qgrid - SlickGrid in IPython notebook

Qgrid is an IPython extension which uses a javascript library called SlickGrid to render pandas DataFrames within an IPython notebook. It's being developed for use in Quantopian's hosted research environment, and this notebook demonstrates the current state of the project.


  • SlickGrid is an an advanced javascript grid which allows users to scroll, sort, and filter hundreds of thousands of rows with extreme responsiveness.
  • Pandas is a powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, and DataFrames are the primary way of storing and manipulating two-dimensional data in pandas.

Qgrid renders pandas DataFrames as SlickGrids, which enables users to explore the entire contents of a DataFrame using intuitive sorting and filtering controls. It's designed to be used within IPython notebook, and it's also fully functional when rendered in nbviewer.

Installation using 'pip install'

Qgrid is a python module so you can install it using pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/quantopian/qgrid

Import it into your namespace like you would for any other python module:

In [1]:
import qgrid
Prepare non-python dependencies by calling "nbinstall":

In [2]:
qgrid.nbinstall(overwrite=True)  # copies javascript dependencies to your /nbextensions folder
Set default options by calling "set_defaults" (optional):

In [3]:
qgrid.set_defaults(remote_js=True, precision=4)

Demo 1 - Rendering a DataFrame returned by Yahoo Finance

First, lets create a sample DataFrame using pandas 'get_data_yahoo' function:

In [4]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
randn = np.random.randn

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 8)

from pandas.io.data import get_data_yahoo
spy = get_data_yahoo(
BEFORE - Here's IPython's default representation of our 'spy' DataFrame:

In [5]:

Open High Low Close Volume Adj_Ratio
2011-01-03 115.648405 116.460708 114.726575 115.958727 138725200 0.912701
2011-01-04 116.214283 116.250792 115.173803 115.894838 137409700 0.912701
2011-01-05 115.529756 116.570235 115.420229 116.497217 133975300 0.912701
2011-01-06 116.542855 116.670633 115.922218 116.269042 122519000 0.912701
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2013-12-26 178.160131 178.762625 178.140706 178.665444 63365000 0.971747
2013-12-27 178.898669 178.976396 178.471098 178.655732 61814000 0.971747
2013-12-30 178.675157 178.820928 178.393357 178.626581 56857000 0.971747
2013-12-31 178.869518 179.471996 178.733459 179.471996 86119900 0.971747

754 rows × 6 columns

AFTER - Here's the same 'spy' DataFrame being rendered as a qgrid:

In [6]:

Configuring your grid using SlickGrid options

By default, columns are stretched to fill the full width of the grid area. That doesn't work if you have hundreds of columns, so you can change this behavior by using the forceFitColumns and defaultColumnWidth SlickGrid options. See https://github.com/mleibman/SlickGrid/wiki/Grid-Options for the full list of SlickGrid options that you can configure:

In [7]:
qgrid.show_grid(spy, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

Demo 2 - Rendering a sample DataFrame that includes a MultiIndex

Now let's create another DataFrame, but let's give it a MultiIndex this time:

In [8]:
tuples = list(zip(*[['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux'],
          ['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two']]))

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['first', 'second'])
multi_index_df = pd.DataFrame(randn(8, 2), index=index, columns=['A', 'B'])
BEFORE - Here's IPython's default representation of our 'multi_index_df' DataFrame:

In [9]:

first second
bar one 1.120275 -1.033297
two -1.505228 -0.777790
baz one -0.104345 0.436111
two 1.796850 1.027083
foo one -0.589994 0.901359
two -0.426320 0.786333
qux one 2.524368 0.824922
two -0.003599 -0.300400
AFTER - Here's the same 'multi_index_df' DataFrame being rendered as a qgrid:

In [10]:

API & Usage

API documentation is hosted on readthedocs: http://qgrid.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

The API documentation can also be accessed via the "?" operator in IPython. To use the "?" operator, type the name of the function followed by "?" to see the documentation for that function, like this:


Running from source using 'git clone'

Use git to clone the qgrid repository to your hard drive

git clone git@github.com:quantopian/qgrid.git

Set the root folder of your qgrid repository to be the working directory for your IPython notebook server

This is an easy way to get qgrid to run directly from the source code. IPython notebook will look in it's working directory for modules to load, so qgrid will immediately become available for importing.

ipython notebook --notebook-dir=~/path/to/qgrid/repo

It's not always convenient to use the qgrid repository as your working directory for IPython noteboook, so I often create symbolic-links from qgrid's source code into the "/nbextensions" and "/extensions" folders under my IPython directory.

Import it into your namespace like you would for any other python module:

In [ ]:
import qgrid
Prepare non-python dependencies by calling 'nbinstall':

In [ ]:
qgrid.nbinstall(overwrite=True)  # use overwrite=True to keep your /nbextensions folder up to date during development