
In [33]:
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
from scipy import *
import matplotlib
import json
s = json.load( open("mplrc.json") )
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10,4
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
import re

In [34]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML, Latex, display
def css_styling():
    styles = open("custom.css", "r").read()
    return HTML(styles)



The data for the system is

In [35]:
m =   1200.0     ; mass = m
k = 800000.0
T = 0.250000

Determination of the damping ratio

We don't know the damping ratio, but it is

\begin{align*} \omega_D^2 & = \frac{2\pi}{T} = \omega_n^2\,(1-\zeta^2)\\ \zeta & = \sqrt{1-\frac{\omega_D^2}{\omega_n^2}} \end{align*}

When $\zeta$ is known, it is possible to compute damp, the damping constant $c$.

In [36]:
wd           =    2*pi/T
wd2          =    wd*wd
wn2          =    k/m
wn           =    sqrt(wn2)
z            =    sqrt(1-wd2/wn2)
is_it_T      =    2*pi/(wn*sqrt(1.0-z*z))

print "z = %6.3f%%"%(z*100,)
print "T =", is_it_T

damp         =    2*z*sqrt(k*m)

z = 22.917%
T = 0.25

External load

The external load is assigned as a function of $\tau=t/T$, substituting $T=0.25$s it is $\tau = 4t$, substituting in the polynomial and multiplying by $p_o$ we have (nb, the different coefficients have different dimensionalities)

In [37]:
def p(t): return (((2293760000*t - 1433600000)*t + 286720000)*t - 17920000)*t*t

To get more confidence in the above definition, let's plot our p(t) over is interval of definition

In [38]:
t = linspace(0,.25,1001)

OK, it looks fine...

Forced Response

First, the particular integral, then the initial conditions and finally the plots

Particular Integral

Now, its time to find a particular integral, first we name all the coefficients in the polynomial load, including also the coefficients that are equal to zero

In [39]:
ap =   2293760000.
bp = - 1433600000.
cp =    286720000.
dp = -   17920000.
ep =            0.
fp =            0.

Now, we start with a generic 5th degree polynomial representation of our $\xi(t)$

\begin{align*} \xi(t) & = at^5 + bt^4 + ct^3 + dt^2 + et + f,\\ \dot\xi(t) & = 5at^4 + 4bt^3 + 3ct^2 + 2dt + e,\\ \ddot\xi(t) & = 20t^3 + 12t^2 + 6ct + 2d. \end{align*}

Using $M$, $C$ and $K$ for the system parameters, substituting in the equation of motion and equating the polynomial coefficients we have

\begin{align*} (K a) t^5 &= a_p t^5 &\rightarrow&& a &= a_p/K,\\ (K b + 5 C a) t^4 &= b_p t^4 &\rightarrow&& b &= (b_p - 5 C a)/K,\\ (K c + 4 C b + 20 M a) t^3 &= c_p t^3 &\rightarrow&& c &= (c_p - 4 C b - 20 M a)/K,\\ (K d + 3 C c + 12 M b) t^2 &= d_p t^2 &\rightarrow&& d &= (d_p - 3 C c - 12 M b)/K,\\ (K e + 2 C d + 6 M c) t^1 &= e_p t^1 &\rightarrow&& e &= (e_p - 2 C d - 6 M c)/K,\\ (K f + C e + 2 M d) t^0 &= f_p t^0 &\rightarrow&& f &= (f_p - C e - 2 M d)/K . \end{align*}

Here it is a straightforward code translation of the above equations...

In [40]:
a = (ap)/k
b = (bp - 5*damp*a)/k
c = (cp - 4*damp*b - 20*mass*a)/k
d = (dp - 3*damp*c - 12*mass*b)/k
e = (ep - 2*damp*d -  6*mass*c)/k
f = (fp - 1*damp*e -  2*mass*d)/k

Verification of the particular integral

Here there is a bit of verification, first we print the particular integral, then we plot the difference $m\ddot\xi+c\dot\xi+k\xi-p(t)$; for this purpose we have to define the corresponding functions (here r0, r1 and r2).

In [41]:
lt = ('$$\\xi(t)='+'%+10.4f\\,t^{%d}'*6+'$$') % (a,5,b,4,c,3,d,2,e,1,f,0)

def r0(t): return a*t**5 + b*t**4 + c*t**3 + d*t**2 + e*t + f
def r1(t): return 5*a*t**4 + 4*b*t**3 + 3*c*t**2 + 2*d*t + e
def r2(t): return 20*a*t**3 + 12*b*t**2 + 6*c*t + 2*d

t = linspace(0.0, 0.25, 201)
pl.plot(t, k*r0(t) + damp*r1(t) + mass*r2(t) - p(t))
pl.ylabel('Error/(1 Newton)');

$$\xi(t)=+2867.2000\,t^{5}-2046.4823\,t^{4} +417.6947\,t^{3} -7.8072\,t^{2} -3.4821\,t^{1} +0.0852\,t^{0}$$

As you can see, there is just a bit of numerical noise...

Initial conditions

In [42]:
print r0(0)
print r1(0)


The following block code does two things...

  1. it finds the integration constants that respect the initial rest conditions;
  2. define the displacement and velocity response functions.

In [43]:
B = - r0(0)
A = (z*wn*B-r1(0))/wd
print A, B
def x(t, A=A, B=B):
    return exp(-z*wn*t)*(A*sin(wd*t)+B*cos(wd*t))+r0(t)
def v(t, A=A, B=B):
    vel = cos(wd*t)*(wd*A-z*wn*B) - sin(wd*t)*(z*wn*A+wd*B)
    return vel*exp(-z*wn*t) + r1(t)
    # - z*wn*exp(-z*wn*t)*(A*sin(wd*t)+B*cos(wd*t))
    # + wd*exp(-z*wn*t)*(-B*sin(wd*t)+A*cos(wd*t)) + r1(t)

0.118480812845 -0.0852328238184

Plotting Displacements and velocities

In [44]:
pl.plot(t, x(t),    label = r'$x(t)$')
pl.plot(t, v(t)/20, label = r'$v(t)/20$')
pl.ylabel('x/m, v/20m/s')
print v(0)


The forcing function was similar to a sine, with the same period as the damped system, and you see that the displacement response (blue curve) is in quadrature with the excitation, as you could have expected... hadn't you?

Free response

In [45]:
print x(.25), v(.25)

0.039757530281 -0.17981859338

Denoting with $x_f$ and $v_f$ the free response, for $t>T$, we must impose the continuity of dsplacements and velocities for $t=T$:

\begin{align*} x_f(T) &= \exp(-\zeta\omega_nT)(A_f\sin(\omega_DT)+B_f\cos(\omega_DT))= x(T),\\ v_f(T) &= \exp(-\zeta\omega_nT)[ -\zeta\omega_n (A_f\sin(\omega_DT)+B_f\cos(\omega_DT)) +\omega_D (A_f\cos(\omega_DT) - B_f\sin(\omega_DT))] = v(T). \end{align*}

Collecting the constants of integration we can put the above in matrix format:

$$ \exp(- \zeta \omega_n t) \, \begin{bmatrix} \sin\omega_DT & \cos\omega_DT \\ -\zeta\omega_n \sin\omega_DT + \omega_D \cos\omega_DT & -\zeta\omega_n \cos\omega_DT - \omega_D \sin\omega_DT \end{bmatrix} \, \begin{Bmatrix} A_f \\ B_f \end{Bmatrix} = \begin{Bmatrix} x(T) \\ v(T) \end{Bmatrix}. $$

The following code defines the matrix of coefficients and the column vector of the initial state, then solves the linear system and extracts the constant of integration from the vector in which they were computed.

In [54]:
sT = sin(wd*T); cT = cos(wd*T); eT = exp(-z*wn*T)
M = matrix(( (        sT,            cT      ),
             ( -z*wn*sT+wd*cT, -wd*sT-z*wn*cT)))*eT
xvT = matrix(((x(T),),
Af, Bf =  ravel(M.I*xvT)
print Af, Bf

0.00968162561069 0.174525771352

Using the constants of integration that we have just derived, we define the displacement function during free response and an auxiliary function that returns the correct response for the different time intervals, so that we can plot the response, both in terms of displacement and in terms of elastic force.

In [47]:
def xf(t): 
    return exp(-z*wn*t)*(Af*sin(wd*t)+Bf*cos(wd*t))
def x12(t):
    return where(t<T, x(t), xf(t))


In [48]:
t1 = linspace(0.0, 1.0, 4001)
pl.plot(t1, x12(t1));
pl.plot(t1, k*x12(t1))

We know, from the second problem, that $f_y=32500$N. Is the spring force always below the yielding force?

In [49]:
pl.plot(t1, k*x12(t1)); pl.xlim(0.24,0.26); pl.ylim((30000,33000));

Hmm, it seems OK.


We compute numerically the response using the linear acceleration algorithm

In [50]:
def P(t):
    return where(t<0.25, p(t), 0.0)

h  = 0.0001
h2 = h*h

stop = 1.0+h/2

k_ =       k + 3*damp/h + 6*mass/h2
a0_coeff = 3*mass + damp*h/2
v0_coeff = 6*mass/h + 3*damp

dx2dv = 3.0/h ; v2dv = 3.0 ; a2dv = h/2.0

t0 =0 ; x0 = 0 ; v0 = 0 ; p0 = 0 ; a0 = 0

t= [] ; X = [] ; V = [] ; A = [] 

while t0<stop:
    t.append(t0) ; X.append(x0) ; V.append(v0) ; A.append(a0)
    t1 = t0+h
    p1 = P(t1)
    dp = p1 - p0 + a0_coeff*a0 + v0_coeff*v0
    dx = dp/k_
    dv = dx*dx2dv - v0*v2dv - a0*a2dv
    t0 = t1
    p0 = p1
    x0 = x0+dx
    v0 = v0+dv
    a0 = (p0 - k*x0 - damp*v0)/mass

Put the numerical response in X and the analytical one in E, for exact...

In [51]:
t = array(t)
X = array(X)
E = x12(t)

Plot first the numerical result

In [52]:
pl.title('Linear acceleration algorithm')

and the difference between exact and numerical.

In [53]:
pl.plot(t, E-X)