A uniform beam, its length $L$, its stiffness $EJ=\text{const}$ and its unit mass $\bar m=\text{const}$ is clamped at $x=0$ and is simply supported at $x=L$.
The beam is in a condition of static equilibrium (see figure) under a couple $W=w\frac{EJ}{L}$ applied at $x=L$ when, at time $t=0$, the external load is suddenly released.
Determine the modal responses for the first 3 modes and plot the bending moment $M_b(0, t)$ in the interval $0 \le \omega_0 t \le 5$, where $\omega_0^2=\frac{EJ}{\bar mL^4}$
We are going to
The eigenfunctions of a uniform beam have the form $$\phi_n = A_n\sin\beta_nx + B_n\cos\beta_nx + C_n\sinh\beta_nx + D_n\cosh\beta_nx,$$ where the wave number $\beta$ is associated to the relevant frequency of vibration by the relationship $$\beta_n^4=\frac{\bar{m}\omega_n^2}{EJ} \qquad\mathrm{or,\ multiplying\ by\ L^4,}\qquad (\beta_nL)^4=\omega_n^2\frac{\bar{m}L^4}{EJ} = \frac{\omega_n^2}{\omega_0^2}.$$
The boundary conditions for our problem are \begin{align*} \phi_n(0) &= 0 & \phi'_n(0) &=0\\ \phi_n(L) &= 0 & -EJ\phi''_n(L) &=0 \end{align*} From the first two equations we find that $B_n+D_n=0$ and $A_n+C_n=0$, solving for $C_n$ and $D_n$ and substituting in the general integral we have
The boundary conditions in $L$ can be written, after some simplifications, in terms of a homogeneous linear system $$ \begin{bmatrix} sin\beta_nL-\sinh\beta_nL&\cos\beta_nL-\cosh\beta_nL\\ sin\beta_nL+\sinh\beta_nL&\cos\beta_nL+\cosh\beta_nL \end{bmatrix}\, \begin{Bmatrix} A_n\\B_N\end {Bmatrix} = \begin{Bmatrix} 0\\0 \end{Bmatrix} $$
Equating the determinant of the coefficent matrix to zero gives $$ 2 \cosh{\beta_n L} \sin{\beta_n L} - 2 \cos{\beta_n L} \sinh{\beta_n L}=0 \quad\leftrightarrow\quad \sin{\beta_n L}=\cos{\beta_n L} \tanh{\beta_n L}.$$
Because for moderately large arguments it is $\tanh\beta L\simeq1$ we can write that the determinant is (almost) equal to zero when $\sin\beta_n L=\cos\beta_n L$, i.e., when $\beta\,L = \pi/4 + n\pi$.
It is useful to plot $\sin{\beta_n L}-\cos{\beta_n L} \tanh{\beta_n L}$ and $\sin{\beta_n L}\cos{\beta_n L}$ against $\beta L/\pi$,
In [5]:
BetaL = linspace(0,5,501)
det_exact = sin(pi*BetaL)-cos(pi*BetaL)*tanh(pi*BetaL)
det_approx = sin(pi*BetaL)-cos(pi*BetaL)
In [6]:
plt.plot(BetaL, det_exact, label='exact')
plt.plot(BetaL, det_approx, label='approx')
plt.xticks([0]+[n+0.25 for n in (1,2,3,4)])
plt.title('The determinant of the homogeneous system as a function of $\\beta L$')
plt.xticks((0.00, 1.00, 1.25, 2.00, 2.25, 3.00, 3.25, 4.00, 4.25, 5.00),
('0', '1', '1.25', '2', '2.25', '3', '3.25', '4', '4.25', '5'))
plt.legend(); plt.xlabel(r'$\beta L/\pi$');
Not interested in the trivial solution $\beta_nL=0$, it's apparent that the roots are $\beta_nL\simeq(n+1/4)\pi$ but we can compute numerically more precise approximations to the roots of the determinant and eventually the frequencies of vibration, $\omega_n^2 = (\beta_nL)^4\omega_0^2$.
In [7]:
N = 3
roots = array([newton(lambda x: sin(x)-cos(x)*tanh(x), (r+1.25)*pi)
for r in range(N)])
BetaL = roots
w1 = BetaL**2
w2 = w1**2
In [8]:
dL(r'\noindent The adimensional wavenumbers',
groupalign(roots, 3, variable='\\beta_{%d}L'),
r'$\text{The adimensional frequencies}$',
groupalign(w1, 3, variable=r'\frac{\omega_{%d}}{\omega_0}'),
r'$\text{The adimensional squared frequencies}$',
groupalign(w2, 3, variable=r'\frac{\omega^2_{%d}}{\omega^2_0}'))
In [9]:
CA, CB = sin(roots)-sinh(roots), cos(roots)-cosh(roots)
A = 1.0 ; B = -CA*A/CB
xi = linspace(0, 1, 1001)
b_xi = outer(xi, roots)
phi = A*(sin(b_xi)-sinh(b_xi)) + B*(cos(b_xi)-cosh(b_xi))
In [10]:
tlbl = '$\\tau=\\omega_0t$'
xlbl = '$\\xi=x/L$'
plt.legend(plt.plot(xi, phi), [r'$\phi_{%d}$'%n for n in range(1,7)], loc=0, ncol=3)
plt.title('The first %d eigenfunctions'%N )
We put in evidence an hyperstatic reaction $Z=z\,EJ/L$, the bending moment is $M = (x-L) \, Z/L + x \, W/L$ ; the curvature is $y'' = -EJ\,M = -(x-L)\,z/L^2 - x\,w/L^2$ ; integrating $y'= -(x-L)^2/2\,z/L^2 -x^2/2\,w/L^2 + A$ and $y = -(x-L)^3/6\,z/L^2 -x^3/6\,w/L^2 + Ax + B$.
Imposing the boundary conditions $y(0) = zL/6 + B = 0$ and $y'(0)=-z/2 + A=0$ we have $A=z/2$ and $B=-zL/6$
Substituting in $y$ it is $y=-(x-L)^3/6\,z/L^2 -x^3/6\,w/L^2 + x/2\,z - L/6\,z$. evaluating in $x=L$ and imposing a zero displacement we have $y(L) = 0 = (1/2 - 1/6) \, zL - 1/6\, wL \rightarrow z = w/2$.
Substituting again in $y$ and simplifying we have $$y(x) = \frac{wL}4 \frac{x^2L-x^3}{L^3} = L\,\frac{\xi^2-\xi^3}{4}\,w.$$
In [11]:
y = (1-xi)*xi*xi/4
plt.plot(xi, y, label='$y_\mathrm{stat}/wL$')
plt.title('Normalized static displacement')
plt.legend() ; plt.xlabel(xlbl)
We can represent the (known) static displacements in terms of a weighted sum of eigenfunctions $$y(x)=\sum_1^\infty \eta_n\phi_n(x),$$ whose coefficients can be easily determined by exploiting the orthogonality relation of the eigenfunctions: $$\int_0^L \bar m(x)\,\phi_m y \,dx=\delta_{m,n}\,m_n\,\eta_n \rightarrow \eta_n=\frac{\int_0^L \bar m(x)\,\phi_n y \,dx}{\int_0^L \bar m(x)\,\phi_n^2 \,dx}.$$
In [12]:
modal_mass = array([trapz(phi_i**2, dx=0.001) for phi_i in phi.T])
modmass_eta = array([trapz(phi_i*y, dx=0.001) for phi_i in phi.T])
eta = modmass_eta/modal_mass
In [13]:
dL(groupalign(eta, 3, variable='\\eta_{%d}', fmt='%+g'))
Plotting the approximation to the static displacements obtained using a few eigenfunctions is not really useful, but it's so easy... We plot the approximant and the difference between the static displacements and the approximant.
In [14]:
y3 = phi@eta
plt.plot(xi, y3); plt.xlabel(xlbl)
plt.title(r'Approximant to $y_\mathrm{stat}$ using %d terms'%N)
plt.plot(xi, y-y3) ; plt.xlabel(xlbl)
plt.title(r'Difference $y_\mathrm{stat} - \sum_1^{%d} \eta_n\phi_n(\beta_n x)$'%N)
In [15]:
responses = [r'\frac{q_{%d}}{wL} &= %+g \cos(%g\omega_0t)'%(n, eta_n, w_n)
for n, eta_n, w_n in zip(count(1), eta, w1)]
align_res = r',\\\\'.join(',&'.join(res for res in row if res) for row in grouper(responses, 2))
dL(r'\begin{align}', align_res, r'.\end{align}')
It is $M = -EJ y''$, or
$$ M = -EJ\,wL \sum \eta_n\frac{1}{L^2}\frac{d^2\phi_n(\beta_nL\,\xi)}{d\xi^2}\cos\omega_it = -\left(\sum\eta_n\frac{d^2\phi_n(\beta_nL\,\xi)}{d\xi^2}\cos\omega_it\right) W. $$Because $$ \left.-\frac{d^2\phi_n(\beta_nL\,\xi)}{d\xi^2}\right|_{\xi=0} = \left.\beta_n^2L^2\left(\strut (\sin\beta_n\xi + \sinh\beta_n\xi) A_n + (\cos\beta_n\xi + \cosh\beta_n\xi)B_n\right) \right|_{\xi=0} = 2\frac{\omega_n}{\omega_0}B_n$$
we can finally write $M(0, t) = 2 W \sum \frac{\omega_n}{\omega_0}\,\eta_n\,B_n \cos(\frac{\omega_n}{\omega_0}\,\omega_0t)$
In [16]:
dL(r'$$\frac{M(0)}{W} =', ' '.join(
r'%+.6g\cos(%.2f\omega_0t)'%(coef, w) for coef, w in zip(w1*eta*B*2, w1)), r'+\ldots$$')
Before proceding with $M(0,t)$ it is interesting to compute the approximation to $M(x, 0)$, that is how well we are approximating the bending moment at the beginning of our analysis. \begin{multline} M(x, 0) = -EJ \, wL \sum \eta_n\,\frac{d^2\phi_n}{d\,x^2} \cos(\omega_n 0) = \\ = W \sum \frac{\omega_n}{\omega_0}\eta_n\left(\strut (\sin\beta_n\xi + \sinh\beta_n\xi) A_n +(\cos\beta_n\xi + \cosh\beta_n\xi)B_n \right) \end{multline}
In [17]:
# d2y is the NEGATIVE of the second spatial derivative of \phi
d2y = A*(sin(b_xi)+sinh(b_xi)) + B*(cos(b_xi)+cosh(b_xi))
M_stat = d2y@(eta*BetaL**2)
In [18]:
# plot the derivatives
plt.legend(plt.plot(xi, d2y), (r"$-\phi''_{%d}$"%(n) for n, _ in enumerate(d2y, 1)), ncol=3)
plt.title('The second spatial derivatives of the mode shapes')
# plot the static M(x)/W (from -0.5 to +1) and the approximation using N modes
plt.plot(xi, M_stat, label=r'$\sum_1^{%d}M_{\mathrm{stat, }n}$'%N)
plt.plot(xi, 0.5*(xi-1)+xi, label=r'$M_\mathrm{stat}$')
plt.ylabel(r'$M\, /\, W$')
plt.title('Comparison of the static bending moment and its approximation')
As you can see, we are in trouble inasmuch the bending moment in $x=L$ can not be approximated correctly, as we are summing contributions of the type $\phi''(L) \equiv 0$. Ask your favourite search engine about "Gibbs phenomenon".
We need an 1D array with the instants of (dimensionless) time, a 2D array with the arguments of the cosines (i.e., time multiplied by the frequencies), a 2D array with the cosines of said arguments and finally we multiply the cosines by the coefficients
In [19]:
t = linspace(0, 5, 5001)
wt = outer(t, BetaL**2)
cwt = cos(wt)
M = cwt@(2*B*eta*BetaL**2)
In [20]:
if 1:
plt.plot(t, M)
plt.title('Bending moment @ x=0, with $\\zeta=0.0\\%$')
plt.ylim((-1.5, 1.5))
plt.yticks((-1, -0.5, 0, 1))
Let's see what happens if we take into account a very small value of viscous damping.
Similar to what we have done for MDoF systems, we assume that the modal shapes are not affected by the presence of damping and that the modal response is $$q_i(t) = \exp(-\zeta\omega_it) (A_i\sin\omega_{D,i}t + B_i\cos\omega_{D,i}t).$$ In our case, $q_i(0) = q_{o,i}$ and $\dot{q}_i(0)=0$, it is $B_i = q_{o,i}$ and $A_i = \zeta B_i/\sqrt{1-\zeta^2}$; for small $\zeta$, we can approximately write $\omega_{D,i}\simeq\omega_i$ and $A_i\simeq\zeta B_i$.
Let's say $\zeta=0.5\%$ and compute and plot the (approximated) response
In [21]:
zeta = 0.005
swt = sin(wt)
Md = (exp(-zeta*wt)*(zeta*swt+cwt))@(2*B*eta*BetaL**2)
In [22]:
if 1:
plt.plot(t, Md)
plt.title('Bending moment @ x=0, with $\\zeta=0.5\\%$')
plt.ylim((-1.5, 1.5))
plt.yticks((-1, -0.5, 0, 1))
As you can see, the effects of viscous damping are really important for the high frequency modal components, that is because the decrement $$ \exp(-\zeta\omega_nt) = \exp(-\zeta\frac{2\pi}{T_n}t) = e^{-2\pi\zeta}e^\frac{t}{T_n} = e^{-2\pi\zeta}e^{n_\text{cycles}}. $$ is proportional to the exponential of the number of cycles involved...
Here we stop with this printed solution, but if you like you can download the notebook that is the source of this paper and as an added bonus you'll receive an interactive plotting widget that lets you investigate the variation of the response with respect to the value of the damping ratio. A further bonus (well, possibly so...) is the code that produced the plots and the mathematical displays, code that's been hidden in this paper to streamline the narrative but could be interesting from a different point of view.
In [29]:
def p(z=0.5):
zeta = z/100.0
M = (exp(-zeta*wt)*(zeta*swt+cwt))@(2*B*eta*BetaL**2)
plt.plot(t, M)
plt.title('Bending moment @ x=0, with $\\zeta=%.1f\\%%$'%z)
plt.ylim((-1.5, 1.5))
plt.yticks((-1, -0.5, 0, 1))
interact(p, z=(0, 2.0)) ;
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from numpy import array, cos, cosh, exp, linspace, outer
from numpy import pi, sin, sinh, sqrt, tanh, trapz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import newton
from jupyterthemes import jtplot
from itertools import count, zip_longest
from ipywidgets import interact
In [4]:
jtplot.style(context='paper', fscale=1.5, figsize=(15, 3))
def rev_y(): plt.ylim(plt.ylim()[::-1])
def dL(*l):
from IPython.display import Latex
display(Latex(' '.join(l)))
def grouper( iterable, N):
return zip_longest(*([iter(iterable)]*N))
def groupalign(seq, N, variable='x_{%d}', fmt='%g', closing='.'):
beg = r'\begin{align*}'
end = closing + r'\end{align*}'
xfmt = variable + '&=' + fmt
g = grouper(seq, N)
body = r',\\'.join(
xfmt%(1+i+N*j, x) for i, x in enumerate(items) if x != None)
for j, items in enumerate(g))
return ''.join((beg, body, end))