
    text_bytes = text_unicode.encode('utf-8')
    text_iter = iter(text_bytes)
    filtered_bytes_iter = bitfilter(text_iter, maxbytes)
    return ''.join(filtered_bytes_iter).decode('utf-8')

Convert file

In [6]:
input_filepath = 'fancy_emoji.txt'
output_filepath = 'impoverished_emoji.txt'

In [12]:
input_file_contents = open(input_filepath).read()
input_file_contents_u = input_file_contents.decode('utf8')

IOError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-e92359c0dfb2> in <module>()
----> 1 input_file_contents = open(input_filepath).read()
      2 input_file_contents_u = input_file_contents.decode('utf8')

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'fancy_emoji.txt'

In [13]:
simplified_contents_u = simplify(input_file_contents_u)
simplified_contents = simplified_contents_u.encode('utf8')

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-cf9521f44def> in <module>()
----> 1 simplified_contents_u = simplify(input_file_contents_u)
      2 simplified_contents = simplified_contents_u.encode('utf8')

NameError: name 'input_file_contents_u' is not defined

In [115]:
with open(csv_filepath, 'wb') as fp:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(fp, fieldnames=('dev-1k-id', 'text'))
    for index, text in enumerate(simplified_contents.split('\n'), 1):
        writer.writerow({'dev-1k-id': index, 'text': text})

Debugging functions

In [14]:
def chars(s):
    for i, ch in enumerate(s):
        print i, repr(ch)

In [31]:
def string_report(s):
    for form in ['NFC', 'NFKC', 'NFD', 'NFKD']:
        form, repr(unicodedata.normalize(form, s))
    for encoding in ['utf_16', 'utf_8', 'ascii', 'latin_1', 'utf_32', 'utf_8_sig']:
        encoding, repr(b4.encode(encoding, 'ignore').decode(encoding))

utf_16 u'!!! \U0001f497\U0001f495 PLEA'
utf_8 u'!!! \U0001f497\U0001f495 PLEA'
ascii u'!!!  PLEA'
latin_1 u'!!!  PLEA'
utf_32 u'!!! \U0001f497\U0001f495 PLEA'
utf_8_sig u'!!! \U0001f497\U0001f495 PLEA'