10. Syntax — Lab exercises



In this lab, we are going to use the Python Natural Language Toolkit (nltk). It has an API that allows you to create, read, and parse with Context-free Grammars (CFG), as well as to convert parse trees to Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) and back and to display or pretty print them.

During the first few exercises, we are going to acquint ourselves with nltk using a toy grammar. In the second part, you will be asked to implement the CKY algorithm and test it on a real world treebank.


For today's exercises, you will need the docker image again. Provided you have already downloaded it last time, you can start it by:

  • docker ps -a: lists all the containers you have created. Pick the one you used last time (with any luck, there is only one)
  • docker start <container id>
  • docker exec -it <container id> bash

In order to be able to run today's exercises, you will have to install some system- and Python packages as well:

apt-get install python3-tk
pip install graphviz

When that's done, update your git repository:

cd /nlp/python_nlp_2017_fall/
git pull

And start the notebook:

jupyter notebook --port=9999 --ip= --no-browser --allow-root


The following code imports the packages we are going to use. It also defines a function that draws the parse trees with the Graphviz library. nltk can display the trees, but it depends on Tcl, which doesn't work on a headless (GUI-less) system.

In [ ]:
import graphviz
import nltk
from nltk import Nonterminal
from nltk.parse.generate import generate
from nltk.tree import Tree

def does_tcl_work():
    """Checks if Tcl is installed and works (e.g. it won't on a headless server)."""
    tree = nltk.tree.Tree('test', [])
        return True
        return False

def draw_tree(tree):
    """Draws an NLTK parse tree via Graphviz."""
    def draw_tree_rec(curr_root, graph, last_node):
        node_id = str(int(last_node) + 1)
        for child in curr_root:
            if isinstance(child, nltk.tree.Tree):
                graph.node(node_id, child.label(), penwidth='0')
                graph.edge(last_node, node_id, color='darkslategray3', style='bold')
                node_id = draw_tree_rec(child, graph, node_id)
                graph.node(node_id, child, penwidth='0')
                graph.edge(last_node, node_id, color='darkslategray3', style='bold')
                node_id = str(int(node_id) + 1)
        return str(int(node_id) + 1)
    graph = graphviz.Graph()
    graph.graph_attr['ranksep'] = '0.2'
    graph.node('0', tree.label(), penwidth='0')
    draw_tree_rec(tree, graph, '0')
    return graph._repr_svg_()

# Use Graphviz to draw the tree if the Tcl backend of nltk doesn't work
if not does_tcl_work():
    svg_formatter = get_ipython().display_formatter.formatters['image/svg+xml']
    svg_formatter.for_type(nltk.tree.Tree, draw_tree)
    # Delete the nltk drawing function, just to be sure
    delattr(Tree, '_repr_png_')


NLTK is not the only NLP library for Python. [spaCy] is "industrial-strength" library which, like NLTK, implements various NLP tools for multiple languages. However, it also supports neural network models (on the GPU as well) and it integrates word vectors. A comparison is availabe here. We teach NLTK in this course because

  1. it lends itself better to education and experimentation
  2. of certain scandals

However, if you are doing serious NLP work, you should also consider spaCy.


1. Get to know nltk

In this exercise, we are using the toy grammar from the lecture with a little modification so that it can handle ditransitives.

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# fromstring() returns a CFG instance from a string
# Observe the two ways one can specify alternations in the grammar
# and how terminal symbols are specified
toy_grammar = nltk.CFG.fromstring("""
S -> NP VP
NP -> Pronoun | ProperNoun | Det Nominal
Nominal -> Nominal Noun
Nominal -> Noun
VP -> Verb | Verb PP | Verb NP | Verb NP PP | Verb NP NP | Verb NP NP PP
PP -> Preposition NP
Pronoun -> 'he' | 'she' | 'him' | 'her'
ProperNoun -> 'John' | 'Mary' | 'Fido'
Det -> 'a' | 'an' | 'the'
Noun -> 'flower' | 'bone' | 'necklace' | 'dream' | 'hole' | 'café' | 'house' | 'bed'
Verb -> 'loves' | 'gives' | 'gave' | 'sleeps' | 'digs' | 'dag' | 'ate'
Preposition -> 'in' | 'on' | 'behind'

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# Now for some properties:

print('Max RHS length:', toy_grammar.max_len())
print('The start symbol is', toy_grammar.start())
print('Is it in CNF:', toy_grammar.is_chomsky_normal_form())
print('Is this a lexical grammar:', toy_grammar.is_lexical())
print('All productions:', toy_grammar.productions())

In [ ]:
# Let's generate a few sentences
for sentence in generate(toy_grammar, n=10):
    print(' '.join(sentence))

Unfortunately, generate() only generates the sentences in order. Also, it can run into problems with recursive grammars. Here is a version that generates random sentences.

In [ ]:
import random
from itertools import count

def generate_sample(grammar, start=None):
    """Generates a single sentence randomly."""
    gen = [start or grammar.start()]
    curr_p = 0
    while curr_p < len(gen):
        production = random.choice(grammar.productions(lhs=gen[curr_p]))
        if production.is_lexical():
            gen[curr_p] = production.rhs()[0]
            curr_p += 1
            gen = gen[:curr_p] + list(production.rhs()) + gen[curr_p + 1:]
    return ' '.join(gen)

def generate_random(grammar, start=None, n=None):
    """Generates sentences randomly."""
    for i in count(0):
        yield generate_sample(grammar, start)
        if i == n:

for sentence in generate_random(toy_grammar, n=10):

Sentences can also be parsed:

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toy_parser = nltk.ChartParser(toy_grammar)
# the split() part is important
for tree in toy_parser.parse('John gave Mary a flower in the café'.split()):

The parse returns an iterator of nltk.tree.Tree objects. This class has some useful functions, such as

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# Converts the tree to CNF
# Let's convert it back...
print('The tree has', len(tree), 'children.')
print('The first child is another tree:', tree[0])
print('All nonterminals are Trees. They have labels:', tree[1].label())
print('Terminals are just strings:', tree[0][0][0])

Note that in nltk, one can convert a Tree to CNF, but not the whole grammar. nltk has some strange design choices - the other being their reliance on Tcl. If you run this notebook on your own machine, a nifty grammar editing tool will pop up if you run

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2. Arithmetics

2.1 Basics

Model the four elementary mathematical operations, namely +, -, * and /. Your tasks is to validate mathematical expressions that use them. Specifically:

  • single-digit numbers are valid expressions
  • if expr1 and expr2 are valid expressions, these are also valid:
    • expr1 + expr2
    • expr1 - expr2
    • expr1 * expr2
    • expr1 / expr2
    • (expr1)

Try to solve it with as few nonterminals as possible.

In [ ]:
# Your solution here
agr = nltk.CFG.fromstring("""
aparser = nltk.ChartParser(agr)

# Test
for tree in aparser.parse('1 - 2 / ( 3 - 4 )'.split()):

2.2 Precedence

If you implemented the previous task with a single nonterminal, you will see that the grammar is undeterministic, and some parses do not reflect the precedence of mathematical operators. Fix the grammar so that it does!


  • + and - should be higher up the tree than * and /
  • you will need at least 3 nonterminals
  • allow chaining of the same operator types, e.g. 1 + 2 - 3. One of the nonterminals in the toy grammar above does something similar
  • do not worry about unit productions, but don't create a unit recursion cycle (e.g. A -> B -> C -> A)

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# Your solution here

# Test
for tree in aparser.parse('1 - 2 / ( 3 - 4 )'.split()):
assert len(list(aparser.parse('1 - 2 + 3 / ( 4 - 5 )'.split()))) > 0

2.3 CNF

Parse an expression and convert the resulting tree into CNF. If you succeed, congratulations, you can skip this exercise.

However, most likely the function will throw an exception. This is because the NLTK algorithm cannot cope with rules that mix nonterminals and terminals in certain ways (e.g. A -> B '+' C). Fix your grammar by introducing a POS-like nonterminal (e.g. add for +) into each such rule.

In [ ]:
# Your solution here

# Test
tree = list(aparser.parse('1 - 2 / ( 3 - 4 )'.split()))[0]

2.4 Evaluation*

Compute the value of the expression. Implement a recursive function that traverses the tree and returns an interger.

Note: if you implemented this function well, but get an AssertionError from the last line, it means that your grammar is probably right associative. Look at the (non-CNF) tree to confirm this. If so, make it left associative.

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def evaluate_tree(tree):
    """Returns the value of the expression represented by tree."""

# Test
assert evaluate_tree(next(aparser.parse('1+2'))) == 3
assert evaluate_tree(next(aparser.parse('1+2*3'))) == 7
assert evaluate_tree(next(aparser.parse('3/(2-3)-4/2-5'))) == -10

3. CKY

Up until now, we used NLTK's ChartParser to parse our grammar. In this exercise, we will replace it with our own implementation of CKY.

3.1 The parser class

First, create the CKYParser class. Imitate the interface of ChartParser. You don't need to look up the API: support only the functions we used thus far.

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class CKYParser:

3.2 Implement parse()

Implement the parse() method. You don't need to worry about the backpointers for now; just treat the cells of the matrix as a piece of paper and write strings to them. The functions should just return True if the sentence is grammatical and False if it isn't.


  • the easiest format for the matrix is probably a 2D numpy array with a list in each cell (we might have multiple candidates in a cell). Use dtype=object. Don't forget to initialize it.
  • the display() method works on arrays and is a useful tool for debugging
  • in 2D numpy arrays, rows are numbered from top to bottom. That takes care of the cell indexing part, because a cell represents the words sentence[row:col+1].
  • Implement just the main diagonal (lexical rules) first.
  • Use the grammar.productions() function to get the list of production rules. To see how to use it, refer to
    • the generate_sample function above
    • help(grammar.productions)
  • Note that in the production rules returned by grammar.productions(), terminals will be strings, and nonterminals instances of the Nonterminal object. You can get the actual symbol out of the latter with the symbol() method.

Use the CNF grammar below for development and the example sentence for testing.

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import numpy

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# Test
grammar = nltk.CFG.fromstring("""
S -> NP VP | ProperNoun VP | NP Verb | ProperNoun Verb
NP -> Det Nominal | Det Noun
Nominal -> Nominal Noun | Noun Noun
VP -> Verb NP | Verb ProperNoun
Det -> 'the'
Noun -> 'dog' | 'bit'
ProperNoun -> 'John'
Verb -> 'bit'

parser = CKYParser(grammar)
print('Sentence is grammatical:', parser.parse('the dog bit John'.split()))

3.3 The full monty

Modify parse() so that it returns the parse tree. In the original CKY algorithm, each nonterminal maintains backpointers to its children. Instead, we will build the Tree object directly (which is little more that a label and a list of backpointers, really).

There are two things you should do here:

  1. When filling a cell: instead of adding the name of the nonterminal to the list in the cell, add a Tree with the name as label and the right children. The constructor's signature is Tree(node, children), where the latter is a list.
  2. Change your method to be a generator: yield all Trees from the top right cell whose label is S.

Don't forget that Tree.label()s are strings, so if you want to look for them in grammar.productions(), enclose them into a Nonterminal object.

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# Test
parser = CKYParser(grammar)
for tree in parser.parse('the dog bit John'.split()):

4. Treebanks

NLTK also contains corpora. Amongst others, it contains about 10% of the Penn TreeBank (PTB).

4.1 Download

Download the corpus with the nltk.download() tool. It is under Corpora and is called treebank.

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4.2 Corpus statistics

The functions below can be used to get the file ids, words, sentences, parse trees from the treebank.

Using them, get the following following corpus statistics:

  • the number of sentences
  • number of words

In [ ]:
from nltk.corpus import treebank

# PTB file ids
print('Ids:', treebank.fileids())

# Words in one of the files
print('Words:', treebank.words('wsj_0003.mrg'))

# Word - POS-tag pairs
print('Tagged words:', treebank.tagged_words('wsj_0003.mrg'))


# Your solution here