In [1]:
# Enable importing of utilities.
from sys import path
In [2]:
import datacube
import utils.data_cube_utilities.data_access_api as dc_api
api = dc_api.DataAccessApi()
dc = datacube.Datacube(app = 'ardc_task_d')
api.dc = dc
In [3]:
# Enable plotting
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
# Supress Warning
import warnings
In [5]:
list_of_products = dc.list_products()
netCDF_products = list_of_products[list_of_products['format'] == 'NetCDF']
In [6]:
# Change the data platform and data cube here
platform = "LANDSAT_7"
# platform = "LANDSAT_8"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_ghana"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_kenya"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_senegal"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_sierra_leone"
# product = "ls7_ledaps_tanzania"
product = "ls7_ledaps_vietnam"
# Get Coordinates
coordinates = api.get_full_dataset_extent(platform = platform, product = product)
In [7]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_time import _n64_to_datetime, dt_to_str
extents = api.get_full_dataset_extent(platform = platform, product = product, measurements=[])
latitude_extents = (min(extents['latitude'].values),max(extents['latitude'].values))
longitude_extents = (min(extents['longitude'].values),max(extents['longitude'].values))
time_extents = (min(extents['time'].values),max(extents['time'].values))
print("Latitude Extents:", latitude_extents)
print("Longitude Extents:", longitude_extents)
print("Time Extents:", list(map(dt_to_str, map(_n64_to_datetime, time_extents))))
In [8]:
## The code below renders a map that can be used to orient yourself with the region.
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_display_map import display_map
display_map(latitude = latitude_extents, longitude = longitude_extents)
Pick a smaller analysis region and display that region
Try to keep your region to less than 0.02-deg x 0.02-deg for rapid processing. This will give you a region of about 75x75 pixels. You can click on the map above to find the Lat-Lon coordinates of any location. You will want to identify a region with an urban aree or some known vegetation. Pick a time window of 10+ years, as the curvefit algorithm requires a long time series to detect change.
Here is what to expect ... 0.02-deg x 0.02-deg (75x75 pixels) over 10 years will take 10 to 15 minutes to execute. Be patient ...
In [9]:
# Lam Dong Province near reservior
# latitude_extents = (11.843, 11.922)
# longitude_extents = (107.723, 107.821)
latitude_extents = (11.90, 11.92)
longitude_extents = (107.76, 107.78)
time_extents = ('2001-01-01', '2005-12-31')
In [10]:
display_map(latitude = latitude_extents, longitude = longitude_extents)
In [11]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_load import load_simple
# Reduce the resolution of the data to reduce memory consumption and run time.
landsat_dataset, clean_mask, masks = \
load_simple(dc, platform = platform, product=product, frac_res=0.1,
load_params=dict(latitude = latitude_extents,
longitude = longitude_extents,
platform = platform,
time = time_extents,
product = product,
measurements = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'nir', 'swir1', 'swir2', 'pixel_qa']))
del clean_mask, masks
In [12]:
#view the dimensions and sample content from the cube
In [13]:
import utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_ccd as ccd
In [14]:
%time change_matrix = ccd.process_xarray(landsat_dataset, distributed = True, process = "matrix") #Run process xarray on large dataset
In [15]:
%time change_volume = (change_matrix.sum(dim='time') - 1).rename('change_volume')
In [17]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from utils.data_cube_utilities.plotter_utils import figure_ratio
plt.figure(figsize = figure_ratio(change_volume, fixed_width=8))
In [18]:
time_map_ccd_product = ccd._nth_occurence_in_ccd_matrix(change_matrix, 1, f = ccd._n64_datetime_to_scalar)
In [20]:
import datetime
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
plt.figure(figsize = figure_ratio(time_map_ccd_product, fixed_width=8))
epochFormatter = FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
time_map_ccd_product.plot(cmap = "magma", cbar_kwargs=({'format': epochFormatter}))
Choose an image from the start and end of the time series. Remember that 0 is the first acquisition and the last acquisition if the number of time steps. You can find that number in the XARRAY report above. Try various combinations of the start and end images to identify the land changes using visual interpretation. You will see some images will have clouds and others will have Landsat-7 "bands". You can also change the RGB image bands to give you an combination you desire.
In [21]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_rgb import rgb
first = 2 # Acquisition Number ... change here
print( landsat_dataset.time.values[first] )
rgb( landsat_dataset,
at_index = first,
bands = ['swir2','nir','green'])
In [22]:
last = 50 # Acquisition Number ... change here
print( landsat_dataset.time.values[last] )
at_index = last,
bands = ['swir2','nir','green'])
In [23]:
import utils.data_cube_utilities.trend as trend
In [24]:
import numpy as np
def land_and_water_masking_ls7(dataset):
#Create boolean Masks for clear and water pixels
clear_pixels = dataset.pixel_qa.values == 2 + 64
water_pixels = dataset.pixel_qa.values == 4 + 64
a_clean_mask = np.logical_or(clear_pixels, water_pixels)
return a_clean_mask
In [25]:
def remove_clouds(dataset):
return dataset.where(land_and_water_masking_ls7(dataset)).drop('pixel_qa')
In [26]:
def NDVI(dataset):
return (dataset.nir - +
In [27]:
ndvi_trend_product = trend.linear(NDVI(remove_clouds(landsat_dataset)))
In [28]: