In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import sklearn.cluster as cluster
import time
%matplotlib inline
plot_kwds = {'alpha' : 0.25, 's' : 80, 'linewidths':0}

/Users/alihurriyetoglu/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/utils/ DeprecationWarning: inspect.getargspec() is deprecated, use inspect.signature() instead
  if 'order' in inspect.getargspec(np.copy)[0]:

In [2]:
import hdbscan

In [ ]:
def plot_clusters(data, algorithm, args, kwds): # the data must be 2D for this method.
    start_time = time.time()
    labels = algorithm(*args, **kwds).fit_predict(data)
    end_time = time.time()
    palette = sns.color_palette('deep', np.unique(labels).max() + 1)
    colors = [palette[x] if x >= 0 else (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for x in labels]
    plt.scatter(data.T[0], data.T[1], c=colors, **plot_kwds)
    frame = plt.gca()
    plt.title('Clusters found by {}'.format(str(algorithm.__name__)), fontsize=24)
    plt.text(-0.5, 0.7, 'Clustering took {:.2f} s'.format(end_time - start_time), fontsize=14)
# call this method.
plot_clusters(data, hdbscan.HDBSCAN, (), {'min_cluster_size':15})