In [1]:
from IPython.display import display, HTML
In [2]:
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import newton
In [3]:
# %matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-paper')
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 118
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (7.0, 3.0)
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True
I want to compare successive approximations (partial sums) to response quantities and initially I've done it in the main program, but realizing that I was repeating the same things too many times decided to put the boring details in the plot_cum
In [4]:
def plot_cum(*, what=[], position=0, label=None, title=None, fname=None):
from numpy import cumsum, diag, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
vals = [float(what[i].subs(xi, position).evalf()) for i in range(Nfun)]
approxs = cumsum(diag(vals)@etai, axis=0)
for i, (worse, better) in enumerate(couples(approxs), 1):
plt.plot(a/pi, worse,
color='k', label=label%(i+0), linewidth=1.8, alpha=0.4)
plt.plot(a/pi, better,
color='r', label=label%(i+1), linewidth=0.6, alpha=1.0)
plt.xlabel(r'$\omega_0 t/\pi$')
if fname: plt.savefig('figures/'+fname+'%2.2d.pdf'%(i+1))
We need one additional library function, then we can define ld
to simplify the generation of mathematical displays, align
to further simplify that.
returns successive couples from a sequence of objects, like
couples((1, 2, 3, 4)) -> (1, 2), (2, 3), (3,4)
and we have already used it in the definition of plot_cum
In [5]:
from IPython.display import Latex
def ld(*li):
display(Latex(' '.join(li)))
def align(iterable):
ld(r'\begin{align}', r'\\'.join(iterable), r'\end{align}')
def couples(iterable):
from itertools import tee
a, b = tee(iter(iterable))
next(b, None)
return zip(a, b)
In [6]:
An undamped, uniform beam of length $L$, unit mass $\bar m$ and flexural stiffness $EJ$ is clamped at one end and it is free at the other one.
The beam is at rest when it is excited by a dynamic load, $$p(x, t) = p_0 \begin{cases} \sin(3\pi x/L) \sin(9\omega_0t) & \text{for }0 \le \omega_0 t \le\frac{2}{3}\pi\\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases}$$ where $\omega_0^2 =\frac{EJ}{\bar mL^4}$.
Compute an approximation of the tip displacement, $v(L, t)$ using the first 3 modes of vibration and plot your results (normalized with respect to $\frac{p_0L^4}{EJ}$) in the time interval $0 \le t \le \frac{2\pi}{\omega_0}$.
Compute an approximation to the bending moment at the clamped end, $M(0, t)$ using the first 3 modes of vibration and plot your results (normalized with respect to $p_0L^2$) in the same time interval.
First of all, we must determine the eigenfunctions that respect the boundary conditions as well as the corresponding wave-numbers and frequencies of vibration, optionally we can normalize the eigenfunction,
Next we must solve the equation of motion, using a modal expansion and the orthogonality properties of the eigenfunctions, for both the forced phase and the free vibration phase. The steps involved comprise the determination of the modal masses and stiffnesses, the modal load components, the determination of the particular integrals and the determination of the homogeneous part of the response by imposing the initial condition, at the beginning of the excitation and at the beginning of the free vibrations.
Eventually we compute the required quantities ($v(L,t)$ and $M(0,t)$) and plot it as requested.
Using separation of variables, $v(x, t) = \phi(x) q(t)$, the solution of the infinitesimal equation of equilibrium for the free vibration of an uniform beam is
In [7]:
A, B, C, D, L, lam, Lam, x, xi = sp.symbols('A B C D L lambda Lambda x xi')
phi0 = A*sp.sin(lam*x) + B*sp.cos(lam*x) + C*sp.sinh(lam*x) + D*sp.cosh(lam*x)
ld(r'\begin{multline}q(t) = R \cos\omega t + S \sin\omega t,\\',
r'\phi(x)=', sp.latex(phi0), r'\\',
r'\qquad\text{with } \omega^2=\frac{\lambda^4\,EJ}{m}.\end{multline}')
In [8]:
eq1 = phi0.subs(x, 0)
eq2 = phi0.diff(x).subs(x, 0)
ld('$$', sp.latex(eq1), r'=0,\qquad', sp.latex(eq2), '=0.$$')
We solve for $C, D$ in terms of $A, B$
In [9]:
sol0 = sp.solve((eq1, eq2), (C, D))
and substitute in the general solution
In [10]:
phi0 = phi0.subs(sol0)
ld(r'$$\phi = ', sp.latex(phi0), '$$')
In [11]:
eq1 = (phi0.diff(x, 2).subs(x, L))
eq2 = (phi0.diff(x, 3).subs(x, L))
coeffs = sp.Matrix(
[[eq.diff(var).expand() for var in (A, B)] for eq in (eq1, eq2)])
ld(r"$$\begin{Bmatrix}\phi''(L)\\\phi'''(L)\end{Bmatrix} = ",
r'\begin{Bmatrix}A\\B\end{Bmatrix} = \begin{Bmatrix}0\\0\end{Bmatrix}$$')
In [12]:
det = coeffs.det().trigsimp()
In [13]:
det = det.subs(L, Lam/lam).subs(lam,-1)
p = sp.plot(sp.cos(Lam*sp.pi), -1/sp.cosh(Lam*sp.pi), (Lam, 0, 4),
xlabel=r'$\lambda L/\pi$', ylabel='',
title=r'$\cos(\lambda L), -1/\cosh(\lambda L)$', show=0)'figures/roots.pdf');
The roots are more and more close to $(n-0.5)\pi$...
We decide the number of eigenfunctons we want to deal with, Nfun = 5
to compute numerically the roots we must convert the symbolic representations of the determinant to a numerical function, i.e., one that takes a numerical argument and returns a numerical value.
When we have performed these preliminaries, we can compute the roots $\Lambda_i = \lambda_iL$ for $i=1,\ldots,{}$Nfun
In [14]:
Nfun = 5
f0 = sp.lambdify(Lam, det.subs(lam,-1))
f1 = sp.lambdify(Lam, det.diff(Lam).subs(lam,-1))
roots = []
print(' n x0/pi (lambda_i L)/pi lambda_i L Delta %')
for i in range(Nfun):
x0 = (0.5+i)*np.pi
root = newton(f0, x0, f1)
print('%2d %15.6f %15.6f %15.6f %15.6f'%(
i+1, x0/np.pi, root/np.pi, root, 100*(root-x0)/x0))
print(' '.join('%.6f'%r for r in roots))
In [15]:
phi0s, coefs, pieces = [], [], []
for i in range(Nfun):
sol = sp.solve(eq1.subs(lam, roots[i]/L), B)[0]
coef = sol.subs(A,1)
sign = ['+', '-'][i%2]
arg = r'(%10.4f\,\xi)'%roots[i]
r'%s\phi_{%d}(\xi) &= \sin%s - \sinh%s %+f\,(\cos%s - \cosh%s)'%
(sign, i+1, arg, arg, coef, arg, arg))
tmp = phi0.subs({B:sol}).subs({lam:roots[i]/L, x:xi*L, A:1})*(-1)**i
phi0s.append(tmp), coefs.append(coef)
ld(r'\begin{align*}', r'\\'.join(pieces), '\end{align*}')
In [16]:
from scipy.integrate import quad
pieces = []
for i, phi in enumerate(phi0s):
mass_temp = quad(sp.lambdify(xi, phi**2), 0, 1)[0]
fac = np.sqrt(mass_temp)
phi0s[i] = phi0s[i]/fac
fac = (-1)**i/fac
lx = r'\Lambda_{%d}\xi'%(i+1)
r'\phi_{%d} &= %+.6f(\sin%s-\sinh%s)%+.6f(\cos%s-\cosh%s)' %
(i+1, fac, lx, lx, coefs[i]*fac, lx, lx))
ld(r'\begin{align}', r'\\'.join(pieces), r'\end{align}')
In [17]:
p = sp.plot(*phi0s, (xi, 0, 1), show=0, xlabel='$\\xi$', ylabel='$\\phi(\\xi)$')
for n, l in enumerate(p, 1):
l.label = r'$\phi_{%d}(\xi)$'%n
l.line_color = ['k', 'r', 'b', 'g'][(n-1)%4]
and, on the same scale, plot the spatial dependency of the loading
In [18]:
p = sp.plot(sp.sin(3*sp.pi*xi), (xi, 0, 1),
xlabel=r'$\xi$', ylabel=r'$p(\xi)$', show=0)'figures/load2xi.pdf');;
(note the similarity between the spatial distribution of the load and $\phi_4$).
Using separation of variables, with $m$ being the mass per unit of length, $p_0$ a load per unit of length and $p(x),\;f(t)$ being adimensional functions we can write
$$ m \left(\sum \phi_j\ddot q_j\right) + EJ \left(\sum \phi_j'''' q_j\right) = p_0\,p(x)\,f(t) $$multiplying by $\phi_i$, integrating, taking into account the eigenfunctions orthogonality and taking into account the identities $x = L\xi$, $dx = L\,d\xi$ and $\phi''''(x) = \phi''''(\xi)/L^4$ the equation of motion is transformed in a set of uncoupled ordinary differential equations
\begin{multline} mL \cdot \int_0^1\phi_i^2(\xi)\,d\xi \cdot \ddot q + \frac{EJ}{L^3} \cdot \int_0^1 \phi_i(\xi)\phi_i''''(\xi)\,d\xi \cdot q = \\ = p_0 L\cdot \int_0^1 \phi_i(\xi)p(\xi)\,d\xi \cdot f(t),\qquad i=1,\ldots,\infty \end{multline}or
$$ m_0 \cdot m_i \cdot \ddot q_i + k_0 \cdot k_i \cdot q_i = P_0 \cdot p_i \cdot f(t) $$where $m_0 = m L$, ${}\,k_0 = (EJ)/(L^3)$, ${}\,P_0 = p_0 L$ and
\begin{align*} m_i &= \int_0^1\phi_i^2(\xi)\,d\xi = 1 \text{ (we have mass-normalized the eigenfunctions)}\\ k_i &= \int_0^1 \phi_i(\xi)\phi_i''''(\xi)\,d\xi \\ p_i &= \int_0^1 \phi_i(\xi)p(\xi)\,d\xi \\ \\ \end{align*}
In [19]:
ms, ks = [], []
print('n M_n K_n omega^2_n beta^4_n')
for i, phi in enumerate(phi0s):
ms.append(quad(sp.lambdify(xi, phi**2), 0, 1)[0])
ks.append(quad(sp.lambdify(xi, (phi.diff(xi, 2))**2), 0, 1)[0])
print('%d %10.6f %15.6f %15.6f %15.6f '%
(i+1, ms[i], ks[i], ks[i]/ms[i], roots[i]**4))
r', \quad '.join('k_{%d}=%.6f'%(i+1,ks[i]) for i in range(Nfun)),
In [20]:
pis = [quad(sp.lambdify(xi, sp.sin(3*sp.pi*xi)*phi), 0, 1)[0] for phi in phi0s]
ld('$$', r',\quad'.join(' p_{%d} = %+f' % (i, pi)
for i, pi in enumerate(pis, 1)),'.$$')
In [21]:
p = sp.plot((sp.sin(9*x*sp.pi), (x, 0, 2/3)), (0, (x, 2/3, 2)),
xlabel='$a/\\pi$', ylabel='$f(a)$', show=0)'figures/load2a');
Dividing by $m_0$, with $k_0/m_0 = \omega^2_0$
$$ m_i \cdot \ddot q_i + k_i \cdot \omega_0^2 q_i = \frac{k_0}{m_0} \frac{P_0}{k_0} \cdot p_i \cdot f(t) = \omega_0^2 \Delta_\text{st} \cdot p_i \cdot f(t).$$Using an adimensional time coordinate $a = \omega_0 t$ we have $\ddot q(t) = \omega_0^2 \ddot q(a)$ and it is hence possible to remove the dependency on $\omega_0^2$:
$$m_i \ddot q_i(a) + k_i q_i(a) = \Delta_\text{st} p_i f(a).$$Introducing an adimensional modal response function $\eta(a) = q(a)/\Delta_\text{st}$m the modal equations of motion can be written
$$m_i \ddot \eta_i(a) + k_i \eta_i(a) = p_i f(a)$$and the response is
$$v(x, t) = \Delta_\text{st} \, \sum \phi_i(x) \eta_i(t). $$Taking into account that $m_i \equiv 1$ we can write, for $0 \le a \le 2\pi/3$
In [22]:
align("%+10f \cdot \eta_{%d} + \ddot \eta_{%d} &= %+10.7f \cdot \sin 9a"
%(ks[i], i+1, i+1, pis[i]) for i in range(Nfun))
while for $2\pi \le a$ the load is zero and we have free vibrations.
Using the positions $\psi_0=9$ and $\psi_i^2=k_i$, substituting a particular integral $\xi_i(a) = C_i \sin \psi_0 a$ in the modal equations of motion we have
$$ (\psi_i^2 - \psi_0^2) \, C_i \sin \psi_0 a = p_i \sin \psi_0 a \rightarrow C_i = \frac{p_i}{\psi_i^2 - \psi_0^2}.$$The homogeneous integral is $A_i \cos \psi_i a + B \sin\psi_i a$, taking into account the initial conditions $q_i(0)=0$, $\dot q_i(0)=0$ we have
$$ \eta_i = \frac{p_i}{\psi^2_i -\psi_0^2} \, \left( \sin\psi_0a - \frac{\psi_0}{\psi_i}\sin\psi_ia\right), \qquad\text{for } 0 \le a \le \frac{2}{3}\pi, $$$$ \dot \eta_i = \psi_0 \frac{p_i}{\psi^2_i -\psi_0^2} \, \left( \cos\psi_0a - \cos\psi_ia\right).$$
In [23]:
psi_0, psi_i = 9.0, np.sqrt(ks)
Ci = pis/(psi_i**2-psi_0**2)
bi = psi_0/psi_i
align(r'1000\,\eta_{%d} &= %f(\sin(9.0 a)-%f\sin(%f a))'%
(i+1, Ci[i]*1000,bi[i],psi_i[i]) for i in range(Nfun))
The homogeneous integral is
$$ \eta_i = A_i \cos \psi_i a + B_i \sin \psi_i a,\qquad \frac23\pi \le a$$the constants can be determined using continuity in $a= 2\pi/3$,
$$\begin{bmatrix} +\cos \psi_i a_1 & +\sin \psi_i a_1 \\ -\sin \psi_i a_1 & +\cos \psi_i a_1 \end{bmatrix}\, \begin{Bmatrix}A_i\\B_i\end{Bmatrix} = \begin{Bmatrix}\eta_i(a_1)\\\displaystyle\frac{\dot\eta_i(a_1)}{\psi_i}\end{Bmatrix} $$Because the coefficient matrix is orthogonal its transpose is its inverse and we can write
\begin{multline} A_i = +\cos \psi_i a_1 \eta_i(a_1) - \sin \psi_i a_1 \frac{\dot\eta_i(a_1)}{\psi_i},\\ B_i = +\sin \psi_i a_1 \eta_i(a_1) + \cos \psi_i a_1 \frac{\dot\eta_i(a_1)}{\psi_i}. \end{multline}The straightforward implementation follows
In [24]:
a23 = np.pi*2/3
etai23 = Ci*(np.sin(psi_0*a23)-bi*np.sin(psi_i*a23))
detai23 = psi_0*Ci*(np.cos(psi_0*a23)-np.cos(psi_i*a23))
ci23 = np.cos(psi_i*a23)
si23 = np.sin(psi_i*a23)
Ai = np.diag(ci23*etai23 - si23*detai23/psi_i)
Bi = np.diag(si23*etai23 + ci23*detai23/psi_i)
align(r'1000\,\eta_{%d} &= %+f\cos%.4f a %+f\sin%.4f a'%
(i+1, 1000*Ai[i,i], psi_i[i], 1000*Bi[i,i], psi_i[i]) for i in range(Nfun))
In [25]:
nint = 9000
a = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nint+1)
psi_a = np.outer(psi_i, a)
etai = np.where(a<=a23, np.diag(Ci)@(np.sin(psi_0*a[None,:]) - np.diag(bi)@np.sin(psi_a)),
Ai@np.cos(psi_a) + Bi@np.sin(psi_a))
Firstly we plot individually some of the modal responses, otherwise it'd be difficult to appreciate the details, due to the different scales involved.
For each of the modes, we plot a short interval following the start of the response to verify that we have zero displacements and zero velocity, and a short interval around $a_1=2\pi/3$, where we have the discontinuity of the load but we expect no discontinuities neither in displacements nor in velocities.
In [26]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(Nfun-2, 2, sharey='row')
ranges = [slice((2*nint)//30), slice((9*nint)//30, (11*nint)//30)]
ylabel = 1
for i in range(Nfun-2):
for ax, rang in zip(axes[i], ranges):
ax.plot(a[rang]*3/np.pi, etai[i,rang])
if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel('$\\eta_{%d}$'%(i+1))
ylabel = 1 - ylabel
but of course what's really necessary is to plot all the responses, with the same scale
In [27]:
for i, line in enumerate(plt.plot(a*3/np.pi, etai.T), 1):
The letter of the problem requires a plot of $\sum_{i=1}^3\phi_i(l, t)\,q_i(t)/\Delta_\text{st}$ and one of $-EJ\,\sum_{i=1}^3\phi''_i(0, t)\,q_i(t)/(p_0L^2)$, here we make something better. For each quantity we produce a series of graphs where different approximations (different partial sums of modal contributions) are compared, to have a feeling of what's going on...
In [28]:
plot_cum(what=phi0s, position=1.0, fname='', # fname='vLt',
title=r'Tip displacements, $v^{(i)}(L,t) = \sum_1^i \phi_j(L)q_j(t)$')
It's apparent that $v^{(2)}(L,t)$ is a very good approximation to $v(L, t)$. What happens when we sum successive modal contributions to the base bending moments?
In [29]:
M = [-phi0s[i].diff(xi, 2) for i in range(Nfun)]
plot_cum(what=M, position=0.0,
label=r'$M^{(%d)}/(p_0L^2)$', fname='M0t',
title=r"Base bending moments, $M^{(i)}(0, t)=-EJ\sum_1^i\phi''_j(0)q_j(t)$")
In [30]:
V = [-phi0s[i].diff(xi, 3) for i in range(Nfun)]
plot_cum(what=V, position=0.0,
label=r'$V^{(%d)}/(p_0L)$', fname='V0t',
title=r"Base shears, $V^{(i)}(0, t)=-EJ\sum_1^i\phi''_j(0)q_j(t)$")