In [1]:
# Enable importing of utilities.
from sys import path
Task-E: This notebook will demonstrate 2D transect analyses and 3D Hovmoller plots. We will run these for NDVI (land) and TSM (water quality) to show the spatial and temporal variation of data along a line (transect) for a given time slice and for the entire time series.
In [2]:
import datacube
import utils.data_cube_utilities.data_access_api as dc_api
api = dc_api.DataAccessApi()
dc = datacube.Datacube(app = 'ardc_task_e')
api.dc = dc
In [3]:
# # Supress Warning
# import warnings
# warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
In [4]:
list_of_products = dc.list_products()
netCDF_products = list_of_products[list_of_products['format'] == 'NetCDF']
In [5]:
import utils.data_cube_utilities.data_access_api as dc_api
api = dc_api.DataAccessApi(config = '/home/localuser/.datacube.conf')
# Change the data platform and data cube here
platform = "LANDSAT_7"
# platform = "LANDSAT_8"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_ghana"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_kenya"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_senegal"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_sierra_leone"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_tanzania"
product = "ls7_ledaps_vietnam"
In [6]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_time import _n64_to_datetime, dt_to_str
extents = api.get_full_dataset_extent(platform = platform, product = product, measurements=[])
latitude_extents = (min(extents['latitude'].values),max(extents['latitude'].values))
longitude_extents = (min(extents['longitude'].values),max(extents['longitude'].values))
time_extents = (min(extents['time'].values),max(extents['time'].values))
print("Latitude Extents:", latitude_extents)
print("Longitude Extents:", longitude_extents)
print("Time Extents:", list(map(dt_to_str, map(_n64_to_datetime, time_extents))))
In [7]:
## The code below renders a map that can be used to orient yourself with the region.
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_display_map import display_map
display_map(latitude = latitude_extents, longitude = longitude_extents)
Pick a smaller analysis region and display that region
Try to keep your region to less than 0.2-deg x 0.2-deg for rapid processing. You can click on the map above to find the Lat-Lon coordinates of any location. You will want to identify a region with an inland water body and some vegetation. Pick a time window of several years.
In [8]:
## Vietnam - Central Lam Dong Province ##
longitude_extents = (107.0, 107.2)
latitude_extents = (11.7, 12.0)
## Vietnam Ho Tri An Lake
# longitude_extents = (107.0, 107.2)
# latitude_extents = (11.1, 11.3)
time_extents = ('2005-01-01', '2005-12-31')
In [9]:
display_map(latitude = latitude_extents, longitude = longitude_extents)
In [10]:
landsat_dataset = dc.load(latitude = latitude_extents,
longitude = longitude_extents,
platform = platform,
time = time_extents,
product = product,
measurements = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'nir', 'swir1', 'swir2', 'pixel_qa'])
In [11]:
#view the dimensions and sample content from the cube
In [12]:
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
def ls7_unpack_qa( data_array , cover_type):
land_cover_endcoding = dict( fill = [1],
clear = [66, 130],
water = [68, 132],
shadow = [72, 136],
snow = [80, 112, 144, 176],
cloud = [96, 112, 160, 176, 224],
low_conf = [66, 68, 72, 80, 96, 112],
med_conf = [130, 132, 136, 144, 160, 176],
high_conf= [224]
boolean_mask = np.isin(data_array.values, land_cover_endcoding[cover_type])
return xr.DataArray(boolean_mask.astype(int),
coords = data_array.coords,
dims = data_array.dims,
name = cover_type + "_mask",
attrs = data_array.attrs)
In [13]:
clear_xarray = ls7_unpack_qa(landsat_dataset.pixel_qa, "clear")
water_xarray = ls7_unpack_qa(landsat_dataset.pixel_qa, "water")
shadow_xarray = ls7_unpack_qa(landsat_dataset.pixel_qa, "shadow")
cloud_xarray = ls7_unpack_qa(landsat_dataset.pixel_qa, "cloud")
In [14]:
clean_xarray = xr.ufuncs.logical_or(clear_xarray , water_xarray).astype(np.int8).rename("clean_mask")
clean_mask = np.logical_or(clear_xarray.values.astype(bool),
In [15]:
def NDVI(dataset):
return ((dataset.nir - +"NDVI")
In [16]:
ndvi_xarray = NDVI(landsat_dataset) # Vegetation Index
In [17]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_water_quality import tsm
tsm_xarray = tsm(landsat_dataset, clean_mask = water_xarray.values.astype(bool) ).tsm
In [18]:
combined_dataset = xr.merge([landsat_dataset,
# Copy original crs to merged dataset
combined_dataset = combined_dataset.assign_attrs(landsat_dataset.attrs)
In [19]:
# Water and Land Mixed Examples
# North-South Path
start = ( 11.8428, 107.0734 )
end = ( 11.7306, 107.0734 )
# East-West Path
# start = ( 11.9167, 107.0554 )
# end = ( 11.9167, 107.1719 )
# East-West Path for Lake Ho Tri An
# start = ( 11.25, 107.02 )
# end = ( 11.25, 107.18 )
In [20]:
import folium
import numpy as np
from folium.features import CustomIcon
def plot_a_path(points , zoom = 15):
xs,ys = zip(*points)
map_center_point = (np.mean(xs), np.mean(ys))
the_map = folium.Map(location=[map_center_point[0], map_center_point[1]], zoom_start = zoom, tiles='{z}&x={x}&y={y}', attr = "Google Attribution")
path = folium.PolyLine(locations=points, weight=5, color = 'orange')
start = ( xs[0] ,ys[0] )
end = ( xs[-1],ys[-1])
return the_map
In [21]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.transect import line_scan
import numpy as np
def get_index_at(coords, ds):
'''Returns an integer index pair.'''
lat = coords[0]
lon = coords[1]
nearest_lat = ds.sel(latitude = lat, method = 'nearest').latitude.values
nearest_lon = ds.sel(longitude = lon, method = 'nearest').longitude.values
lat_index = np.where(ds.latitude.values == nearest_lat)[0]
lon_index = np.where(ds.longitude.values == nearest_lon)[0]
return (int(lat_index), int(lon_index))
def create_pixel_trail(start, end, ds):
a = get_index_at(start, ds)
b = get_index_at(end, ds)
indices = line_scan.line_scan(a, b)
pixels = [ ds.isel(latitude = x, longitude = y) for x, y in indices]
return pixels
In [22]:
list_of_pixels_along_segment = create_pixel_trail(start, end, landsat_dataset)
In [23]:
import xarray
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
from datetime import datetime
import time
def plot_list_of_pixels(list_of_pixels, band_name, y = None):
start = (
"{0:.2f}".format(float(list_of_pixels[0].latitude.values )),
end = (
def reformat_n64(t):
return time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d", time.gmtime(t.astype(int)/1000000000))
def pixel_to_array(pixel):
def figure_ratio(x,y, fixed_width = 10):
width = fixed_width
height = y * (fixed_width / x)
return (width, height)
pixel_array = np.transpose([pixel_to_array(pix) for pix in list_of_pixels])
#If the data has one acquisition, then plot transect (2-D), else Hovmöller (3-D)
if y.size == 1:
plt.figure(figsize = (15,5))
plt.scatter(np.arange(pixel_array.size), pixel_array)
plt.title("Transect (2-D) \n Acquisition date: {}".format(reformat_n64(y)))
plt.xlabel("Pixels along the transect \n {} - {} \n ".format(start,end))
m = FuncFormatter(lambda x :x )
figure = plt.figure(figsize = figure_ratio(len(list_of_pixels),
fixed_width = 15))
number_of_y_ticks = 5
ax = plt.gca()
cax = ax.imshow(pixel_array, interpolation='none')
figure.colorbar(cax,fraction=0.110, pad=0.04)
ax.set_title("Hovmöller (3-D) \n Acquisition range: {} - {} \n ".format(reformat_n64(y[0]),reformat_n64(y[-1])))
plt.xlabel("Pixels along the transect \n {} - {} \n ".format(start,end))
ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter( FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: reformat_n64(list_of_pixels[0].time.values[int(x)]) if int(x) < len(list_of_pixels[0].time) else ""))
In [24]:
def transect_plot(start,
if type(da) is not xarray.DataArray and (type(da) is xarray.Dataset) :
raise Exception('You should be passing in a data-array, not a Dataset')
pixels = create_pixel_trail(start, end,da)
dates = da.time.values
lats = [x.latitude.values for x in pixels]
lons = [x.longitude.values for x in pixels]
plot_list_of_pixels(pixels,, y = dates)
In [25]:
pixels = create_pixel_trail(start, end, landsat_dataset)
In [26]:
t = 2
subset = list( map(lambda x: x.isel(time = t), pixels))
In [27]:
def land_and_water_masking_ls7(dataset):
#Create boolean Masks for clear and water pixels
clear_pixels = landsat_dataset.pixel_qa.values == 2 + 64
water_pixels = landsat_dataset.pixel_qa.values == 4 + 64
a_clean_mask = np.logical_or(clear_pixels, water_pixels)
return a_clean_mask
In [28]:
cloudless_dataset = landsat_dataset.where(land_and_water_masking_ls7(landsat_dataset))
In [31]:
# select an acquisition number from the start (t=0) to "time" using the array limits above
acquisition_number = 10
In [32]:
#If plotted will create the 2-D transect
cloudless_dataset_for_acq_no = cloudless_dataset.isel(time = acquisition_number)
In [33]:
#If Plotted will create the 3-D Hovmoller plot for a portion of the time series (min to max)
min_acq = 1
max_acq = 4
cloudless_dataset_from_1_to_acq_no = cloudless_dataset.isel(time = slice(min_acq, max_acq))
In [34]:
band = 'green'
In [35]:
transect_plot(start, end, cloudless_dataset_for_acq_no[band])
In [36]:
transect_plot(start, end, NDVI(cloudless_dataset_for_acq_no))
In [37]:
transect_plot(start, end, NDVI(cloudless_dataset))
In [38]:
transect_plot(start, end, water_xarray.isel(time = acquisition_number))
In [39]:
transect_plot(start, end, water_xarray)
In [40]:
transect_plot(start, end, tsm_xarray.isel(time = acquisition_number))
In [41]:
transect_plot(start, end, tsm_xarray)