In [ ]:


In this tutorial, we will show you how to train an actual CNN model, albeit small. We will be using the old good MNIST dataset and the LeNet model, with a slight change that the sigmoid activations are replaced with ReLUs.

We will use the model helper - that helps us to deal with parameter initializations naturally.

First, let's import the necessities.

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
from IPython import display

from caffe2.python import core, model_helper, net_drawer, workspace, visualize, brew

# If you would like to see some really detailed initializations,
# you can change --caffe2_log_level=0 to --caffe2_log_level=-1
core.GlobalInit(['caffe2', '--caffe2_log_level=0'])

In [ ]:
# This section preps your image and test set in a leveldb
current_folder = os.getcwd()

data_folder = os.path.join(current_folder, 'tutorial_data', 'mnist')
root_folder = os.path.join(current_folder, 'tutorial_files', 'mnist')
image_file_train = os.path.join(data_folder, "train-images-idx3-ubyte")
label_file_train = os.path.join(data_folder, "train-labels-idx1-ubyte")
image_file_test = os.path.join(data_folder, "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte")
label_file_test = os.path.join(data_folder, "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte")

# Get the dataset if it is missing
def DownloadDataset(url, path):
    import requests, zipfile, StringIO
    print "Downloading... ", url, " to ", path
    r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
    z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(r.content))

def GenerateDB(image, label, name):
    name = os.path.join(data_folder, name)
    print 'DB: ', name
    if not os.path.exists(name):
        syscall = "/usr/local/bin/make_mnist_db --channel_first --db leveldb --image_file " + image + " --label_file " + label + " --output_file " + name
        print "Creating database with: ", syscall
        print "Database exists already. Delete the folder if you have issues/corrupted DB, then rerun this."
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, "LOCK")):
            print "Deleting the pre-existing lock file"
            os.remove(os.path.join(name, "LOCK"))

if not os.path.exists(data_folder):
if not os.path.exists(label_file_train):
    DownloadDataset("", data_folder)
if os.path.exists(root_folder):
    print("Looks like you ran this before, so we need to cleanup those old files...")

# (Re)generate the levledb database (known to get corrupted...) 
GenerateDB(image_file_train, label_file_train, "mnist-train-nchw-leveldb")
GenerateDB(image_file_test, label_file_test, "mnist-test-nchw-leveldb")

print("training data folder:" + data_folder)
print("workspace root folder:" + root_folder)

In [ ]:
def AddInput(model, batch_size, db, db_type):
    # load the data
    data_uint8, label = model.TensorProtosDBInput(
        [], ["data_uint8", "label"], batch_size=batch_size,
        db=db, db_type=db_type)
    # cast the data to float
    data = model.Cast(data_uint8, "data", to=core.DataType.FLOAT)
    # scale data from [0,255] down to [0,1]
    data = model.Scale(data, data, scale=float(1./256))
    # don't need the gradient for the backward pass
    data = model.StopGradient(data, data)
    return data, label

In [ ]:
def AddLeNetModel(model, data):
    # Image size: 28 x 28 -> 24 x 24
    conv1 = brew.conv(model, data, 'conv1', dim_in=1, dim_out=20, kernel=5)
    # Image size: 24 x 24 -> 12 x 12
    pool1 = brew.max_pool(model, conv1, 'pool1', kernel=2, stride=2)
    # Image size: 12 x 12 -> 8 x 8
    conv2 = brew.conv(model, pool1, 'conv2', dim_in=20, dim_out=50, kernel=5)
    # Image size: 8 x 8 -> 4 x 4
    pool2 = brew.max_pool(model, conv2, 'pool2', kernel=2, stride=2)
    # 50 * 4 * 4 stands for dim_out from previous layer multiplied by the image size
    fc3 = brew.fc(model, pool2, 'fc3', dim_in=50 * 4 * 4, dim_out=500)
    fc3 = brew.relu(model, fc3, fc3)
    pred = brew.fc(model, fc3, 'pred', 500, 10)
    softmax = brew.softmax(model, pred, 'softmax')
    return softmax

In [ ]:
def AddAccuracy(model, softmax, label):
    accuracy = brew.accuracy(model, [softmax, label], "accuracy")
    return accuracy

In [ ]:
def AddTrainingOperators(model, softmax, label):
    # something very important happens here
    xent = model.LabelCrossEntropy([softmax, label], 'xent')
    # compute the expected loss
    loss = model.AveragedLoss(xent, "loss")
    # track the accuracy of the model
    AddAccuracy(model, softmax, label)
    # use the average loss we just computed to add gradient operators to the model
    # do a simple stochastic gradient descent
    ITER = brew.iter(model, "iter")
    # set the learning rate schedule
    LR = model.LearningRate(
        ITER, "LR", base_lr=-0.1, policy="step", stepsize=1, gamma=0.999 )
    # ONE is a constant value that is used in the gradient update. We only need
    # to create it once, so it is explicitly placed in param_init_net.
    ONE = model.param_init_net.ConstantFill([], "ONE", shape=[1], value=1.0)
    # Now, for each parameter, we do the gradient updates.
    for param in model.params:
        # Note how we get the gradient of each parameter - CNNModelHelper keeps
        # track of that.
        param_grad = model.param_to_grad[param]
        # The update is a simple weighted sum: param = param + param_grad * LR
        model.WeightedSum([param, ONE, param_grad, LR], param)
    # let's checkpoint every 20 iterations, which should probably be fine.
    # you may need to delete tutorial_files/tutorial-mnist to re-run the tutorial
    model.Checkpoint([ITER] + model.params, [],
                   db_type="leveldb", every=20)

In [ ]:
arg_scope = {"order": "NCHW"}
train_model = model_helper.ModelHelper(name="mnist_train", arg_scope=arg_scope)
data, label = AddInput(
    train_model, batch_size=64,
    db=os.path.join(data_folder, 'mnist-train-nchw-leveldb'),
softmax = AddLeNetModel(train_model, data)
AddTrainingOperators(train_model, softmax, label)

# Testing model. We will set the batch size to 100, so that the testing
# pass is 100 iterations (10,000 images in total).
# For the testing model, we need the data input part, the main LeNetModel
# part, and an accuracy part. Note that init_params is set False because
# we will be using the parameters obtained from the train model.
test_model = model_helper.ModelHelper(
    name="mnist_test", arg_scope=arg_scope, init_params=False)
data, label = AddInput(
    test_model, batch_size=100,
    db=os.path.join(data_folder, 'mnist-test-nchw-leveldb'),
softmax = AddLeNetModel(test_model, data)
AddAccuracy(test_model, softmax, label)

# Deployment model. We simply need the main LeNetModel part.
deploy_model = model_helper.ModelHelper(
    name="mnist_deploy", arg_scope=arg_scope, init_params=False)
AddLeNetModel(deploy_model, "data")

In [ ]:
graph = net_drawer.GetPydotGraphMinimal(, "mnist", rankdir="LR", minimal_dependency=True)
display.Image(graph.create_png(), width=800)

In [ ]:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "train_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "train_init_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "test_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "test_init_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "deploy_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
print("Protocol buffers files have been created in your root folder: "+root_folder)

In [ ]:
# The parameter initialization network only needs to be run once.
# creating the network
# set the number of iterations and track the accuracy & loss
total_iters = 200
accuracy = np.zeros(total_iters)
loss = np.zeros(total_iters)
# Now, we will manually run the network for 200 iterations. 
for i in range(total_iters):
    accuracy[i] = workspace.FetchBlob('accuracy')
    loss[i] = workspace.FetchBlob('loss')
# After the execution is done, let's plot the values.
pyplot.plot(loss, 'b')
pyplot.plot(accuracy, 'r')
pyplot.legend(('Loss', 'Accuracy'), loc='upper right')

In [ ]:
# Let's look at some of the data.
data = workspace.FetchBlob('data')
_ = visualize.NCHW.ShowMultiple(data)
softmax = workspace.FetchBlob('softmax')
_ = pyplot.plot(softmax[0], 'ro')
pyplot.title('Prediction for the first image')

In [ ]:
# run a test pass on the test net
test_accuracy = np.zeros(100)
for i in range(100):
    test_accuracy[i] = workspace.FetchBlob('accuracy')
# After the execution is done, let's plot the values.
pyplot.plot(test_accuracy, 'r')
pyplot.title('Acuracy over test batches.')
print('test_accuracy: %f' % test_accuracy.mean())

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