
Convert a THnSparse to a TTree using efficient iteration through the THnSparse and draw a THnSparse using TParallelCoord. The plot will contain one line for each filled bin, with the bin's coordinates on each axis, and the bin's content on the rightmost axis.

Run as

   .L $ROOTSYS/tutorials/tree/drawsparse.C+

Author: Axel Naumann
This notebook tutorial was automatically generated with ROOTBOOK-izer (Beta) from the macro found in the ROOT repository on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 02:42 PM.

In [1]:
%%cpp -d
#include "TParallelCoord.h"
#include "TParallelCoordVar.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "THnSparse.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH3.h"

A helper function is created:

In [2]:
%%cpp -d
TTree* toTree(THnSparse* h)
   // Creates a TTree and fills it with the coordinates of all
   // filled bins. The tree will have one branch for each dimension,
   // and one for the bin content.

   Int_t dim = h->GetNdimensions();
   TString name(h->GetName()); name += "_tree";
   TString title(h->GetTitle()); title += " tree";

   TTree* tree = new TTree(name, title);
   Double_t* x = new Double_t[dim + 1];
   memset(x, 0, sizeof(Double_t) * (dim + 1));

   TString branchname;
   for (Int_t d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
      if (branchname.Length())
         branchname += ":";
      TAxis* axis = h->GetAxis(d);
      branchname += axis->GetName();
      branchname += "/D";
   tree->Branch("coord", x, branchname);
   tree->Branch("bincontent", &x[dim], "bincontent/D");

   Int_t *bins = new Int_t[dim];
   for (Long64_t i = 0; i < h->GetNbins(); ++i) {
      x[dim] = h->GetBinContent(i, bins);
      for (Int_t d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
         x[d] = h->GetAxis(d)->GetBinCenter(bins[d]);


   delete [] bins;
   //delete [] x;
   return tree;

A helper function is created:

In [3]:
%%cpp -d
void drawsparse_draw(THnSparse* h)
   // Draw a THnSparse using TParallelCoord, creating a temporary TTree.

   TTree* tree = toTree(h);

   TString whatToDraw;
   TIter iLeaf(tree->GetListOfLeaves());
   const TLeaf* leaf = 0;
   while ((leaf = (const TLeaf*)iLeaf())) {
      if (whatToDraw.Length())
         whatToDraw += ":";
      whatToDraw += leaf->GetName();
   tree->Draw(whatToDraw, "", "para");
   TParallelCoord* parallelCoord = (TParallelCoord*)gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject("ParaCoord");

   TIter iVar(parallelCoord->GetVarList());
   TParallelCoordVar* var = 0;
   for (Int_t d = 0;(var = (TParallelCoordVar*) iVar()) && d < h->GetNdimensions(); ++d) {
      TAxis* axis = h->GetAxis(d);
      var->SetCurrentLimits(axis->GetXmin(), axis->GetXmax());
   var->SetTitle("bin content");

Create a thnsparse and draw it.

In [4]:
const Int_t ndims = 8;
Int_t bins[ndims] = {10, 10, 5, 30, 10, 4, 18, 12};
Double_t xmin[ndims] = {-5., -10., -1000., -3., 0.,   0., 0., 0.};
Double_t xmax[ndims] = {10., 70., 3000.,   3.,   5.,  2., 2., 5.};
THnSparse* hs = new THnSparseD("hs", "Sparse Histogram", ndims, bins, xmin, xmax);

Fill it

In [5]:
Double_t x[ndims];
for (Long_t i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
   for (Int_t d = 0; d < ndims; ++d) {
      switch (d) {
      case 0: x[d] = gRandom->Gaus()*2 + 3.; break;
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3: x[d] = (x[d-1]*x[d-1] - 1.5)/1.5 + (0.5*gRandom->Rndm()); break;
      default: x[d] = sin(gRandom->Gaus()*i/1000.) + 1.;

TFile* f = new TFile("drawsparse.root","RECREATE");

TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas("hDrawSparse", "Drawing a sparse hist");

Draw it

In [6]:

Project it

In [7]:
TH3D* h3proj = hs->Projection(2, 3, 6);

Save everything to a file

In [8]:

delete f;

Draw all canvases

In [9]: