
ZoneBudget Example

This notebook demonstrates how to use the ZoneBudget class to extract budget information from the cell by cell budget file using an array of zones.

First set the path and import the required packages. The flopy path doesn't have to be set if you install flopy from a binary installer. If you want to run this notebook, you have to set the path to your own flopy path.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
import sys
import platform
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import flopy

print('numpy version: {}'.format(np.__version__))
print('matplotlib version: {}'.format(mpl.__version__))
print('pandas version: {}'.format(pd.__version__))
print('flopy version: {}'.format(flopy.__version__))

3.5.3 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Feb 22 2017, 21:28:42) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
numpy version: 1.11.3
matplotlib version: 2.0.0
pandas version: 0.19.2
flopy version: 3.2.7

In [2]:
# Set path to example datafiles
loadpth = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'zonbud_examples')
cbc_f = os.path.join(loadpth, 'freyberg_mlt', 'freyberg.gitcbc')

Read File Containing Zones

Using the read_zbarray utility, we can import zonebudget-style array files.

In [3]:
from flopy.utils import read_zbarray

zone_file = os.path.join(loadpth, 'zonef_mlt')
zon = read_zbarray(zone_file)
nlay, nrow, ncol = zon.shape

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))

for lay in range(nlay):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, nlay, lay+1)
    im = ax.pcolormesh(zon[lay, :, :])
    cbar = plt.colorbar(im)

array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=int64)

Extract Budget Information from ZoneBudget Object

At the core of the ZoneBudget object is a numpy structured array. The class provides some wrapper functions to help us interogate the array and save it to disk.

In [4]:
# Create a ZoneBudget object and get the budget record array
zb = flopy.utils.ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=(0, 1096))

array([(1097.0, 0, 1096, 'STORAGE_IN', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'CONSTANT_HEAD_IN', 0.0, 0.0, 86.14904022216797),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'WELLS_IN', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'DRAINS_IN', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'RECHARGE_IN', 1306.9328665733337, 1299.4646787643433, 1277.0601153373718),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_0_IN', 4802.644836425781, 3535.9047956466675, 3882.708930850029),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_1_IN', 0.0, 3485.947250366211, 3202.0619506835938),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_2_IN', 3823.0936737060547, 0.0, 2978.4641098976135),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_3_IN', 3579.748610496521, 3084.417018890381, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'TOTAL_IN', 13512.41998720169, 11405.733743667603, 11426.444146990776),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'STORAGE_OUT', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT', 101.54193305969238, 232.463134765625, 204.33761596679688),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'WELLS_OUT', 2656.7999267578125, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'DRAINS_OUT', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'RECHARGE_OUT', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_0_OUT', 4066.0819091796875, 4371.711639404297, 4557.931823730469),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_1_OUT', 0.0, 3823.0936737060547, 3579.748610496521),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_2_OUT', 3485.947250366211, 0.0, 3084.417018890381),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_3_OUT', 3202.0619506835938, 2978.4641098976135, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'TOTAL_OUT', 13512.432970046997, 11405.73255777359, 11426.435069084167),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'IN-OUT', -0.012982845306396484, 0.0011858940124511719, 0.009077906608581543),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'PERCENT_DISCREPANCY', -9.608078406150355e-05, 1.0397350146459011e-05, 7.94465023225262e-05)], 
      dtype=[('totim', '<f4'), ('time_step', '<i4'), ('stress_period', '<i4'), ('name', '<U50'), ('ZONE_1', '<f8'), ('ZONE_2', '<f8'), ('ZONE_3', '<f8')])

In [5]:
# Get a list of the unique budget record names

       'WELLS_OUT', 'ZONE_0_IN', 'ZONE_0_OUT', 'ZONE_1_IN', 'ZONE_1_OUT',
       'ZONE_2_IN', 'ZONE_2_OUT', 'ZONE_3_IN', 'ZONE_3_OUT'], 

In [6]:
# Look at a subset of fluxes
names = ['RECHARGE_IN', 'ZONE_1_IN', 'ZONE_3_IN']

array([ (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'RECHARGE_IN', 1306.9328665733337, 1299.4646787643433, 1277.0601153373718),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_1_IN', 0.0, 3485.947250366211, 3202.0619506835938),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_3_IN', 3579.748610496521, 3084.417018890381, 0.0)], 
      dtype=[('totim', '<f4'), ('time_step', '<i4'), ('stress_period', '<i4'), ('name', '<U50'), ('ZONE_1', '<f8'), ('ZONE_2', '<f8'), ('ZONE_3', '<f8')])

In [7]:
# Look at fluxes in from zone 2
names = ['RECHARGE_IN', 'ZONE_1_IN', 'ZONE_3_IN']
zones = ['ZONE_2']
zb.get_budget(names=names, zones=zones)

array([(1097.0, 0, 1096, 'RECHARGE_IN', 1299.4646787643433),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_1_IN', 3485.947250366211),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_3_IN', 3084.417018890381)], 
      dtype=[('totim', '<f4'), ('time_step', '<i4'), ('stress_period', '<i4'), ('name', '<U50'), ('ZONE_2', '<f8')])

In [8]:
# Look at all of the mass-balance records

array([ (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'TOTAL_IN', 13512.41998720169, 11405.733743667603, 11426.444146990776),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'TOTAL_OUT', 13512.432970046997, 11405.73255777359, 11426.435069084167)], 
      dtype=[('totim', '<f4'), ('time_step', '<i4'), ('stress_period', '<i4'), ('name', '<U50'), ('ZONE_1', '<f8'), ('ZONE_2', '<f8'), ('ZONE_3', '<f8')])

Convert Units

The ZoneBudget class supports the use of mathematical operators and returns a new copy of the object.

In [9]:
cmd = flopy.utils.ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=(0, 0))
cfd = cmd / 35.3147
inyr = (cfd / (250 * 250)) * 365 * 12

cmdbud = cmd.get_budget()
cfdbud = cfd.get_budget()
inyrbud = inyr.get_budget()

names = ['RECHARGE_IN']
rowidx = np.in1d(cmdbud['name'], names)
colidx = 'ZONE_1'

print('{:,.1f} cubic meters/day'.format(cmdbud[rowidx][colidx][0]))
print('{:,.1f} cubic feet/day'.format(cfdbud[rowidx][colidx][0]))
print('{:,.1f} inches/year'.format(inyrbud[rowidx][colidx][0]))

1,580.5 cubic meters/day
44.8 cubic feet/day
3.1 inches/year

In [10]:
cmd is cfd


Alias Names

A dictionary of {zone: "alias"} pairs can be passed to replace the typical "ZONE_X" fieldnames of the ZoneBudget structured array with more descriptive names.

In [11]:
aliases = {1: 'SURF', 2:'CONF', 3: 'UFA'}
zb = flopy.utils.ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, totim=[1097.], aliases=aliases)

array([(1097.0, 0, 1096, 'STORAGE_IN', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'CONSTANT_HEAD_IN', 0.0, 0.0, 86.14904022216797),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'WELLS_IN', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'DRAINS_IN', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'RECHARGE_IN', 1306.9328665733337, 1299.4646787643433, 1277.0601153373718),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_0_IN', 4802.644836425781, 3535.9047956466675, 3882.708930850029),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'SURF_IN', 0.0, 3485.947250366211, 3202.0619506835938),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'CONF_IN', 3823.0936737060547, 0.0, 2978.4641098976135),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'UFA_IN', 3579.748610496521, 3084.417018890381, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'TOTAL_IN', 13512.41998720169, 11405.733743667603, 11426.444146990776),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'STORAGE_OUT', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT', 101.54193305969238, 232.463134765625, 204.33761596679688),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'WELLS_OUT', 2656.7999267578125, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'DRAINS_OUT', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'RECHARGE_OUT', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'ZONE_0_OUT', 4066.0819091796875, 4371.711639404297, 4557.931823730469),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'SURF_OUT', 0.0, 3823.0936737060547, 3579.748610496521),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'CONF_OUT', 3485.947250366211, 0.0, 3084.417018890381),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'UFA_OUT', 3202.0619506835938, 2978.4641098976135, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'TOTAL_OUT', 13512.432970046997, 11405.73255777359, 11426.435069084167),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'IN-OUT', -0.012982845306396484, 0.0011858940124511719, 0.009077906608581543),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'PERCENT_DISCREPANCY', -9.608078406150355e-05, 1.0397350146459011e-05, 7.94465023225262e-05)], 
      dtype=[('totim', '<f4'), ('time_step', '<i4'), ('stress_period', '<i4'), ('name', '<U50'), ('SURF', '<f8'), ('CONF', '<f8'), ('UFA', '<f8')])

Return the Budgets as a Pandas DataFrame

Set kstpkper and totim keyword args to None (or omit) to return all times. The get_dataframes() method will return a DataFrame multi-indexed on totim and name.

In [12]:
zon = np.ones((nlay, nrow, ncol), np.int)
zon[1, :, :] = 2
zon[2, :, :] = 3

aliases = {1: 'SURF', 2:'CONF', 3: 'UFA'}
zb = flopy.utils.ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=None, totim=None, aliases=aliases)
df = zb.get_dataframes()

                                SURF        CONF          UFA
totim name                                                   
1.0   CONF_IN            2218.183105    0.000000  1863.491943
      CONF_OUT           3752.850586    0.000000  1096.248657
      CONSTANT_HEAD_IN      0.000000    0.000000     0.000000
      CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT   911.639771  767.433716   767.249390
      DRAINS_IN             0.000000    0.000000     0.000000
                         SURF         CONF          UFA
totim  name                                            
1097.0 TOTAL_OUT  8328.821304  4869.630325  1725.220764
       UFA_IN        0.000000  1487.757812     0.000000
       UFA_OUT       0.000000  1639.001221     0.000000
       WELLS_IN      0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
       WELLS_OUT  4762.799942     0.000000     0.000000

Slice the multi-index dataframe to retrieve a subset of the budget. NOTE: We can now pass "names" directly to the get_dataframes() method to return a subset of reocrds. By omitting the "_IN" or "_OUT" suffix we get both.

In [13]:
dateidx1 = 1092.
dateidx2 = 1097.
zones = ['SURF', 'CONF']
df = zb.get_dataframes(names=names)
df.loc[(slice(dateidx1, dateidx2), slice(None)), :][zones]

totim name
1092.0 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 8.232683 4.993078
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 717.869995 608.265503
RECHARGE_IN 6070.894356 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 2829.812140 0.000000
1093.0 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 10.557623 6.348190
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 708.597717 600.514709
RECHARGE_IN 4240.286350 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 1930.483119 0.000000
1094.0 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 11.797873 7.080081
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 702.379089 595.157471
RECHARGE_IN 4082.749522 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 1279.166363 0.000000
1095.0 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 9.060410 5.471514
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 717.303589 607.924377
RECHARGE_IN 5053.779073 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 794.582903 0.000000
1096.0 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 4.007133 2.494755
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 744.257141 631.000854
RECHARGE_IN 6168.920364 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 1373.782646 0.000000
1097.0 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 145.417542 86.149040
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 270.298218 237.602493
RECHARGE_IN 5190.390527 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 4762.799942 0.000000

Look at pumpage (WELLS_OUT) as a percentage of recharge (RECHARGE_IN)

In [14]:
dateidx1 = 1092.
dateidx2 = 1097.
zones = ['SURF']

# Pull out the individual records of interest
rech = df.loc[(slice(dateidx1, dateidx2), ['RECHARGE_IN']), :][zones]
pump = df.loc[(slice(dateidx1, dateidx2), ['WELLS_OUT']), :][zones]

# Remove the "record" field from the index so we can 
# take the difference of the two DataFrames
rech = rech.reset_index()
rech = rech.set_index(['totim'])
rech = rech[zones]
pump = pump.reset_index()
pump = pump.set_index(['totim'])
pump = pump[zones] * -1

# Compute pumping as a percentage of recharge
pump_as_pct = (pump / rech) * 100.

1092.0 -46.612772
1093.0 -45.527188
1094.0 -31.331003
1095.0 -15.722549
1096.0 -22.269418
1097.0 -91.761880

Pass start_datetime and timeunit keyword arguments to return a dataframe with a datetime multi-index

In [15]:
dateidx1 = pd.Timestamp('1972-12-01')
dateidx2 = pd.Timestamp('1972-12-06')
zones = ['SURF', 'CONF']
df = zb.get_dataframes(start_datetime='1970-01-01', timeunit='D', names=names)
df.loc[(slice(dateidx1, dateidx2), slice(None)), :][zones]

datetime name
1972-12-01 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 0.000000 0.000000
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 845.552979 717.054688
RECHARGE_IN 8331.025639 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 5903.374154 0.000000
1972-12-02 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 0.000000 0.000000
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 848.445923 719.648071
RECHARGE_IN 7553.003516 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 1705.206116 0.000000
1972-12-03 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 0.000000 0.000000
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 835.000916 708.997253
RECHARGE_IN 5630.780802 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 2157.596333 0.000000
1972-12-04 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 0.000000 0.000000
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 831.632568 706.147217
RECHARGE_IN 6026.509709 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 5252.826000 0.000000
1972-12-05 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 0.000000 0.000000
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 847.015320 718.418274
RECHARGE_IN 7979.104075 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 6158.951546 0.000000
1972-12-06 CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 0.000000 0.000000
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 855.501160 725.291626
RECHARGE_IN 8254.627576 0.000000
WELLS_OUT 2989.254021 0.000000

Pass index_key to indicate which fields to use in the multi-index (defualt is "totim"; valid keys are "totim" and "kstpkper")

In [16]:
df = zb.get_dataframes(index_key='kstpkper')

time_step stress_period name
0 0 CONF_IN 2218.183105 0.000000 1863.491943
CONF_OUT 3752.850586 0.000000 1096.248657
CONSTANT_HEAD_IN 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT 911.639771 767.433716 767.249390
DRAINS_IN 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Write Budget Output to CSV

We can write the resulting recarray to a csv file with the .to_csv() method of the ZoneBudget object.

In [17]:
zb = flopy.utils.ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=[(0, 0), (0, 1096)])
zb.to_csv(os.path.join(loadpth, 'zonbud.csv'))

# Read the file in to see the contents
fname = os.path.join(loadpth, 'zonbud.csv')
    import pandas as pd
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        for line in f.readlines():

totim  time_step  stress_period                 name       ZONE_1       ZONE_2       ZONE_3
   1.0          0              0           STORAGE_IN     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0     CONSTANT_HEAD_IN     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0             WELLS_IN     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0            DRAINS_IN     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0          RECHARGE_IN  6276.861916     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0            ZONE_1_IN     0.000000  3752.850586     0.000000
   1.0          0              0            ZONE_2_IN  2218.183105     0.000000  1863.491943
   1.0          0              0            ZONE_3_IN     0.000000  1096.248657     0.000000
   1.0          0              0             TOTAL_IN  8495.045021  4849.099243  1863.491943
   1.0          0              0          STORAGE_OUT     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0    CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT   911.639771   767.433716   767.249390
   1.0          0              0            WELLS_OUT     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0           DRAINS_OUT  3832.150167     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0         RECHARGE_OUT     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
   1.0          0              0           ZONE_1_OUT     0.000000  2218.183105     0.000000
   1.0          0              0           ZONE_2_OUT  3752.850586     0.000000  1096.248657
   1.0          0              0           ZONE_3_OUT     0.000000  1863.491943     0.000000
   1.0          0              0            TOTAL_OUT  8496.640524  4849.108765  1863.498047
   1.0          0              0               IN-OUT    -1.595503    -0.009521    -0.006104
   1.0          0              0  PERCENT_DISCREPANCY    -0.018780    -0.000196    -0.000328
1097.0          0           1096           STORAGE_IN     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096     CONSTANT_HEAD_IN   145.417542    86.149040    86.217201
1097.0          0           1096             WELLS_IN     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096            DRAINS_IN     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096          RECHARGE_IN  5190.390527     0.000000     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096            ZONE_1_IN     0.000000  3295.723145     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096            ZONE_2_IN  2993.026611     0.000000  1639.001221
1097.0          0           1096            ZONE_3_IN     0.000000  1487.757812     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096             TOTAL_IN  8328.834680  4869.629997  1725.218422
1097.0          0           1096          STORAGE_OUT     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096    CONSTANT_HEAD_OUT   270.298218   237.602493   237.462952
1097.0          0           1096            WELLS_OUT  4762.799942     0.000000     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096           DRAINS_OUT     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096         RECHARGE_OUT     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096           ZONE_1_OUT     0.000000  2993.026611     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096           ZONE_2_OUT  3295.723145     0.000000  1487.757812
1097.0          0           1096           ZONE_3_OUT     0.000000  1639.001221     0.000000
1097.0          0           1096            TOTAL_OUT  8328.821304  4869.630325  1725.220764
1097.0          0           1096               IN-OUT     0.013376    -0.000328    -0.002342
1097.0          0           1096  PERCENT_DISCREPANCY     0.000161    -0.000007    -0.000136

Net Budget

Using the "net" keyword argument, we can request a net budget for each zone/record name or for a subset of zones and record names. Note that we can identify the record names we want without the added "_IN" or "_OUT" string suffix.

In [18]:
zon = np.ones((nlay, nrow, ncol), np.int)
zon[1, :, :] = 2
zon[2, :, :] = 3

aliases = {1: 'SURF', 2:'CONF', 3: 'UFA'}
zb = flopy.utils.ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=None, totim=None, aliases=aliases)
cfd = zb.get_budget(names=['STORAGE', 'WELLS'], zones=['SURF', 'UFA'], net=True)

array([(1.0, 0, 0, 'STORAGE', 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0, 0, 'WELLS', 0.0, 0.0),
       (2.0, 0, 1, 'STORAGE', 219.27908273598587, 192.47897395201653), ...,
       (1096.0, 0, 1095, 'WELLS', -1373.7826461791992, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'STORAGE', 0.0, 0.0),
       (1097.0, 0, 1096, 'WELLS', -4762.799942016602, 0.0)], 
      dtype=[('totim', '<f4'), ('time_step', '<i4'), ('stress_period', '<i4'), ('name', '<U50'), ('SURF', '<f8'), ('UFA', '<f8')])

In [19]:
df = zb.get_dataframes(names=['STORAGE', 'WELLS'], zones=['SURF', 'UFA'], net=True)

totim name
1.0 STORAGE 0.000000 0.000000
WELLS 0.000000 0.000000
2.0 STORAGE 219.279083 192.478974
WELLS -1302.403252 0.000000
3.0 STORAGE 575.833970 386.666232
WELLS -1618.676394 0.000000

Plot Budget Components

The following is a function that can be used to better visualize the budget components using matplotlib.

In [20]:
def tick_label_formatter_comma_sep(x, pos):
    return '{:,.0f}'.format(x)

def volumetric_budget_bar_plot(values_in, values_out, labels, **kwargs):
    if 'ax' in kwargs:
        ax = kwargs.pop('ax')
        ax = plt.gca()

    x_pos = np.arange(len(values_in))
    rects_in = ax.bar(x_pos, values_in, align='center', alpha=0.5)

    x_pos = np.arange(len(values_out))
    rects_out = ax.bar(x_pos, values_out, align='center', alpha=0.5)

    plt.xticks(list(x_pos), labels)
    ax.set_xticklabels(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90)

    ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
    if ymax != 0:
        if abs(ymin) / ymax < .33:
            ymin = -(ymax * .5)
            ymin *= 1.35
        ymin *= 1.35
    plt.ylim([ymin, ymax * 1.25])

    for i, rect in enumerate(rects_in):
        label = '{:,.0f}'.format(values_in[i])
        height = values_in[i]
        x = rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2
        y = height + (.02 * ymax)
        vertical_alignment = 'bottom'
        horizontal_alignment = 'center'
        ax.text(x, y, label, ha=horizontal_alignment, va=vertical_alignment, rotation=90)

    for i, rect in enumerate(rects_out):
        label = '{:,.0f}'.format(values_out[i])
        height = values_out[i]
        x = rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2
        y = height + (.02 * ymin)
        vertical_alignment = 'top'
        horizontal_alignment = 'center'
        ax.text(x, y, label, ha=horizontal_alignment, va=vertical_alignment, rotation=90)

    # horizontal line indicating zero
    ax.plot([rects_in[0].get_x() - rects_in[0].get_width() / 2,
             rects_in[-1].get_x() + rects_in[-1].get_width()], [0, 0], "k")

    return rects_in, rects_out

In [21]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 5))

times = [2., 500., 1000., 1095.]

for idx, time in enumerate(times):

    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, len(times), idx + 1)

    zb = flopy.utils.ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=None, totim=time, aliases=aliases)

    recname = 'STORAGE'
    values_in = zb.get_dataframes(names='{}_IN'.format(recname)).T.squeeze()
    values_out = zb.get_dataframes(names='{}_OUT'.format(recname)).T.squeeze() * -1
    labels = values_in.index.tolist()

    rects_in, rects_out = volumetric_budget_bar_plot(values_in, values_out, labels, ax=ax)

    plt.ylabel('Volumetric rate, in Mgal/d')
    plt.title('totim = {}'.format(time))
