9. Morphology — Lab exercises

XFST / foma

XFST provides two formalisms for creating FSA / FST for morphology and related fields:

  • regular expressions: similar to Python's (e.g. {reg}?*({expr}) $\equiv$ reg.*(expr)?)
  • lexc: a much simpler formalism for lexicographers

In this lab, we shall learn the latter via the open-source reimplementation of XFST: foma. We shall also acquaint ourselves with the Hungarian HFST morphology. We are not going into details of how foma works; for that, see the

But first...

Command-line access from Python

In some cases, we need to interface with command-line applications from our script. There are two ways to do this in Python, and an additional method in Jupyter.

1. os.system()

The os.system(cmd) call executes cmd, sends its output to the stdout of the interpreter, and returns the exit code of the process. As such, there is no way to capture the output in the script, so this method is only useful if we are interested solely in the exit code.

In [ ]:
import os

# Note that the actual output of `ls` is not printed!
print('Exit code:', os.system('ls -a'))
files = os.listdir('.')
print('Should have printed:\n\n{}'.format('\n'.join(files if len(files) <= 3 else files[:3] + ['...'])))

2. subprocess

The subprocess module provides full access to the command line. The basic method of usage is to create a Popen object and call its methods:

In [ ]:
import subprocess

p = subprocess.Popen(['ls', '-a'],            # manual cmd split; see next example
                     stdout=subprocess.PIPE)  # we need the output
ret = p.communicate()
print('Exit code: {}\nOutput:\n\n{}'.format(p.returncode, ret[0].decode('utf-8')))

It is also possible to send input to a program started by Popen:

In [ ]:
p = subprocess.Popen('cat -', shell=True,    # automatic cmd split -> ['cat', '-']
                     stdin=subprocess.PIPE,  # we shall use stdin
ret = p.communicate('hello\nbello'.encode('utf-8'))

From Python 3.6, Popen supports the encoding parameter, which alleviates the need for encode/decode.

There are also functions that cover the basic cases:

In [ ]:
# From Python 3.5
ret = subprocess.run('ls -a', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# Even easier
    subprocess.check_output('ls -a', shell=True).decode('utf-8')))

3. Jupyter!

Jupyter also has a shorthand for executing commands: !. It is a bit more convenient, as it does string encoding behind the scenes and parses the output into a list. However, it is not available in regular Python scripts.

In [ ]:
directory = '.'
s = !ls -a {directory}


Take a few minutes to make yourself familiar with the code below. It defines the functions we use to communicate with foma via the command line.

In [ ]:
# Utility functions
from functools import partial
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile

from IPython.display import display, Image

def execute_commands(*cmds, fancy=True):
    Starts foma end executes the specified commands.
    Might not work if there are too many...
    if fancy:
        print('Executing commands...\n=====================\n')
    args = ' '.join('-e "{}"'.format(cmd) for cmd in cmds)
    output = subprocess.check_output('foma {} -s'.format(args),
    if fancy:
def compile_lexc(lexc_string, fst_file):
    Compiles a string describing a lexc lexicon with foma. The FST
    is written to fst_file.
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wt', encoding='utf-8', delete=False) as outf:
        execute_commands('read lexc {}'.format(outf.name),
                         'save stack {}'.format(fst_file), fancy=False)
        #!foma -e "read lexc {outf.name}" -e "save stack {fst_file}" -s
def apply(fst_file, words, up=True):
    Applies the FST in fst_file on the supplied words. The default direction
    is up.
    if isinstance(words, list):
        words = '\n'.join(map(str, words))
    elif not isinstance(words, str):
        raise ValueError('words must be a str or list')
    header = 'Applying {} {}...'.format(fst_file, 'up' if up else 'down')
    print('{}\n{}\n'.format(header, '=' * len(header)))
    invert = '-i' if not up else ''
    result = subprocess.check_output('flookup {} {}'.format(invert, fst_file),
                                     stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True,
    print(result.decode('utf-8')[:-1])  # Skip last newline
    print('=' * len(header), '\n')
apply_up = partial(apply, up=True)
apply_down = partial(apply, up=False)

def draw_net(fst_file, inline=True):
    Displays a compiled network inline or in a separate window.
    The package imagemagic must be installed for this function to work.
    !foma -e "load stack {fst_file}" -e "print dot >{fst_file}.dot" -s
    if inline:
        png_data = subprocess.check_output(
            'cat {}.dot | dot -Tpng'.format(fst_file), shell=True)
        display(Image(data=png_data, format='png'))
        !cat {fst_file}.dot | dot -Tpng | display
    !rm {fst_file}.dot


First a few warm-up exercises. This will teach you how to use the functions defined above and give you a general idea of how a lexical transducer looks like. We shall cover a tiny subset of the English verb morphology.

Task W1.

A lexc grammar consists of LEXICONs, which corresponds to continuation classes. One lexicon, Root must always be present. Let's add the two words pack and talk to it. We shall build the grammar in a Python string and use the compile_lexc() function to compile it to binary format, and draw_net() to display the resulting automaton.

In [ ]:
grammar = """
pack # ;
talk # ;
walk # ;

compile_lexc(grammar, 'warm_up.fst')

There are several points to observe here:

  • the format of a word (morpheme) definition line is: morpheme next_lexicon ;
    • the next_lexicon can be the word end mark #
    • word definitions must end with a semicolon (;); LEXICON lines must not
  • the basic unit in the FSA is the character, not the whole word
  • the FSA is determinized and minimized to save space: see how the states (3) and (5) and the arc -k-> are re-used

Task W2.

Let's add some inflection to the grammar. These are all regular verbs, so they all can receive -s, -ed, and -ing to form the third person singular, past and gerund forms, respectively. Add these to the second lexicon, and compile the network again.

In [ ]:
grammar = """
! see how the continuation changes to the new LEXICON
! BTW this is a comment
pack Infl ;
talk Infl ;
walk Infl ;

! add the endings here, without the hyphens

compile_lexc(grammar, 'warm_up.fst')

Now, we can test what words the automaton can recognize in two ways:

  • call the apply_up or apply_down functions with the word form
  • use the print words foma command

In [ ]:
apply_up('warm_up.fst', ['walked', 'talking', 'packs', 'walk'])
execute_commands('load stack warm_up.fst', 'print words')

Uh-oh. Something's wrong: the automaton didn't recognize walk. What happened?

The explanation is very simple: now all words in Root continue to Infl, which requires one of the inflectional endings. See how state (6) ceased to be an accepting state.

The solution: replicate the code from above, but also add the "zero morpheme" ending # ; to Infl! Make sure that state (6) is accepting again and that the recognized words now include the basic form.

Task W3.

Here we change our automaton to a transducer that lemmatizes words it receives on its bottom tape. Transduction in lexc is denoted by the colon (:). Again, copy your grammar below, but replace the contents of LEXICON Infl with

      # ;
0:s   # ;
0:ed  # ;
0:ing # ;

Note that

  • only a single colon is allowed on a line
  • everything left of it is "up", right is "down"
  • the $\varepsilon$ (empty character) is denoted by 0
  • deletion happens on the top, "output" side

In [ ]:
grammar = """

compile_lexc(grammar, 'warm_up.fst')

Experiment again with apply_up and apply_down. How do they behave differently?

See how the output of the print words command changed. It is also useful to print just the upper or lower tape with print upper-words and print lower-words.

In [ ]:
# apply_up('warm_up.fst', ['walked', 'talking', 'packs', 'walk'])
# execute_commands('load stack warm_up.fst', 'print words')

Lexc Intuition

While the ideas behind lexc are very logical, one might need some time to wrap their heads around it. In this notebook, I try to give some advice on how to "think lexc". Do not hesitate to check it out if the tasks below seem to hard. I also provide the solution to task H1 in there, though you are encouraged to come up with your own.

Hungarian Adjectives

In this exercise, we shall model a subset of the Hungarian nominal paradigm:

  • regular adjectives
  • vowel harmony
  • plurals
  • the accusative case
  • comparative and superlative forms

The goal is to replicate the output of the Hungarian HFST morphology. We shall learn the following techniques:

  • defining lexical automata and tranducers with lexc
  • multi-character symbols
  • flag diacritics

Task H1.

We start small with a tiny lexical FSA.

  • define a LEXICON for the adjectives in the code cell below
  • add continuation classes to handle:
    • the plural form (-ek)
    • accusative (-et)

A little help for the latter two: in Hungarian, adjectives (and numerals) are inflected the same way as nouns; this is called the nominal paradigm. A simplified schematic would be

Root (Plur)? (Case)?

Plural is marked by -k, and accusative by -t. However, if the previous morpheme ends with a consonant (as is the case here), a link vowel is inserted before the k or t. Which vowel gets inserted is decided by complicated vowel harmony rules. The adjectives below all contain front vowels only, so the link vowel is e.

In [ ]:
adjectives_1 = """
csendes       ! quiet
egészséges    ! healthy
idős          ! old
kék           ! blue
mély          ! deep
öntelt        ! conceited
szeles        ! windy
terhes        ! pregnant; arduous
zsémbes       ! shrewish

grammar = """

compile_lexc(grammar, 'h1.fst')

Task H2.

What we have now is a simple (lexical) FSA. In this task, we modify it to have a proper lexical FST that can parse (apply_up) surface forms to morphological features and vice versa (apply_down).

  • Run the words through HFST:
    • Start a new docker bash shell by running docker exec -it <container name or id> bash
    • Start HFST by typing hfst-lookup --cascade=composition /nlp/hfst/hu.hfstol into the shell
    • Type the words in our FSA (don't forget plural / accusative, e.g. nagyok, finomat) into hfst-lookup one-by-one. See what features appear on the upper side (limit yourself to the correct parse, i.e. the one with [/Adj]).
  • Add the same features to our lexc grammar:
    • remember that you want to keep the surface form in the upper side as well, so e.g. [/Pl]:ek won't do. You must
      • either repeat it twice: ek[/Pl]:ek
      • or use two lexicons e.g. Plur and PlurTag, and have ek in the first and [/Pl]:0 in the second
    • all tags, such as [/Pl] must be defined in the Multichar_Symbols header:
Multichar Symbols *Symb1* *Symb2* ...


Play around with apply_up and apply_down. Make sure you covered all tags in the HFST output. (Note: HFST tags color names as [/Adj|col]. You don't need to make this distinction in this exercise.)

In [ ]:
grammar = """

compile_lexc(grammar, 'h2.fst')
# apply_up('h2.fst', [])

Task H2b*.

Copy the apply functions and create a hfst_apply version of each, which calls hfst instead of foma.. Note that hfst-lookup does not support generation. You will probably need communicate() to implement function.

Important: do not start this exercise until you finish all foma-related ones!

Task H3.

In the next few exercises, we are going to delve deeper into vowel harmony and techniques to handle it. For now, add the adjectives below to the grammar. In these words, back vowels dominate, so the link vowel for plural and accusative is a. Create LEXICON structures that mirror what you have for the front adjectives to handle the new words.

In [ ]:
adjectives_2 = """
abszurd       ! absurd
bájos         ! charming
finom         ! delicious
gyanús        ! suspicious
okos          ! clever
piros         ! red
száraz        ! dry
zord          ! grim

grammar = """

compile_lexc(grammar, 'h3.fst')
# apply_up('h3.fst', [])

Task H4.

The previous solution works, but implementing one distinction (a/e) required us to double the number of lexicons; this clearly doesn't scale. Here, we introduce a more flexible solution: flag diacritics.

Flag diacritics are (multichar!) symbol with a few special properties:

  • they have the form @COMMAND.FEATURE_NAME.FEATURE_VALUE@, where command is
    • P: set
    • R: require
    • D: disallow (the opposite of R)
    • C: clear (removes the flag)
    • U: unification (first P, then R)
  • they must appear on both tapes (upper and lower) to have any effect (e.g. @P.FEAT.VALUE@:0 won't work, but @P.FEAT.VALUE@xxx will)
  • even so, flag diacritics never appear in the final upper / lower strings -- they can be considered an "implementation detail"
  • flag diacritics incur some performance overhead, but decrease the size of the FSTs

Add flag diacritics to your grammar. You will want to keep the two adjective types in separate lexicons, e.g.

@U.HARM.FRONT@  AdjFront ;
@U.HARM.BACK@   AdjBack ;

However, the two plural / accusative lexicons can be merged, like so:

@U.HARM.FRONT@ek  PlurTag ;
@U.HARM.BACK@ak   PlurTag ;

Compile your grammar to see that the network became smaller. Check and see if the new FST accepts the same language as the old one.

In [ ]:
grammar = """

compile_lexc(grammar, 'h4.fst')
# apply_up('h4.fst', [])

Task H5.

We round up the exercise by adding adjective comparison. Incorporate the following rules into your grammar:

  • Comparative forms are marked by -bb, which takes a link vowel similarly to plural
  • The superlative form is marked by the leg- prefix and -bb, i.e. a circumfix
  • The exaggerated form is the same as the superlative, with any number of leges coming before leg

The full simplified paradigm thus becomes:

((leges)* leg)? Root (-bb)? (Plur)? (Case)?

Again, the circumfix is best handled with flag diacritics. However, the U command probably won't work because its main use is for agreement. Try to implement an if-else structure with the other commands!

In [ ]:
grammar = """

compile_lexc(grammar, 'h5.fst')
# apply_up('h5.fst', [])